You were doing so well! And then this...
If you try to live a life with as much cultural complexity and emotional nuance as your average chimpanzee, I think you will stand a pretty good chance of succeeding in your goals.
I said "if"! Personally I think we should aim a little higher.
Yes, I got that. I also got that you were insinuating Emily doesn't aim a little higher. You ought not to have.
"My favorite social assumptions are supported by imperfect analogues in chimp society" is not a very strong argument, both because chimpanzees and humans are very different from one another in most respects, and because the vast majority of human activities and even cognition lack any analogue in chimp society. And many of the things that
do occur in both human and chimp social worlds are considered socially malformed if not outright criminal behaviors in all human cultures. If one were to attempt to emulate chimp culture in all respects, we'd be living in small bands in the forest led by our mothers, using some combination of violence, grooming, bribery, and sexual favors with close biological relations as bargaining chips in most social exchanges. Even if we accepted that chimp cultures "prove" something about our prehistory, no one who knows anything about the Gombe community would entertain going back six milion years and trying to live like those ancestors who were closest kin to that modern group. It's selective reasoning anyway, as the chimpanzee/bonobo world is hardly uniform in the social practices of its various members.
And no, Emily is not "aiming higher". No doubt these obvious facts get pointed out every time she brings up the dumb chimp argument, and it will not change her line of argument in the slightest; she will just continue to make the same flawed argument over and over. Some chimps once played with sticks in a way a human researcher interpreted as a feminine fashion, therefore healthcare discrimination against trans teenagers is justified. Ta da.