One can look at a glass 99.99/100 full and say it is empty.
This is of course only one side of the immigration story.
There are many many good things that come from people being exposed to different cultures.
This is good for the immigrants and the people they are now surrounded by.
The whole thing is mostly good and in a generation it will be really good. Many flowers will bloom.
Of course there are going to be scattered individual problems from people that have been severely traumatized by war.
Those that focus on these scattered cases and ignore all the good have ulterior motives and an agenda.
They are not honest people.
They are the kinds of people you should not associate with.
Those that continually say we must hate and keep out the other because they are different and defective should be ignored. They are insane.
What a load of hogwash! Most North Africans or Iraqis, Lebanese, etc aren't at war with anyone, and the term "Traumatized" is pure bullshit! If their countries of origin are at war, why don't these mostly male, young strong men, or seekers of the best welfare states stay home to defend their women and children?
Your inhumanity is noted.
Once again.
Your ilk is a problem. Has always been a problem.
Blind hatred of the other is ignorance and stupidity.
So you're admitting that they're not traumatised at all, they're just economic immigrants right?
By the way, most EU nations are now saying NO MORE! But it's too late, the horse has bolted.