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Europe submits voluntarily

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I also finished the same sentence by saying

it will be unreliable as it would generalise.

The problem with the Extreme Left Wing (and Marxists) the Extreme Islamists and the Right Wing is they only see in black and white and not in shades of grey.
You just have a thought-terminating cliche for all occasions, don't you?
Actually there are two wars currently going on in Nigeria, one between the government and Boko Haram, and the other between farmers and herders over land rights.
More like local skirmishes. Nothing necessitating mass migration toward Europe other than for economic reasons.
Really, Derec, fuck you and your agitprop bullshit.
And fuck you with your islamophilia-induced willful blindness.

Why should Europe make itself less safe by importing millions of migrants from very different, third world cultures?
And why should migrants who commit serious crimes not be deported?
Oh dear;

A Swedish minister has admitted she was wrong after claiming the number of sex attacks in the country had decreased.
Integration minister Ylva Johansson claimed in a television interview that the number of rapes in Sweden was 'going down, and going down, and going down'. But days later it emerged that, despite a 12 per cent dip in 2015, the number of sex attacks had in fact climbed 13 per cent in 2016.

DailyMail: Ylva Johansson probably doesn't exist and the Daily Fail made her up

If you can't trust a government minister to be honest, who can you trust ?

She made a boob and admitted it. Still the source article is a lot more nuanced.

Here's what they say, people in surveys claiming to have been raped has gone up. While police reports of rape have gone down. While women seeking medical aid with rape related damages is constant. None of these show a dramatic difference. Could be explained by statistical variance.

So yeah, Daily Mail just talking shit as usual.
Oh dear;

DailyMail: Ylva Johansson probably doesn't exist and the Daily Fail made her up

If you can't trust a government minister to be honest, who can you trust ?

She made a boob and admitted it. Still the source article is a lot more nuanced.

Here's what they say, people in surveys claiming to have been raped has gone up. While police reports of rape have gone down. While women seeking medical aid with rape related damages is constant. None of these show a dramatic difference. Could be explained by statistical variance.

So yeah, Daily Mail just talking shit as usual.

Well in Austria there is an uptick in rapes, which can be linked to mass migration.
Wien: 55,5 Prozent mehr Sex-Übergriffe!
But since that's not politically correct it will be swept under the rug. Even when these rapefugees are convicted, they don't get deported.
And fuck you with your islamophilia-induced willful blindness.

Why should Europe make itself less safe by importing millions of migrants from very different, third world cultures?
And why should migrants who commit serious crimes not be deported?

Stop drawing us away from the real issue here. You don't just want criminals deported, and your complaint isn't merely the number of migrants but the fact that they are Muslims in the first place. And that's because you're a fucking ignoramus who sits in front of his computer all day, bitching about women, blacks, latinos, and Muslims most of all, because you have no real-world experience with any of the above to draw on and thus fill in the blanks with the shit you read on alt-reich blogs. So STFU.
Stop drawing us away from the real issue here. You don't just want criminals deported, and your complaint isn't merely the number of migrants but the fact that they are Muslims in the first place.
Wrong. I have outlined my position on this and other threads numerous times.
- Numbers:
Mass migration is unsustainable. The number of migrants need to be restricted so that they are sustainable both economically but also societally. They should not be so high as to encourage formation of parallel societies within Europe that resist integration. Illicit migration routes should thus be shut down rather than aided and abetted by for example rescuing boat migrants and bringing them to Europe. Because of idiotic policies mass migration is actually increasing. It's easier than ever, because you don't actually have to cross the Mediterranean, you just have to get from the Libyan coast a few miles and then you get rescued by European do-gooders with attitudes similar to yours and Zoidberg's. Instead, Europe should adopt Australian strategy to deal with these migrant boats - return to sender.
- Ideology:
Islamism is not just devout commitment to Islam, it is also a political idelogy. Any country must be able to control who comes in and settles into the country. Europe (and for that matter US too) must not allow Islamists to settle in, because they will start demanding society change to become more Islamist as soon as they get sufficient numbers. It is already happening with protests demanding Sharia law throughout Western Europe. There have also been "Sharia patrols" that have harassed people for drinking etc. Since with mass migration you cannot pick and choose whom you let in, as more and more of Europe becomes Muslim there will be more and more Islamists as well. Note that percentage of Islamists is dependent on where they come from. Some countries are more problematic (Afghanistan, Somalia), others less so.
- Crime:
The European policy of not deporting migrants even when they have committed serious crimes will not deter criminal migrants from coming to Europe. 13 years in prison in Austria is probably much more pleasant than living in Shitstain, Crapsackistan where they come from. More than anything else, this lax policy toward criminal migrants needs to change ASAP. If you are a guest in somebody's country and show lack of respect by (sexually or not) assaulting people, or robbing people, or setting your housing on fire, etc. you do not deserve to stay there. It is also dangerous. A criminal migrant from Iraq (he tried to assassinate Iraqi prime minister) was released from prison in Germany rather than getting deported to Iraq and then he attacked and almost killed a police woman.

And that's because you're a fucking ignoramus who sits in front of his computer all day, bitching about women, blacks, latinos, and Muslims most of all, because you have no real-world experience with any of the above to draw on and thus fill in the blanks with the shit you read on alt-reich blogs. So STFU.
Bullshit. It is you with your ridiculous "alt-reich" nonsense who is the ignoramus.
I probably have much more experience and exposure to Islam and Islamism than you. For example, I grew up in a country that was partially islamicized.
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Here's a New York Times article on the topic


I think the summary says it all. How successful immigrants are in the new country has to do with the level of education they have prior to immigrating. Religion seems to be a non-factor.

Syria had a developed economy with a well educated population. Not as high as what is common in the west. But not far off. So we have little reason to think that the latest wave of immigrants will be a problem either.
Your post is highly misleading. You forgot to mention that educated group of muslims just happened to be from Yugoslavia and "uneducated" one from Middle East. Bosnian "muslims" have been living in secular communist country and can hardly be compared to much more islamic muslims from Middle East.
Here's a New York Times article on the topic


I think the summary says it all. How successful immigrants are in the new country has to do with the level of education they have prior to immigrating. Religion seems to be a non-factor.

Syria had a developed economy with a well educated population. Not as high as what is common in the west. But not far off. So we have little reason to think that the latest wave of immigrants will be a problem either.
Your post is highly misleading. You forgot to mention that educated group of muslims just happened to be from Yugoslavia and "uneducated" one from Middle East. Bosnian "muslims" have been living in secular communist country and can hardly be compared to much more islamic muslims from Middle East.

Syrians aren't uneducated Muslims either. Syria under Assad was also a secular country. Both allied with the USSR back in the day. The more I think of it the more they have in common, than not.
She made a boob and admitted it. Still the source article is a lot more nuanced.

Here's what they say, people in surveys claiming to have been raped has gone up. While police reports of rape have gone down. While women seeking medical aid with rape related damages is constant. None of these show a dramatic difference. Could be explained by statistical variance.

So yeah, Daily Mail just talking shit as usual.

Well in Austria there is an uptick in rapes, which can be linked to mass migration.
Wien: 55,5 Prozent mehr Sex-Übergriffe!
But since that's not politically correct it will be swept under the rug. Even when these rapefugees are convicted, they don't get deported.

I wonder why the only sites who have that information are alt right sites? Is it a liberal cover up? Or is it perhaps statistics mining?
I didn't see any arguments of that Islam isn't compatible with democracy there.

But to the next issue.

As the overwhelming majority of Muslims will point out, that's an absurdly creative interpretation of the Quran.

It comes down to the interpretation of what an "Houri" is. In pagan Arab religion Houri is a genie bestowing good people with rewards for being good. The Houri in the Quran is lifted right out of that mythology. Not only are the houri virgins but they are wholly transparent, so the only thing clearly visible is their bones. Sexy! Including them makes no sense unless we see the houris as nothing but listings of idealised traits to convey that these are supreme pleasure endowing magical beings somehow. No mainstream Muslim scholar has ever interpreted the houris as anything but something generally pleasurable Muslims in heaven are bestowed with.

The Bible contains loads of references to things that only the Roman pagans would understand because, guess what, Roman pagans was the audience. Likewise Mohammed used references his audience would understand.

No, it doesn't make sense. But so little of religion does. I haven't seen references to the 72 virgins as actual women anywhere but in anti-Islamic sites. I don't like Islam either. But I prefer attacking Islam for things they teach, rather than straw men.

Xtianity preaches peace and love to your fellow man!

And how's that worked out?

View attachment 10158

Tell me, what's it like getting around the everyday world wearing blinkers?
So it's fine to call the Daily Mail a bullshit paper, but fine to quote New York Times as a paragon of virtue?

Um.. yes. The New York times is always listed among the topmost in reliable and accurate in news reporting. They're trusted by the left and the right. More by liberals than conservatives. But none the less well trusted across the board. With good reason. They have an impeccable track record.

Daily Mail seems to be trusted by only TSwizzle. It's a tabloid. They're not selling news. They're selling entertainment. They're not even trying to be honest. People don't read the Daily Mail to learn things. They read it for the same reason people would watch Game of Thrones. I don't think anybody has bothered with checking how accurate the Daily Mail is. Why bother? Have they managed to write anything that's true yet? People were saying the same shit about the Daily Mail during the Spanish Civil war. Nothing has changed!

The NYT is the mouth piece of the left and you know it!
Tell me, what's it like getting around the everyday world wearing blinkers?

Aha, so anybody who doesn't affirm your conspiracy theory lunacies are covering up the truth.

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The NYT is the mouth piece of the left and you know it!

Yes, they are. But they also have a great track record for being accurate. It's the accuracy that matters the most, isn't it?
Your post is highly misleading. You forgot to mention that educated group of muslims just happened to be from Yugoslavia and "uneducated" one from Middle East. Bosnian "muslims" have been living in secular communist country and can hardly be compared to much more islamic muslims from Middle East.

Syrians aren't uneducated Muslims either. Syria under Assad was also a secular country. Both allied with the USSR back in the day. The more I think of it the more they have in common, than not.
Yes, Syrian regime (as well as Iraqi one) was secular, but to compare it to Yugoslavia is a huge stretch and you know that. Zlatan Ibrahimovic and his father are light years from your average syrian refugee.
Aha, so anybody who doesn't affirm your conspiracy theory lunacies are covering up the truth.

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The NYT is the mouth piece of the left and you know it!

Yes, they are. But they also have a great track record for being accurate. It's the accuracy that matters the most, isn't it?

Much of what your nemesis JihadWatch says also has a record of accuracy!
Syrians aren't uneducated Muslims either. Syria under Assad was also a secular country. Both allied with the USSR back in the day. The more I think of it the more they have in common, than not.
Yes, Syrian regime (as well as Iraqi one) was secular, but to compare it to Yugoslavia is a huge stretch and you know that. Zlatan Ibrahimovic and his father are light years from your average syrian refugee.

In what way? I don't think they're all that different. Both suffered under a socialist corrupt autocrat. Both kleptocracies.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a total dick. He's famous for it. The only reason people put up with his constant abuse and bullshit is because he's good at football. You could not have picked a worse representative of Muslims. Especially considering he's Catholic. Did you think he was a Muslim because he was a Bosnian and looks Middle-Eastern?

- - - Updated - - -

Aha, so anybody who doesn't affirm your conspiracy theory lunacies are covering up the truth.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, they are. But they also have a great track record for being accurate. It's the accuracy that matters the most, isn't it?

Much of what your nemesis JihadWatch says also has a record of accuracy!

If this is an attempt at humour, you need to work on your delivery.
Yes, Syrian regime (as well as Iraqi one) was secular, but to compare it to Yugoslavia is a huge stretch and you know that. Zlatan Ibrahimovic and his father are light years from your average syrian refugee.

In what way? I don't think they're all that different. Both suffered under a socialist corrupt autocrat. Both kleptocracies.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a total dick. He's famous for it. The only reason people put up with his constant abuse and bullshit is because he's good at football. You could not have picked a worse representative of Muslims. Especially considering he's Catholic. Did you think he was a Muslim because he was a Bosnian and looks Middle-Eastern?
Since when Ibrahimovic looks Middle-Eastern? they are slavic people. And yes for my point Zlatan is the best example. His father is a muslim who married catholic. Zlatan himself is a dick as you say. And you equate muslim immigrants from Bosnia with ME muslim refugees.
In what way? I don't think they're all that different. Both suffered under a socialist corrupt autocrat. Both kleptocracies.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a total dick. He's famous for it. The only reason people put up with his constant abuse and bullshit is because he's good at football. You could not have picked a worse representative of Muslims. Especially considering he's Catholic. Did you think he was a Muslim because he was a Bosnian and looks Middle-Eastern?
Since when Ibrahimovic looks Middle-Eastern? they are slavic people. And yes for my point Zlatan is the best example. His father is a muslim who married catholic. Zlatan himself is a dick as you say. And you equate muslim immigrants from Bosnia with ME muslim refugees.

Mmmm.. Yes. Syria is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse countries on the planet.
Since when Ibrahimovic looks Middle-Eastern? they are slavic people. And yes for my point Zlatan is the best example. His father is a muslim who married catholic. Zlatan himself is a dick as you say. And you equate muslim immigrants from Bosnia with ME muslim refugees.

Mmmm.. Yes. Syria is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse countries on the planet.
That's a random and irrelevant half-fact.
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