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Europe submits voluntarily

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Language problem. 78.000 in this context is a writing system that uses a period where we use a comma. It should be translated as 78,000.

I'm aware of that. It's still the most appropriate reaction when he was asked to provide sources and come up with gellerreport...

You can prove Gellar or other critics of the" religion of peace "are lying?

You can do so too.

Your link claims that "France is finished".

You can go to France and verify that this is not the case.

That's pretty much the only factual claim there is. The rest is an uncommented and apparently misinterpreted copy-paste from the Daily Mail. The article itself can as easily be read as saying that France is clogging down a database, and thereby limiting its efficacy, meant to be only for the most dangerous potential terrorists by adding everyone and their grandmother.

Certainly, it lends itself to this conclusion more easily than to the "France is finished" one.
Berlin thwarts attack on Berlin Half Marathon:
Police arrest 6 accused of planning stabbing rampage during Berlin Half Marathon
At least one of the suspects is connected with Anis Amri, the Tunisian Merkel Muslim who drove a truck into the crowd at a Berlin Christmas Market in 2016.

One reads such stories every single day in newspapers and other media. France is not quite finished yet, but it's just a matter of time before, as the title of this thread says. Europe submits voluntarily to islam8c supremacist.
Berlin thwarts attack on Berlin Half Marathon:
Police arrest 6 accused of planning stabbing rampage during Berlin Half Marathon
At least one of the suspects is connected with Anis Amri, the Tunisian Merkel Muslim who drove a truck into the crowd at a Berlin Christmas Market in 2016.

One reads such stories every single day in newspapers and other media. France is not quite finished yet, but it's just a matter of time before, as the title of this thread says. Europe submits voluntarily to islam8c supremacist.

Meanwhile, just a few days ago, a native German drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised square in the German city of Münster, killing two on the spot and injuring over twenty, some of which are still in danger of succumbing to their injuries.

Other than not being Muslim, his personality profile fits that Anis Amri pretty well. But of course, one of them is a deranged lone wolf while the other one is a terrorist and part of a conspiracy.
Meanwhile, just a few days ago, a native German drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised square in the German city of Münster, killing two on the spot and injuring over twenty, some of which are still in danger of succumbing to their injuries.

Other than not being Muslim, his personality profile fits that Anis Amri pretty well. But of course, one of them is a deranged lone wolf while the other one is a terrorist and part of a conspiracy.

It comes down to whether they are supporting an ideology in their actions. Supporting an ideology makes it terrorism rather than simply nutter.
Meanwhile back in the good old UK.........

“Concerned About ‘Giving Oxygen to Racists’, MPs ‘Ignored Our Cries for Help’: Rotherham Victim”, by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, April 9, 2018:

At the age of just 12, Sarah Wilson was made to have sex with multiple men a night while authorities“barely batted an eyelid”, the Rotherham grooming victim has revealed in memoirs of her ordeal.

The now 23-year-old, and whose sister Laura was murdered at the hands of an ‘Asian’ boyfriend in 2010, says she was “just one of dozens of girls” in the town who were “exploited and viewed as white trash”.

“Girls like me — and our families — were crying out for help, but no one listened,” she said. “Politicians were worried that addressing the issue of grooming by British Pakistani men would ‘give oxygen’ to racism.”

The abuse of young, mostly white, girls by older Pakistani men was so widespread in the scandal-hit south Yorkshire town, Wilson told the Mail on Sunday, that she “had no idea” she was a victim of grooming.

“Brainwashed” to believe it was normal to be made to have sex in return for the alcohol and drugs on which much older men had got her hooked, Wilson was abused by drug dealer Arshid Hussain and his criminal associates from the age of 11 until 17 when they moved on to younger girls.

“From the age of 11, I was showered with gifts from men in their twenties and thirties who pretended they were my friends,” explained Wilson, recalling how she was raped in a school playground by a 30-year-old who made her feel “ashamed and disgusted”.

“They told me I was beautiful and bought me anything I wanted: phones, clothes, takeaway food, cigarettes and, of course, alcohol and drugs.

‘“By the time they took me to strange towns to have sex with them and all their mates, aged 12, I was so brainwashed I thought it was normal,” she said, adding that “lots of girls” felt the same in the town, where reports revealed more than 1,400 young females have been abused by predominantly Pakistani gangs since the 1990s.

“Some nights, I was driven hundreds of miles away and ordered to have sex with as many as seven men in a row,” said Wilson.

“How could I say no? I didn’t want to be stranded with no money to get home and they’d got me hooked on the alcohol and drugs they knew I couldn’t afford myself.

“Plus, they’d threatened to petrol bomb my family home if I didn’t do as they said,” she added, detailing warnings which echoed aspects of the grooming scandal recently alleged to have occurred in Telford.

Sixteen-year-old Lucy Lowe, her mother, and sister were killed in a house fire set by her Muslim abuser in the scandal, which is thought to be the biggest in UK history….
Meanwhile, just a few days ago, a native German drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised square in the German city of Münster, killing two on the spot and injuring over twenty, some of which are still in danger of succumbing to their injuries.

Other than not being Muslim, his personality profile fits that Anis Amri pretty well. But of course, one of them is a deranged lone wolf while the other one is a terrorist and part of a conspiracy.

It comes down to whether they are supporting an ideology in their actions. Supporting an ideology makes it terrorism rather than simply nutter.

Terrorism is defined by the methodology not by the end goal. This has been explained to you before.

Your insistence to the contrary stems from your need to demonize actors rather than the actions they make.
Meanwhile, just a few days ago, a native German drove a van into people seated outside restaurants in a pedestrianised square in the German city of Münster, killing two on the spot and injuring over twenty, some of which are still in danger of succumbing to their injuries.

Other than not being Muslim, his personality profile fits that Anis Amri pretty well. But of course, one of them is a deranged lone wolf while the other one is a terrorist and part of a conspiracy.

It comes down to whether they are supporting an ideology in their actions. Supporting an ideology makes it terrorism rather than simply nutter.

Terrorism is defined by the methodology not by the end goal. This has been explained to you before.

Your insistence to the contrary stems from your need to demonize actors rather than the actions they make.

Your attempt to change the definition doesn't make it so.

Terrorists seek terror to cause a change in public behavior.
Terrorism is defined by the methodology not by the end goal. This has been explained to you before.

Your insistence to the contrary stems from your need to demonize actors rather than the actions they make.

Your attempt to change the definition doesn't make it so.

Terrorists seek terror to cause a change in public behavior.

Nope, terrorism is defined as an act carried out to instill fear in pursuit of a larger goal. The goal itself isn't important (Ideological or otherwise) the defining feature is the methodology employed. Stop lying.
Terrorism is defined by the methodology not by the end goal. This has been explained to you before.

Your insistence to the contrary stems from your need to demonize actors rather than the actions they make.

Your attempt to change the definition doesn't make it so.

Terrorists seek terror to cause a change in public behavior.

Nope, terrorism is defined as an act carried out to instill fear in pursuit of a larger goal. The goal itself isn't important (Ideological or otherwise) the defining feature is the methodology employed. Stop lying.

Note the key point: "in pursuit of a larger goal".

In practice you haven't accomplished anything if you don't get people to change their behavior so what we are saying is equivalent.
Nope, terrorism is defined as an act carried out to instill fear in pursuit of a larger goal. The goal itself isn't important (Ideological or otherwise) the defining feature is the methodology employed. Stop lying.

Note the key point: "in pursuit of a larger goal".

In practice you haven't accomplished anything if you don't get people to change their behavior so what we are saying is equivalent.

Sure, but again the particular end goal isn't whats important. Hell there isn't any reason a person can't even be out to cause fear for its own sake (Which fulfills the "Larger goal" aspect just fine tyvm)

Terrorism is defined by methodology not by your specific end goal.
How would you define someone yelling "Allah Akhar" while trying to stab as many people as possible?

Better question: Is it terrorism if a propaganda group thinly disguised as a news organization makes a concerted effort over decades to scare the shit out of a large enough segment of the population in order to gain support for legislation that is counter to their particular interests?
Reporting jihadist terrorist attacks is just a certain groups attempt to sway large numbers of people to their political side of the fence?
So in your estimation, can be safely ignored?
Reporting jihadist terrorist attacks is just a certain groups attempt to sway large numbers of people to their political side of the fence?
So in your estimation, can be safely ignored?

That's not what I said.
Reporting jihadist terrorist attacks is just a certain groups attempt to sway large numbers of people to their political side of the fence?
So in your estimation, can be safely ignored?

That's not what I said.

It's what you implied!

It's what you inferred. What I implied is that Fox alongside yellow journalism sites like Breitbart are propaganda organizations that scares up their collective base to drum up support for legislation that benefits special interests over the health and wellbeing of the nation. I did not allude to any specific case of this, but rather to the fact that this is their mode of operation.
It's what you implied!

It's what you inferred. What I implied is that Fox alongside yellow journalism sites like Breitbart are propaganda organizations that scares up their collective base to drum up support for legislation that benefits special interests over the health and wellbeing of the nation. I did not allude to any specific case of this, but rather to the fact that this is their mode of operation.

Does the wellbeing of the nation include brushing under the carpet the facts of Islamic supremcism and keeping that from the general public? Ignore because it may mean publishing such news as a latest terrorist attack by Arab sounding names or features are regarded as racist, therefore like the UK sex grooming scandal where police failed to act because they feared been labelled racists?
In case you forgotten we still have free speech, or at least will have until the complete islamasation of Europe is completed.
In case you forgotten we still have free speech, or at least will have until the complete islamasation of Europe is completed.

... or until your kind gets any real say, in which case publicly disagreeing with you will get one it trouble. We're already half way there in Austria.

Our vice-chancellor from the ironically named "Freedom Party" (FPÖ) tried -- and failed -- to sue the shit out of a leftwing organisation for holding placards saying "F*ck Strache" (star in original). In a few years, after installing his buddies in the High Court, he might even succeed. (BBC)

Our ministry of interior, since being taken over by another party comrade, staged a coup against his very own Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism thinly disguised as an anti-corruption measure, because they dared to keep rightwing extremists under observation, alongside islamists and leftwing extremists, and the new Minister of Interior wouldn't have anyone in his own house criticise his Nazi buddies.

The police unit that was sent in to carry out the search (in full riot gear no less, just to make sure it's sufficiently intimidating) was not even competent to deal with corruption - it was a unit specialised on petty street crime whose only qualification was that the head of the unit is best friends with the minister, overtly racist, and an FPÖ member. And he did what he was called for: He seized Terabytes of findings and reports on rightwing extremism collected by the agency, including from computers that didn't even belong to any of the suspects named in the search warrant! (Link in German)
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