If yu believe n bible god then you have several choices.
1. God always was and always will be.
2. God winked into existence without causation and can wink back out to nothing.
3. God has a finite existence and a causal beginning.
You have no choice but to believe god is infinite in time and power.
Star formation yo me is part of an infinite number of sequences. Abiogenesis being one sequnce in an infinite chain of sequences.
God in some mythologies and beliefs is metaphor for the infinite universe.
So far you have not presented anythng that refutes or invalidates TOE. You seem t be making a version of the old prime mover argument. We see a chain of causal events and comclude there must have been a first cause, for Christians a story in an old text of unkbi authorship.
What caused the lightning to strike that caused a fire? We go back through an infinite regression of events. Back to the formation of sun and planets...ad infinitum.
Same with your body. Liv or dead material is irrelevant, an infinite chain of regression
Whether you choose to publicly acknowledge it, you probably understand there is no need for a god to explen our ecosystem.
People can get upset and peed off. I've seen it on the forum, but then I think you're joking just to 'entertain me."
I could probably fund a biblical metaphor to explain it.
People get pissed off? I hadn't really noticed. I am usually too busy laughing.