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Europe submits voluntarily

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Angelo is a hopeless case and trying to talk sense into him is like pissing into the wind. The only solution is for the moderators to boot his ass out of here like they should have done ages ago, but that's probably never going to happen. Just tell him he's a fucking moron and move on. Any attempt at engagement with him just encourages more and more of this shit.

It's better to have a diversity of opinion even if we don't like it.

Actually the main problem of mass immigration both legal and otherwise into Europe which is not doing anything constructive about it, is the increasing shortage of housing.

In 2015 the Builders' Federation reported a 1,000,000 house shortage. Coupled with this we have received record migration even after taking into account people who left.

In fact given more people pack into one room nowadays, let alone into a flat and I would say the estimate is more like 3,000,000. This also includes people with no fixed address. These people 'do not exist'
It's better to have a diversity of opinion even if we don't like it.

It's not that "we" don't like it, it's that he's a fucking broken record who contributes fuck all. He repeats the same stupid shit over and over regardless of how many times he's proven wrong. He perfectly embodies this thread: hyperbolic, irrationally fearful and totally unresponsive to facts or logic.

The rules are what they are, this thread serves no purpose beyond acting as a rallying point for bigoted dickheads like angelo, and if the mods gave a shit they'd have closed it or moved it to Elsewhere years ago.
It's better to have a diversity of opinion even if we don't like it.

It's not that "we" don't like it, it's that he's a fucking broken record who contributes fuck all. He repeats the same stupid shit over and over regardless of how many times he's proven wrong. He perfectly embodies this thread: hyperbolic, irrationally fearful and totally unresponsive to facts or logic.

The rules are what they are, this thread serves no purpose beyond acting as a rallying point for bigoted dickheads like angelo, and if the mods gave a shit they'd have closed it or moved it to Elsewhere years ago.

The purpose of such groups is to expose ourselves to different views short of course of inciting violence and actual hatred.

We do have a problem with mass migration, mainly due to overcrowding vs. current availability of buildings. There are some security problems involved also where there are different viewpoints as to the extent.

It's better some unpopular views than the political correctness, even by way of altering language which some Western campuses experience to varying degrees.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.

I think censoring something is worse than putting up with it. When censorship takes root, it has a habit of spreading.

Should we ban Meine Kampf which is now available in Israel and so what?

Even the ISIS manual Black Flags of Rome isn't censored as it shouldn't be as it highlights how it has been moving into the political area practically since its inception. Such awareness would be valuable to some people.
As I said, privately owned board, not the public square. And yes there should be limits to what's allowed, unless you want a bunch of fucking Nazis here posting antisemitic shit the way angelo et al smear Muslims. If the rules were followed then angelo would be gone. That's the fact of the matter - not particularly interested in an argument with you on the merits of free speech.
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As I said, privately owned board, not the public square. And yes there should be limits to what's allowed, unless you want a bunch of fucking Nazis here posting antisemitic shit the way angelo et al smear Muslims. If the rules were followed then angelo would be gone. Those are the facts - not particularly interested in an argument with you on the merits of free speech.

This is up to the board, but the rules do allow freedom of expression but can be modified wherein there is actual incitement to hatred or bad conduct.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.

I think censoring something is worse than putting up with it. When censorship takes root, it has a habit of spreading.

Should we ban Meine Kampf which is now available in Israel and so what?

Even the ISIS manual Black Flags of Rome isn't censored as it shouldn't be as it highlights how it has been moving into the political area practically since its inception. Such awareness would be valuable to some people.

Idiocy breeds when expressed views go unopposed. I've been to Australia. Angelo's opinions don't surprise me in the least. There's barely any opposition to the, frequently expressed, retarded racist clap-trap in that country. So it's true in all directions.

Thanks to Angelo I've looked up a lot of things I otherwise probably wouldn't. Which is always good. I've read the fake news sources that support the bizarre and twisted world view he has. Unfortunately. I probably wouldn't otherwise.

I'm not on this forum to change the world. I'm here to learn. To have my opinions tested. I've certainly had that.
This is up to the board, but the rules do allow freedom of expression but can be modified wherein there is actual incitement to hatred or bad conduct.

I've read the rules very carefully. angelo and several others would be long gone if they were actually enforced.

And I try to ignore them, but it's pretty fucking difficult when they shit up every god damned thread in any way related to the subject. And I shouldn't have to anyway.
Idiocy breeds when expressed views go unopposed. I've been to Australia. Angelo's opinions don't surprise me in the least. There's barely any opposition to the, frequently expressed, retarded racist clap-trap in that country. So it's true in all directions.

Thanks to Angelo I've looked up a lot of things I otherwise probably wouldn't. Which is always good. I've read the fake news sources that support the bizarre and twisted world view he has. Unfortunately. I probably wouldn't otherwise.

I'm not on this forum to change the world. I'm here to learn. To have my opinions tested. I've certainly had that.

Honestly mate, you've got an uncommon, almost inhuman level of patience for dealing with dimwits like angelo. Basically everyone else stopped engaging with him back before anyone took the idea of Donald Trump becoming president seriously.

In any event, though, he hasn't posted anything new in years. It's always the same shit worded slightly differently. He's had his day and then some and the forum wouldn't be adversely affected at all if he disappeared. Ditto the others banging similar drums.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.

Just because you disagree with what he's saying doesn't make it hate.

And censorship is far worse than a bit of hate speech anyway.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.

Just because you disagree with what he's saying doesn't make it hate.

And censorship is far worse than a bit of hate speech anyway.

I haven't seen actual hate speech from angelo. Perhaps ask him to check out and quote links.

You're right though because censorship can also be a tool of the politically correct.
This is up to the board, but the rules do allow freedom of expression but can be modified wherein there is actual incitement to hatred or bad conduct.

I've read the rules very carefully. angelo and several others would be long gone if they were actually enforced.

And I try to ignore them, but it's pretty fucking difficult when they shit up every god damned thread in any way related to the subject. And I shouldn't have to anyway.

You are assuming your position is right.
Nah, I'll take a bit of censorship over having to read angelo's regurgitated shit and links to hate sites any day. It's a privately owned website and under no obligation to give a platform to anybody.

Just because you disagree with what he's saying doesn't make it hate.

Ehe... how is that connected? I'd say fake news sites spreading negative lies about Muslims are hate sites. How else would you define them? "Creative news"? "Freedom loving news free from truth"?

And censorship is far worse than a bit of hate speech anyway.

I agree completely.
Just because you disagree with what he's saying doesn't make it hate.

Ehe... how is that connected? I'd say fake news sites spreading negative lies about Muslims are hate sites. How else would you define them? "Creative news"? "Freedom loving news free from truth"?

And censorship is far worse than a bit of hate speech anyway.

I agree completely.

The problem is that if you ban media for fake new we'll end up with no media. Also where societies such as Singapore determine what is right and what we end up with is a certain amount of fake news but this will be authentic fake news :)
I haven't seen actual hate speech from angelo. Perhaps ask him to check out and quote links.

And you also haven't seen any convincing evidence of Trump being in bed with Russia, right? Pardon me if I don't consider persuading you a top priority.

angelo's a hate merchant; what should be done about him is something reasonable people can disagree over, but the nature of his posts aren't.
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