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Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
This is the REAL story of Donald John Trump. Told by a first-hand witness to, and participant in the process that brought us to this lamentable point.
Here's a guy who has the courage to flout the non-disclosure agreement he was coerced into. He probably knows that any attempt by the Mob Boss to silence him would be met with more exposure of the truth. And that is something of which the Crime Family is utterly terrified.

The former "Celebrity Apprentice" talent handler on what he saw behind the scenes.

WHILE IT WAS THE RUSSIANS, wreaking havoc on the election, who won the White House for Donald John Trump, the man who made Trump palatable to voters—who burnished the popular image of the longtime mob money launderer, serial rapist, and piece of shit human—was the TV producer Mark Burnett.

On his “reality” show The Apprentice, Burnett sold America a successful, hard-working, comfortably wealthy version of Trump that was completely divorced from reality.
The talent guy's name -- hope I'm spelling this correctly -- is Noel Casler. I read the interview, then watched two of Casler's standup snippets on YouTube. His comedy chops are modest at best, but he has some funny stories about Trump 'n' Kids (he reserves some real vitriol for Don Jr.) Unfortunately, none of this will mean squat, as Trump probably won't be asked about it, and would issue blanket lies about any misconduct. If the rumored video edits of Trump using racist epithets come out, that would mean something. This doesn't. Casler claims Trump's digestion was so out-of-control from amphetamines and junk food that he had to wear adult diapers during the shooting of Apprentice. As for the amphetamines, he claims that Trump does a ton of Adderall and gets wild mood swings from it. That would be worth knowing more about. (Have any of the recent behind-the-scenes books on Trump's White House had any material on Adderall use?)
I've been curious about Adderall from the start, imply because Trump's word association speech-giving style reminds me a lot of the "adderall essays" I get from the students.

Also, I don’t buy the dementia talk at all. His debilitation is from drug use and the slowing down of a brain that was never high functioning.

Isn't dementia basically a slowing down of the brain?

And I have long thought there was somebody behind the scenes pulling his strings.
I've been curious about Adderall from the start, imply because Trump's word association speech-giving style reminds me a lot of the "adderall essays" I get from the students.

He definitely shows up all hopped up on something for many occasions. And sometimes the benzodiazepine shines through...
Maybe benzos, then, account for the origins/oranges moment (God, how he struggled with that one -- I think he had a half dozen oranges when he was done) and the "God Bless Amerguhrr". I think his 6a.m. twittarrhea explosions are pure Adderall. It might come down to: which pill has he taken when Kim Jung et al. pull his chain?

Also, I don’t buy the dementia talk at all. His debilitation is from drug use and the slowing down of a brain that was never high functioning.

Isn't dementia basically a slowing down of the brain?

And I have long thought there was somebody behind the scenes pulling his strings.

Long term drug abuse certainly causes brain damage as does long term alcohol abuse. Brain damage can lead to dementia.

Compromised brain function certainly makes it more likely and indeed necessary that someone control the impaired person.

Also, I don’t buy the dementia talk at all. His debilitation is from drug use and the slowing down of a brain that was never high functioning.

Isn't dementia basically a slowing down of the brain?

And I have long thought there was somebody behind the scenes pulling his strings.

Long term drug abuse certainly causes brain damage as does long term alcohol abuse. Brain damage can lead to dementia.

Compromised brain function certainly makes it more likely and indeed necessary that someone control the impaired person.

ADHD would be an exacerbating factor as well.

Also, I don’t buy the dementia talk at all. His debilitation is from drug use and the slowing down of a brain that was never high functioning.

Isn't dementia basically a slowing down of the brain?

And I have long thought there was somebody behind the scenes pulling his strings.

Long term drug abuse certainly causes brain damage as does long term alcohol abuse. Brain damage can lead to dementia.

Compromised brain function certainly makes it more likely and indeed necessary that someone control the impaired person.

What I'm questioning is how is that not dementia? It doesn't matter how it comes about, does it?
From the Department of For What It's Worth, I had a customer who was more than happy to share her opinion about the President. She is a professional who works with dementia patients and she says there is no doubt that Trump has dementia. According to her, his words and mannerisms are a pattern she sees in nearly every person in the early stage of dementia.
I was wondering what made him sniff all the time when he spoke. And also what made him look some days like he could barely keep his eyelids up. And why his eyes are bright red some days. And his pupils dilated while under camera lights on other days.
I was wondering what made him sniff all the time when he spoke. And also what made him look some days like he could barely keep his eyelids up. And why his eyes are bright red some days. And his pupils dilated while under camera lights on other days.



According to Brown, in that image Trump’s pupils are approximately 8.0 mm. The dark-adapted eyes of a healthy 12-year-old may have 8.0 mm pupils — but in an unmedicated 70-year-old with healthy eyes, in a well-lit room — the statistical odds of such large pupil size approaches zero.

Why is this significant? Dilated pupils, to this degree, would not occur in a 70-year-old, in a well-lit room unless there is either disease, injury or a pharmacologic cause present. Trump’s pupils are frequently but intermittently this large (sometimes they are indeed within normal size limits).

Trump’s enlarged pupils are much less likely a sign of a significant undiagnosed or undisclosed medical condition — and much more likely, a side effect of a drug/medication (one of a relatively small group of drugs).

Brown states that Trump’s large pupils are most likely due to a medication.
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