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Europe submits voluntarily

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Are they factually wrong? Or are they just printing uncomfortable truths about the love affair between far left and radical Islam?
The far left once had a romance with communism, and anything anti capitalist. Also Nazism was to be their saviour.

It was the right that embraced Hitler all over the world.

And the left that was betrayed by despots like Lenin and Stalin.

In no way shape or form is the left top down dictatorship. That is the right.

The left is democracy and more democracy.
Tell the Welsh that.

The result of mass migrations of foreigners is welsh culture too. Just a different mix, and at different times from the rest of Britain. Scotland, Cornwall, Greater London, The North East, The West Country, and East Anglia also have a noticeably different mixture to the rest of Great Britain; Indeed, each town and city has a slightly different culture - and in some cases, fairly small areas have huge differences. North Wales and South Wales have little in common, and it is only in recent years that people in South Wales have started speaking Welsh again, after the Welsh language almost completely died out in that part of the country. In Newcastle, the dialect (which they claim is of English) spoken is incomprehensible to people from the South, and owes more to Old Norse than to Old English, or Norman French. They even use words and phrases that survive today in Denmark and Norway, but not in London. I have met people who live only a few dozen miles from my birthplace whose speech is almost impossible to comprehend.

The Welsh and the Scots have kept a legal border separating them from England; There are no such borders separating Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London, but people from any of those cities have trouble deciphering the speech of people from the other three.

British culture - indeed, just the English part of British culture - is already a patchwork of very different peoples, with differences in language and attitude. Adding a few more disparate groups to the mix is not a particularly big change; nor is it unprecedented.
Yes all true. But in one way or the other they were/are western culture. All assimilated. The followers of the paedophile war lord refuse to assimilate. Islam is not compatible with democracy and western culture!
Well it has been a month since OP. Is Europe still around?

Sure, the continent will remain thanks to geology, but I'm wondering how things are actually going in the Caliphate of Europe. Sharia Law? Mass executions of infidels? I mean, they've had 30 days already. We managed to completely change Iraq in less time, so how's that "submission" going for ya, Europe?
The far left once had a romance with communism, and anything anti capitalist. Also Nazism was to be their saviour.

It was the right that embraced Hitler all over the world.

And the left that was betrayed by despots like Lenin and Stalin.

In no way shape or form is the left top down dictatorship. That is the right.

The left is democracy and more democracy.
The left tried to sabotage the war effort in the 1940's. Most workers unions were outright communists. The far left have an unconscious death wish. They may eventually get their wish under Islamic law one day.
Well it has been a month since OP. Is Europe still around?

Sure, the continent will remain thanks to geology, but I'm wondering how things are actually going in the Caliphate of Europe. Sharia Law? Mass executions of infidels? I mean, they've had 30 days already. We managed to completely change Iraq in less time, so how's that "submission" going for ya, Europe?
Hey, fair crack of the whip! Not so fast. Give it half a century or so! Some EU countries already have up to 20% non westerners.
Give it half a century or so!

Half a century? Christ on a stick most of these immigrants will be retired by then! Are you saying that a bunch of pensioners will roll across Europe in a slow-moving Blitzkrieg?
It was the right that embraced Hitler all over the world.

And the left that was betrayed by despots like Lenin and Stalin.

In no way shape or form is the left top down dictatorship. That is the right.

The left is democracy and more democracy.
The left tried to sabotage the war effort in the 1940's. Most workers unions were outright communists. The far left have an unconscious death wish. They may eventually get their wish under Islamic law one day.

How did the left "sabotage the war effort"?

What is an "outright communist" as compared to a communist?

What is the evidence of the death wish of the left?

The desire to not kill the people you say need killing?
Notwithstanding the possibility that the Daily Mail wrote most of the article in the editor's office, are you saying all of this didn't happen?

There at least seems to be something happening.

Express doesn't have credibility either is what they'll say. Any message that goes against the left ideology can't be true!

The Express doesn't have any credibility; your well-poisoning notwithstanding. When multiple sources agree on something, if one is wrong, then so are the others, by definition. Reality is not decided by majority vote, and it certainly is not decided by a majority vote taken amongst editors of the tabloid press, who long since abandoned any respect for saying what is true, rather than what is simply popular.

Any message that goes against reality can't be true; when left wing ideology coincides with reality, then any message that goes against it really can't be true - not because it conflicts with ideology, but because it conflicts with reality.
The left tried to sabotage the war effort in the 1940's. Most workers unions were outright communists. The far left have an unconscious death wish. They may eventually get their wish under Islamic law one day.

How did the left "sabotage the war effort"?

What is an "outright communist" as compared to a communist?

What is the evidence of the death wish of the left?

The desire to not kill the people you say need killing?
Australia's Secret War. By Hal Colebatch. [ How unionists sabotaged our troops in World War 11]
How did the left "sabotage the war effort"?

What is an "outright communist" as compared to a communist?

What is the evidence of the death wish of the left?

The desire to not kill the people you say need killing?
Australia's Secret War. By Hal Colebatch. [ How unionists sabotaged our troops in World War 11]

It was the owners who sabotaged the war effort by causing the strikes.

Workers were just victims who greedy scumbags tried to take advantage of because there was a war.

Workers can't live on good intentions. They have to survive as much as any other human, even soldiers.
The result of mass migrations of foreigners is welsh culture too. Just a different mix, and at different times from the rest of Britain. Scotland, Cornwall, Greater London, The North East, The West Country, and East Anglia also have a noticeably different mixture to the rest of Great Britain; Indeed, each town and city has a slightly different culture - and in some cases, fairly small areas have huge differences. North Wales and South Wales have little in common, and it is only in recent years that people in South Wales have started speaking Welsh again, after the Welsh language almost completely died out in that part of the country. In Newcastle, the dialect (which they claim is of English) spoken is incomprehensible to people from the South, and owes more to Old Norse than to Old English, or Norman French. They even use words and phrases that survive today in Denmark and Norway, but not in London. I have met people who live only a few dozen miles from my birthplace whose speech is almost impossible to comprehend.

The Welsh and the Scots have kept a legal border separating them from England; There are no such borders separating Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London, but people from any of those cities have trouble deciphering the speech of people from the other three.

British culture - indeed, just the English part of British culture - is already a patchwork of very different peoples, with differences in language and attitude. Adding a few more disparate groups to the mix is not a particularly big change; nor is it unprecedented.
Yes all true. But in one way or the other they were/are western culture. All assimilated. The followers of the paedophile war lord refuse to assimilate. Islam is not compatible with democracy and western culture!

I don't think you know what 'assimilated' means; by definition, if there is a patchwork of different cultures, they are not assimilated.

Your distinction between 'western culture' (which you agree is in fact a patchwork of different cultures) and everything else, is meaningless nonsense.

There are very large muslim subcultures in a number of British cities who are made up of third and fourth generation British Citizens. There is no 'refusal to assimilate' by Muslims as a whole; it is a product of your paranoia, and exists only in your head. One of the many things that British Muslims have in common with other identifiable British sub-cultures is that they include a small but vocal number of nutters. If they are post-Anglicans living in Essex, they join the BNP, shave their heads, and get swastika tattoos. If they are Muslims living in Leicester, they join radical mosques, chant Islamic slogans on a Friday afternoon, and demand Sharia Law. In both cases, their families are embarrassed for them; their peers find them ridiculous; and their friends feed their silly hatreds.

It sounds to me like they are fitting in very nicely.
Express doesn't have credibility either is what they'll say. Any message that goes against the left ideology can't be true!

The Express doesn't have any credibility; your well-poisoning notwithstanding. When multiple sources agree on something, if one is wrong, then so are the others, by definition. Reality is not decided by majority vote, and it certainly is not decided by a majority vote taken amongst editors of the tabloid press, who long since abandoned any respect for saying what is true, rather than what is simply popular.

Any message that goes against reality can't be true; when left wing ideology coincides with reality, then any message that goes against it really can't be true - not because it conflicts with ideology, but because it conflicts with reality.
Of course, unless the ABC or Al Jazera, SBS or perhaps Fairfax reports it, its just right wing, or for the most part, centre right its all propaganda isn't it?
It was the right that embraced Hitler all over the world.

And the left that was betrayed by despots like Lenin and Stalin.

In no way shape or form is the left top down dictatorship. That is the right.

The left is democracy and more democracy.
The left tried to sabotage the war effort in the 1940's. Most workers unions were outright communists. The far left have an unconscious death wish. They may eventually get their wish under Islamic law one day.

Why would communists wish to sabotage the war effort in the 1940s? Stalin was our ally in the 1940s.
Half a century? Christ on a stick most of these immigrants will be retired by then! Are you saying that a bunch of pensioners will roll across Europe in a slow-moving Blitzkrieg?
I believe you're been deliberately provocative here!

Well I have to be, because 50 years from now being provocative will be outlawed by the Caliph or Europe!

The left tried to sabotage the war effort in the 1940's. Most workers unions were outright communists. The far left have an unconscious death wish. They may eventually get their wish under Islamic law one day.

Why would communists wish to sabotage the war effort in the 1940s? Stalin was our ally in the 1940s.
Well, they were our allies after June of 1941 anyway. Before that Stalin had a non-aggression pact with Hitler. Together they divided up Poland between themselves in September of 1939.
Why would communists wish to sabotage the war effort in the 1940s? Stalin was our ally in the 1940s.
Well, they were our allies after June of 1941 anyway. Before that Stalin had a non-aggression pact with Hitler. Together they divided up Poland between themselves in September of 1939.

Yes, alright, for 85% of the 1940s.

I wasn't too concerned about a 15% mismatch given that the war itself didn't include 45% of the 1940s; and even less so given that the majority of the events described in Angelo's reference occurred between 1942 and 1945.

I will take 'bleeding obvious nitpicks' for 500 please, Alex.
Why would communists wish to sabotage the war effort in the 1940s? Stalin was our ally in the 1940s.
Well, they were our allies after June of 1941 anyway. Before that Stalin had a non-aggression pact with Hitler. Together they divided up Poland between themselves in September of 1939.

Be that as it may, the fact is that these "refugees" from the Middle East are far worse than Hitler AND Stalin combined. Europe is done for, in case you haven't heard. Fifty years from now, Poland will be looking back fondly on the days when all they had to suffer was being divided between Hitler and Stalin.

Because, you know...Muslims.
Well, they were our allies after June of 1941 anyway. Before that Stalin had a non-aggression pact with Hitler. Together they divided up Poland between themselves in September of 1939.

Yes, alright, for 85% of the 1940s.

I wasn't too concerned about a 15% mismatch given that the war itself didn't include 45% of the 1940s; and even less so given that the majority of the events described in Angelo's reference occurred between 1942 and 1945.

I will take 'bleeding obvious nitpicks' for 500 please, Alex.
I wasn't aware of the time period Angelo was referring to. In the US the unions (yes many of the members communist) worked hard to disrupt our efforts to support Britain's war effort until December of 1941. After that, there were still some strikes but Roosevelt kinda squashed most of them, some by threatening to cancel their draft deferments.
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