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For your President's Day reading, it's official: Trump sucks

Ya, it is weird that you can look back on Dubya and be somewhat nostalgic.
Trump makes Joe Clarke and Stockwell Dean look like Brian Mulroney. I mean, not great but you, better than they ended up being.

I’m hoping the GOP gets Mulroney’d in ‘18.
Trump is the worst president, this much is obvious. What really gets me as incredibly abysmal though is this Republican congress.

Have we ever seen a more cowardly, immoral, tribal, bunch of people than this? They should all know better, but they do nothing. Sycophants and spineless assholes watching as our democracy dies and they do NOTHING about it, because they've spent the last decade perfecting a propaganda machine that was so effective it now ties their hands. They have to vote against the interests of the entire country or get primaried by their own base. That or they are so stupid they actually believe the very conspiracy theorist propaganda they spew from their state television channel.
I remember vividly how I felt when Bush Jr won the election; more disgusted and disappointed in humanity than I had ever been in my life.
That was pure unadulterated elation, compared to how I felt when Cheato stole it in 2016.
I still can't believe that so many people are utterly devoid of any ability to discern character.
I remember vividly how I felt when Bush Jr won the election; more disgusted and disappointed in humanity than I had ever been in my life.
That was pure unadulterated elation, compared to how I felt when Cheato stole it in 2016.
I still can't believe that so many people are utterly devoid of any ability to discern character.
In 2000, I believe it was too close to call when I went to sleep. In 2016, I couldn't even go to sleep. Ended up just going to work at 3 AM.
I still can't believe that so many people are utterly devoid of any ability to discern character.
Or just don't care about character, as long as they match up in agenda.
Someone posted this and Trump retweeted. I think there are multiple levels of irony in the post. Among them:

- Trump supporters are mostly drowning under water
- Trump supporters are like an iceberg not unlike one that sunk the Titanic
- Most Trump supporters remain hidden and don't admit being supporters

It's obvious that Trump cannot cross any line with his admirers. There is no statement or tweet he can twat that would be so coarse-minded, racist, sexist, xenophobic, self-worshiping, hate-filled, erroneous, or just plain bone-headed that would be any kind of tipping point. Lost cause. The upside to this -- and it may in the end be a major upside -- is that he also can't seem to raise his approval numbers to even a measly 2/5 of the population. If the GOP comes to feel the effects of this, they may, MAY end their collusion with him.
 Historical rankings of presidents of the United States -- one has to go back to the mid 19th cy. and the 1920's to find presidents as awful as the current pResident. James Buchanan, anyone? Warren Harding?

I will concede that he has been in office for only a year, but he shows very little evidence of being willing to learn from his mistakes. If he is able to do so at all.
Trump will go down as a blight on American history. He doesn't even deserve a spot at the bottom of that list. He's a traitor.

I wonder if Trump realizes that the world is going to be laughing at him for probably a few hundred years, then once the 21st century becomes a blip on the radar, he'll be laughed at by serious historians for the next couple thousand.
Trump will go down as a blight on American history. He doesn't even deserve a spot at the bottom of that list. He's a traitor.

I wonder if Trump realizes that the world is going to be laughing at him for probably a few hundred years, then once the 21st century becomes a blip on the radar, he'll be laughed at by serious historians for the next couple thousand.

Will they be laughing at him or laughing at us? Trump has no choice about being an utterly malicious moron. But we had (in theory) a choice about electing him.
The thing about Trump is that he isn't just the worst president, he's the 5 worst presidents rolled into one.

Stupid as George W.
Corrupt as Harding.
Racist as Jackson.
As inept an adminstrator as Grant.
Disloyal as Buchanen.
Trump will go down as a blight on American history. He doesn't even deserve a spot at the bottom of that list. He's a traitor.

I wonder if Trump realizes that the world is going to be laughing at him for probably a few hundred years, then once the 21st century becomes a blip on the radar, he'll be laughed at by serious historians for the next couple thousand.

Will they be laughing at him or laughing at us? Trump has no choice about being an utterly malicious moron. But we had (in theory) a choice about electing him.

Good point, although an astute historian may recognize the specific cultural path/factors that led to Trump's election.

But yea, there are a lot of people laughing at the U.S.
But yea, there are a lot of people laughing at the U.S.

This is true. We spend an inordinate amount of our time laughing at you.

Rousseau is Canadian.

Also, the rest of the Western world is susceptible to right wing authoritarianism, too. If you're not learning from us while laughing at us, you may end up like Australia and the UK - well on your way to being us.

Believing you're not susceptible actually makes you more susceptible. This goes for countries as well as individuals.
I wonder if Trump realizes that the world is going to be laughing at him for probably a few hundred years, then once the 21st century becomes a blip on the radar, he'll be laughed at by serious historians for the next couple thousand.

You just made my day. Thank you. :D
The thing about Trump is that he isn't just the worst president, he's the 5 worst presidents rolled into one.

Stupid as George W.
Corrupt as Harding.
Racist as Jackson.
As inept an adminstrator as Grant.
Disloyal as Buchanen.
Also, as paranoid and as obsessed with enemies as Richard Nixon.
Yes of course, and a more disgusting lecher than Clinton, but I was only doing 5 worst things. Can we get to ten?
As egotistical as LBJ
As weak and indecisive as Pierce
As lazy as...have we ever had a truly lazy president before?

Well that's 10 I suppose.
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