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Europe submits voluntarily

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We can analyse how likely that is to happen. Which is zero percent likelihood.
"How likely it is to happen"? You say that like this is a hypothetical about the future. People in European ghettos have already been forced to pay for being Christian.

Could you provide a credible source for that claim? I can't seem to find a single source. Even among well-known islamophobic fear-mongering sites, the closest I closest I can find to this proposition is folks calling welfare claims by Muslims in Western countries "a modern form of jizya".
In any event, you appear to be equivocating between "Sharia" and "Sharia courts". Once a neighborhood has gone 90% Muslim and non-criminals are more intimidated by the local street gang than criminals are by the threat of prosecution, when the local street gang starts imposing sharia-like rules in order to feel righteous about its power, and collecting jizya from non-Muslims, and beating up the non-compliant, the circumstance that there won't actually be any Sharia court holding judicial proceedings, just Islamist thugs dispensing justice on the spot as they see fit, will not retroactively make a local inhabitant's fear of sharia irrational. The court is an irrelevance; the enforcement is what matters.

Uh, no, the courts are not irrelevant. The obvious difference between the two is that a court has legal authority and legitimate force to back it up. Street thugs, Muslim or not, don't. And since European countries have laws prohibiting this sort of behavior, the picture you are painting of Muslims running around willy nilly, imposing sharia on hapless innocents without sanction, reeks of paranoia and bullshit. What next? You gonna start repeating the right-wing canard about "no-go zones?"

So on top of Jokodo's request for evidence of this supposed jizya, you need to come up with some kind of credible evidence that the scenario you're outlining is actually plausible.
Jayjay said:
Politely turn them away at the border. "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

So you propose giving up due process?

Can it get any more anti Western values?
Due process for what? Nobody is charging the would-be immigrants with a crime. If they don't have necessary qualifications to enter, they are free to go and pursue opportunities elsewhere. As to what those qualifications might be, it's really up to them to prove that they need asylum, for example.
Keep in mind you're talking to a guy who never locks his car and front door because that denies due process to others, who must be presumed to have the right to enter until proven not to.

A country is not like a private home and car. Although it may make me an asshole, I'm perfectly entitled to kick out guests at my home I don't like the color of their socks. An individual is not bound by the prohibition of arbitrariness, the state is. No-one has a right to be enter my house unless I explicitly grant them that right, which I'm entitled to do on an entirely arbitrary basis. Whether or not an individual is allowed to enter a state, or is to be granted any other right, is a decision that must be based on facts.

Indeed. And the decision to treat some individuals one way and some another is the fact that some are citizens and some are not.

Citizens have a right to their country. Non-citizens do not.
Jayjay said:
Politely turn them away at the border. "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

So you propose giving up due process?

Can it get any more anti Western values?
Due process for what? Nobody is charging the would-be immigrants with a crime. If they don't have necessary qualifications to enter, they are free to go and pursue opportunities elsewhere. As to what those qualifications might be, it's really up to them to prove that they need asylum, for example.
Keep in mind you're talking to a guy who never locks his car and front door because that denies due process to others, who must be presumed to have the right to enter until proven not to.

A country is not like a private home and car. Although it may make me an asshole, I'm perfectly entitled to kick out guests at my home I don't like the color of their socks. An individual is not bound by the prohibition of arbitrariness, the state is. No-one has a right to be enter my house unless I explicitly grant them that right, which I'm entitled to do on an entirely arbitrary basis. Whether or not an individual is allowed to enter a state, or is to be granted any other right, is a decision that must be based on facts.

Indeed. And the decision to treat some individuals one way and some another is the fact that some are citizens and some are not.

Citizens have a right to their country. Non-citizens do not.

If a nation expresses that it respects human rights then it treats all humans the same.
Jayjay said:
Politely turn them away at the border. "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

So you propose giving up due process?

Can it get any more anti Western values?
Due process for what? Nobody is charging the would-be immigrants with a crime. If they don't have necessary qualifications to enter, they are free to go and pursue opportunities elsewhere. As to what those qualifications might be, it's really up to them to prove that they need asylum, for example.
Keep in mind you're talking to a guy who never locks his car and front door because that denies due process to others, who must be presumed to have the right to enter until proven not to.

A country is not like a private home and car. Although it may make me an asshole, I'm perfectly entitled to kick out guests at my home I don't like the color of their socks. An individual is not bound by the prohibition of arbitrariness, the state is. No-one has a right to be enter my house unless I explicitly grant them that right, which I'm entitled to do on an entirely arbitrary basis. Whether or not an individual is allowed to enter a state, or is to be granted any other right, is a decision that must be based on facts.

Indeed. And the decision to treat some individuals one way and some another is the fact that some are citizens and some are not.

Citizens have a right to their country. Non-citizens do not.

Non-citizens have rights too. Not the exact same set of rights, but more than zero.

Specifically, non-citizens have a right to claim asylum if they are persecuted where they come from, and a right for such a claim to be duely considered before bein rejected. "You don't have valid papers, therefore your claim must be bogus and we're not going to enquire any further" doesn't amount to due consideration.
"How likely it is to happen"? You say that like this is a hypothetical about the future. People in European ghettos have already been forced to pay for being Christian.

Could you provide a credible source for that claim? I can't seem to find a single source. Even among well-known islamophobic fear-mongering sites, the closest I closest I can find to this proposition is folks calling welfare claims by Muslims in Western countries "a modern form of jizya".
"The last year has seen several troubling incidents in the neighborhood of Nørrebro. In October, a refugee from Africa its door kicked in several times and were threatened by a group of young people who accused him of being both black and Christian.

He was given a deadline of less than a week to pay them 10,000 crowns if he would remain. The police announced that they could no longer guarantee his safety in Mjølnerparken. When Lejerbo came up to him, he was in tears and had slept on the street."

Source: Weekendavisen, via Google Translate

And should have been published in the circular file. That's a conspiracy site, you'll be better off assuming the opposite of whatever they claim.

This is hardly conspiracy since it is a simple analysis of events. Libya was a prospering economy before the regime change took place.
Chossudovsky views the Free Syrian Army as "a de facto paramilitary creation of NATO though at least it was bank rolled by the allies. Others may give a different description of this.


About the author:
Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has taught as visiting professor in Western Europe, Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Latin America. He has served as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has acted as a consultant for several international organizations. He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005), The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the Twenty-first Century (2009) (Editor), Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War (2011), The Globalization of War, America's Long War against Humanity (2015). He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO's war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at crgeditor@yahoo.com

On the negative side he has been accused of anti-Semitism which he disputed. I haven't looked at that yet. (He says he is from Jewish heritage).

I don't agree on his conspiracy theory that the US is organising terrorism on purpose. The US could have done more to bomb ISIS of course. However as a result of US foul ups we do have ISIS. I don't agree with a lot of his overall views of how things are supposedly being put together but what he said about Libya past and present is correct.
Indeed we can expect more problems from that region.
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Jayjay said:
Politely turn them away at the border. "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

So you propose giving up due process?

Can it get any more anti Western values?
Due process for what? Nobody is charging the would-be immigrants with a crime. If they don't have necessary qualifications to enter, they are free to go and pursue opportunities elsewhere. As to what those qualifications might be, it's really up to them to prove that they need asylum, for example.
Keep in mind you're talking to a guy who never locks his car and front door because that denies due process to others, who must be presumed to have the right to enter until proven not to.

A country is not like a private home and car. Although it may make me an asshole, I'm perfectly entitled to kick out guests at my home I don't like the color of their socks. An individual is not bound by the prohibition of arbitrariness, the state is. No-one has a right to be enter my house unless I explicitly grant them that right, which I'm entitled to do on an entirely arbitrary basis. Whether or not an individual is allowed to enter a state, or is to be granted any other right, is a decision that must be based on facts.

Indeed. And the decision to treat some individuals one way and some another is the fact that some are citizens and some are not.

Citizens have a right to their country. Non-citizens do not.

Non-citizens have rights too. Not the exact same set of rights, but more than zero.

Specifically, non-citizens have a right to claim asylum if they are persecuted where they come from, and a right for such a claim to be duly considered before being rejected. "You don't have valid papers, therefore your claim must be bogus and we're not going to enquire any further" doesn't amount to due consideration.

Genuine asylum seekers can lose their papers or have their passports confiscated. However they tend to be more willing to give their date of birth details and other factors so the authorities can check these on the shared international data bases. As you said it would be wrong to reject people without papers.
Anyway have you ever seen Syrian asylum seekers who's mother tongue is Bengali?
Jayjay said:
Politely turn them away at the border. "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

So you propose giving up due process?

Can it get any more anti Western values?
Due process for what? Nobody is charging the would-be immigrants with a crime. If they don't have necessary qualifications to enter, they are free to go and pursue opportunities elsewhere. As to what those qualifications might be, it's really up to them to prove that they need asylum, for example.
Keep in mind you're talking to a guy who never locks his car and front door because that denies due process to others, who must be presumed to have the right to enter until proven not to.

A country is not like a private home and car. Although it may make me an asshole, I'm perfectly entitled to kick out guests at my home I don't like the color of their socks. An individual is not bound by the prohibition of arbitrariness, the state is. No-one has a right to be enter my house unless I explicitly grant them that right, which I'm entitled to do on an entirely arbitrary basis. Whether or not an individual is allowed to enter a state, or is to be granted any other right, is a decision that must be based on facts.

Indeed. And the decision to treat some individuals one way and some another is the fact that some are citizens and some are not.

Citizens have a right to their country. Non-citizens do not.

Non-citizens have rights too. Not the exact same set of rights, but more than zero.

Specifically, non-citizens have a right to claim asylum if they are persecuted where they come from, and a right for such a claim to be duly considered before being rejected. "You don't have valid papers, therefore your claim must be bogus and we're not going to enquire any further" doesn't amount to due consideration.

Genuine asylum seekers can lose their papers or have their passports confiscated. However they tend to be more willing to give their date of birth details and other factors so the authorities can check these on the shared international data bases. As you said it would be wrong to reject people without papers

Tell me more about those shared international databases in which one can look up personal details about Syrians who had passport confiscated, potentially even by the Syrian government itself.
"How likely it is to happen"? You say that like this is a hypothetical about the future. People in European ghettos have already been forced to pay for being Christian.

Could you provide a credible source for that claim? I can't seem to find a single source. Even among well-known islamophobic fear-mongering sites, the closest I closest I can find to this proposition is folks calling welfare claims by Muslims in Western countries "a modern form of jizya".
In 2009, Jyllands-Posten (the same newspaper that ran the original Muhammad cartoons that caused such a fuss) reported that several people in Gentofte (a Copenhagen suburb) had received the following letter, curiously in English:

And should have been published in the circular file. That's a conspiracy site, you'll be better off assuming the opposite of whatever they claim.

This is hardly conspiracy since it is a simple analysis of events. Libya was a prospering economy before the regime change took place.
Chossudovsky views the Free Syrian Army as "a de facto paramilitary creation of NATO though at least it was bank rolled by the allies. Others may give a different description of this.


You're using conspiracy crap to support conspiracy crap.

I do agree Libya was a functional regime before the change. Blaming the west isn't right, though--the problem was the Arab Spring. Things got so bad in Libya that Gaddafi was hiring mercenaries to come in and kill people to put down the rebellion. Things were already badly fucked up before we intervened, we shouldn't be blamed for it.
Could you provide a credible source for that claim? I can't seem to find a single source. Even among well-known islamophobic fear-mongering sites, the closest I closest I can find to this proposition is folks calling welfare claims by Muslims in Western countries "a modern form of jizya".
In 2009, Jyllands-Posten (the same newspaper that ran the original Muhammad cartoons that caused such a fuss) reported that several people in Gentofte (a Copenhagen suburb) had received the following letter, curiously in English:


The same sort of thing the Sri Lankan scumbags whose name I don't recall right now were using.
In 2009, Jyllands-Posten (the same newspaper that ran the original Muhammad cartoons that caused such a fuss) reported that several people in Gentofte (a Copenhagen suburb) had received the following letter, curiously in English:


Are you kidding us with this? If that's the best evidence you can come up with that Christians have been "forced to pay" for being Christians, and that fear of Sharia law is rational, then your claim is in pretty god damn serious trouble.
Belgium has admitted that Islamist terrorism is "out of control " in Brussels after police carried out raids in the city's notorious Molenbeek district and arrested seven people accused of planning and taking part im the Paris attacks.
Belgium pm Charles Michael admitted that "laxity " had allowed the problem to of terrorism to fester in Molenbeek, which has been linked to every islamist attack in Europe.
"There is often a connection between terrorist attacks and Molenbeek. We are paying the price for past laxity.

- - - Updated - - -

Of course apologist will deny there are islamist hot spots in any part of Europe.
Belgium has admitted that Islamist terrorism is "out of control " in Brussels after police carried out raids in the city's notorious Molenbeek district and arrested seven people accused of planning and taking part im the Paris attacks.
Belgium pm Charles Michael admitted that "laxity " had allowed the problem to of terrorism to fester in Molenbeek, which has been linked to every islamist attack in Europe.
"There is often a connection between terrorist attacks and Molenbeek. We are paying the price for past laxity.

- - - Updated - - -

Of course apologist will deny there are islamist hot spots in any part of Europe.

And psycho fascists will convict people based on arrests without any idea what the evidence is.

They are the same people that defend Guantanamo and the US terrorist drone attacks.
Germany v Holland international soccer friendly, due to be played this evening is called off and the Hannover Stadium evacuated.
In any event, you appear to be equivocating between "Sharia" and "Sharia courts". Once a neighborhood has gone 90% Muslim and non-criminals are more intimidated by the local street gang than criminals are by the threat of prosecution, when the local street gang starts imposing sharia-like rules in order to feel righteous about its power, and collecting jizya from non-Muslims, and beating up the non-compliant, the circumstance that there won't actually be any Sharia court holding judicial proceedings, just Islamist thugs dispensing justice on the spot as they see fit, will not retroactively make a local inhabitant's fear of sharia irrational. The court is an irrelevance; the enforcement is what matters.

Uh, no, the courts are not irrelevant. The obvious difference between the two is that a court has legal authority and legitimate force to back it up. Street thugs, Muslim or not, don't.
If you tell a victim of street thugs that the force that the people who beat him and robbed him backed up their demands with was illegitimate, do you think that will make him feel better about having been subjected to it? Do you think if he was afraid something like that would happen to him, the fact that what happened was illegitimate makes his fear paranoid?

And since European countries have laws prohibiting this sort of behavior, the picture you are painting of Muslims running around willy nilly, imposing sharia on hapless innocents without sanction, reeks of paranoia
That would be lovely if police protection were a dependable way to keep people in high-crime areas from being victimized. But when the police investigate a crime and all the witnesses refuse to testify because either they're intimidated by the gangs or they see the police as the enemy, who's going to apply the lawful sanction against the street thugs?

What next? You gonna start repeating the right-wing canard about "no-go zones?"
Why, should I? Do you have a reason to think such zones don't exist? Or are you taking it for granted that anything one of your political opponent says is automatically false if you sneer at it enough? Supposing, hypothetically, that there were such areas, how do you think we would know? Would a country containing them perhaps publish a public caution on its government website with all the known no-go areas marked on a map?

By all means, tell us what if anything you would regard as evidence for the existence of a no-go area. Conversely, if no observation would persuade you, that means you are a faith-based initiative.

Are you kidding us with this? If that's the best evidence you can come up with that Christians have been "forced to pay" for being Christians, and that fear of Sharia law is rational, then your claim is in pretty god damn serious trouble.
So your theory is what? That criminals keep trying to extort people even though it never works? That everybody who gets threatened if he doesn't pay and warned not to tell the police tells the police? That today's identity-group-based crime gangs are progressive and enlightened, so they follow a strict code of nondiscrimination and would never concentrate on non-members of their identity group?
It seems to me that for some it is far easier to blame everything on the West for the abominations of islamic extremism than look closer to home for its real origins, which is plain and simply, islam.
If you tell a victim of street thugs that the force that the people who beat him and robbed him backed up their demands with was illegitimate, do you think that will make him feel better about having been subjected to it? Do you think if he was afraid something like that would happen to him, the fact that what happened was illegitimate makes his fear paranoid?

Your claim was that the existence or absence of Sharia courts is a triviality, which is horseshit, for the very obvious reason that one scenario grants legal authority, and the other does not. You can have people illegally victimizing others and citing Islam as their justification, but the mere suggestion that this is somehow equivalent to a court imposing Sharia on non-Muslims, and having legal apparatuses to force people to comply with it, is fucking ridiculous. The latter is never going to happen in Europe, which is what Zoidberg accurately pointed out to you. Pointing at the behavior of street thugs, even if you can properly source your claims (you haven't), doesn't make a dent in his observation, nor does appealing to the emotions of the victims.

That would be lovely if police protection were a dependable way to keep people in high-crime areas from being victimized. But when the police investigate a crime and all the witnesses refuse to testify because either they're intimidated by the gangs or they see the police as the enemy, who's going to apply the lawful sanction against the street thugs?

And now, you immediately leap to a scenario in which the Moslems are ruling over their neighborhoods with an iron fist, and the authorities are just oh-so-helpless to stop them. Sharia law is come! Western civilization is at an end! :rolleyes:

When you actually have sound evidence to back up your fearmongering and hyperbole, kindly let the rest of us know.

Why, should I?

Not if you value your credibility.

Do you have a reason to think such zones don't exist? Or are you taking it for granted that anything one of your political opponent says is automatically false if you sneer at it enough? Supposing, hypothetically, that there were such areas, how do you think we would know? Would a country containing them perhaps publish a public caution on its government website with all the known no-go areas marked on a map?

By all means, tell us what if anything you would regard as evidence for the existence of a no-go area. Conversely, if no observation would persuade you, that means you are a faith-based initiative.

Oh, give me a fucking break. I guess I'm taking it on faith that the U.S. government didn't destroy the World Trade Center and isn't building FEMA camps, right? Because it's my job to go disproving every batshit crazy claim tossed out by wingnuts.

That I have to explain the difference between "refusing to believe something in spite of evidence" and "not accepting outlandish claims until presented with evidence," on an atheist forum of all places, is pretty sad.

He who makes assertions, backs them up, using credible sources. If you think that Muslims in Europe have been allowed to establish their own autonomous enclaves and that the police are too scared to assert themselves there, there ought to be plenty of credible sources you can cite to support your claim.

If you can't find any, or can only find gross misrepresentations of evidence and right-wing nuttery, that should tell you that your claim is garbage.

So your theory is what? That criminals keep trying to extort people even though it never works? That everybody who gets threatened if he doesn't pay and warned not to tell the police tells the police? That today's identity-group-based crime gangs are progressive and enlightened, so they follow a strict code of nondiscrimination and would never concentrate on non-members of their identity group?

Are you really this daft? Do you possess any understanding of the concept of burden of proof?

You told us that "Christians have been forced to pay" for being Christians - how in the hell did you arrive at the conclusion that this bears out that claim? For one, the fact that it's in English is a pretty massive red flag about its authenticity, and two, I can't find any English language sources even commenting on this except batshit crazy right-wing blogs. Wonder why? And of course, even if this is genuine, it still comes nowhere near proving that "Christians have been forced to pay." All it proves is "some asshole typed a highly questionable letter trying to extort people, in the wrong language, using vague undertones of East vs West." Do you have any evidence suggesting that anything actually came of this? I'm pretty sure I know the answer already. For pete's sake, I don't even see any mention of jizya or even Islam anywhere in the whole thing. No rational person will look at this and see it as evidence of a modern jizya in effect.

Seriously - if this is the best you can come up with, you should just stop now. It's not my fucking job to disprove your silly claims, it's yours to back them up using credible evidence. This is a pretty basic concept of discourse that shouldn't need to be explained.
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