I admit that in my adult life I have not been gripped with fear very often. I am not afraid of heights, confined spaces, swift water, flying, spiders, snakes, the dark, children, women, guns, public speaking, failure, loud noises, large dogs, etc. It is safe to stay then that I don't understand the fear of change that is the hallmark of conservatives, the fear of people with more melanin in their skin, the fear of strong women, the fear of men who love men or who dress as women or what we are discussing here, the fear of someone who is of a different religion or a different country than I am.
For the most part, I learned not to be afraid of these things as a child. These fears are irrational. For example, it is irrational to be afraid of heights, it makes one much more likely to fall and avoiding falls is very rational. Or I am a person so it is irrational to be afraid of people.
Here in this thread and others, I am told that I should be afraid of some of these people that I don't fear now. And always it is for the same reason because some people in those groups commit crimes.
This apparently is a selective process to decide whom to learn to be afraid of based on whom someone else fears. I am not to learn to fear all of the people in some groups because some people in the group commit crimes, when the members of the group have a melanin deficiency or when they come from the same country that I come from.
Sorry, I like my way better, to not live in fear.