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Europe submits voluntarily

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Not only is 'requisitioned' not the same as 'seized', but nobody other than the Mail discussed 'homes'; Corbyn was talking about empty properties.

Having the government pay you rent to temporarily house a person in desperate need in an empty property you own, is a rather different situation from having your home seized.

"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire." - The Telegraph


What the DM did wrong was leave out "empty".

Of course given the opportunity Corbyn would ensure the whole of Gt Britain was of equal status. No such thing as rich or poor. All would be poor!
Doesn't look too promising for Sweden;

The number of violent Islamist extremists in Sweden has soared from 200 in 2010 to 'thousands' today as an intelligence chief said 'this is the new normal'. We would say that [the number] has gone from hundreds to thousands now,' Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told news agency TT in an interview, describing the situation as 'serious'. 'This is the "new normal" ... It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,' he said.


The new normal.

No he didn't. This is a lie. As most things is in the Daily Mail. He said that following the earlier terror reports the number of anonymous tips of suspicious activities as skyrocketed. Well... duh. Of course, after an attack, people are going to worry more and report stuff that they otherwise wouldn't. He's also saying that they worry just as much about reprisal attacks from "white power" groups. Those reports have also skyrocketed.

Here's the words that he's actually saying:


Daily Mail does what they usually do, make shit up.

WTF! Isn't this an English speaking forum?
Doesn't look too promising for Sweden;

The number of violent Islamist extremists in Sweden has soared from 200 in 2010 to 'thousands' today as an intelligence chief said 'this is the new normal'. We would say that [the number] has gone from hundreds to thousands now,' Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told news agency TT in an interview, describing the situation as 'serious'. 'This is the "new normal" ... It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,' he said.


The new normal.

No he didn't. This is a lie. As most things is in the Daily Mail. He said that following the earlier terror reports the number of anonymous tips of suspicious activities as skyrocketed. Well... duh. Of course, after an attack, people are going to worry more and report stuff that they otherwise wouldn't. He's also saying that they worry just as much about reprisal attacks from "white power" groups. Those reports have also skyrocketed.

Here's the words that he's actually saying:


Daily Mail does what they usually do, make shit up.

WTF! Isn't this an English speaking forum?

It's not my fault he said it in Swedish. But that is the source.
Doesn't look too promising for Sweden;

The number of violent Islamist extremists in Sweden has soared from 200 in 2010 to 'thousands' today as an intelligence chief said 'this is the new normal'. We would say that [the number] has gone from hundreds to thousands now,' Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told news agency TT in an interview, describing the situation as 'serious'. 'This is the "new normal" ... It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,' he said.


The new normal.

No he didn't. This is a lie. As most things is in the Daily Mail. He said that following the earlier terror reports the number of anonymous tips of suspicious activities as skyrocketed. Well... duh. Of course, after an attack, people are going to worry more and report stuff that they otherwise wouldn't. He's also saying that they worry just as much about reprisal attacks from "white power" groups. Those reports have also skyrocketed.

Here's the words that he's actually saying:


Daily Mail does what they usually do, make shit up.

WTF! Isn't this an English speaking forum?

It's not my fault he said it in Swedish. But that is the source.

Should have said it Arabic!
Forcing people to give up rooms or their homes to rent homeless people is a feeble alternative to the gross incompetence of successive Labour and Tory governments failing to build affordable housing.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill
Forcing people to give up rooms or their homes to rent homeless people is a feeble alternative to the gross incompetence of successive Labour and Tory governments failing to build affordable housing.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill

Yeah... but a tenant can do a lot of damage to property they live in. I've been a volunteer in a homeless shelter. No, offence but these guys are often so mentally ill, they'll completely trash whatever house they live in. They are homeless for a reason. These kinds of people need special housing that require staff keeping an eye on them all the time
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill

Yeah... but a tenant can do a lot of damage to property they live in. I've been a volunteer in a homeless shelter. No, offence but these guys are often so mentally ill, they'll completely trash whatever house they live in. They are homeless for a reason. These kinds of people need special housing that require staff keeping an eye on them all the time

We're not talking about the homeless, we're talking about people who up until very recently, did in fact have a home.

And I know all about tenants from hell, my previous neighbors had a habit of getting drunk, fighting with each other at the top of their lungs and then punching holes through walls and doors because this is how grown adults choose to express their outrage at each other; by breaking the shit of the people who are letting them stay there on reduced rent. That all said? I'd like to think my previous neighbors are the exception and that most people aren't self-destructive, co-dependant alcoholics who take everything you give them for granted.
Forcing people to give up rooms or their homes to rent homeless people is a feeble alternative to the gross incompetence of successive Labour and Tory governments failing to build affordable housing.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill

If you see the elephant in the room, it's no use pretending it's not there to fit in with Churchill's quote, as if he ever changed his mind.

It a simple exercise in common sense mathematics.
"Jeremy Corbyn has called for the empty homes of rich people in Kensington to be seized for Grenfell Tower residents who have been made homeless by the fire." - The Telegraph


What the DM did wrong was leave out "empty".

Of course given the opportunity Corbyn would ensure the whole of Gt Britain was of equal status. No such thing as rich or poor. All would be poor!

It's possible that some would be poorer than others. To be honest the Conservatives are so useless during the past few years anything would be an improvement.
Doesn't look too promising for Sweden;

The number of violent Islamist extremists in Sweden has soared from 200 in 2010 to 'thousands' today as an intelligence chief said 'this is the new normal'. We would say that [the number] has gone from hundreds to thousands now,' Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told news agency TT in an interview, describing the situation as 'serious'. 'This is the "new normal" ... It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,' he said.


The new normal.

No he didn't. This is a lie. As most things is in the Daily Mail. He said that following the earlier terror reports the number of anonymous tips of suspicious activities as skyrocketed. Well... duh. Of course, after an attack, people are going to worry more and report stuff that they otherwise wouldn't. He's also saying that they worry just as much about reprisal attacks from "white power" groups. Those reports have also skyrocketed.

Here's the words that he's actually saying:


Daily Mail does what they usually do, make ... up.

WTF! Isn't this an English speaking forum?

It's not my fault he said it in Swedish. But that is the source.
Sweden has witnessed a surge in Islamist extremists: from 200 less than a decade ago to “thousands,” in 2017, the Scandinavian country’s spy chief said Friday.

“We have never seen anything like this before," Anders Thornberg, chief of the Swedish Security Service (SAPO), told the country’s TT news agency.

“This is the 'new normal'...It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,” he added.​

The Local:
The number of militant extremists living in Sweden has soared from a couple of hundreds a few years ago to thousands today, the security police Säpo believes.
"We have never seen anything like it before," said Säpo chief Anders Thornberg in an interview with Swedish news agency TT.

The vast majority of the extremists support violent Islamist ideologies, according to Säpo, whose security experts in a report in 2010 estimated that there were around 200 such sympathizers in Sweden.

"We would say that it has gone from hundreds to thousands now," said Thornberg.

However, he stressed that the security service believes few of them have the ability to, or even intend to, carry out a terror attack in Sweden.

READ ALSO: These are Sweden's terror travellers – in stats

The security police are working on putting together new, more exact, figures, reports TT. Thornberg described the situation as serious.

"This is the 'new normal' … It is an historic challenge that extremist circles are growing," he said.​

It's not your fault he said it in Swedish; but there are other people besides you capable of telling us what Swedish words mean. And while it's possible that neither the DM nor Newsweek has a fluent Swedish speaker on staff and didn't understand what Thornberg meant, I think we can be pretty confident that The Local has fluent Swedish speakers on staff.
So what is the lie you are asserting that the DM made up? And are you asserting that Newsweek and The Local are liars too?
I was thinking of "seized" as in eminent domain--where you do get compensated. That's what usually happens when the state seizes something for it's use.

This aside LP, may I ask what is so unreasonable about using empty buildings to temporarily house people who have been bereaved of all their belongings through no fault of their own with suitable compensation to the property owners?

Because the compensation is almost certainly too low. The usual game is to figure something like reasonable - the cost of fighting to get it as what they'll pay. And if they left the property empty there probably was a reason. My memory is that English law is very unfriendly to landlords, to the point that owners often choose leaving it vacant as better than renting it out.

Eminent domain is not typically used for things like temporary housing measures.

Further, who decides if the compensation is too low or not? These are people in need of immediate housing, not wealthy tenants for whom money (Or property for that matter...) is no object. If the property owner decides his or her compensation is not sufficient then he or she can plead their case to the courts.

I was using it as an illustration, not saying that's exactly what would happen.

Yeah, they can plead their case to the courts--which is why the compensation is likely fair - a bit less than the cost of taking it to court.

And I note that you don't seem to mind if the property owner loses on this. Anything to take from the "rich".
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill

Yeah... but a tenant can do a lot of damage to property they live in. I've been a volunteer in a homeless shelter. No, offence but these guys are often so mentally ill, they'll completely trash whatever house they live in. They are homeless for a reason. These kinds of people need special housing that require staff keeping an eye on them all the time

Exactly. Being a landlord isn't only money coming in, it can be money going out, also. Obviously the owner evaluated it as not worth the risk since the place wasn't being rented out.
We're not talking about the homeless, we're talking about people who up until very recently, did in fact have a home.

And I know all about tenants from hell, my previous neighbors had a habit of getting drunk, fighting with each other at the top of their lungs and then punching holes through walls and doors because this is how grown adults choose to express their outrage at each other; by breaking the shit of the people who are letting them stay there on reduced rent. That all said? I'd like to think my previous neighbors are the exception and that most people aren't self-destructive, co-dependant alcoholics who take everything you give them for granted.

We are, however, talking about low income people. No real recourse if they damage the place.
Not only is 'requisitioned' not the same as 'seized', but nobody other than the Mail discussed 'homes'; Corbyn was talking about empty properties.

Having the government pay you rent to temporarily house a person in desperate need in an empty property you own, is a rather different situation from having your home seized.

Forcing people to give up rooms or their homes...

OK, I'm going to stop you there; NOBODY has so much as suggested that ANYONE give up their HOME, either voluntarily or by force. An empty property is NOT a HOME. And to conflate the two is a LIE.
We're not talking about the homeless, we're talking about people who up until very recently, did in fact have a home.

And I know all about tenants from hell, my previous neighbors had a habit of getting drunk, fighting with each other at the top of their lungs and then punching holes through walls and doors because this is how grown adults choose to express their outrage at each other; by breaking the shit of the people who are letting them stay there on reduced rent. That all said? I'd like to think my previous neighbors are the exception and that most people aren't self-destructive, co-dependant alcoholics who take everything you give them for granted.

We are, however, talking about low income people. No real recourse if they damage the place.

We are talking about the government; They have pockets that are plenty deep enough to pay for any hypothetical damage caused by tenants that they put into a given property. There is absolutely no reason to think that landlords would not be protected from any losses that might arise due to this hypothetical government policy, that has been neither detailed nor adopted; The assumption that it would necessarily be bad for the landlords is completely unwarranted, but judging from the hysterical reportage of the Mail, you would get the idea that Corbyn was planning something little short of putting the landlords in concentration camps, and stabling pigs in their family homes.
Doesn't look too promising for Sweden;

The number of violent Islamist extremists in Sweden has soared from 200 in 2010 to 'thousands' today as an intelligence chief said 'this is the new normal'. We would say that [the number] has gone from hundreds to thousands now,' Sapo chief Anders Thornberg told news agency TT in an interview, describing the situation as 'serious'. 'This is the "new normal" ... It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,' he said.


The new normal.

No he didn't. This is a lie. As most things is in the Daily Mail. He said that following the earlier terror reports the number of anonymous tips of suspicious activities as skyrocketed. Well... duh. Of course, after an attack, people are going to worry more and report stuff that they otherwise wouldn't. He's also saying that they worry just as much about reprisal attacks from "white power" groups. Those reports have also skyrocketed.

Here's the words that he's actually saying:


Daily Mail does what they usually do, make ... up.

WTF! Isn't this an English speaking forum?

It's not my fault he said it in Swedish. But that is the source.
Sweden has witnessed a surge in Islamist extremists: from 200 less than a decade ago to “thousands,” in 2017, the Scandinavian country’s spy chief said Friday.

“We have never seen anything like this before," Anders Thornberg, chief of the Swedish Security Service (SAPO), told the country’s TT news agency.

“This is the 'new normal'...It is a historic challenge that extremist circles are growing,” he added.​

The Local:
The number of militant extremists living in Sweden has soared from a couple of hundreds a few years ago to thousands today, the security police Säpo believes.
"We have never seen anything like it before," said Säpo chief Anders Thornberg in an interview with Swedish news agency TT.

The vast majority of the extremists support violent Islamist ideologies, according to Säpo, whose security experts in a report in 2010 estimated that there were around 200 such sympathizers in Sweden.

"We would say that it has gone from hundreds to thousands now," said Thornberg.

However, he stressed that the security service believes few of them have the ability to, or even intend to, carry out a terror attack in Sweden.

READ ALSO: These are Sweden's terror travellers – in stats

The security police are working on putting together new, more exact, figures, reports TT. Thornberg described the situation as serious.

"This is the 'new normal' … It is an historic challenge that extremist circles are growing," he said.​

It's not your fault he said it in Swedish; but there are other people besides you capable of telling us what Swedish words mean. And while it's possible that neither the DM nor Newsweek has a fluent Swedish speaker on staff and didn't understand what Thornberg meant, I think we can be pretty confident that The Local has fluent Swedish speakers on staff.
So what is the lie you are asserting that the DM made up? And are you asserting that Newsweek and The Local are liars too?

What he said was pretty straight forward. He also said things he worries about. He worries that we have a lot of Islamic militants in Sweden. He said that to calm people down. There's a perception that our government isn't taking the Islamic treat seriously. Now he communicated that they are.

The biggest problem in Sweden right now aren't Islamic terrorists but nationalists. It's people like "the soldiers of Odin". They do a lot of damage. Its a delicate situation right now. I think he said what he did to show that the police was on top of it, so that our Nazi vigilantes will stay at home.

Sorry for the spelling. Mobile
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