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Europe submits voluntarily

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Strikes are of course always blamed on the strikers. When many times they are the product of the unwillingness of management to meet reasonable requests.

There is a mentality that a strike is never justified.

It is the mindset of the tyrant.
And the mass migration of these foreigners had no discernible effect on Britain or the indigenous Briton culture. :huggs:

All cultures are in continual flux.

There is no single point along the way you can say, "That is the absolute example of the culture".

There is one way people coming from the ME will be a positive.

If they encounter a culture that doesn't oppress them.
Easiest way to achieve that is for them to stay home. Unless what you are saying is that their own culture is oppressing them, the one they are trying to import to UK.
Well it has been a month since OP. Is Europe still around?

Sure, the continent will remain thanks to geology, but I'm wondering how things are actually going in the Caliphate of Europe. Sharia Law? Mass executions of infidels? I mean, they've had 30 days already. We managed to completely change Iraq in less time, so how's that "submission" going for ya, Europe?
Hey, fair crack of the whip! Not so fast. Give it half a century or so! Some EU countries already have up to 20% non westerners.

Hey look, another bullshit figure!

In point of fact, there is no EU country that has a population of 20% non-westerners; either by looking at the percentage of non-western immigrants, or even by looking at ethnic demographics.

Okay, okay... that isn't ENTIRELY true...

...Estonia has 25% Russians.
That's exactly what they are doing. That's why Hungary is building their fence for example - to stem the tide of invaders.

No, they're doing it to stop illegal immigration. There is a difference between illegal immigration and invasion.

I.e. it muzzles people who criticize this latest Islamic invasion.

No, it doesn't. It is not against the law to criticize any group or event. Try again.

But more recently against people critical of Islam.

So what? That is just the way the law works. It is applied evenly across the board. If you're a radical imam that denies the holocaust and who says that gay people should be thrown off buildings; then you can be charged. And if you're a white racist who refers to muslim immigrants as trash who need to be violently thrown out, then you can be charged too.

That is exactly what is happening - he is being prosecuted (or rather persecuted) for calling so-called "migrants" cattle and filth.

Yes. Because it is against the fucking law. What's your point? I don't see any issue here; just the authorities of a country following the letter of the law; a law meant to protect minority groups from hatred.

On the other hand, people like this don't have anything to fear from European useful idiots.

First of all, that obviously isn't in Germany, so why are you bringing it up to contrast with a German case?

Secondly, there's actually nothing illegal in that picture. One is allowed to expression opinions like that, however vile.

Thirdly, muslims ARE in fact arrested and prosecuted (in the Netherlands for sure) the same as white people for inciting hatred and violence under the same type of laws

Edit: As Jokodo pointed out, it might be the case that some of the people in that picture *were* in fact charged for inciting hatred and violence against non-muslims (although it's not what he was eventually sentenced for). I'm not entirely sure that's the case since the sign references the Netherlands, not Belgium (and the guy mentioned was the leader of Sharia4Belgium), but it's definitely possible. It wouldn't have been just for carrying these signs around though.
Who benefits if we don't push these unevolved, useless, obstructive, and predatory groups out of the way? Who turned them loose on us and inhibited our natural reaction?

The problem with racism... yes this is just standard run-of-the-mill racism... is that it assumes that social identification groups are monolithic and eternal. The reality is that they are extremely fluid. Social and cultural change is quite rapid. We're just in the middle of it, so we're a bit blind to it happening. The fact that a identifiable group behaves in a certain way today doesn't mean they will in that way in the future, given other technological or economic incentives. Historically people have had very little problem moving from one ethnic identity to another.

Neanderthals had the problem that they were physically adapted to a lifestyle of hunting. They were physically adapted to a single style of hunting, ie sneaking up on prey with a spear. They were much much better than us at this. Much much stronger. When humans invented the atl-atl humans were just better at Neanderthals at hunting. They couldn't switch to the atl-atl because they weren't physically adapted to be proficient at them. Humans were.
Yes, alright, for 85% of the 1940s.

I wasn't too concerned about a 15% mismatch given that the war itself didn't include 45% of the 1940s; and even less so given that the majority of the events described in Angelo's reference occurred between 1942 and 1945.

I will take 'bleeding obvious nitpicks' for 500 please, Alex.
I wasn't aware of the time period Angelo was referring to. In the US the unions (yes many of the members communist) worked hard to disrupt our efforts to support Britain's war effort until December of 1941. After that, there were still some strikes but Roosevelt kinda squashed most of them, some by threatening to cancel their draft deferments.

It should be worth pointing out that unions are different around the world. The unions in the English speaking world (and France) really have been a disaster and a scurge. It's often been about greed and getting something for nothing. Often pushing businesses into bankruptcy. Strikes have been used as a form of blackmail, and used to demand absurd and counter-productive business practices. Progress and effectivisation has been hampered in order to prevent lay-offs.

We in central and north Europe have had a completely different history of our unions. The union is an equal partner to the capitalist, and the goal is to make everybody prosperous. The main goal is always that the business should flourish. Everything else is secondary.

It's interesting to compare them. It's like they have nothing in common. As if it's two completely different movements.
All cultures are in continual flux.

There is no single point along the way you can say, "That is the absolute example of the culture".

There is one way people coming from the ME will be a positive.

If they encounter a culture that doesn't oppress them.
Easiest way to achieve that is for them to stay home. Unless what you are saying is that their own culture is oppressing them, the one they are trying to import to UK.

Hopefully they will not encounter a lot of small minded bigots with ideas like this.

That will make this a negative.

While it could easily be a huge positive. These are incredibly decent and caring people after all coming from the ME.
Looks like the smell of coffee may have reached Teresa May;

Mass immigration is making it impossible to build a cohesive society and is against Britain’s national interest, the Home Secretary will declare today.

I think it's populistic tripe. It's not like there aren't people who have studied immigration. We have plenty of research. All of it positive. Immigration is always good. Even short term problems are rare and minute. But it's normal to be xenophobic. I think she's just using that to get votes. Cynical and populistic.

I think it's populistic tripe. It's not like there aren't people who have studied immigration. We have plenty of research. All of it positive. Immigration is always good. Even short term problems are rare and minute. But it's normal to be xenophobic. I think she's just using that to get votes. Cynical and populistic.

Yep, immigration of Europeans to the New World in the 1500s was good for the indigenous people.
Nuke Till They Puke

The Express doesn't have any credibility; your well-poisoning notwithstanding. When multiple sources agree on something, if one is wrong, then so are the others, by definition. Reality is not decided by majority vote, and it certainly is not decided by a majority vote taken amongst editors of the tabloid press, who long since abandoned any respect for saying what is true, rather than what is simply popular.

Any message that goes against reality can't be true; when left wing ideology coincides with reality, then any message that goes against it really can't be true - not because it conflicts with ideology, but because it conflicts with reality.
Of course, unless the ABC or Al Jazera, SBS or perhaps Fairfax reports it, its just right wing, or for the most part, centre right its all propaganda isn't it?

Islam's 9/11 attack was just like Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Both deserved the same retaliation.
The Nazislamis' Lord Haw-Haw

Easiest way to achieve that is for them to stay home. Unless what you are saying is that their own culture is oppressing them, the one they are trying to import to UK.

Hopefully they will not encounter a lot of small minded bigots with ideas like this.

That will make this a negative.

While it could easily be a huge positive. These are incredibly decent and caring people after all coming from the ME.

^^ The preceding has been a political announcement paid for by the OPEC Caliphate.
Of course, unless the ABC or Al Jazera, SBS or perhaps Fairfax reports it, its just right wing, or for the most part, centre right its all propaganda isn't it?

Islam's 9/11 attack was just like Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
The World Trade Center was a military installation, was it?

Both deserved the same retaliation.
Funny story about that. In both cases the U.S. military identified the mastermind, painstakingly collected information on his whereabouts, and assassinated him.
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