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Europe submits voluntarily

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I'm not saying they weren't residents. But I wonder where they got that piece of information from? It's in none of the Swedish newspapers. It makes me wonder why they didn't write it?


Here's a new article (google translate it) written by the police who opened fire. This is his version.


In short. {snip}

Sounds like one of the "no go areas" we keep hearing about.
Most of our immigrants living in Rinkeby come from other parts of Europe.
Yeah, that's why it's known as "Little Mogadishu". That glorious European metropolis of Mogadishu. Not at all named after a Somali shithole.

Well little Mogadishu is living up to its name it terms of violence and chaos as well, going back to 2010 according to the wiki paqe. What a surprise when you let in millions of radical Islamists from third world countries.

Yes, we also have Islamic immigrants. But they're not the biggest group.
They are the ones causing biggest problems though. Like that Muslim guy from Sandzak (region in Serbia which was islamicized during the Ottoman Turn occupation) you foolishly gave Swedish citizenship to and who was arrested and convicted for terrorism in Sarajevo. In your infinite lack of wisdom you allowed him to serve his sentence in Sweden and you then released him early, free to continue his terrorist activities, including trying to join ISIS.
That's the "New Sweden" you old Swedes are told by politicians like Mona Sahlin (you know the one who thinks ISIS fighters from Sweden should be supported by Swedish taxpayers) that you must integrate into because their culture is so superior to Swedish culture. :rolleyes:
That makes no sense. And is argument from ignorance.
No, it's argument from knowledge. If it were swedes then politically correct swedish press would say so, so the fact that they did not means they were immigrants.

Aha.... so the only press you can trust is the one's who blames the Muslims. If they don't, that's evidence they're hiding this fact.

Makes perfect sense. You're starting to remind me of the fundamentalist Christians we get here and their abuse of logic.

That's patently false. M.O. points toward muslim youth, hence your "nothing" is bullshit. In reality everything points toward muslim immigrants.

All you've got to support your version is Donald Trump's latest brain fart. That's not a credible source.

Stop insulting my intelligence. There are no north american ghettos in Sweden. Even South American ghettos do not exist in Sweden. You are making shit up.

There are no ghettos of any kind in Sweden. Our social welfare system takes care of that.

Claiming there is is a media product. The closest thing we've got is Rosengård in Malmö. A completely different city entirely 500 km to the south of Rinkeby. Which I've written about in this thread, and explained why it's so shitty there. Which has nothing to do with Islamic immigration. Just stupid city planing and politicians doing what they do best, fuck shit up. But Rosengård is getting better and has been the last 15 years. Which is a strong argument against it getting worse with the latest waves of Syrian refugees.

DrZoidberg said:
I'm not saying they weren't residents. But I wonder where they got that piece of information from? It's in none of the Swedish newspapers. It makes me wonder why they didn't write it?
I don't know where CNN got that piece of info. They claim to be reporting what Swedish police said.

DrZoidberg said:
Same deal here.

None of the Swedish articles have tied this to immigration or Islam. That is something only going on in the International press. No, doubt due to Trump's comments. Don't you think the locals would have a better understanding of the root causes?
Following B20's argument, I'd say it's extremely improbable that they were not residents (at least, nearly all of them). I don't know why they would not report that.
But I'm just pointing out what has been reported.

The Guardian also implies that the rioters were residents. They also claim that 90% of the inhabitants are either immigrants or have immigrant parents-

The WP reports that police officers complain about the Guardian's reporting; the reporters defend it:
Sounds like one of the "no go areas" we keep hearing about.

Then how come they sorted it out so quickly? Doesn't no go areas imply that police can't move about their freely? If we're to trust what this cop says, he was used to doing that in that area. Which made him assume that it would be fine. Which is what made him misread the situation.

The thing is that Rinkeby isn't all that bad any more. It's bad reputation is based on an old image. There's much worse places in Stockholm today. Whenever prices go up in areas the poorest will move out. They're moving to Botkyrka, Alby, Fittja and Flemmingsberg. And Rågsved is still bad, but getting better.

But Rinkeby is famous for being bad. It certainly was in the 80'ies. It was the place that showed up in movies and on TV when they wanted to reference the closest Sweden had to a ghetto. Whenever anybody in a crime drama bought drugs they did so in Rinkeby. So the image has stuck. That's why the name keeps popping up when the racist blogs are making shit up. But Stockholm has a shortage of apartments and Rinkeby's proximity to the city centre makes it now count as prime real estate. Middle class people are now moving there. Immigrants, sure. But not poor immigrants.

The people who write this stuff, obviously don't live in Stockholm. Most Swedish racists live in south Sweden. And in the country. I don't know why. It just seems to be a thing down there. These people have no clue what they're writing about. And it's these guys blogs that are being picked up by international press, and Donald Trump.

One reason why Stockholm has so little trouble, compared to Malmö or Gothemburg is that the Stockholm economy is extremely strong and has been for 30 years now. People are just better off there. Even in Rinkeby. So the whole media circus around this is just absurd.
Sounds like one of the "no go areas" we keep hearing about.

Then how come they sorted it out so quickly?

Not quickly enough to prevent the destruction of several cars and extensive damage to property.

Ambulance drivers getting nervous.

THE Ambulance Drivers Union was warned Sweden does have “no-go zones” as medics are not equipped to enter vulnerable areas without police protection.

Express- Still fake I expect

Bunch of pussies.
Then how come they sorted it out so quickly?

Not quickly enough to prevent the destruction of several cars and extensive damage to property.

Last time something like this happened in Sweden was 2013. It's not like it's a regularly re-occurring problem. If it wasn't for the fact that Trump had invented a terror attack in Sweden, nobody would have paid any attention outside Sweden.

Ambulance drivers getting nervous.

THE Ambulance Drivers Union was warned Sweden does have “no-go zones” as medics are not equipped to enter vulnerable areas without police protection.

Express- Still fake I expect

Bunch of pussies.

So looked this up. It's not from TV. This is from a Youtube channel. That tells us the level of this. It is a libertarian channel.


The guy Gordon Grattidge seems to be the real deal. But he seems to want to ban all kinds of things. Here he wants fireworks banned because they could potentially be used against ambulances. He can't come up with it ever happening. But potentially it could.


He really doesn't pass up a chance to get attention for his union and push his members rights. He seems to be willing to say anything for a little attention, even on obscure Youtube channels.

I think that's all this is. It's advertising for the Ambulance workers union. It's just a plug. And if he needed to spin the truth a bit to get the word out, why not?

But even if you listen to what the guy is actually saying. He's saying that being an ambulance medic is dangerous. Sure. I know people who have worked in ambulances. They often enter homes of the mentally ill, and that can end really badly. They might enter homes of junkies. He's saying that poor people's homes are more dangerous and therefore they need protection when entering it. Makes perfects sense. He also talks at some length what he means by "no go zones". He says "no go zones" for his members. He is very specific about it. And using the term "no go zone" in the interview was smart. It's going viral. And it's attention for the union he wants.

But the fact that immigrants often live in poor neighbourhoods because they have less money doesn't mean that its immigrants making life dangerous for the ambulance staff. He's not saying that. I looked the guy up. He doesn't seem to a racist. Media whore, sure. But no racist. And he even explains it in the video.

That was the video. The Express article, all bullshit.
A bleak picture indeed;

Later I went back to walk the no-go suburbs (Rinkeby), ending up back in the centre of the town. A week earlier this place was torched and looted as the world looked on. I wondered what was strange, besides the weird calm. And realised it was that I was the only woman in the place. Everyone else was young, African and male. Speaking Arabic. Hanging about, utterly without purpose. Frustrated, I asked a few of them what they were doing, what was the point, what they would ever achieve by standing about. 'F*ck off, you white woman whore, go suck your mum,' they replied, and proceeded to demonstrate what they did to their 'little white girlfriends'.

The next morning, I went to a local women's multi-faith centre to ask where they all were at night, why they stayed indoors, why, in a country proud of its equality, they were trapped inside? One lady explained: there is a strange moral code here in Rinkeby. You are much more exposed to crime if you are not a Muslim. These boys think they can take everything from a woman who is not wearing a hijab or at least covers her hair. Another, Besse, told me: we don’t go out on the streets here after dark. It is too dangerous. I have lived here for 25 years and it has gotten worse and worse. The situation now is so tense that it is impossible for me to go to, say, the supermarket to get some milk. Parwin, a Christian lady, blamed the mosques: it is because of all the things they are teaching in the mosque. They are Salafists there, just like Isis. They should close the mosque because that is where these kids have learned these bad things. But one thing they all agree on is that they do not go out. They do not go out because they are scared — Muslim, Christian, young and old alike.


Sweden is not handling this very well.
A bleak picture indeed;

Later I went back to walk the no-go suburbs (Rinkeby), ending up back in the centre of the town. A week earlier this place was torched and looted as the world looked on. I wondered what was strange, besides the weird calm. And realised it was that I was the only woman in the place. Everyone else was young, African and male. Speaking Arabic. Hanging about, utterly without purpose. Frustrated, I asked a few of them what they were doing, what was the point, what they would ever achieve by standing about. 'F*ck off, you white woman whore, go suck your mum,' they replied, and proceeded to demonstrate what they did to their 'little white girlfriends'.

The next morning, I went to a local women's multi-faith centre to ask where they all were at night, why they stayed indoors, why, in a country proud of its equality, they were trapped inside? One lady explained: there is a strange moral code here in Rinkeby. You are much more exposed to crime if you are not a Muslim. These boys think they can take everything from a woman who is not wearing a hijab or at least covers her hair. Another, Besse, told me: we don’t go out on the streets here after dark. It is too dangerous. I have lived here for 25 years and it has gotten worse and worse. The situation now is so tense that it is impossible for me to go to, say, the supermarket to get some milk. Parwin, a Christian lady, blamed the mosques: it is because of all the things they are teaching in the mosque. They are Salafists there, just like Isis. They should close the mosque because that is where these kids have learned these bad things. But one thing they all agree on is that they do not go out. They do not go out because they are scared — Muslim, Christian, young and old alike.


Sweden is not handling this very well.

I agree that fantasy-Sweden isn't handling it very well. Things are going better in the real Sweden.
I agree that fantasy-Sweden isn't handling it very well. Things are going better in the real Sweden.
Things are going better for the "New Swedes" i.e. the Islamic invaders. They are taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time and you are still not concerned.

In the meantime, mass migration into Europe continues.
Italy says 2,500 boat migrants rescued at sea in three days
This policy of "rescuing" migrants (mostly economic migrants) off the coast of Africa and bringing them to Europe merely encourages uncountable multitudes to make the crossing themselves. Better would be to dump the migrants back where they started their crossing from - mostly Libya. In any case, this route must be shut down and as many of those as possible who made it over sent back.
Europe must not be seen as an overflow tank for overpopulation in Africa and Asia.
I agree that fantasy-Sweden isn't handling it very well. Things are going better in the real Sweden.
Things are going better for the "New Swedes" i.e. the Islamic invaders. They are taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time and you are still not concerned.

It's quite common for sane people to be unconcerned about fictional events.
It's quite common for sane people to be unconcerned about fictional events.
Mass migration into Europe is hardly a fictional event.
Neither is the increasing Islamization and the demands the Islamists are making for Europeans to adapt to the demands of conservative Islam. They are getting more and more brazen the bigger their population share gets.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
If they are this aggressive with <10% Muslims in places like UK, what will happen when they get to 15%, 25% and eventually over 50%?

Sticking one's heads in the sand is hardly "sane".

P.S.: Look at what the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" thinks are the "new Europeans". How long until the "old Europeans" are relegated to the dhimmi status?

All the women in that image wear a hijab. And that family has 6 children. That is enough to triple your numbers every generation!
Muslim regions have too many children, thus have overpopulation, high unemployment and social strife and then use Europe as an overflow talk for their surplus population.
In Lebanon, and the UAE (a little) women are moving towards more Western dress. In the UK Muslim women are moving towards Islamic dress. There is nothing wrong with either as long as these decisions are freely taken.

Interestingly enough in the UAE the ladies make an effort to speak in English at the shops etc. In fact English is the spoken language as shop workers are mainly from Asia, were English is common to all. Syrians and Egyptian whom I knew there spoke English even amongst themselves.
It's quite common for sane people to be unconcerned about fictional events.
Mass migration into Europe is hardly a fictional event.
But "Islamic invaders" "taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time" IS.

That you think they are the same thing just demonstrates the power of propaganda.
Neither is the increasing Islamization and the demands the Islamists are making.
Yes, that's fictional. It exists in the heads of the neo-fascists and their enablers in the gutter press.
They are getting more and more brazen the bigger their population share gets.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
There are no 'Sharia Patrols' in London; I know this for a fact. This is 100% pure fiction - and presumably the same people who are lying about London are no less dishonest in their claims about Belgium and Sweden - frankly, I can't be bothered to check every single claim by people who are known liars regarding similar claims that I have checked.
If they are this aggressive with <10% Muslims in places like UK, what will happen when they get to 15%, 25% and eventually over 50%?
They are not, so the question is moot.
Sticking one's heads in the sand is hardly "sane".

P.S.: Look at what the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" thinks are the "new Europeans". How long until the "old Europeans" are relegated to the dhimmi status?

All the women in that image wear a hijab. And that family has 6 children. That is enough to triple your numbers every generation!
Muslim regions have too many children, thus have overpopulation, high unemployment and social strife and then use Europe as an overflow talk for their surplus population.

Your paranoid fantasies do not rise to the level of 'non-fiction' due to your passionate belief in them; To persuade me of their factuality, you need to provide actual evidence for the entire thesis.

Your approach is simply racist. You claim that it's not, on the grounds that "Islam is not a race"; But if you understood that to be true, then you couldn't then claim that the number of children Muslims have is relevant - Race is inherited, ideas are not. You have to pick one - is Islam a proxy for race, and your position racist; Or is Islam NOT a proxy for race, and your fears of "too many children" irrelevant?
Mass migration into Europe is hardly a fictional event.
But "Islamic invaders" "taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time" IS.

That you think they are the same thing just demonstrates the power of propaganda.
Neither is the increasing Islamization and the demands the Islamists are making.
Yes, that's fictional. It exists in the heads of the neo-fascists and their enablers in the gutter press.
They are getting more and more brazen the bigger their population share gets.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
There are no 'Sharia Patrols' in London; I know this for a fact. This is 100% pure fiction - and presumably the same people who are lying about London are no less dishonest in their claims about Belgium and Sweden - frankly, I can't be bothered to check every single claim by people who are known liars regarding similar claims that I have checked.
If they are this aggressive with <10% Muslims in places like UK, what will happen when they get to 15%, 25% and eventually over 50%?
They are not, so the question is moot.
Sticking one's heads in the sand is hardly "sane".

P.S.: Look at what the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" thinks are the "new Europeans". How long until the "old Europeans" are relegated to the dhimmi status?

All the women in that image wear a hijab. And that family has 6 children. That is enough to triple your numbers every generation!
Muslim regions have too many children, thus have overpopulation, high unemployment and social strife and then use Europe as an overflow talk for their surplus population.

Your paranoid fantasies do not rise to the level of 'non-fiction' due to your passionate belief in them; To persuade me of their factuality, you need to provide actual evidence for the entire thesis.

Your approach is simply racist. You claim that it's not, on the grounds that "Islam is not a race"; But if you understood that to be true, then you couldn't then claim that the number of children Muslims have is relevant - Race is inherited, ideas are not. You have to pick one - is Islam a proxy for race, and your position racist; Or is Islam NOT a proxy for race, and your fears of "too many children" irrelevant?

We do have a problem with the volume of immigrants in the UK. Race is not the issue; there is a lack of housing and with rents continuing to escalate, those seeking private landlords with government housing benefits find the rental prices much higher than the pre set limits.
But "Islamic invaders" "taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time" IS.

That you think they are the same thing just demonstrates the power of propaganda.
Neither is the increasing Islamization and the demands the Islamists are making.
Yes, that's fictional. It exists in the heads of the neo-fascists and their enablers in the gutter press.
They are getting more and more brazen the bigger their population share gets.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
There are no 'Sharia Patrols' in London; I know this for a fact. This is 100% pure fiction - and presumably the same people who are lying about London are no less dishonest in their claims about Belgium and Sweden - frankly, I can't be bothered to check every single claim by people who are known liars regarding similar claims that I have checked.
If they are this aggressive with <10% Muslims in places like UK, what will happen when they get to 15%, 25% and eventually over 50%?
They are not, so the question is moot.
Sticking one's heads in the sand is hardly "sane".

P.S.: Look at what the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" thinks are the "new Europeans". How long until the "old Europeans" are relegated to the dhimmi status?

All the women in that image wear a hijab. And that family has 6 children. That is enough to triple your numbers every generation!
Muslim regions have too many children, thus have overpopulation, high unemployment and social strife and then use Europe as an overflow talk for their surplus population.

Your paranoid fantasies do not rise to the level of 'non-fiction' due to your passionate belief in them; To persuade me of their factuality, you need to provide actual evidence for the entire thesis.

Your approach is simply racist. You claim that it's not, on the grounds that "Islam is not a race"; But if you understood that to be true, then you couldn't then claim that the number of children Muslims have is relevant - Race is inherited, ideas are not. You have to pick one - is Islam a proxy for race, and your position racist; Or is Islam NOT a proxy for race, and your fears of "too many children" irrelevant?

We do have a problem with the volume of immigrants in the UK. Race is not the issue; there is a lack of housing and with rents continuing to escalate, those seeking private landlords with government housing benefits find the rental prices much higher than the pre set limits.

If there's a housing shortage, then people arriving via vaginas are more of a problem than those arriving across borders.

Your conclusion is not supported by your argument.
But "Islamic invaders" "taking over whole towns one Little Mogadishu at a time" IS.

That you think they are the same thing just demonstrates the power of propaganda.
Neither is the increasing Islamization and the demands the Islamists are making.
Yes, that's fictional. It exists in the heads of the neo-fascists and their enablers in the gutter press.
They are getting more and more brazen the bigger their population share gets.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
There are no 'Sharia Patrols' in London; I know this for a fact. This is 100% pure fiction - and presumably the same people who are lying about London are no less dishonest in their claims about Belgium and Sweden - frankly, I can't be bothered to check every single claim by people who are known liars regarding similar claims that I have checked.
If they are this aggressive with <10% Muslims in places like UK, what will happen when they get to 15%, 25% and eventually over 50%?
They are not, so the question is moot.
Sticking one's heads in the sand is hardly "sane".

P.S.: Look at what the German news magazine "Der Spiegel" thinks are the "new Europeans". How long until the "old Europeans" are relegated to the dhimmi status?

All the women in that image wear a hijab. And that family has 6 children. That is enough to triple your numbers every generation!
Muslim regions have too many children, thus have overpopulation, high unemployment and social strife and then use Europe as an overflow talk for their surplus population.

Your paranoid fantasies do not rise to the level of 'non-fiction' due to your passionate belief in them; To persuade me of their factuality, you need to provide actual evidence for the entire thesis.

Your approach is simply racist. You claim that it's not, on the grounds that "Islam is not a race"; But if you understood that to be true, then you couldn't then claim that the number of children Muslims have is relevant - Race is inherited, ideas are not. You have to pick one - is Islam a proxy for race, and your position racist; Or is Islam NOT a proxy for race, and your fears of "too many children" irrelevant?

We do have a problem with the volume of immigrants in the UK. Race is not the issue; there is a lack of housing and with rents continuing to escalate, those seeking private landlords with government housing benefits find the rental prices much higher than the pre set limits.

If there's a housing shortage, then people arriving via vaginas are more of a problem than those arriving across borders.

Your conclusion is not supported by your argument.

650,000 people arriving in one year will need accommodation. Some may stay at friends or share. Those who are born in the UK don't require an extra house as they will be at home being nursed by the mother.
If there's a housing shortage, then people arriving via vaginas are more of a problem than those arriving across borders.

Your conclusion is not supported by your argument.

650,000 people arriving in one year will need accommodation. Some may stay at friends or share. Those who are born in the UK don't require an extra house as they will be at home being nursed by the mother.

Unless, of course, people have been continuously being born in the UK for several decades or more; In which case they very much will require extra houses. :rolleyes:
DrZoidberg, presumably a male, has no problems walking late at night in Malmö. At least in whatever neighbourhood he lives in.

So obviously we can infer that women in Rinkeby are perfectly safe and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Right?

(I'd rather hear from women who don't wear a veil in Rinkeby or Malmö as to their opinions about safety at night or what they think about the local gangs, than the opinions of men who have no problems and presume nobody else does either.)
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