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Fake Trump News - what's worse?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Regarding Cheato's idiotic allegation that Obama illegally wiretapped him in Trump Tower, there are limited possibilities in respect to the genesis and resolution of Cheato's claim.

* Cheato read a Breitbart article and took it as truth when it was in fact just a regurgitation of a story made up by an alt-right radio show loon - so he tweeted it out to the world:
* because he believed it, or
* because he didn't care whether it was true or not, as long as it might distract from his corruption scandals.​

* Cheato read the above-mentioned Breitbart article, made a few phone calls to DOJ, CIA and the FBI and found out it was true, and tweeted it out to the world.

If I knew how to make a poll question of of this, I'd ask which of those scenarios you believe to be the "worst" on for the USA.

But the question on the table right now IMHO, is - what happens to Cheato (if anything ) when all the King's horses and all the King's men cannot come come up with one shred of evidence to support Cheato's libelous claim against the black guy? Does the country collectively shrug it off "Oh, that's just our wonderfully mendacious so-called president, doing what we hired him to do.", or could there be actual consequences?
Given the choices between a dim witted President and an evil President, there are too many scales of bad to worse at play to assign a relative value.

As for your question on the table, nothing is going to happen as a consequence of Trump's tweet.
Given the choices between a dim witted President and an evil President, there are too many scales of bad to worse at play to assign a relative value.

As for your question on the table, nothing is going to happen as a consequence of Trump's tweet.
Which is really the worst part of this. This is what happens when a bully becomes a President. Bullies get away with all sorts of shit.
Given the choices between a dim witted President and an evil President, there are too many scales of bad to worse at play to assign a relative value.

As for your question on the table, nothing is going to happen as a consequence of Trump's tweet.
Which is really the worst part of this. This is what happens when a bully becomes a President. Bullies get away with all sorts of shit.

Same thing that happens when a pathological liar becomes president.
Avoiding all repercussions requires the help of a LOT of enablers, though. I guess that's the new function of the Republican party - shield the Republican president from reality, at all cost?
They will soon find themselves in a box of their own making, where they have to either side with Cheato and Russia in endorsing Fake News as Truth and MSM as Fake News in a co-ordinated (and treasonous IMO) effort to undermine the foundations of American democracy, or break out of the box and watch the former "party of Lincoln" sink like a stone into the refuse pile of history.
So our options are between an incompetent boob who believes any nutbag conspiracy theory as long as it's something that makes him feel good or a likely criminal (bc there'd need to be good evidence to warrant a wire-tap) who is willing to publicly divulge the secret activities of our intelligence agencies?

Hmm... let me think...
So our options are between an incompetent boob who believes any nutbag conspiracy theory as long as it's something that makes him feel good or a likely criminal (bc there'd need to be good evidence to warrant a wire-tap) who is willing to publicly divulge the secret activities of our intelligence agencies?

Hmm... let me think...

Waitaminit - the incompetent boob is the same guy as the criminal. Where is the option? (It's not like "incompetent boob" and "criminal" are mutually exclusive...)
So our options are between an incompetent boob who believes any nutbag conspiracy theory as long as it's something that makes him feel good or a likely criminal (bc there'd need to be good evidence to warrant a wire-tap) who is willing to publicly divulge the secret activities of our intelligence agencies?

Hmm... let me think...

Waitaminit - the incompetent boob is the same guy as the criminal. Where is the option? (It's not like "incompetent boob" and "criminal" are mutually exclusive...)

At first I had "incompetent boob" for both. He's also most likely a criminal, too.
Fake Trump news?

You mean there's some indication that His Flatulence is fake? There's a puppet in the White House??
Fake Trump news?

You mean there's some indication that His Flatulence is fake?

Well, let's see - it seems he is more of "a" fake than just plain fake - he's a fake businessman, a fake university owner etc...

There's a puppet in the White House??

He's a REAL puppet. That's the realest thing about him.
To observe Trump is to watch cognitive dissonance resolve itself in real time. Once you accept that premise, everything Trump says and does becomes much more easily understandable. That fact also makes Trump easily manipulated.
Given the choices between a dim witted President and an evil President, there are too many scales of bad to worse at play to assign a relative value.

As for your question on the table, nothing is going to happen as a consequence of Trump's tweet.
Which is really the worst part of this. This is what happens when a bully becomes a President. Bullies get away with all sorts of shit.

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