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Europe submits voluntarily

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The left bury their heads in the sand. They refuse to open their eyes to the truth. Islam and Western culture [ based on xtian values] are incompatible. Muslims are taught to hate infidels, or non believers, " kafirs." Deception is allowed in Islam, and the watermelons among us fall for it hook line and sinker.
The world is hoping for Islam to reform. Many say that since Islam is an Abrahamic faith, if only violent jihad is taken out, Islam should be a great faith, able to co-exist beautifully with the non-Islamic world. In fact, that has been tried and failed miserably many times throughout history. There are many reasons for that failure. But a central reason is that violent jihad is only the outward symptom of an ideology that is fundamentally hostile to the West and it's core values. Thinking Islam will eventually integrate is nothing but wishful thinking.......it will never happen.

One of the features of democracy is that you don't have to like the president. Would you rather North America were more like North Korea?

It's quite ironic though not untypical that your "source", if we want to call it that, cites the motto ""INSIDE EVERY PROGRESSIVE IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT" right before demonstrating their own totalitarian leanings.
It may be free and easy, but it's still only worthwhile if you think you can make a difference. And whatever the motivations, we know that poorer people and immigrants are less likely to participate, so analysing why this is so isn't even necessary at this point.
And yet even so they managed to put one of their own in the position of power. Even now. Imagine what London electorate will look in 10 or 20 years from now. Never again will somebody as haram as Boris Johnson be electable.

Wrong again. He was elected with a very convenient margin Londoners who simply thought him to be the best man for the job. An overwhelming majority of those weren't Muslims, and he had almost certainly several times more voters who voted him despite being Muslim than those who voted him for being Muslim.

"I don't see why" is no evidence. They may be more motivated but not enough to actually vote. They may not consider him "one of their own" for any number of reason (because religion isn't actually that high up on the list of things by which they identify, because he's the wrong brand of Islam, ...). They may not like his accent.
Khan is Sunni like most Muslims. He is also Pakistani, which is a very common ethnic group (probably most common single one) for Muslims invading UK.

Still more handwaving. "it would seem plausible to me" is not evidence. I gave actual evidence.

Possibly all of these reasons and then some apply to a subset of London's Muslims. It doesn't matter though. What we do know is that by borough turnout is negatively correlated with numbers of Muslims.
If that is true, that is great of course. Doesn't really save London/UK/Europe given long-term mass-migration and mass-breeding trends of Muslims.

How's that supposed to be "great"? If a significant proportion of the citizenry is so dissatisfied and/or incredulous that they could actually ever have an impact that they all but withdraw from the political scene, that's reason for concern!
The chickens are on their way to the UK to roost;

Experts have warned of the growing threat of women and minors linked to Islamic State, suggesting that the number returning to Britain from Syria and Iraq has been significantly underestimated. According to a new report from King’s College London, a combination of an absence of government data and a changing view within Isis of when women should take up arms means that the danger they pose is likely to be much greater than official figures suggest.

Teh Gruaniad

The UK government is having a hard time with British Citizens that took up arms for the ISIS cause;

Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh are alleged to have been members of a four-man cell of Isis executioners in Syria and Iraq responsible for killing a number of high-profile western captives. The position in Javid’s letter signals a shift in the UK government’s policy towards the death penalty, which was considered to be one of “blanket opposition”. The case of Kotey and Elsheikh is complicated by the fact they have been stripped of British citizenship and are therefore stateless – a move confirmed by Wallace in the Commons on Monday. They were captured in January and have been at the centre of a dispute over whether they should be returned to the UK for trial or face justice in another jurisdiction. In a leaked letter obtained by the Telegraph, Javid said the UK “does not currently intend to request, nor actively encourage” the transfer of Kotey and Elsheikh to Britain.

Teh Gruaniad
And yet even so they managed to put one of their own in the position of power.

You know what's ironic? There actually is legitimate reason for concern that a small but influential, isolationist and supremacist and fairly homogeneous minority is punching way above their weight in British politics, but it's not Muslims you should be concerned about. Muslims are neither homogeneous nor influential, and while you're probably going to argue they're supremacist and isolationist, even you will have to admit that they're less so than the denizens of the  House_of_Lords.

One of the features of democracy is that you don't have to like the president. Would you rather North America were more like North Korea?

It's quite ironic though not untypical that your "source", if we want to call it that, cites the motto ""INSIDE EVERY PROGRESSIVE IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT" right before demonstrating their own totalitarian leanings.

Reporting the truth about islamic supremacist ideology and jihad terror is demonstrating totalitarian leanings in what way? By talking about it?

One of the features of democracy is that you don't have to like the president. Would you rather North America were more like North Korea?

It's quite ironic though not untypical that your "source", if we want to call it that, cites the motto ""INSIDE EVERY PROGRESSIVE IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT" right before demonstrating their own totalitarian leanings.

Reporting the truth about islamic supremacist ideology and jihad terror is demonstrating totalitarian leanings in what way? By talking about it?

The article you link doesn't talk about either. It demonises leftists for disliking the revenated annointed president.
There's no fury like a scorned lefty! How dare American voters didn't elect their darling!

You and your buddies don't have to dislike Trump. You can love him with every fibre of your feeble body for all I care.
Just don't demonise everyone who dares not to and then act surprised when you're called out for your totalitarian leanings: Requiring everyone to love the sitting government is the very definition of totalitarianism. Coming from a group of people otherwise best known for demonising the sitting government as long as Obama was president, it's simultaneously the very definition of hypocrisy.
There's no fury like a scorned lefty! How dare American voters didn't elect their darling!

You and your buddies don't have to dislike Trump. You can love him with every fibre of your feeble body for all I care.
Just don't demonise everyone who dares not to and then act surprised when you're called out for your totalitarian leanings: Requiring everyone to love the sitting government is the very definition of totalitarianism. Coming from a group of people otherwise best known for demonising the sitting government as long as Obama was president, it's simultaneously the very definition of hypocrisy.

This was totalitarian and hypocrisy rolled into one!
There's no fury like a scorned lefty! How dare American voters didn't elect their darling!

You and your buddies don't have to dislike Trump. You can love him with every fibre of your feeble body for all I care.
Just don't demonise everyone who dares not to and then act surprised when you're called out for your totalitarian leanings: Requiring everyone to love the sitting government is the very definition of totalitarianism. Coming from a group of people otherwise best known for demonising the sitting government as long as Obama was president, it's simultaneously the very definition of hypocrisy.

This was totalitarian and hypocrisy rolled into one!

can you quote a specific line that demonstrates either?
The invasion continues;

Spanish rescue services said Tuesday they had plucked nearly 500 migrants from the Mediterranean in a single day who were trying to reach the country's coast. The Spanish Maritime Safety Agency said on Twitter that it had picked up a total of 484 people in 30 makeshift vessels in the Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea, which separate Spain from Morocco. According to a count by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), some 18,653 migrants reached Spanish shores between the beginning of the year and July 18. They are mainly from sub-Saharan Africa - notably Guinea, Mali and Mauritania - as well as Morocco.

The invasion continues;

Spanish rescue services said Tuesday they had plucked nearly 500 migrants from the Mediterranean in a single day who were trying to reach the country's coast. The Spanish Maritime Safety Agency said on Twitter that it had picked up a total of 484 people in 30 makeshift vessels in the Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea, which separate Spain from Morocco. According to a count by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), some 18,653 migrants reached Spanish shores between the beginning of the year and July 18. They are mainly from sub-Saharan Africa - notably Guinea, Mali and Mauritania - as well as Morocco.


Perhaps if Europe was kind enough to ship some of its magic dirt to Africa to replace its tragic dirt this all could be avoided. Selfish Europe.
They are mainly from sub-Saharan Africa - notably Guinea, Mali and Mauritania - as well as Morocco.

Can't these Moroccans do it the old fashioned way? Scam dumb blonde Americans into marrying them for the green card?

Seriously though: why is Spain (and EU in general) letting all these fakefugees in? This merely encourages more and more to follow suit. When these people are rescued, they need to be brought back where they came from. Not given a free all expenses paid trip to Europe.
I would say the battle for the UK is pretty much over;

A primary school has been blasted for encouraging pupils to walk around a field five times on the hottest day of the year - to show solidarity with refugees.
Lucy Boyle said: 'This was a walk was to show support to the refugees who have to make a longer and hotter walks to a safer place, as their home has been turned into a battle ground.

'I think it wonderful this walk still went ahead, it helps the kids truly understand what refugees have to go through.


They never stood a chance.
I would say the battle for the UK is pretty much over;

A primary school has been blasted for encouraging pupils to walk around a field five times on the hottest day of the year - to show solidarity with refugees.
Lucy Boyle said: 'This was a walk was to show support to the refugees who have to make a longer and hotter walks to a safer place, as their home has been turned into a battle ground.

'I think it wonderful this walk still went ahead, it helps the kids truly understand what refugees have to go through.


They never stood a chance.

Yes, they are now a Muslim caliphate. Poor Great Britain, we hardly knew ya.
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