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Europe submits voluntarily

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700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

In 1948 with the creation of the Democratic State of Israel, there were also over 1 million Jewish refugees expelled from many Arab lands.
Hamas was founded in 1987. Long after the oppression and theft began.

It is a response to oppression and theft.

No oppression for decades, no continual theft for decades, no Hamas.

Hamas is the only Arab government in the entire region with any credibility. The only democratically elected government.

What is clear is Israel is destroying Palestinian lives and stealing Palestinian lands.

If the stealing were not occurring then possibly a person could buy some of Israel's bullshit.

Meh. Look, when Israel was founded all the Jews in neighbouring countries were kicked out of their homes and shipped to Israel. Due to Muslim propaganda Palestinians had fled from their homes. They didn't actually have any reason to fear for their lives. But they thought they did. So Israel had a whole bunch of empty houses that just stood there and also loads of homeless Jewish refugees. So the Jews just moved into the empty Palestinian homes.

Eventually the Palestinians realised that they had nothing to fear and tried returning to their homes. But they were now occupied. So the Israel government asked nicely if the countries who had expelled their Jews wanted to take in the Palestinians. Nope. So Israel was in a bind. They couldn't kick out the Jewish refugees because they weren't welcome anywhere else. So Israel tried to make everybody happy. But the Palestinians weren't having it.

If you look at how the Palestinians have behaved they've been unreasonable from day one. They behave as if they sit on all the power and can dictate how the Jews should behave. Because they identify with the Arab majority in the Levant. But the Arabs in neighbouring countries sure as hell won't identity with the Palestinians. Israel didn't win the six days war because of a miracle. But because the others weren't really trying. While Israel have no reason to kiss Palestinian ass. The Palestinians are basically like Donald Trump. They think everybody loves them, but nobody does.

Everything is connected. There's not a bad side and a good side. The Arabs and Persians around Israel have tried very hard to sabotage Israel all along. Israel has just tried keeping their head down and get on with it.

Add to that Jewish nationalism and the cunt settlers being cunts.

I'm personally backing the Jewish side. Not because I think they're morally in the clear. But because they have a government that actually works. The Palestinian electorate is so hell bent on murdering every single last Jew that I can't see anything good coming of Palestinian power. Not at the moment.

I never thought I would ever agree with you on many topics, but I do 100% on this post.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

In 1948 with the creation of the Democratic State of Israel, there were also over 1 million Jewish refugees expelled from many Arab lands.

What does that have to do with the crimes of Israel?

What does that have to do with decades of oppression of the Palestinians and decades of theft?

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

In 1948 with the creation of the Democratic State of Israel, there were also over 1 million Jewish refugees expelled from many Arab lands.

What does that have to do with the crimes of Israel?

What does that have to do with decades of oppression of the Palestinians and decades of theft?

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

Your strong antisemitism is blinding you the reality of the situation. One can lead a donkey to water, but no way can one make it drink!
What does that have to do with the crimes of Israel?

What does that have to do with decades of oppression of the Palestinians and decades of theft?

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

Your strong antisemitism is blinding you the reality of the situation. One can lead a donkey to water, but no way can one make it drink!

Your bigotry against Palestinians is showing.

There is no crime against them you will not condone.

Israel can steal from them and kill them and oppress them all it wants.

And you are just fine with it.

The continual theft is the key to the situation.

It is a crime and it is clearly what the oppression is all about.
When most of them left there was no war.

Yeah sure.

People just abandoned their homes.

There is nothing too stupid for you to claim in defense of Israeli oppression.

The Arabs urged them to evacuate before the war, Israel urged them to stay. A huge number left. Note that the current Arab population of Israel is the ones who didn't leave.

They need helicopters?!

Does Israel?

They need everything Israel needs.

Helicopters aren't used for law enforcement in third world economies.
Eventually the Palestinians realised that they had nothing to fear and tried returning to their homes. But they were now occupied. So the Israel government asked nicely if the countries who had expelled their Jews wanted to take in the Palestinians. Nope. So Israel was in a bind. They couldn't kick out the Jewish refugees because they weren't welcome anywhere else. So Israel tried to make everybody happy. But the Palestinians weren't having it.

There's another factor here: Israel required that any who were returning would agree to be peaceful, not seek to continue the war. They wouldn't agree. As far as I'm concerned they forfeited anything Israel owed them by doing this.

Add to that Jewish nationalism and the cunt settlers being cunts.

While I agree the settlers are to a fair degree cunts that's actually irrelevant to the issue as the settlers aren't the real issue, just a pretext. The war predates the settlements, thus the settlements can't be the cause of it. (Note, however, that the Palestinians consider all Jewish areas "settlements" even when they are in Israel itself.)

- - - Updated - - -


700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

In 1948 with the creation of the Democratic State of Israel, there were also over 1 million Jewish refugees expelled from many Arab lands.

What does that have to do with the crimes of Israel?

What does that have to do with decades of oppression of the Palestinians and decades of theft?

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

You complained about 700,000 Palestinian refugees. He's pointing out that there were more Jewish refugees (although my understanding was about 900,000) than Palestinian ones and thus the Arabs are more wrong than Israel in this.

- - - Updated - - -

What does that have to do with the crimes of Israel?

What does that have to do with decades of oppression of the Palestinians and decades of theft?

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

Your strong antisemitism is blinding you the reality of the situation. One can lead a donkey to water, but no way can one make it drink!

Your bigotry against Palestinians is showing.

Your bigotry against Jews is showing.

He's simply pointing out that the Arabs are worse offenders than the Jews in the very thing you blamed the Jews for.

There is no crime against them you will not condone.

There is no crime against Jews that you will not condone.
Yeah sure.

People just abandoned their homes.

There is nothing too stupid for you to claim in defense of Israeli oppression.

The Arabs urged them to evacuate before the war, Israel urged them to stay. A huge number left. Note that the current Arab population of Israel is the ones who didn't leave.

Total lie.

What evidence do you base this on? Please provide it or stop telling lies.

They need helicopters?!

Does Israel?

They need everything Israel needs.

Helicopters aren't used for law enforcement in third world economies.

First of all the Palestinians are not third world anything.

They are a people under oppression from a brutal murderous religious state that is stealing from them and has stolen from them for decades.

Again, the key to the whole thing is the non-stop illegal theft.

That is how we know beyond doubt the Israeli government is full of shit.

And when some third party says you can't have anything they have that is oppression.

The Palestinians have the human right to everything Israel has. Jets, tanks, nuclear weapons.

You have no moral arguments.

You merely hate Palestinians and don't think they deserve human rights.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

If Israel had not been stealing land non-stop it would be a slightly possible to believe one word they say.

But with the non-stop criminal theft it is clear what the oppression is all about.

You complained about 700,000 Palestinian refugees. He's pointing out that there were more Jewish refugees (although my understanding was about 900,000) than Palestinian ones and thus the Arabs are more wrong than Israel in this.

The Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with that.

But Israel had everything to do with driving people from their homes at gunpoint and not allowing them to return.

Israel is the party stealing non-stop.

Your argument that the Palestinians and all other Arabs are the same thing is ignorance and bigotry.

He's simply pointing out that the Arabs are worse offenders than the Jews in the very thing you blamed the Jews for.

That is an issue between Jews and the nations that kicked them out.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinians who are victims of Israeli brutality and theft.

There is no crime against them you will not condone.

There is no crime against Jews that you will not condone.

I don't condone it but it has absolutely nothing to do with the victims of Israeli oppression and theft.

This argument that the Palestinians are somehow responsible for the actions of others is ignorance and bigotry.

This is between the religious state of Israel and the Palestinians that they oppress and murder.

Nobody else.
Total lie.

What evidence do you base this on? Please provide it or stop telling lies.

They need helicopters?!

Does Israel?

They need everything Israel needs.

Helicopters aren't used for law enforcement in third world economies.

First of all the Palestinians are not third world anything.

They are a people under oppression from a brutal murderous religious state that is stealing from them and has stolen from them for decades.

Again, the key to the whole thing is the non-stop illegal theft.

That is how we know beyond doubt the Israeli government is full of shit.

And when some third party says you can't have anything they have that is oppression.

The Palestinians have the human right to everything Israel has. Jets, tanks, nuclear weapons.

You have no moral arguments.

You merely hate Palestinians and don't think they deserve human rights.

You sir are an ignorant idiot that knows fuck all about what constitutes human rights, which are not a one way right of Arab terrorist only. Israeli/Jews also have human rights and to exist. I'm betting you also have a copy of Mein Kampf handy as that is is the second biggest [after Quran] selling book in Gaza and other antisemitic despotic states.

Click on this link and enlighten yourself because you're coming across as a reincarnation of a Goebbels or a Hitler!.................................... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10229/new-hamas-charter
Total lie.

What evidence do you base this on? Please provide it or stop telling lies.

Helicopters aren't used for law enforcement in third world economies.

First of all the Palestinians are not third world anything.

They are a people under oppression from a brutal murderous religious state that is stealing from them and has stolen from them for decades.

Again, the key to the whole thing is the non-stop illegal theft.

That is how we know beyond doubt the Israeli government is full of shit.

And when some third party says you can't have anything they have that is oppression.

The Palestinians have the human right to everything Israel has. Jets, tanks, nuclear weapons.

You have no moral arguments.

You merely hate Palestinians and don't think they deserve human rights.

You sir are an ignorant idiot that knows fuck all about what constitutes human rights, which are not a one way right of Arab terrorist only. Israeli/Jews also have human rights and to exist. I'm betting you also have a copy of Mein Kampf handy as that is is the second biggest [after Quran] selling book in Gaza and other antisemitic despotic states.

Click on this link and enlighten yourself because you're coming across as a reincarnation of a Goebbels or a Hitler!.................................... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10229/new-hamas-charter

Hamas is a reaction to years of oppression and brutality.

Hamas is what you get when you oppress and brutalize people.

Again, the key is the non-stop theft of land.

That is what the oppression is all about.
Total lie.

What evidence do you base this on? Please provide it or stop telling lies.

Easy enough to find with Google:


They need helicopters?!

Does Israel?

They need everything Israel needs.

Helicopters aren't used for law enforcement in third world economies.

First of all the Palestinians are not third world anything.

Per capita GDP: $6,100. That's between Iraq and Bhutan. Third world levels.
The Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with that.

The Palestinians aren't separate from the Arabs that did do it.

He's simply pointing out that the Arabs are worse offenders than the Jews in the very thing you blamed the Jews for.

That is an issue between Jews and the nations that kicked them out.

And the fighting is likewise at the behest of those nations.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinians who are victims of Israeli brutality and theft.

They're the victims of the Arabs that want to use them as cannon fodder.

Not an unbiased source.

The causes are also a subject of fundamental disagreement between historians. Factors involved in the exodus include Jewish military advances, destruction of Arab villages, psychological warfare, and fears of another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre,[7]:239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; direct expulsion orders by Israeli authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes;[8] collapse in Palestinian leadership and Arab evacuation orders;[9][10] and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control.[11][dubious – discuss][12]


People fled because they were afraid.

They didn't flee because the king of the Arabs told them to.

Every single one that was forbidden to return to their home was a crime.

First of all the Palestinians are not third world anything.

Per capita GDP: $6,100. That's between Iraq and Bhutan. Third world levels.

People under oppression are not classified.

Let the Palestinians have everything the Israelis have and see what world they are.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinians who are victims of Israeli brutality and theft.

They're the victims of the Arabs that want to use them as cannon fodder.

The Arabs are not forbidding them from having a military that can defend themselves from any aggression from their neighbors.

The Arabs are not stealing land non-stop.

The crime that occurs from Palestinians is the result of oppression and the lack of the Palestinians to have the same rights as Israel.

When some other nation is taking away your natural rights to defend yourself from them that is called oppression.
The Palestinians aren't separate from the Arabs that did do it.

Total ignorance.

Total blind bigotry.

No. The Palestinians are not the same thing as all Arabs who oppose the violent intruder Israel.

Your bigotry and hatred blinds you and it is clear to others.
You sir are an ignorant idiot that knows fuck all about what constitutes human rights, which are not a one way right of Arab terrorist only. Israeli/Jews also have human rights and to exist. I'm betting you also have a copy of Mein Kampf handy as that is is the second biggest [after Quran] selling book in Gaza and other antisemitic despotic states.

Click on this link and enlighten yourself because you're coming across as a reincarnation of a Goebbels or a Hitler!.................................... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10229/new-hamas-charter

Hamas is a reaction to years of oppression and brutality.

Hamas is what you get when you oppress and brutalize people.

Again, the key is the non-stop theft of land.

That is what the oppression is all about.

The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.
This thread is about Europe submitting to the Islamic hordes invading it with the encouragement of leftists European regimes, not Israel or the Middle East!.

But the Middle East does prove one point. Wherever the followers of the terrorist, so-called prophet dwell, whether it's in a majority Muslim country, or as a minority [for now] in a Western Democratic country, violence and death follows surely as day follows night!
You sir are an ignorant idiot that knows fuck all about what constitutes human rights, which are not a one way right of Arab terrorist only. Israeli/Jews also have human rights and to exist. I'm betting you also have a copy of Mein Kampf handy as that is is the second biggest [after Quran] selling book in Gaza and other antisemitic despotic states.

Click on this link and enlighten yourself because you're coming across as a reincarnation of a Goebbels or a Hitler!.................................... https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10229/new-hamas-charter

Hamas is a reaction to years of oppression and brutality.

Hamas is what you get when you oppress and brutalize people.

Again, the key is the non-stop theft of land.

That is what the oppression is all about.

The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

The oppression is the cause of the resistance to it.

The oppression must end before the resistance to it can end.

You are living in some delusion.

The non-stop theft of land is the key to the whole situation. It is why the oppression goes on and on.
This thread is about Europe submitting to the Islamic hordes invading it with the encouragement of leftists European regimes, not Israel or the Middle East!.

No such thing is happening.

Europe is doing what humans do. They are welcoming the newcomers.

You don't want them to welcome anybody for some sick reason, some inner sick overgrown hatred and fear of the other. It is pathological. You can't help yourself. You are controlled by fear and hatreds. Consumed by them.

So you want us to focus on the 0.01% and ignore the 99.99%. You show your stupidity when you talk about about hoards but only can find problems with 0.01% of the people coming in. Crime exists in Europe beyond these fleeing Muslims.

You for some sick reason only care about the bad and ignore all the good.

Societies are better when they are diverse.

You are somebody to be shunned. Somebody to be told to sit down and shut up. You are spewing ignorant hatred as twisted humans tend to do.
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