I suppose it's because of US terrorism that millions of Sub Saharan Africans are flooding into Europe, and further Central and Southern Americans are flooding into the US itself?
It was European terrorism that tore apart Africa. And probably people are fleeing other people with either US or Russian weapons.
South America has been a US capitalist feeding zone for decades.
Corrupt governments that sell out their people so the US can come in and exploit labor and resources.
If you resisted you were attacked.
In Chile the US removed the elected government. In Nicaragua they created a terrorist proxy Army to do the same. The US attacked Cuba over and over. It invaded Guatemala and Haiti over and over.
Resist and you will be attacked. And all we will allow you are corrupt governments that serve the US.
Why has capitalism not saved South and Central America from massive poverty and deprivation?
Because US capitalism is the cause.
No, you're way out of line here. The troubles of Central, including Mexico and South America has been caused solely by incompetent, corrupt or socialist dictatorial regimes. America has had nothing to do with it except try to introduce democracy to some of these tin pot states. As the world's policeman has a right to at least try to enforce some decency and capitalism which would better the inhabitants standard of living for all, not just the dictators and their henchmen!