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Europe submits voluntarily

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I presume by "100% preventable", you mean prevantable if all middle-eastern migrants to Germany, legitimate refugees or not, had been turned down at the border? Among which there would be those who would be killed or raped or both back in the camps or their home countries.
No, that's not necessary at all. Read the article about the fakefugee and rapefugee Ali Bashar.
Iraqi migrant accused of raping and killing teen girl to be returned to Germany
Telegraph said:
His asylum claim was rejected in December 2016 but he appealed against the decision and was allowed to remain in Germany while the case was ongoing.
It has since emerged that Bashar had an extensive police file in Germany dating back to April 2016, and was facing charges over a violent robbery in March this year and a separate case of carrying an illegal knife.
He was also investigated by police as a possible suspect in an earlier rape of an 11-year-old girl at the migrant shelter where he was staying.

Why does Germany allow such people to run around freely? He should have been deported in 2016 at the latest. Even better, more care should have been taken to vet people seeking to come into Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Instead, red carpet was rolled out to a million random Muslim migrants

Migration may be good or bad, but the overall immigration policies should not be based on what 0.01% of the criminals among them might do, but rather strive at fairness for the 99.99%. The rest can be handled as special cases.
Yes, migration can be good or bad. Merkel's migration policy has been an unmitigated disaster however. Not only because of terrorists and criminals that inevitably come with such a flood of humanity (especially when the authorities do not even bother to vet anybody who comes in!) but also because a flood of millions of people from cultures incompatible with Western cultures is going to change the host countries for the worse. We already see the signs of more and more emboldened political Islam in Europe.
Italia does something right

Italy shuts ports to migrant boat, asks Malta to open its doors

They shouldn't go to Malta either. They should be sent where they came from. More than 100,000 mass migrants are flooding from Africa into Europe via these rickety boats and NGO smugglers like MSF and SOS Mediterranee. If rescue was really the purpose of these groups, they would not mind dropping them off in Libya, where they started from. No, they are human traffickers and insist to bring their human cargo to Italy, to aid in the invasion of Europe. Europe must not become the dumping ground for surplus African population!
Oh the horror!

In 100 years there will be a few more Muslims in Europe.

Spicen up the place.

And oh yeah.

Everyone crying like a baby today will be dead.
Oh the horror!

In 100 years there will be a few more Muslims in Europe.

Spicen up the place.

And oh yeah.

Everyone crying like a baby today will be dead.

Then by that token, why would you care if a significant increase of muslims was prevented in Europe?
Oh the horror!
In 100 years there will be a few more Muslims in Europe.
More than "a few" more. Already there are districts in major European cities that are majority Muslim. Take for example London.

In 100 years London will pretty much be all green,

Spicen up the place.
I could do without that kind of spice.

Seriously, what is with this Leftist infatuation with extremist Islam?

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Oh the horror!

In 100 years there will be a few more Muslims in Europe.

Spicen up the place.

And oh yeah.

Everyone crying like a baby today will be dead.

Then by that token, why would you care if a significant increase of muslims was prevented in Europe?

And the refugees created by US violence will go where?
And the refugees created by US violence will go where?
US is barely active in Syria - Iran and Russia are the main players backing the ruthless dictator Assad.
And most mass migrants are not even refugees but economic migrants. For example, the Afghan who murdered another woman (pretty common pastime for Merkel Muslims) actually lived in Iran where he was neither in danger of war nor of persecution (Muslim in a Muslim country). But benefits are not as generous as in Germoney. And if you rape and murder somebody the penalties are much more severe.
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So if other people lie more than you, means you are telling the truth? That's not how honesty works.

Thanks for admitting you've been lying. Will you stop anytime soon?

How long will it be before you'll admit your deep hatred for Western culture?

I get what you're doing, but let's run with this. Since when is lying equated with Western culture? You're not really selling this.
Oh the horror!

In 100 years there will be a few more Muslims in Europe.

Spicen up the place.

And oh yeah.

Everyone crying like a baby today will be dead.

Then by that token, why would you care if a significant increase of muslims was prevented in Europe?

And the refugees created by US violence will go where?

Apart from the US meddling in Libya under the Obama administration, where else in Africa has American actions caused millions of immigrants to head for Europe?

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Comments from leftist are expected!
And the refugees created by US violence will go where?
US is barely active in Syria - Iran and Russia are the main players backing the ruthless dictator Assad.
And most mass migrants are not even refugees but economic migrants. For example, the Afghan who murdered another woman (pretty common pastime for Merkel Muslims) actually lived in Iran where he was neither in danger of war nor of persecution (Muslim in a Muslim country). But benefits are not as generous as in Germoney. And if you rape and murder somebody the penalties are much more severe.

This whole wave of refugees began because of the US terrorist attack of the Iraqi people which was the catalyst that turned ISIS into a problem.

The US is responsible for all of them.

Britain too. And anyone who joined in on that massive crime against humanity.
And the refugees created by US violence will go where?
US is barely active in Syria - Iran and Russia are the main players backing the ruthless dictator Assad.
And most mass migrants are not even refugees but economic migrants. For example, the Afghan who murdered another woman (pretty common pastime for Merkel Muslims) actually lived in Iran where he was neither in danger of war nor of persecution (Muslim in a Muslim country). But benefits are not as generous as in Germoney. And if you rape and murder somebody the penalties are much more severe.

This whole wave of refugees began because of the US terrorist attack of the Iraqi people which was the catalyst that turned ISIS into a problem.

The US is responsible for all of them.

Britain too. And anyone who joined in on that massive crime against humanity.

There is none so blind as those who can see!
This whole wave of refugees began because of the US terrorist attack of the Iraqi people which was the catalyst that turned ISIS into a problem.

The US is responsible for all of them.

Britain too. And anyone who joined in on that massive crime against humanity.

There is none so blind as those who can see!

Yes. And US terrorism began with George Washington. So what?

The issue is what led to these refugees.

It was a US terrorist act which was the catalyst to the creation of a powerfully armed and well led ISIS.
Another case where German courts are shielding seriously criminal Muslim migrants from deportation. This guy, identified only as "Yassin A." served a (too short) 15 year prison sentence for a murder of a German police officer. He was supposed to be deported after serving his sentence, but a court stopped his deportation, and so he will get to live in Germany. Disgusting!
Ein Gericht stoppte die Abschiebung dieses Mörders
Oh and by the way, he has six children who were given German citizenship. Even without new mass migration, Muslims will take over because they breed like jackrabbits!

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The reason there are still displaced Iraqi refugees is because of the US terrorist attack.
Bullshit. They come to Europe because of generous benefits for them and their gazillion children. Iraq is pretty safe, the migrants from Iraq come for economic reasons. Same reason Mexicans and Central Americans are flooding into US.
The reason there are still displaced Iraqi refugees is because of the US terrorist attack.
Bullshit. They come to Europe because of generous benefits for them and their gazillion children. Iraq is pretty safe, the migrants from Iraq come for economic reasons. Same reason Mexicans and Central Americans are flooding into US.

People were not leaving Iraq in these numbers until after the US terrorist attack.

US terrorism is at the bottom of all this migration.

One reason why many people at the time said not to do it.

But many people became incredibly rich off that terrorist attack.
Why was he there?
Because German courts allowed him to stay even after his asylum request was rejected and even after he committed some pretty serious crimes like robbery.

Germany needs to reform their immigration laws to make deportations of those who should be deported easier and quicker. It should not take more than two years to deport a felonious rejected migrant.
People were not leaving Iraq in these numbers until
... the Syrian civil war started and the Iraqis (together with Afghans, Iranians, Pakistanis etc.) mixed in with the Syrians.

after the US terrorist attack.
What US terrorist attack? You mean removal of a dictator who was seeking weapons of mass destruction? You do know that the only reason Saddam didn't get nukes is because Israel bombed the reactor in which he was going to make Plutonium, right?

US terrorism is at the bottom of all this migration.
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