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Europe submits voluntarily

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Sweden decided about 15 years ago to be super honest about how many rapes occur. We're the only country on the planet who do this. This makes our rape statistic high.

But that's no reason to suspect that rapes are higher in Sweden than in other countries.

If we look at the behaviour of Swedes. Young Swedish women expect to be able to get extremely drunk and walk around alone in high crime neighbourhoods without getting assaulted. They do this all the time without reflecting about it. If anything would happen its headline news all over the country.

I don't know any other country where women feel that safe. I've never been in one.
If we look at the behaviour of Swedes. Young Swedish women expect to be able to get extremely drunk and walk around alone in high crime neighbourhoods without getting assaulted. They do this all the time without reflecting about it. If anything would happen its headline news all over the country.

Uh-oh, you better hope the victim blaming police don't see this.
Both groups have done zero beheadings in Sweden. But Swedish Nazis have executed people. This is in rececent years. Swedish Islamists have yet to execute anybody.
Leif Franson is a policeman in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, and maintains that one case there concerned a 28-year old woman who arrived in this country only a few days before she was found dead - fallen or thrown from a high apartment building balcony.

He says the initial conclusion was that this was an accident.

He argues that such a conclusion can have devastating consequences for the investigation… that time can be lost and that it's hard to backtrack once those months are lost.

Both police, experts, researchers and the police themselves admit that they are sometimes missing the boat and letting possible killers escape.

A number of the deaths have involved victims falling from windows or balconies - giving them the gruesome general label of "balcony women" . But other cases have involved overdoses of pills - or hangings.


It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center listed Horowitz and Spencer as "anti-Muslim extremists". Spencer called the article a "hit list".

The website has been described as "right-wing", "far-right", "Islamophobic" and "anti-Islam".

It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center listed Horowitz and Spencer as "anti-Muslim extremists". Spencer called the article a "hit list".

The website has been described as "right-wing", "far-right", "Islamophobic" and "anti-Islam".


To be fair, angelo has also been described as all of those things.
It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center listed Horowitz and Spencer as "anti-Muslim extremists". Spencer called the article a "hit list".

The website has been described as "right-wing", "far-right", "Islamophobic" and "anti-Islam".


Neither SPLC nor Wikipedia is trustworthy about whether someone is Islamophobic.
It's an opinion piece, so it shouldn't be cited as something concrete, regardless of the source. And it's stupid opinion piece, because the facts it adduces, even if true, don't establish its claims, like "Sweden is the rape capital."

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It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.


Neither SPLC nor Wikipedia is trustworthy about whether someone is Islamophobic.

Wikipedia calls people Islamophobes?
It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center listed Horowitz and Spencer as "anti-Muslim extremists". Spencer called the article a "hit list".

The website has been described as "right-wing", "far-right", "Islamophobic" and "anti-Islam".


Unlike you and most extreme left honchos, I don't attack the messenger as to shut them up from uttering unpalatable truth!

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Of course it is, it must be, it's not from leftard sources!
Meanwhile. It's the same in most Western countries as is in Australia where up to 80% of so called refugees are still collecting welfare 5 years after being granted refugee status.

Germany is no different.......
THREE quarters of Germany’s refugees will be long-term unemployed and claiming benefits for years, it was admitted today.

Aydan Özoğuz, commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration, told the Financial Times that only a quarter to a third of the newcomers would enter the labour market over the next five years, and “for many others we will need up to 10”.

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) found only 45 per cent of Syrian refugees in Germany have a school-leaving certificate and 23 per cent a college degree.

Statistics from the Federal Labour Agency show the employment rate among refugees stands at just 17 per cent.

It said 484,000 of the refugees are looking for work, up from 322,000 last July — an increase of 50 per cent.

Of those, 178,500 are officially unemployed, meaning they not only have no work but are not enrolled in any training programmes or language courses — up 27 per cent on last July….

It was hoped the arrival of so many working-age, highly-motivated immigrants would help end Germany’s skills shortage and solve a demographic crisis posed by its dangerously low birth rate….

Source. Jihadwatch.
Yeah, nah.

Fuck off.
Oh sorry!

We shoot the messenger don't we!

There is a bigger threat than terrorism; that is a housing shortage. We are 2 million houses short in the UK by my estimate or perhaps even more.

British people who worked abroad are disqualified from affordable government housing or any other benefits if they are unemployed and not permitted to bring their spouse to the UK unless they meet statutory minimum earning requirements.

This does not apply to EU workers or refugees the latter of which are a priority in the shrinking housing lists in the UK.

Charities and not government is helping the homeless. We do have a problems with some migrants or their descendants exacerbated with the free flow of people back and forth from Syria and Libya.
It's from FrontPage Magazine, so yes, its almost certainly bullshit. And that assessment is possible without even clicking the link.

You seriously need to learn who not to trust.


Unlike you and most extreme left honchos, I don't attack the messenger as to shut them up from uttering unpalatable truth!

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Of course it is, it must be, it's not from leftard sources!

Nothing in that article is true. So... yeah... fake news.
Unlike you and most extreme left honchos, I don't attack the messenger as to shut them up from uttering unpalatable truth!

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Of course it is, it must be, it's not from leftard sources!

Nothing in that article is true. So... yeah... fake news.

I checked 5 of the incidents. I discounted 2 as they only appear in Right wing media.

The 3 here appeared in more mainstream media




The publication is headed by David Horowitz. Though he is a Zionist and right wing he does do his fact checking as he is a high profile individual who is permitted to speak at some US universities. I believe he would not purposely report something that didn't happen. It's not to do with being honest but more to make sure there's no come back against him.

The only question is whether this is common as hinted in the article or there are isolated incidents as a small percentage, or somewhere in between.
Both groups have done zero beheadings in Sweden. But Swedish Nazis have executed people. This is in rececent years. Swedish Islamists have yet to execute anybody.
Deliberately driving a truck through crowded street and killing 5 people in the process doesn't qualify as an execution in your book?

I also finished the same sentence by saying

it will be unreliable as it would generalise.

The problem with the Extreme Left Wing (and Marxists) the Extreme Islamists and the Right Wing is they only see in black and white and not in shades of grey.
You just have a thought-terminating cliche for all occasions, don't you?

It's seems a bit but is this wrong?
Source. Jihadwatch.

Yeah, nah.

Fuck off.

Jihadwatch is somewhat biased but it was quoting the Financial Times


ost refugees to be jobless for years, German minister warns

Prediction of long-term unemployment as hopes fade of boost to workforce skills.

Up to three quarters of Germany’s refugees will still be unemployed in five years’ time, according to a government minister, in a stark admission of the challenges the country faces in integrating its huge migrant population.

Aydan Özoğuz, commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration, told the Financial Times that only a quarter to a third of the newcomers would enter the labour market over the next five years, and “for many others we will need up to 10”.

The admission could prove awkward for Angela Merkel as she seeks a fourth term as chancellor in Bundestag elections this September.

Further down there is more concern:

A recent report by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) found that only 45 per cent of Syrian refugees in Germany have a school-leaving certificate and 23 per cent a college degree.

Statistics from the Federal Labour Agency show the employment rate among refugees stands at just 17 per cent. It said 484,000 of the refugees are looking for work, up from 322,000 last July — an increase of 50 per cent.

Of those, 178,500 are officially unemployed, meaning they not only have no work but are not enrolled in any training programmes or language courses — up 27 per cent on last July.

This is a concern which needs addressing. It may be cheaper to fund more centres for them in the Middle East. In addition there are housing shortages


Europe is experiencing a “silent emergency” for housing, with the number of young adults living with their parents now at an all-time high, according to a study.

And more concern.


With the arrival of more than 1m asylum-seekers in Germany last year, the challenge is about to get harder. Mr Radwan is among the first of the newcomers to venture outside the government-financed reception homes and hostels and look in the open market.

While some of the migrants will leave and others may be turned away (such as north Africans, who rarely secure asylum), more than 60 per cent are currently securing permission to stay in Germany.

There are a lot of issues involved in taking in migrants and Europe and the UK didn't gear themselves up structurally for this. There again it's cheaper to set up centres in the safer parts of the Middle East with accommodation for displaced people and supply aid. This is being done.

For instance


Syrian refugees will cost ten times more to care for in Europe than in neighboring countries
A budget of $3,000 per refugee in Jordan would provide food, water, education and opportunity. In Germany this will cost $30,000

Caring for the basic needs of a refugee in Europe costs at least ten times as much as in countries neighbouring Syria. Whereas a budget of $3,000 per refugee in Jordan would provide not just basic food and water but also education and opportunity, this will cost over $30,000 per refugee in Germany or Austria.

European countries will now pay more in the long run, so how did this situation come about? Due to the scale of the crisis, that $15 billion never amounted to more than $2,000 per refugee per year - not much of a budget to support people who were barred from earning money themselves in their countries of refuge.

If you pay a visit to the UK, visit a housing centre in any London borough such as Westminster, Lambeth,Chelsea or Ealing. They have used most of their housing capacity up.

Even though special allocations were given to Refugees few were housed within London due to accute housing shortages where private housing prices are prohibitive.

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