The Bible and Koran are pretty much interchangeable.
So you've read both of them, then?
I've read all holy texts from any religion alive or dead I've managed to find. I've read several translations of both the Bible and the Koran. What can I say... I like to laugh a lot. These books are a hoot. And I read fast. My favourite religions are the mediterranean pagan religions.
My take away is that all religious texts regardless of religion are pretty interchangeable. There's a few common themes in them. That's all religious texts of all religions. One, they all have some absurdly specific thing they lash out against that makes no sense outside context and which doesn't fit the rest of the text. Another is that they all harp on about the importance of forgiveness. Revenge may be justified, but is usually a waste of time. They all focus on the importance of taking some time out of your day for meditation/introspection/prayer. Which is some actually good advice. They talk about the importance of celebrating things now and again, for no real reason other than just to celebrate together. And that's about it. Whenever any religion talks about God it always stops making sense, and is always suspiciously vague on the details. And of course the stuff about the afterlife is of course grade A bullshit. How could they possibly know?
Their you have it. A short summary of every religion humanity has ever devised. All pretty similar.