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Europe submits voluntarily

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The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

Disagree. It would only be about 6 million dead, on the same order as the Holocaust.

However, if that happened I wouldn't be shocked if Russia or even China conducted a pre-emptive nuclear strike in order to destroy the Israeli nuclear arsenal before it fell into the hands of terrorists.
The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

The oppression is the cause of the resistance to it.

The oppression must end before the resistance to it can end.

You are living in some delusion.

The non-stop theft of land is the key to the whole situation. It is why the oppression goes on and on.

The non-stop fantasy of non-stop land theft needs to end. And it has nothing to do with the reason for the fighting anyway--that's because Israel exists.
The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

The oppression is the cause of the resistance to it.

The oppression must end before the resistance to it can end.

You are living in some delusion.

The non-stop theft of land is the key to the whole situation. It is why the oppression goes on and on.

In other words your solution is to wipe out the Israeli state and the Jews with it! Nothing else would make you happier. Or perhaps the Israelis should submit to their Islamic masters as is stated in the Quran and become their slaves and be eliminated more slowly.
The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

The oppression is the cause of the resistance to it.

The oppression must end before the resistance to it can end.

You are living in some delusion.

The non-stop theft of land is the key to the whole situation. It is why the oppression goes on and on.

The non-stop fantasy of non-stop land theft needs to end. And it has nothing to do with the reason for the fighting anyway--that's because Israel exists.

No fantasy.

Israel has taken more and more land that does not belong to them as this has gone on.

And THAT is the key to the whole situation.

That is how we know Israel is not a poor victim.

That is how we know what all the oppression is about.

Not fear. Sick greed.
The biggest difference being. Is that if terrorists like Hamas lay down their arms and cease attacking Israel, the whole of the surrounding Arabs and in Gaza would prosper and live in peace. If Israel were to lay down their arms, the slaughter that would follow would made the Holocaust look like a schoolyard skirmish.

The oppression is the cause of the resistance to it.

The oppression must end before the resistance to it can end.

You are living in some delusion.

The non-stop theft of land is the key to the whole situation. It is why the oppression goes on and on.

In other words your solution is to wipe out the Israeli state and the Jews with it! Nothing else would make you happier. Or perhaps the Israelis should submit to their Islamic masters as is stated in the Quran and become their slaves and be eliminated more slowly.

Do you know what the word "theft" means?

Do you know what it means to steal from others?

Do you know what it means to be stealing non-stop for decades?

The non-stop theft is the key to the whole situation. It is what the oppression is all about.

It is what the sick constant oppression is all about.
This thread is about Europe submitting to the Islamic hordes invading it with the encouragement of leftists European regimes, not Israel or the Middle East!.

No such thing is happening.

Europe is doing what humans do. They are welcoming the newcomers.

You don't want them to welcome anybody for some sick reason, some inner sick overgrown hatred and fear of the other. It is pathological. You can't help yourself. You are controlled by fear and hatreds. Consumed by them.

So you want us to focus on the 0.01% and ignore the 99.99%. You show your stupidity when you talk about about hoards but only can find problems with 0.01% of the people coming in. Crime exists in Europe beyond these fleeing Muslims.

You for some sick reason only care about the bad and ignore all the good.

Societies are better when they are diverse.

You are somebody to be shunned. Somebody to be told to sit down and shut up. You are spewing ignorant hatred as twisted humans tend to do.

Diverse yes, but not with a backward, bloodthirsty supremacist ideology which thanks to the likes of Merkel and her ilk, [ who in reality should be tried for treason] has reached up to 20% in some EU countries. By 2100 that 20% will be 60-80% and it's goodbye to a Western culture millions of soldiers died to defend against just such a barbarity!
This thread is about Europe submitting to the Islamic hordes invading it with the encouragement of leftists European regimes, not Israel or the Middle East!.

No such thing is happening.

Europe is doing what humans do. They are welcoming the newcomers.

You don't want them to welcome anybody for some sick reason, some inner sick overgrown hatred and fear of the other. It is pathological. You can't help yourself. You are controlled by fear and hatreds. Consumed by them.

So you want us to focus on the 0.01% and ignore the 99.99%. You show your stupidity when you talk about about hoards but only can find problems with 0.01% of the people coming in. Crime exists in Europe beyond these fleeing Muslims.

You for some sick reason only care about the bad and ignore all the good.

Societies are better when they are diverse.

You are somebody to be shunned. Somebody to be told to sit down and shut up. You are spewing ignorant hatred as twisted humans tend to do.

Diverse yes, but not with a backward, bloodthirsty supremacist ideology which thanks to the likes of Merkel and her ilk, [ who in reality should be tried for treason] has reached up to 20% in some EU countries. By 2100 that 20% will be 60-80% and it's goodbye to a Western culture millions of soldiers died to defend against just such a barbarity!

The Germans have a bit of a bloodthirsty past themselves.

This can only be good for the vast majority of people involved.

It is what has made the world and what has been going on as long as there have been human civilizations.
To get back to the topic of Europe submitting voluntarily, here we have yet another European teenage girl stabbed to death by an Afghan "asylum seeker".
Europe must make it much easier to deport these people.

Asylum seeker, 17, suspected of killing his girlfriend, 16, in Austria had been allowed to stay in the country because he was wanted for murder in his native Afghanistan

Daily Mail said:
An Asylum seeker suspected of killing his 16-year-old girlfriend in Austria had been allowed to stay in the country - because he was wanted for murder in his native Afghanistan.
Saber Akhondzada, 17, is wanted for murder in Afghanistan and is believed to have knifed his Austrian girlfriend to death in the city of Steyr.
Akhondzada, who arrived in Austria between 2015 and 2016, handed himself over to police in Vienna yesterday but will not face deportation because Austria does not deport people facing a possible death sentence.
This is suicidal insanity.
State prosecutor Andreas Pechatschek said, 'If we expect an indictment and a conviction for murder, the suspect can get up to a maximum of 15 years imprisonment'.
So he will get out, at the latest, when he is 32 years old and will get to stay in Europe as a reward for also being a murderer in Afghanistan.

Words fail me. Had he been deported as soon as his bogus "asylum" claim was rejected, this girl would still be alive.
Diverse yes, but not with a backward, bloodthirsty supremacist ideology which thanks to the likes of Merkel and her ilk, [ who in reality should be tried for treason] has reached up to 20% in some EU countries. By 2100 that 20% will be 60-80% and it's goodbye to a Western culture millions of soldiers died to defend against just such a barbarity!

The Germans have a bit of a bloodthirsty past themselves.

This can only be good for the vast majority of people involved.

It is what has made the world and what has been going on as long as there have been human civilizations.

That may be so, and I've studied histories such as The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire which began to disintegrate from within before the barbarians even set foot in Rome, just like Western Civilasation is doing now. But in most other cases, like the colonization of the Americas for example, superior, more advanced civilasations conquered inferior, primitive ones.

But the great Christian based Western Empires of Europe are now submitting to a barbaric, backward supremacist civilasation who if given the chance will take it back to the stone age.
Diverse yes, but not with a backward, bloodthirsty supremacist ideology which thanks to the likes of Merkel and her ilk, [ who in reality should be tried for treason] has reached up to 20% in some EU countries. By 2100 that 20% will be 60-80% and it's goodbye to a Western culture millions of soldiers died to defend against just such a barbarity!

The Germans have a bit of a bloodthirsty past themselves.

This can only be good for the vast majority of people involved.

It is what has made the world and what has been going on as long as there have been human civilizations.

That may be so, and I've studied histories such as The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire which began to disintegrate from within before the barbarians even set foot in Rome, just like Western Civilasation is doing now. But in most other cases, like the colonization of the Americas for example, superior, more advanced civilasations conquered inferior, primitive ones.

But the great Christian based Western Empires of Europe are now submitting to a barbaric, backward supremacist civilasation who if given the chance will take it back to the stone age.

Yes, pre-Industrial Age history is interesting.

Too bad it has nothing to do with today.

These people will assimilate and in a generation will be totally incorporated into European life, wanting the same things Europeans want. Calling themselves European.
That may be so, and I've studied histories such as The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire which began to disintegrate from within before the barbarians even set foot in Rome, just like Western Civilasation is doing now. But in most other cases, like the colonization of the Americas for example, superior, more advanced civilasations conquered inferior, primitive ones.

But the great Christian based Western Empires of Europe are now submitting to a barbaric, backward supremacist civilasation who if given the chance will take it back to the stone age.

Yes, pre-Industrial Age history is interesting.

Too bad it has nothing to do with today.

These people will assimilate and in a generation will be totally incorporated into European life, wanting the same things Europeans want. Calling themselves European.

They'll assimilate will they?..................................https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/12/...malia-to-keep-them-from-being-too-westernized
That may be so, and I've studied histories such as The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire which began to disintegrate from within before the barbarians even set foot in Rome, just like Western Civilasation is doing now. But in most other cases, like the colonization of the Americas for example, superior, more advanced civilasations conquered inferior, primitive ones.

But the great Christian based Western Empires of Europe are now submitting to a barbaric, backward supremacist civilasation who if given the chance will take it back to the stone age.

Yes, pre-Industrial Age history is interesting.

Too bad it has nothing to do with today.

These people will assimilate and in a generation will be totally incorporated into European life, wanting the same things Europeans want. Calling themselves European.

They'll assimilate will they?..................................https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/12/...malia-to-keep-them-from-being-too-westernized

Not instantaneously. And not 100%.

But in very short time for the vast majority.

The bigot wants us to focus on the 1% and ignore the 99%.
One of the leading British judges, Sir James Munby, said that Christianity no longer influences the courts and these must be multicultural, which means more Islamic. Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, and Chief Justice Lord Phillips, also suggested that the English law should "incorporate" elements of sharia law.

What influences the law is good sense.

If more good sense is found in sharia law than in insane Christianity that would not surprise me.

"External speakers in higher education institutions", provide that "orthodox religious groups" may separate men and women during events.

The horror!

We know that leads directly to terrorism.

Not instantaneously. And not 100%.

But in very short time for the vast majority.

The bigot wants us to focus on the 1% and ignore the 99%.

Provide reliable evidence for this, and for these exact figures you have produced here, in the case of first generation Muslims in Europe. Please, with links added.

Not instantaneously. And not 100%.

But in very short time for the vast majority.

The bigot wants us to focus on the 1% and ignore the 99%.

Provide reliable evidence for this, and for these exact figures you have produced here, in the case of first generation Muslims in Europe. Please, with links added.

You produce some figures to dispute it.

1.3 million have emigrated to Europe recently.

Show me problems with greater than 1%.

Actually it's less than 1% that are a problem.

I was being generous with the bigots.

Not instantaneously. And not 100%.

But in very short time for the vast majority.

The bigot wants us to focus on the 1% and ignore the 99%.

If 1% are violent that's a big problem.

There is no evidence it is as high as 1%. I was being generous to the bigots that only want to focus on the small minority and ignore the vast majority.

But within every population there will be some criminal activity.

There is nothing particularly special or dangerous about Muslims.
There is nothing particularly special or dangerous about Muslims.


In any case, overt terrorism and violence is just the most visible and acute part of the problem. The rest of the iceberg is the more insidious threat of Islamist imperialism through demographics and politics.
Provide reliable evidence for this, and for these exact figures you have produced here, in the case of first generation Muslims in Europe. Please, with links added.

You produce some figures to dispute it.

1.3 million have emigrated to Europe recently.

Show me problems with greater than 1%.

Actually it's less than 1% that are a problem.

I was being generous with the bigots.

I have made no statement in the above post that needs backing up with figures or even with opinions. You have. Now back it up.

I am being generous to a famously autonomous mind.
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