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Europe submits voluntarily

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Sebastian the Short did something right.
Austria to expel clerics in crackdown on political Islam
You continually confuse refugees with migrants. It makes it very hard to take you seriously
Refugees are a subset of migrants.
It is European media that confuses the two, referring to "refugees" when they mean migrants regardless of why they migrate. To news media like Der Spiegel, if they come to Europe from Middle East. Central Asia or Africa they are automatically "refugees", especially if they are Muslim.

So if other people lie more than you, means you are telling the truth? That's not how honesty works.

Thanks for admitting you've been lying. Will you stop anytime soon?
You continually confuse refugees with migrants. It makes it very hard to take you seriously
Refugees are a subset of migrants.
It is European media that confuses the two, referring to "refugees" when they mean migrants regardless of why they migrate. To news media like Der Spiegel, if they come to Europe from Middle East. Central Asia or Africa they are automatically "refugees", especially if they are Muslim.

So if other people lie more than you, means you are telling the truth? That's not how honesty works.

Thanks for admitting you've been lying. Will you stop anytime soon?

How long will it be before you'll admit your deep hatred for Western culture?
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.

Who invaded Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, or most other Muslim countries where these barbaric followers of perhaps the bloodiest warlord and terrorist in earth's history come from?
These extreme or fundamental Muslims are only following what's been taught them in their bloody holy book the Qur'an. To these retrograde barbarians all people are infidels and therefore fair game. Colonization isn't to blame, their ideology is. For 1400 years this supremacists ideology has been spreading death and destruction throughout the world by the sword. But today it's invited into the civilized world by self loathing Western World leaders such as traitorous Merkel who should bare all the blame for the destruction of Western Culture and democracy.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.

Blame it on the NeoCohens of PNAC.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.

The 14 year old girl had nothing to do with Iraq.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.

The 14 year old girl had nothing to do with Iraq.


Another innocent victim from blowback of US crimes.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.

This is called blowback from a murderous terrorist attack of the Iraqi people and a decade long violent military occupation.

When you attack a nation and destroy it there are waves of human anguish and psychological damage that still flow even after you are done with your terrorism.

Just a reason GW Bush and many others should have been hung.

To prevent "leaders", really just ignorant politicians that know no history, from doing so much damage to other people in the future.

Who invaded Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, or most other Muslim countries where these barbaric followers of perhaps the bloodiest warlord and terrorist in earth's history come from?
These extreme or fundamental Muslims are only following what's been taught them in their bloody holy book the Qur'an. To these retrograde barbarians all people are infidels and therefore fair game. Colonization isn't to blame, their ideology is. For 1400 years this supremacists ideology has been spreading death and destruction throughout the world by the sword. But today it's invited into the civilized world by self loathing Western World leaders such as traitorous Merkel who should bare all the blame for the destruction of Western Culture and democracy.

The US overturned Iranian secular democracy which led to religious fanatics taking over Iran.

The US has supported the Saudi fundamentalist regime for decades.
An Iraqi rapefugee raped and murdered a 14 year old girl.
"Er fühlte sich fast unantastbar"
Danke Merkel!

Thank goodness white westerners never do that.

This rape and murder was 100% preventable.

I presume by "100% preventable", you mean prevantable if all middle-eastern migrants to Germany, legitimate refugees or not, had been turned down at the border? Among which there would be those who would be killed or raped or both back in the camps or their home countries.

Migration may be good or bad, but the overall immigration policies should not be based on what 0.01% of the criminals among them might do, but rather strive at fairness for the 99.99%. The rest can be handled as special cases.
so what? are all refugees now rapists?
No, but when you take a million migrants in a single year, do not vet them, have no restrictions whatsoever on who can enter and do not deport them when they commit crimes, then there is a big problem.

This guy, Ali B., already committed serious crimes and was supposed to be deported. But Germany gives a gazillion appeal opportunities to migrants, so he was allowed to stay allowing him to rape and murder a girl.

The other rapist/murderer had an attempted murder conviction in Greece that could have easily been found out had German authorities bothered to check who these mass migrants they are letting in actually are.

The Berlin Christkindlmarkt terrorist was not only not a refugee (he was from Tunisia) but was also supposed to be deported, only he never was.
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