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Europe submits voluntarily

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It's what you implied!

It's what you inferred. What I implied is that Fox alongside yellow journalism sites like Breitbart are propaganda organizations that scares up their collective base to drum up support for legislation that benefits special interests over the health and wellbeing of the nation. I did not allude to any specific case of this, but rather to the fact that this is their mode of operation.

Does the wellbeing of the nation include brushing under the carpet the facts of Islamic supremcism and keeping that from the general public? Ignore because it may mean publishing such news as a latest terrorist attack by Arab sounding names or features are regarded as racist, therefore like the UK sex grooming scandal where police failed to act because they feared been labelled racists?
In case you forgotten we still have free speech, or at least will have until the complete islamasation of Europe is completed.

It includes making mountains out of molehills and making problems appear worse than they actually are so that people like you overreact even though you don't know spit about it because your preffered media sites keep you purposefully ignorant, yes.
Does the wellbeing of the nation include brushing under the carpet the facts of Islamic supremcism and keeping that from the general public? Ignore because it may mean publishing such news as a latest terrorist attack by Arab sounding names or features are regarded as racist, therefore like the UK sex grooming scandal where police failed to act because they feared been labelled racists?
In case you forgotten we still have free speech, or at least will have until the complete islamasation of Europe is completed.

It includes making mountains out of molehills and making problems appear worse than they actually are so that people like you overreact even though you don't know spit about it because your preffered media sites keep you purposefully ignorant, yes.

The grooming and permanent sexual abuse and rape of young British girls as young as 13 a molehill?
European courts doing that damned best to accelerate Europe submitting:
Greek Court Upends Rules Limiting Migrants’ Movements

In other news. Some Merkel's Syrians got arrested for terrorism and ISIS membership.
German police arrest three terror suspects

Other Merkel Syrians attacked two men wearing yarmulkes in Berlin.
Angriff auf Israeli in Berlin: Tatverdächtiger stellt sich der Polizei
I bet he won't get deported.

I'll bet they get a slap on the wrist, if anything at all.
Does the wellbeing of the nation include brushing under the carpet the facts of Islamic supremcism and keeping that from the general public? Ignore because it may mean publishing such news as a latest terrorist attack by Arab sounding names or features are regarded as racist, therefore like the UK sex grooming scandal where police failed to act because they feared been labelled racists?
In case you forgotten we still have free speech, or at least will have until the complete islamasation of Europe is completed.

It includes making mountains out of molehills and making problems appear worse than they actually are so that people like you overreact even though you don't know spit about it because your preffered media sites keep you purposefully ignorant, yes.

The grooming and permanent sexual abuse and rape of young British girls as young as 13 a molehill?

When taken into context of the bigger picture? Absolutely. Its a relatively minor problem being blown out of proportion for political purposes. Doesn't mean its okay or that it shouldn't be remedied, but it absolutely is a mountain made out of a molehill. Without question.
The grooming and permanent sexual abuse and rape of young British girls as young as 13 a molehill?

When taken into context of the bigger picture? Absolutely. Its a relatively minor problem being blown out of proportion for political purposes. Doesn't mean its okay or that it shouldn't be remedied, but it absolutely is a mountain made out of a molehill. Without question.

I don't know your circumstances, but let's say your young 12-13 year old daughter was a victim of these barbarian backward followers of their terrorist "prophet" Mo. How would you react then?

- - - Updated - - -

Some people are correct when they say the left has completely lost the plot! They live in la la land!

I believe in politics they call this grand standing.

Nevertheless the monika is spot on.
I think this is a perfect illustration of Europe submitting voluntarily.
'Bin Laden bodyguard' on German welfare
BBC said:
Sami A lives with a German wife and four children in the city of Bochum, in western Germany.
After obtaining a temporary residence permit in Germany in 1999 he took several technology courses and moved to the city in 2005.
His asylum application was rejected in 2007 because the authorities had listed him as a security risk. He has to report daily at a police station.
Suspected jihadists face the risk of torture in North Africa, according to the German government. So Tunisia and its Arab neighbours are not on the list of safe countries of origin to which migrants can be deported.
So jihadists get to live in Germany on taxpayers' groschen and endanger Germans because deporting them to where they are from is too dangerous for poor innocent Jihadists who worked for fucking bin Laden.
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Meanwhile. Merkel justifying letting in millions of young Muslim savages with the excuse Germany needs the extra workers has been proven to be balony. 2.5 years after the "invasion" more than 90% of them are still collecting well paid welfare.
Meanwhile. Merkel justifying letting in millions of young Muslim savages with the excuse Germany needs the extra workers has been proven to be balony. 2.5 years after the "invasion" more than 90% of them are still collecting well paid welfare.

You wouldn't, once again, happen to have a source confirming that? Maybe even a source that's not almost two years out of date? I've seen newspaper articles saying that around 90% of those arriving in 2015 were out of work - but that was back in 20andfucking16!
Meanwhile. Merkel justifying letting in millions of young Muslim savages with the excuse Germany needs the extra workers has been proven to be balony. 2.5 years after the "invasion" more than 90% of them are still collecting well paid welfare.

You wouldn't, once again, happen to have a source confirming that? Maybe even a source that's not almost two years out of date? I've seen newspaper articles saying that around 90% of those arriving in 2015 were out of work - but that was back in 20andfucking16!

You do your own research! Correct my 90% if you dare!
Meanwhile. Merkel justifying letting in millions of young Muslim savages with the excuse Germany needs the extra workers has been proven to be balony. 2.5 years after the "invasion" more than 90% of them are still collecting well paid welfare.

You wouldn't, once again, happen to have a source confirming that? Maybe even a source that's not almost two years out of date? I've seen newspaper articles saying that around 90% of those arriving in 2015 were out of work - but that was back in 20andfucking16!

You do your own research! Correct my 90% if you dare!

You didn't do any research. At best, you diffusely remember reading something back in 2016 (when those people had only been in the country for half a year) and assumed it still holds.

You don't need to understand German to understand the info graphic at the top of page twelve in this document by the German federal labour agency. It says that in January this year, 19% of Syrians , 26% of Afghanis and 40% of Pakistanis are gainfully employed - those are percentages across the entire adult population, including students, stay-at-home moms and chronically ill individuals etc., not percentages among those seeking work. The comparable figure for Germans is 67%.

Caveat: Those figures are across all citizens from the respective countries irrespective of when they arrived of of their type of residence status. This may also be the reason why the figures look worse for Syrians than for other countries of origin: While almost all Syrians in Germany are refugees who came in the last 3 years, proportionally many more of the (smaller) Pakistani population have had more time to integrate. Even so, your figures are a pure fantasy even when we limit ourselves to those who came then.

Here's more data (careful: 500 page pdf). Looking at page 89, it says that out of 698,950 Syrian residents at the turn of the year, 79,745 had been in Germany for less than a year and another 567,795 between one and four years. Between them, those make up more than 92.5% of all Syrians in Germany. So even if 100% straight of earlier arrivals were gainfully employed (a very unrealistic figure), the the numbers don't add up unless at least 13% of those recent arrivals are too!

At this point, angelo, there is one and only one consistent move in this conversation for you if you want to keep up the appearance of being interested in an honest exchange: Copy and paste the following lines, and post them under your name, without the quotes:

"I can see that I was very wrong. I cannot explain why I was so confident something I read on a dubious blog a year was (a) accurate then, and even more (b) still valid today. I know I can do better than this and promise to check my facts more carefully in the future before spreading them around."
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I'm so happy that you're prepared to pay much higher taxes to feed and house these freeloaders.


Math is clearly not your strongest suit.

Germany's annual government budget (federal, Länder, communes and social security combined - which is exactly what we have to compare your figure with since that's also an aggregate of all public spenders) is about 1.5 trillion euros. Over five years, that's 7.5 trillions. Straight away we can see that those 90-odd billion over five years are just about 1% of public expenditure. So in the worst case it would imply a tax raise of 1%.

That ignores only a fraction of those cited 90 billion to be spent over 5 years are direct transfers, while a considerable fraction is for "measures tackling the root causes of the refugee crisis" (translate: they probably counted half of the budget of the foreign office into that figure) and most of the rest is measures from subsidising the erection of new housing units to language courses and other integration measures - all of which measures which generate new jobs for Germans and thus additional income for the government through a higher basis for taxing ans SS without increasing the rate.

Also, your link is (once again) from early 2016. We now know that the estimated numbers they used for refugees arriving in 2016 and 2017 are way to high. The article says this: "Officials based their estimates on 600,000 migrants arriving this year [=2016], 400,000 next year [=2017] and 300,000 in each of the following years." We don't know yet how many will be arriving in 2018, 2019, or 2020, but we do know that the real number was 280,000 for 2016 and 173,000 in January-November 2017. In other words, there numbers were off by a factor of 2, so the estimate has to be off by a factor nearly that as well even if all their other assumptions are correct.

You also failed to acknowledge that your numbers were off the last time.
Short version: angelo, you do realise that, when the gouvernment spends 50 billion for people doing work that is in some way related to the refugee crisis, at the bottom line it only looses about 25 billion since the rest flows back in taxes and social security?

And that's without accounting for downstream effects like spending. All else equal, an increase in the government's net spending by less then one 1% implies at best a tax raise less than half a percent (1% of what the taxes used to be), if it's not otherwise offset by an equally increased taxation base. If you call that "much higher taxes", you're a whiner.

As soon as it is even partially offset by a growing base, that figure becomes lower still and potentially <=0. Showing a figure for expenditure (even if it weren't an estimate from two years ago now known to have been exaggerated) and pretending it represents net costs is dishonest.
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and most of the rest is measures from subsidising the erection of new housing units to language courses and other integration measures - all of which measures which generate new jobs for Germans and thus additional income for the government through a higher basis for taxing ans SS without increasing the rate.
Broken window fallacy
and most of the rest is measures from subsidising the erection of new housing units to language courses and other integration measures - all of which measures which generate new jobs for Germans and thus additional income for the government through a higher basis for taxing ans SS without increasing the rate.
Broken window fallacy

Not at all.

It's a basic fact that, when the government pays X many millions or billions in wages to people for doing stuff it wants done, its bottom line doesn't worsen by X millions/billions but by a considerably smaller figure - because it collects taxes and SS from those same wages. This doesn't go into any secondary effects.
and most of the rest is measures from subsidising the erection of new housing units to language courses and other integration measures - all of which measures which generate new jobs for Germans and thus additional income for the government through a higher basis for taxing ans SS without increasing the rate.
Broken window fallacy

Not at all.

It's a basic fact that, when the government pays X many millions or billions in wages to people for doing stuff it wants done, its bottom line doesn't worsen by X millions/billions but by a considerably smaller figure - because it collects taxes and SS from those same wages. This doesn't go into any secondary effects.

Do pray tell where does the government get the money from to pay for all that unnecessary infrastructure work that wouldn't be needed had the traitor Merkel not thrown open the borders to millions of Islamic freeloaders if not from increased taxes?
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