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Europe submits voluntarily

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One can look at a glass 99.99/100 full and say it is empty.

This is of course only one side of the immigration story.

There are many many good things that come from people being exposed to different cultures.

This is good for the immigrants and the people they are now surrounded by.

The whole thing is mostly good and in a generation it will be really good. Many flowers will bloom.

Of course there are going to be scattered individual problems from people that have been severely traumatized by war.

Those that focus on these scattered cases and ignore all the good have ulterior motives and an agenda.

They are not honest people.

They are the kinds of people you should not associate with.

Those that continually say we must hate and keep out the other because they are different and defective should be ignored. They are insane.

What a load of hogwash! Most North Africans or Iraqis, Lebanese, etc aren't at war with anyone, and the term "Traumatized" is pure bullshit! If their countries of origin are at war, why don't these mostly male, young strong men, or seekers of the best welfare states stay home to defend their women and children?

Your inhumanity is noted.

Once again.

Your ilk is a problem. Has always been a problem.

Blind hatred of the other is ignorance and stupidity.

So you're admitting that they're not traumatised at all, they're just economic immigrants right?
By the way, most EU nations are now saying NO MORE! But it's too late, the horse has bolted.
So you're admitting that they're not traumatised at all, they're just economic immigrants right?
By the way, most EU nations are now saying NO MORE! But it's too late, the horse has bolted.

It is possible to be traumatized by economic situations.

Go without food for a while and tell me if you're distressed.
So you're admitting that they're not traumatised at all, they're just economic immigrants right?
By the way, most EU nations are now saying NO MORE! But it's too late, the horse has bolted.

It is possible to be traumatized by economic situations.

Go without food for a while and tell me if you're distressed.

Going without food is one thing, but going without a cellphone? They all have one!

More proof if anymore was needed, that Europe has already submitted! .....................................https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/272105/political-turmoil-grips-sweden-joseph-puder
Not only do most of them have one, but it's the latest upmarket devices!


The opposite is evidence.

Have you explained yet why these mostly strong, healthy looking muzzie males don't stay back in their countries of origin and fight ISSIS, or Jihadi terrorism they claim they're running from?

- - - Updated - - -

In case you missed it earlier in the year.

Another example of some of the crap the world has to put up with.

What a dreadful abuse of hospitality and privilege.
So proud of the actions of the orchestra.
Just another example of a Muslim doing his cause no good at all.

When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light.
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam.
The guest Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeded to give the Queen a lecture on the "beauty" of Islam.
The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their Queen.
The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage, and after questioning, out of the building.
Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland.
Watch the walk out.
Bet you didn't see this on your local news.
Here's the link

German CDU chose Merkel's Mini-Me as her successor as party chief.
AKK victory exposes rift among Germany’s Christian Democrats
Her name is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, but that's a mouthful, so AKK is often used.
FT said:
AKK, as she is universally known, beat two conservatives, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn, in an election that boiled down to a contest between two competing visions of the CDU’s future. Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer is committed to Ms Merkel’s moderate, pragmatic course, while Messrs Spahn and Merz wanted to shift the CDU to the right.

The Muslim mass migrants still streaming into Europe should rejoice.

In other mass migration news, a ring of rapefugees was uncovered in Finland.
Police warn of online predators as suspected sex abuse cases uncovered in Oulu
YLE said:
Police are currently investigating three separate cases where migrant men are suspected of sexually abusing children in Oulu.
In one case, a group of men is suspected of sexually exploiting a girl between 10-14 years for a period of several months. The abuse took place in private residences in Oulu. Seven men have been arrested for assault, aggravated sexual abuse of a child and aggravated rape, however no charges have yet been laid.

Who wants to bet these rapefugees will get a slap on the wrist and will not even be deported because the government/courts think their countries are "too dangerous"?
Not only do most of them have one, but it's the latest upmarket devices!


The opposite is evidence.

Have you explained yet why these mostly strong, healthy looking muzzie males don't stay back in their countries of origin and fight ISSIS, or Jihadi terrorism they claim they're running from?

- - - Updated - - -

In case you missed it earlier in the year.

Another example of some of the crap the world has to put up with.

What a dreadful abuse of hospitality and privilege.
So proud of the actions of the orchestra.
Just another example of a Muslim doing his cause no good at all.

When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light.
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam.
The guest Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeded to give the Queen a lecture on the "beauty" of Islam.
The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their Queen.
The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage, and after questioning, out of the building.
Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland.
Watch the walk out.
Bet you didn't see this on your local news.
Here's the link


That is really crazy. Wow.

However, Seems to be that he has at root some sort of mental illness (or a brain lobe disorder) that is not related to religion, but to the sense of importance or urgency. Something like a Messiah complex. I could as easily see a member of a sect of any major religion with whatever issue that this conductor has doing a similar thing.

This is different from large masses of normal-ish people falling into a religion as a group effect, even one as dumb and toxic as Islam.
The original video is at least as old as 2012:

Ha, you could have gone to this website for what seems to be what happened:


A serial interrupter nutcase, who likely can't hold a job got up on stage and did his nutcase thing. This time with an Islamic flair.

Anyway, again, this is unrelated to what Islam will do to large groups of normalish people in comparison to what Christianity does.
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

And just like Christianity and Judaism it is rooted in delusion.

And it makes people just as bad as Christians and Jews that really believe their nonsense.

It makes people as bad as the Christians in the US that slaughtered the natives and enslaves millions and who invade nations and begin to round up innocent people to torture when the going gets tough.

It makes people as bad as Jews in Israel that oppress millions and kill and torture and rape the innocent for decades.
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

Meh, current Islam is just as much shaped by being under the thumb of the Mongols for a couple of hundred years, as well as being under the thumb of Christian colonialists. Religions aren't constant monolithic constants. They keep changing to fit the times. The conceit of all religion is that they are the eternal keepers of tradition and never change.

But any moron can quickly figure out that that certainly hasn't been true for the dominant religion of wherever they are living. So why would it be for any other?
That doesn't change my comment at all.

The main point is that Islam and Christianity and Judaism are all insane beliefs and the people that believe them do very harmful things to their fellow man in the name of their religion.

GW said his god told him to attack Iraq.

He was and probably still is a fundamentalist nutjob that had no morality or sense.
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

What are you smoking?!?!

Ever wonder why Islam considers Mecca their holiest city?

Their only interest in Israel is that they destroyed a major Jewish temple there and put a mosque in place of it. It's a symbol of conquest, not where they came from!
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

What are you smoking?!?!

Ever wonder why Islam considers Mecca their holiest city?

Their only interest in Israel is that they destroyed a major Jewish temple there and put a mosque in place of it. It's a symbol of conquest, not where they came from!

Where did Mohammad allegedly ascend to the heavens from?

That is where reality ends and religion begins.

And of course this is all delusion.

No god gave anything to any Jews.

And the Jews of today have nothing to do with the Jews of thousands of years ago.

Any child can learn Hebrew.
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

What are you smoking?!?!

Ever wonder why Islam considers Mecca their holiest city?

Their only interest in Israel is that they destroyed a major Jewish temple there and put a mosque in place of it. It's a symbol of conquest, not where they came from!

Muslims did not destroy any Jewish temples in Israel. It was the Romans that destroyed the temples and exiled the Jews from Israel.

When Muslims conquered Jerusalem they allowed Jews to resettle and worship freely.
Angelo, are you going to admit you bought into a serious, malicious misrepresentation of the Muslim being a conductor instead of a lone nutcase?
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

And just like Christianity and Judaism it is rooted in delusion.

And it makes people just as bad as Christians and Jews that really believe their nonsense.

It makes people as bad as the Christians in the US that slaughtered the natives and enslaves millions and who invade nations and begin to round up innocent people to torture when the going gets tough.

It makes people as bad as Jews in Israel that oppress millions and kill and torture and rape the innocent for decades.

You antisemitism is noted. Perhaps a reading up on the history of that part of the world and in particularly about the only democracy among a sea of despots and theocracies is in order!
Angelo, are you going to admit you bought into a serious, malicious misrepresentation of the Muslim being a conductor instead of a lone nutcase?

The members of the orchestra staged a walkout nevertheless. But my source was not Jihadwatch, and that's the first time I've seen it from that angle.
Nobody argues that Islam is not a monotheistic religion originating in what is now called Israel.

And just like Christianity and Judaism it is rooted in delusion.

And it makes people just as bad as Christians and Jews that really believe their nonsense.

It makes people as bad as the Christians in the US that slaughtered the natives and enslaves millions and who invade nations and begin to round up innocent people to torture when the going gets tough.

It makes people as bad as Jews in Israel that oppress millions and kill and torture and rape the innocent for decades.

You antisemitism is noted. Perhaps a reading up on the history of that part of the world and in particularly about the only democracy among a sea of despots and theocracies is in order!

You have made no rational comment.

You have no rational comments.

Just prejudice and ignorance.

You ignore Christian violence, a mad Christian president who attacks the innocent because his Christian god wanted it and Jewish violence that has been ongoing for decades nonstop and for some strange reason you can only see Muslim violence.

Prejudice, ignorance and blindness describes your "position".
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