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Europe submits voluntarily

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So you are saying that in order to resist teh Islam, we have to shed math?
Shred math? No, but you are ignoring math unfavorable to your "nothing to see here folks" delusion. Like that percentage of Muslims in London increased 50% in a mere decade. Or that having 4-5 children means exponential growth even without any new migration.
Europe is being invaded from all sides.
Migrant influx stirs fresh tensions in Bosnia

More than three years after they fled their native Afghanistan in search of a better life in Europe, Abdullah Habibi, his wife and his seven children are stuck in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Two things that jump out in the very first sentence of the piece: the Aghan has seven (7) children, and he is not even pretending to be persecuted or a "refugee"; he admits he is only seeking "better life". And by "better life" he means getting thousands of dollars in benefits from countries like Germoney or Sweden.
This year alone, about 9,000 asylum seekers and migrants have entered the tiny Balkan country, which is rapidly emerging as a new stopping point for migrants desperate to reach Europe after previous routes were shut down following a 2016 deal between Turkey and the EU.
As many as 500 are arriving every week, according to the International Organization for Migration.
Obviously Erdogan is not taking this deal seriously, given how many mass migrants are still coming.
And it is incredibly difficult to deport even 69 of these migrants. Many orders of magnitude more are streaming in than are sent back. That is a big problem. And when they have children, it is impossible to deport them, as the policy is to not deport families, no matter what. So if Habinis make it to Germoney, they can live high on the hog on German taxpayer expense forever. And then Abdullah (means "slave of Allah") can send his daughters back to Afghanistan to marry older men, in order to bring them too to Germoney and prevent his girls from assimilating.
“We know that a larger wave is coming and by autumn we could have 13,000 instead of 3,000, and that will be more difficult for those people and for our citizens,” he said.
So you are saying that in order to resist teh Islam, we have to shed math?
Shred math? No, but you are ignoring math unfavorable to your "nothing to see here folks" delusion. Like that percentage of Muslims in London increased 50% in a mere decade. Or that having 4-5 children means exponential growth even without any new migration.

Having 4-5 children continuing into infinity does mean exponential growth, I never said otherwise. Having 2.2 children means exponential growth. It's just not something that's actually happening.

The world's top seven countries in terms of absolute numbers of Muslims living there, between them representing 58% of the world's Muslims, are:

Indonesia - TFR 2.36
Pakistan - TFR 3.48
India* - TFR 2.33
Bangladesh - 2.1
Egypt - TFR 3.27
Iran - TFR 1.66
Turkey - TFR 2.05

Three of those have fertility rates at or below replacement level, not one is in the area of 4-5, almost all of them show a continuing downward trend. The mathematical implications of made-up "facts" are irrelevant to an analysis of reality.

(All total fertility rates are Worldbank estimates for 2016)

*India is of course not majority Muslim, so you might object that the TFR for Muslims in isolation is higher. It is, very slightly, at 2.6 (in 2015), but also falling fastest among all groups, down from 3.4 in 2005.
I am posting this to try and shake up this thread and get perceptions enlarged.

This video rant is about a white guy who killed two black women in Oakland next to the BART train and the reaction to it in the context of all sources of murder of black women.

Take two possible incidents in Europe:

Incident A: An at least nominal, familial Muslim man from the Middle East or North Africa (direct immigrant or second generation) killing two native European women by knife.

Incident B: A native European man (ethnic French, Dutch etc..) killing two Middle 'East/North African Muslim (direct immigrant or second generation) women by knife.

Now what will be the narrative spinning that will happen for A and B?

Assume that the killer in both cases is pretty much just mentally ill and has NOT been part of either a radical mosque/church or been to radical political websites.

Celebrate diversity!

Source? And what is being measured. This statistic is clearly absurd. So it would be interesting to see what numbers needed to be juggled to get this.
Which proves beyond any doubt that Europe is submitting [meekly] voluntarily!

So you are saying that in order to resist teh Islam, we have to shed math?

I'm saying the borders must be secured! That the flow of freeloaders must be halted! But The horse has already bolted so I doubt that Europe hasn't submitted voluntarily already.
Having 4-5 children continuing into infinity does mean exponential growth, I never said otherwise. Having 2.2 children means exponential growth.
2.2 is replacement, isn't it? In any case, 4-5 children per woman means doubling of population every 20-30 years. Even if you are slightly above replacement, doubling may occur every 400 years instead, which is a very different matter.

It's just not something that's actually happening.
The hell it isn't! Just look at, for example, Gaza. They double in population every 20 years or so.

The world's top seven countries in terms of absolute numbers of Muslims living there, between them representing 58% of the world's Muslims, are:

How about looking at countries that actually send a lot of mass migrants to Europe. Countries like Afghanistan, Somalia or Nigeria. All of them have TFRs above 5.

The mathematical implications of made-up "facts" are irrelevant to an analysis of reality.
Bullshit! Indonesia doesn't send many migrants to Europe. Afghanistan does. So why do you look at TFR in Indonesia and not Afghanistan? And Afghanistan, according to Pew, 99% believe in the Sharia Law.

Look at that other article I posted, about asylum tourists "stuck" in subpar accommodations in Bosnia. The Afghan family they talked to has seven (!) children. It is obvious why they want to go to Western Europe - generous government benefits that increase with number of children means several thousands of Euros of free money for the family each month without having to work. And virtual immunity from ever being deported because Europe doesn't deport families even when it turns out they are not legitimate refugees or asylum seekers.
Note that this family started their journey to the land of milk and handouts three years ago. That means 2015, the same year Angela Merkel opened the borders of Germany to all mass migrants. That's what caused this family to leave their country and seek benefits in Europe. Not war or Taliban or anything like that.
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2.2 is replacement, isn't it? In any case, 4-5 children per woman means doubling of population every 20-30 years. Even if you are slightly above replacement, doubling may occur every 400 years instead, which is a very different matter.

I believe 2.1 in a modern society is replacement.
I believe 2.1 in a modern society is replacement.
So, 2.2 is probably within margin or error for replacement. Even if it was genuinely slightly above replacement, there is a difference between a 400-500 year doubling time and 20-30 year doubling time like in Gaza.
Most Everything you wanted to know about islam but were afraid to ask!


So where's the evidence we need to worry?

"Muslim Americans overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Americans"

If a majority of Muslims love freedom and democracy... we can chill the fuck out, right?

This article answers a couple of your recent posts including the fact that democracy and Islam are not, nor will ever be compatible!

Bad day for the islamophiles in the UK as Tommy Robinson has his contempt of court conviction quashed;

Today appeal judges ordered Robinson be released on bail and he will face a fresh contempt of court hearing at the Old Bailey in London 'as soon as possible'.The Court of Appeal quashed his conviction saying the decision to jail him within five hours of his arrest 'gave rise to unfairness' and ignored court rules.
A panel of three senior judges also criticised Judge Geoffrey Marson QC, the judge who sent him to prison, saying he gave 'no clarity' about what parts of Robinson's Facebook Live video were in contempt of court.


The establishment and SJWs hate it when the oiks speak up;

Anti-racism supporters had also gathered on the Royal Courts of Justice and were shouting chants such as 'Nazi scum, off our streets' and 'refugees are welcome here' as the judgment came in.

This sort of thing must be a full time occupation for some.
Most Everything you wanted to know about islam but were afraid to ask!


So where's the evidence we need to worry?

"Muslim Americans overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Americans"

If a majority of Muslims love freedom and democracy... we can chill the fuck out, right?

This article answers a couple of your recent posts including the fact that democracy and Islam are not, nor will ever be compatible!


I'd argue that Islam doesn't need a reformation because there's no priestly class to rebel against. Since no Muslim is in a position to tell another Muslim what to believe the Qur'an is open to interpretation. The universal Islamic sharia was introduced by the Ottomans to better rule that empire. It's not an inherent part of Islam. Islam, just like every other religion, has traditions because of random stuff in history.

I think the person who wrote that Quora article doesn't know what they're talking about.
Most Everything you wanted to know about islam but were afraid to ask!


So where's the evidence we need to worry?

"Muslim Americans overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Americans"

If a majority of Muslims love freedom and democracy... we can chill the fuck out, right?

8% of Muslims in the US find suicide bombings acceptable. That's a quarter million Muslims.
Most Everything you wanted to know about islam but were afraid to ask!


So where's the evidence we need to worry?

"Muslim Americans overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Americans"

If a majority of Muslims love freedom and democracy... we can chill the fuck out, right?

8% of Muslims in the US find suicide bombings acceptable. That's a quarter million Muslims.

Suicide bombings violate one of the ten commandments. The Muslims who do it and support the general practice has to belong to an awfully perverted and twisted version of Islam. Not saying they aren't real Muslims/Scotsmen. Each to their own. But the idea that 8% of American Muslims support it is dumb. 8% of American Muslims obviously aren't "fundamentalist" extremists. That would be absurd.

There's many ways that question can be phrased to bump up the number. Self sacrifice for a greater cause is big in Islam. They have a huge focus on martyrdom. So if the suicide bombing question is phrased in a way that you give your life to protect other people a lot of them would say yes, in spite of it violating a commandment. It's all in the phrasing.

Or it might be phrased as "can suicide bombings ever be justified". Obviously yes. We can (Muslims and non-Muslims) all think of a corner case where it can be justified.

The reason the Palestinians are so happy about it in Israel is because it's very very cheap. And it effectively kills the investigation into the terror cell, because the perpetrator is dead. It's got very little to do with Islam, and more to do with pragmatic issues of warfare. ISIS do it because they're evil cunts, rather than Muslims. Almost all Muslims hate them.
Bad day for the islamophiles in the UK as Tommy Robinson has his contempt of court conviction quashed;

Today appeal judges ordered Robinson be released on bail and he will face a fresh contempt of court hearing at the Old Bailey in London 'as soon as possible'.The Court of Appeal quashed his conviction saying the decision to jail him within five hours of his arrest 'gave rise to unfairness' and ignored court rules.
A panel of three senior judges also criticised Judge Geoffrey Marson QC, the judge who sent him to prison, saying he gave 'no clarity' about what parts of Robinson's Facebook Live video were in contempt of court.


The establishment and SJWs hate it when the oiks speak up;

Anti-racism supporters had also gathered on the Royal Courts of Justice and were shouting chants such as 'Nazi scum, off our streets' and 'refugees are welcome here' as the judgment came in.

This sort of thing must be a full time occupation for some.

Makes one wonder how many of these ratbags actually have a job. Not too many i'll bet!
This article answers a couple of your recent posts including the fact that democracy and Islam are not, nor will ever be compatible!


I'd argue that Islam doesn't need a reformation because there's no priestly class to rebel against. Since no Muslim is in a position to tell another Muslim what to believe the Qur'an is open to interpretation. The universal Islamic sharia was introduced by the Ottomans to better rule that empire. It's not an inherent part of Islam. Islam, just like every other religion, has traditions because of random stuff in history.

I think the person who wrote that Quora article doesn't know what they're talking about.

Islam and sharia are inseparable. I believe it's you who knows Jack Schitt about the subject, or you're simply ignoring the unpalatable.
8% of Muslims in the US find suicide bombings acceptable. That's a quarter million Muslims.

Suicide bombings violate one of the ten commandments. The Muslims who do it and support the general practice has to belong to an awfully perverted and twisted version of Islam. Not saying they aren't real Muslims/Scotsmen. Each to their own. But the idea that 8% of American Muslims support it is dumb. 8% of American Muslims obviously aren't "fundamentalist" extremists. That would be absurd.

There's many ways that question can be phrased to bump up the number. Self sacrifice for a greater cause is big in Islam. They have a huge focus on martyrdom. So if the suicide bombing question is phrased in a way that you give your life to protect other people a lot of them would say yes, in spite of it violating a commandment. It's all in the phrasing.

Or it might be phrased as "can suicide bombings ever be justified". Obviously yes. We can (Muslims and non-Muslims) all think of a corner case where it can be justified.

The reason the Palestinians are so happy about it in Israel is because it's very very cheap. And it effectively kills the investigation into the terror cell, because the perpetrator is dead. It's got very little to do with Islam, and more to do with pragmatic issues of warfare. ISIS do it because they're evil cunts, rather than Muslims. Almost all Muslims hate them.

Recip Erdogan, the would be ruler of an islamic caliphate has stated that : " Islam is one, there's no moderated or extreme islam, Islam is one!" Are you contradicting the leader of an almost already theocracy?
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