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Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

And just like Christianity and Judaism it is rooted in delusion.

And it makes people just as bad as Christians and Jews that really believe their nonsense.

It makes people as bad as the Christians in the US that slaughtered the natives and enslaves millions and who invade nations and begin to round up innocent people to torture when the going gets tough.

It makes people as bad as Jews in Israel that oppress millions and kill and torture and rape the innocent for decades.

You antisemitism is noted. Perhaps a reading up on the history of that part of the world and in particularly about the only democracy among a sea of despots and theocracies is in order!

You have made no rational comment.

You have no rational comments.

Just prejudice and ignorance.

You ignore Christian violence, a mad Christian president who attacks the innocent because his Christian god wanted it and Jewish violence that has been ongoing for decades nonstop and for some strange reason you can only see Muslim violence.

Prejudice, ignorance and blindness describes your "position".

According to your ideology and pro Islamic stance, even if Israel were to do nothing at all to defend themselves from constant terrorist attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah , you'd find fault in the Israeli stance! How dare the Israelis defend themselves!
Decades of nonstop Israeli oppression theft and attacks of the innocent created Palestinian resistance against Israel.

Oppressive nations reap what they sow.

Immoral humans excuse the oppression.

How can anyone who excuses Israeli violent oppression for decades have any credibility on any issue?

It is insanity to believe Israel is just trying to get along as it steals land continually.

Only the most corrupted by their prejudices could think a nation that oppresses, attacks over and over, and steals land for decades is not the problem.
Decades of nonstop Israeli oppression theft and attacks of the innocent created Palestinian resistance against Israel.

Oppressive nations reap what they sow.

Immoral humans excuse the oppression.

How can anyone who excuses Israeli violent oppression for decades have any credibility on any issue?

It is insanity to believe Israel is just trying to get along as it steals land continually.

Only the most corrupted by their prejudices could think a nation that oppresses, attacks over and over, and steals land for decades is not the problem.

How can anyone who supports terrorism have any credibility on any issue?

And note who attacks over and over--the Palestinians.
Every second under Israeli oppression is an attack.

Oppression causes some to act violently.

But moral people condemn the oppression.
Every second under Israeli oppression is an attack.

Oppression causes some to act violently.

But moral people condemn the oppression.

Moral people don't make up fiction about what's going on.

Like denial of clear oppression?

A people denied the rights of statehood by an oppressive nation.

A people stolen from for decades by a greedy nation.

A sick deluded nation thinking some god cares about their greed and blood lust.
Every second under Israeli oppression is an attack.

Oppression causes some to act violently.

But moral people condemn the oppression.

Moral people don't make up fiction about what's going on.

Like denial of clear oppression?

A people denied the rights of statehood by an oppressive nation.

A people stolen from for decades by a greedy nation.

A sick deluded nation thinking some god cares about their greed and blood lust.

The Arab people you claim are oppressed, in all likelihood do want to live and let live. But that doesn't suit the leaderships of Hamas, Hezbolah and the Palestinians led by at first Yasser Arafat, and his successor Abbas. They've been offered their own state on many, many occasions. The most generous were under the Clinton Administration at Camp David, where the Israeli government were prepared to meet more than 90% of Arafat's demands. Each one of the offers were rejected by the Arabs. I refuse to call them " Palestinians" because before 1948 there were no such thing as Palestinians.
Furthermore, the Arabs you claim are oppressed who live in Israel and are Israeli citizens have far more freedom and better way of life than most other Arabs who live anywhere else. They are also members of the Knesset!
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

Hamas was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So Sunni Islam. Since it's inception it's been funded by Syria and Iran. Syria was/is run by a Alawite (ie Shia Muslim) dictator and Iran is Shia.

Hamas is a tool created by the countries around Israel to destabilise Israel. It's just real-politik. If you manage to defend Hamas you are a lunatic. The fact that Palestinians voted for them in 2006 in a free and fair election means that the Palestinian authority isn't working and the Palestinian people have zero interest in a peaceful solution.

I'm not saying Israel are little angels... but some perspective here. I'm amazed Israel still tolerates Palestinian self rule. They've demonstrated that they're not willing or able to govern themselves responsibly.

I also think the Israelis are dicks. I don't see a good side and a bad side here. It's just a fucking mess.
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

Hamas was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So Sunni Islam. Since it's inception it's been funded by Syria and Iran. Syria was/is run by a Alawite (ie Shia Muslim) dictator and Iran is Shia.

Hamas was founded in 1987. Long after the oppression and theft began.

It is a response to oppression and theft.

No oppression for decades, no continual theft for decades, no Hamas.

Hamas is the only Arab government in the entire region with any credibility. The only democratically elected government.

What is clear is Israel is destroying Palestinian lives and stealing Palestinian lands.

If the stealing were not occurring then possibly a person could buy some of Israel's bullshit.
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

Hamas was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So Sunni Islam. Since it's inception it's been funded by Syria and Iran. Syria was/is run by a Alawite (ie Shia Muslim) dictator and Iran is Shia.

Hamas was founded in 1987. Long after the oppression and theft began.

It is a response to oppression and theft.

No oppression for decades, no continual theft for decades, no Hamas.

Hamas is the only Arab government in the entire region with any credibility. The only democratically elected government.

What is clear is Israel is destroying Palestinian lives and stealing Palestinian lands.

If the stealing were not occurring then possibly a person could buy some of Israel's bullshit.

Meh. Look, when Israel was founded all the Jews in neighbouring countries were kicked out of their homes and shipped to Israel. Due to Muslim propaganda Palestinians had fled from their homes. They didn't actually have any reason to fear for their lives. But they thought they did. So Israel had a whole bunch of empty houses that just stood there and also loads of homeless Jewish refugees. So the Jews just moved into the empty Palestinian homes.

Eventually the Palestinians realised that they had nothing to fear and tried returning to their homes. But they were now occupied. So the Israel government asked nicely if the countries who had expelled their Jews wanted to take in the Palestinians. Nope. So Israel was in a bind. They couldn't kick out the Jewish refugees because they weren't welcome anywhere else. So Israel tried to make everybody happy. But the Palestinians weren't having it.

If you look at how the Palestinians have behaved they've been unreasonable from day one. They behave as if they sit on all the power and can dictate how the Jews should behave. Because they identify with the Arab majority in the Levant. But the Arabs in neighbouring countries sure as hell won't identity with the Palestinians. Israel didn't win the six days war because of a miracle. But because the others weren't really trying. While Israel have no reason to kiss Palestinian ass. The Palestinians are basically like Donald Trump. They think everybody loves them, but nobody does.

Everything is connected. There's not a bad side and a good side. The Arabs and Persians around Israel have tried very hard to sabotage Israel all along. Israel has just tried keeping their head down and get on with it.

Add to that Jewish nationalism and the cunt settlers being cunts.

I'm personally backing the Jewish side. Not because I think they're morally in the clear. But because they have a government that actually works. The Palestinian electorate is so hell bent on murdering every single last Jew that I can't see anything good coming of Palestinian power. Not at the moment.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.
Every second under Israeli oppression is an attack.

Oppression causes some to act violently.

But moral people condemn the oppression.

Moral people don't make up fiction about what's going on.

Like denial of clear oppression?

A people denied the rights of statehood by an oppressive nation.

A people stolen from for decades by a greedy nation.

A sick deluded nation thinking some god cares about their greed and blood lust.

You realize the primary oppression is coming from the Arabs, not from Israel?

It's the Arabs that denied the Palestinians statehood. It's the Arabs that ensured they remained in refugee camps.
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

The Palestinians knowingly ran the clock out. A two state solution is utterly unacceptable to them.

- - - Updated - - -

Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

Hamas was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So Sunni Islam. Since it's inception it's been funded by Syria and Iran. Syria was/is run by a Alawite (ie Shia Muslim) dictator and Iran is Shia.

Hamas was founded in 1987. Long after the oppression and theft began.

It is a response to oppression and theft.

No oppression for decades, no continual theft for decades, no Hamas.

Hamas is the only Arab government in the entire region with any credibility. The only democratically elected government.

What is clear is Israel is destroying Palestinian lives and stealing Palestinian lands.

If the stealing were not occurring then possibly a person could buy some of Israel's bullshit.

But the Palestine Liberation Organization existed. Putting a new face on the terrorists doesn't mean there wasn't terrorism before.

- - - Updated - - -

The Palestinian electorate is so hell bent on murdering every single last Jew that I can't see anything good coming of Palestinian power. Not at the moment.

I'm not sure the electorate is. Their leaders certainly are, though. I think the electorate is mostly deluded about the true situation rather than actively seeking to kill all Jews.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

Note: "not permitted to return"--most were not expelled, but left of their own accord and were not allowed to return when they sided with Israel's enemies. At least that many Jews were expelled and not permitted to return home--yet you don't care. It's just Israel incorporated them rather than oppressing them to use as cannon fodder in the war so we don't keep hearing about them.

And the areas that were to become Israel were already majority-Jewish before anybody was kicked out.
Like denial of clear oppression?

A people denied the rights of statehood by an oppressive nation.

A people stolen from for decades by a greedy nation.

A sick deluded nation thinking some god cares about their greed and blood lust.

You realize the primary oppression is coming from the Arabs, not from Israel?


It is ALL coming from Israeli oppression.

That is why the Palestinians do not have a State. Because Israel will not allow it. The only state Israel will allow is one that is shattered by illegal Israeli settlements.

It is why the Palestinians can't secure their borders. They are not permitted by their oppressor, not other Arabs, to have a military sufficient to secure their borders.

They can't hunt criminals because they are not allowed to have helicopters. Forbidden by their oppressor.

The sick game carried out by Israel can only fool very stupid people.

You oppress people and do not allow them to create a civil society.

Then when lawlessness prevails as it will always prevail under oppression you blame the oppressed for the lawlessness.

The US does the same thing in it's many slums under the name of the drug war.

Only a very stupid person can't see it.

Only a very sick nation would do it.

700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

Note: "not permitted to return"--most were not expelled, but left of their own accord and were not allowed to return when they sided with Israel's enemies. At least that many Jews were expelled and not permitted to return home--yet you don't care. It's just Israel incorporated them rather than oppressing them to use as cannon fodder in the war so we don't keep hearing about them.

And the areas that were to become Israel were already majority-Jewish before anybody was kicked out.

They left because there was a war.

Not letting people return to their homes after a war is over is a crime.

It is massive theft.

And you condone every bit of it.

There is no crime you will not condone as long as it is carried out by Israel.
Like denial of clear oppression?

A people denied the rights of statehood by an oppressive nation.

A people stolen from for decades by a greedy nation.

A sick deluded nation thinking some god cares about their greed and blood lust.

You realize the primary oppression is coming from the Arabs, not from Israel?


Saying "insanity" doesn't make it true.

It is ALL coming from Israeli oppression.

So Israel controls the governments of the Arab nations around it?!

That is why the Palestinians do not have a State. Because Israel will not allow it. The only state Israel will allow is one that is shattered by illegal Israeli settlements.

1948-1967, Gaza. Egypt occupied it so the Palestinians couldn't have a state. Is Egypt Israel?
1948-1967, the West Bank. Jordan occupied it so the Palestinians couldn't have a state. Is Jordan Israel?

Jordan recently stripped citizenship from many Palestinians in order to sure they had no options. Is Jordan Israel?

It is why the Palestinians can't secure their borders. They are not permitted by their oppressor, not other Arabs, to have a military sufficient to secure their borders.

They wouldn't need to secure their borders if they would quit attacking all the time.

They can't hunt criminals because they are not allowed to have helicopters. Forbidden by their oppressor.

They need helicopters?!

The sick game carried out by Israel can only fool very stupid people.

The sick game carried out by the Arabs can fool plenty of people.

You oppress people and do not allow them to create a civil society.

They had a reasonably civil society--Hamas couldn't stand their people having peace as an option to they launched the second intifada. That's when their society went to shit, exactly as Hamas intended.

Then when lawlessness prevails as it will always prevail under oppression you blame the oppressed for the lawlessness.

The Palestinian territories aren't lawless.

- - - Updated - - -


700,000 Palestinians were not permitted to return to their homes.

A huge crime.

Done so that a fake majority of Jews could turn Israel into a sick religious state and so a fake majority of Jews could claim Israel was a democracy.

Note: "not permitted to return"--most were not expelled, but left of their own accord and were not allowed to return when they sided with Israel's enemies. At least that many Jews were expelled and not permitted to return home--yet you don't care. It's just Israel incorporated them rather than oppressing them to use as cannon fodder in the war so we don't keep hearing about them.

And the areas that were to become Israel were already majority-Jewish before anybody was kicked out.

They left because there was a war.

Not letting people return to their homes after a war is over is a crime.

It is massive theft.

And you condone every bit of it.

There is no crime you will not condone as long as it is carried out by Israel.

When most of them left there was no war.
Hamas is something created by Israeli oppression.

It is an outgrowth of oppression.

To claim the oppression cannot stop because it produces bad people is insanity.

The most serious negotiations took place at the Taba Summit.


But Israel walked out before anything was finalized.

And then we get GW and 911 which Israel like the US uses as an excuse to increases it's oppression and violence and Israel stops negotiating entirely.

Hamas was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So Sunni Islam. Since it's inception it's been funded by Syria and Iran. Syria was/is run by a Alawite (ie Shia Muslim) dictator and Iran is Shia.

Hamas was founded in 1987. Long after the oppression and theft began.

It is a response to oppression and theft.

No oppression for decades, no continual theft for decades, no Hamas.

Hamas is the only Arab government in the entire region with any credibility. The only democratically elected government.

What is clear is Israel is destroying Palestinian lives and stealing Palestinian lands.

If the stealing were not occurring then possibly a person could buy some of Israel's bullshit.

My gawd, but you're completely delusional! Are you implying that the Israeli government, whom I may add, actually has some elected Arab MP's as members in their government is a dictatorship whilst Hamas is a democratically elected government? Tell me, are you also strong follower of the racist ranting of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf?
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