Okay. But why weren't the rest of these playwrights (all contemporaries of Shakespeare, and not nearly all of them, only the only ones who made the list, which means they had at least some claim to fame) touted and praised as much as Shakespeare? What happened?
I've already addressed this somewhat, I do consider Shakespeare a master of his craft and era, and that he wrote the right plays at the right time. I'm not trying to detract from his work, I'm saying that the name recognition he's achieved causes a lack of objectivity, as such. The magnitude of his cultural relevance is partly luck (he nailed all the right themes at the right time, and there was an incentive for his work).
This is basically to say that I feel many other writers are in the same ballpark as him. Would you agree with that? Or do you feel he's on another level?
I stressed in the other thread (Shakespeare Controversy) that I believe Shakespeare's superiority rests on his genius as a poet. As a playwright: excellent, but (again I mentioned this in the other thread), I like George Bernard Shaw better as a playwright; as far as the Bard's themes, characterization, the general quality of his work with reference to sense rather than sound: I do not think he was on another level than everyone else.
It is as a poet, in his technical skill, and mainly in the beauty of his lines, that I regard him as on another level. In other words, I can't name you a single poet in English who matched him in that regard. But AGAIN: this is just my opinion! Hey, I'm a Jethro Tull fan, and most people hate Jethro Tull, so what do I know?
If we're talking ballpark: sure, Alexander Pope came very close (he actually matched the Bard in technique but his poetry lacked beauty: Pope was cold and satirical to a fault); Tennyson, Keats, and of course Milton.
There are modern poets who are in the ballpark, so many it would be futile to name them.
Before I end this post I just want to say that
I agree with your basic points, and I agree that there are people who go on about Shakespeare who just do it because of the name and don't really have much appreciation. It's like those people who will stand in front of a touted work of modern art and nod along to the accolades and pretend they are "in the know", when in reality they don't know what they're looking at.
My opinions are just that, opinions.