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F-Head wants to buy Greenland

So either:

A) The President is doped to the fucking gills on drugs or,
B) He isn't and everything Trump says and does is done with a sober clarity.

I'm not sure which scenario is worse, or if the distinction even matters.
Much like either Trump is Putin’s toy or Trump is a fucking moron. Neither is actually good.

Yep. The fact the question needs to be asked is problematic enough.
Given global climate change it's not crazy to think that the USA having control of Greenland would be good for the USA.

If I was a Greenlander though, I think that I might not want it.

Why does Trump want Greenland except for global climate change which Trump has claimed to be a fake news?

Once again Trump has demonstrated to the world that he's a buffoon and a crybaby. No adult would have approached this idea as the baby in chief did. And no adult would have acted as he did after having been told "no". What a pathetic shit Trump is.
His drug is Trump, unless there's a drug that makes you call yourself the Chosen One. (And please let there be a Trump fan who is honest enough admit how he/she, plus Franklin Graham and all of Fox Nation would've lost their shit if a Democrat, let alone Obama, self-referenced as the Chosen One. Falwell Jr. would've had a year's worth of sermons right there.)
He spends his day in contradictions and lies, going for sound bites that makes him the top headlines. Anyone who gets in his way are "nasty" or worthy of his insults via a poop twitter. This is 45. An aberration and the worst of society all rolled into one orange mess.

Touting the US military’s global pre-eminence, Mr Trump appeared to repeatedly struggle with the word “forces”, before mangling the name of Douglas MacArthur, a prominent Second World War general.
“The members of our armed forcef (sic) I, and you understand that very well - the members of our armed forcer (sic) have always lived by the word of Douglas Magarth (sic): ‘In war, there is no substitute for victory’."

He's losing it. Something is definitely wrong with Trump.
So either:

A) The President is doped to the fucking gills on drugs or,
B) He isn't and everything Trump says and does is done with a sober clarity.

I'm not sure which scenario is worse, or if the distinction even matters.
Much like either Trump is Putin’s toy or Trump is a fucking moron. Neither is actually good.

Or both.

Touting the US military’s global pre-eminence, Mr Trump appeared to repeatedly struggle with the word “forces”, before mangling the name of Douglas MacArthur, a prominent Second World War general.
“The members of our armed forcef (sic) I, and you understand that very well - the members of our armed forcer (sic) have always lived by the word of Douglas Magarth (sic): ‘In war, there is no substitute for victory’."

He's losing it. Something is definitely wrong with Trump.

From the same article:
Earlier this year, Mr Trump made headlines when he repeatedly failed in an attempt to say "origins" while in a White House press briefing with the Nato secretary general.

“I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of the investigation, the beginnings of that investigation,” Mr Trump said in April, in reference to the special counsel probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

He added: “The Mueller report I wished covered the oranges, how it started, the beginnings of the investigation."
He seems to have an orange fetish.
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It's very unusual for mental health professionals to make a diagnosis without a private assessment, but as far back as 2017, thousands have been making the case that Trump is seriously mentally ill. Here's a more recent update:


In our February 2017 column, The Elephant in the Room, we shared our concern as mental health professionals about the dangerousness of Donald Trump as the recently inaugurated President of the United States. Then, in the first chapter of the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, we detailed Trump’s bias toward extreme present hedonism, including his dehumanization of people he doesn’t like or cannot relate to, lying, misogyny, paranoia, self-aggrandizement, and narcissistic and bullying personality traits. We warned at the time that Trump was “‘chumming’ for war, possibly for the most selfish of reasons: to deflect attention away from the Russia investigation,” and we were worried that another unbalanced leader elsewhere in the world might take the bait.

More than two years later, his conduct has worsened and we teeter on the precipice of a potentially devastating war, not with North Korea as previously feared, but a different dangerous regime in Iran.

The rest of the article gives tips as how to cope with the stress that many suffer from do to Trump's erratic behavior.

I don't believe he's on drugs. I believe it's more likely that he needs therapuetic drugs, and he certainly has proven to be mentally unfit to be president. I'm not even convinced that he knowingly lies. In my former career, I often cared for people who suffered from serious delusions. One of my favorite patients was a lady who honestly believed she had once been married to Elvis, that Brad Pitt was one of her latest boyfriends, that she was a Queen and demanded to be called "Queen" or she became agitated. etc. She was in her late 70s but believed she was in her late 30s. As she grew older, she had more symptoms of dementia. Every time I assessed her, she told me she was leaving the facility the next day to go live in her "Castle Palace in New York City." The difference between the Queen and Trump is that the Queen was a harmless old woman who was living in an assisted living facility, while Trump is the president of the United States. Does it get much more scary than that??

No, I don't suffer from the stress that some people do, but I do wish more people would realize what a danger this man is to the country and potentially to the world. He needs treatment, and he needs to be removed from office. Unfortunately, the only option we currently have is to vote him out. Anybody else 2020.
Given global climate change it's not crazy to think that the USA having control of Greenland would be good for the USA.

If I was a Greenlander though, I think that I might not want it.

Why does Trump want Greenland except for global climate change which Trump has claimed to be a fake news?

Once again Trump has demonstrated to the world that he's a buffoon and a crybaby. No adult would have approached this idea as the baby in chief did. And no adult would have acted as he did after having been told "no". What a pathetic shit Trump is.

Trump is not the baby here. The babies are the ones who say, "We refuse to listen to ANY negotiations!" It's not hard to listen and then reject later. Rejecting first and claiming "No way!" is very babyish.
Given global climate change it's not crazy to think that the USA having control of Greenland would be good for the USA.

If I was a Greenlander though, I think that I might not want it.

Why does Trump want Greenland except for global climate change which Trump has claimed to be a fake news?

Once again Trump has demonstrated to the world that he's a buffoon and a crybaby. No adult would have approached this idea as the baby in chief did. And no adult would have acted as he did after having been told "no". What a pathetic shit Trump is.

Trump is not the baby here. The babies are the ones who say, "We refuse to listen to ANY negotiations!" It's not hard to listen and then reject later. Rejecting first and claiming "No way!" is very babyish.

So you would listen to absolute anyone suggesting anything with you and your person? And if you refuse to even listen to absolute anything that someone might say, no matter how unreasonable, then you are a stupid baby?

Do you know what that opens you up to having to listen to?
Given global climate change it's not crazy to think that the USA having control of Greenland would be good for the USA.

If I was a Greenlander though, I think that I might not want it.

Why does Trump want Greenland except for global climate change which Trump has claimed to be a fake news?

Once again Trump has demonstrated to the world that he's a buffoon and a crybaby. No adult would have approached this idea as the baby in chief did. And no adult would have acted as he did after having been told "no". What a pathetic shit Trump is.

Trump is not the baby here. The babies are the ones who say, "We refuse to listen to ANY negotiations!" It's not hard to listen and then reject later. Rejecting first and claiming "No way!" is very babyish.

So you would listen to absolute anyone suggesting anything with you and your person? And if you refuse to even listen to absolute anything that someone might say, no matter how unreasonable, then you are a stupid baby?

Do you know what that opens you up to having to listen to?

Yes, I would listen and then say no if I disagreed.
So you would listen to absolute anyone suggesting anything with you and your person? And if you refuse to even listen to absolute anything that someone might say, no matter how unreasonable, then you are a stupid baby?

Do you know what that opens you up to having to listen to?

Yes, I would listen and then say no if I disagreed.

I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.
So you would listen to absolute anyone suggesting anything with you and your person? And if you refuse to even listen to absolute anything that someone might say, no matter how unreasonable, then you are a stupid baby?

Do you know what that opens you up to having to listen to?

Yes, I would listen and then say no if I disagreed.

I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.

I do not have a child. But, even if I did, I would not sell my child. You are going off the deep end.

I was referring to inanimate objects. Or you can compare it to sports. If a team called up the Patriots and said, "I have a great offer for Tom Brady," I would still listen before saying no.

But trying to buy my child? No thanks.
So you would listen to absolute anyone suggesting anything with you and your person? And if you refuse to even listen to absolute anything that someone might say, no matter how unreasonable, then you are a stupid baby?

Do you know what that opens you up to having to listen to?

Yes, I would listen and then say no if I disagreed.

I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.
How much for your women?
I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.

I do not have a child. But, even if I did, I would not sell my child. You are going off the deep end.

I was referring to inanimate objects. Or you can compare it to sports. If a team called up the Patriots and said, "I have a great offer for Tom Brady," I would still listen before saying no.
Greenland has over 50,000 residents, so it is not just an "inanimate" object. There is no indication that the residents of Greenland wish to become US citizens. In the modern era, countries do not sell the territory and citizens to other countries. Trump was out of line with his request. He was politely refused, which prompted him to act like a petulant 4 year old.
. Or you can compare it to sports. If a team called up the Patriots and said, "I have a great offer for Tom Brady," I would still listen before saying no.
Yeah, good comparison.
Let's say someone called the governor of Massachsetts with an offer for the Patriots.
Should he schedule a meeting?
Or just say no,?
Given global climate change it's not crazy to think that the USA having control of Greenland would be good for the USA.

If I was a Greenlander though, I think that I might not want it.

Why does Trump want Greenland except for global climate change which Trump has claimed to be a fake news?

Once again Trump has demonstrated to the world that he's a buffoon and a crybaby. No adult would have approached this idea as the baby in chief did. And no adult would have acted as he did after having been told "no". What a pathetic shit Trump is.

Trump is not the baby here. The babies are the ones who say, "We refuse to listen to ANY negotiations!" It's not hard to listen and then reject later. Rejecting first and claiming "No way!" is very babyish.

So someone asks you to buy your 6 month old child, you entertain the idea?
I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.

I do not have a child. But, even if I did, I would not sell my child. You are going off the deep end.

I was referring to inanimate objects. Or you can compare it to sports. If a team called up the Patriots and said, "I have a great offer for Tom Brady," I would still listen before saying no.
Greenland has over 50,000 residents, so it is not just an "inanimate" object. There is no indication that the residents of Greenland wish to become US citizens. In the modern era, countries do not sell the territory and citizens to other countries. Trump was out of line with his request. He was politely refused, which prompted him to act like a petulant 4 year old.

What's more, Greenland is a semi-autonomous territory of Denmark which has been progressively taking on a larger authority for it's own internal affairs. Denmark controls foreign affairs and defense.

As you mention, there is no evidence that Greenlanders have any desire to dump Denmark for the US and had the prime minister of Denmark in any way suggested a willingness to negotiate, I expect that she would be facing her own career-ending firestorm at home.

Half-life needs to actually think these things through. Would Trump not face an impeachment event if he actually listened to a proposal from Japan to buy Alaska or Hawaii?
I would like to open negotiations to purchase your little baby girl. I'm an atheist and I have a hankering for barbequed baby. Hear me out though. I think you'll love what I have to offer you.

I do not have a child. But, even if I did, I would not sell my child. You are going off the deep end.

I was referring to inanimate objects. Or you can compare it to sports. If a team called up the Patriots and said, "I have a great offer for Tom Brady," I would still listen before saying no.

But trying to buy my child? No thanks.

But you haven't heard my offer. You said you would listen to the offer first.
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