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God's too great to communicate clearly with humans

I know. And I am asking why not.
"I said actors are conscious. The rock isn't being a rock- the particles are acting as a rock."

In our case, actors are forming our consciousness by their actions, a consciousness that is an actor itself. In the case of when the actors do something else, they do not create another consciousness.
Subatomic particles don't 'act as different things'; they are what they are, just as rocks are what they are.
No. Rocks are formed by the actions of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles are the smallest level of being. We are mid level, and spacetime is the largest being.

Things don't react to other things without consciousness- as a conscious reactor, you have no evidence that other things that react are not conscious, therefore you need to prove that non-conscious reactors exist (they don't, so you won't be able to prove it).

I don't have to show that energy is not conscious; You are asserting that it is, and the burden of proof lies with you. You have so far provided no evidence at all to support your assertion.
Nope bilby, all the burden of proof is on the conscious actor who is insisting other things that act are not conscious. You've no evidence that non-conscious reactions exist, you actually need proof that electrons and protons react to one another without consciousness.

You are a conscious reactor who has absolutely no proof that other things that react are non-conscious. You've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I don't know why you are so obsessed with other forms of what your consciousness is made of being non-conscious. It's not like they are out to get you or anything.

Do you simply want to win an argument, and remain in the dark? I don't get it. Conscious energy is the only energy that is, and it is what has been around forever. It doesn't always do the same thing, or make the same forms, but it is all that is. If it wasn't conscious, you wouldn't be. Consciousness is all that can react- it's foolish to postulate a non-conscious reactor. They don't exist.
"I said actors are conscious. The rock isn't being a rock- the particles are acting as a rock."

In our case, actors are forming our consciousness by their actions, a consciousness that is an actor itself. In the case of when the actors do something else, they do not create another consciousness.
Subatomic particles don't 'act as different things'; they are what they are, just as rocks are what they are.
No. Rocks are formed by the actions of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles are the smallest level of being. We are mid level, and spacetime is the largest being.

Things don't react to other things without consciousness- as a conscious reactor, you have no evidence that other things that react are not conscious, therefore you need to prove that non-conscious reactors exist (they don't, so you won't be able to prove it).

I don't have to show that energy is not conscious; You are asserting that it is, and the burden of proof lies with you. You have so far provided no evidence at all to support your assertion.
Nope bilby, all the burden of proof is on the conscious actor who is insisting other things that act are not conscious. You've no evidence that non-conscious reactions exist, you actually need proof that electrons and protons react to one another without consciousness.

You are a conscious reactor who has absolutely no proof that other things that react are non-conscious. You've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I don't know why you are so obsessed with other forms of what your consciousness is made of being non-conscious. It's not like they are out to get you or anything.

Do you simply want to win an argument, and remain in the dark? I don't get it. Conscious energy is the only energy that is, and it is what has been around forever. It doesn't always do the same thing, or make the same forms, but it is all that is. If it wasn't conscious, you wouldn't be. Consciousness is all that can react- it's foolish to postulate a non-conscious reactor. They don't exist.

You have introduced the word 'actor' without defining it; and you are using it in such a way that it clearly is important to your point, but not being used in any way that I understand.

Please can you explain what you mean by it, because none of what you are saying makes any sense at all to me.

You seem to be saying that subatomic particles are 'actors', while rocks are not; I have no idea what you could possibly mean by this. Subatomic particles are particles. They have clearly understood behaviours, which are described by quantum theory. Being 'actors' is not one of those behaviours; from what body of research does this attribute come? If it is your own research, where is it published?

Please don't tell me that this whole 'God' concept of yours is just another banal Argument from Ignorance of Quantum Mechanics*.

*This subset of the logical fallacy of the Argument from Ignorance is, IMO, now sufficiently large as to warrant its own category.
You have introduced the word 'actor' without defining it; and you are using it in such a way that it clearly is important to your point, but not being used in any way that I understand.
Obviously calling you a conscious actor means something other than someone who consciously acts, right? I mean, that really shouldn't provide context. What is Kharakov talking about? What does he mean? It's so nebulous, especially when he introduces the terms "reacts" and "reactors" to the mix.

You seem to be saying that subatomic particles are 'actors', while rocks are not; I have no idea what you could possibly mean by this. Subatomic particles are particles.
You break things down to the smallest level to reach the unit stage, because most consciousnesses are individual units. So, a rock is not conscious- it is not the smallest level of being. You are an individual consciousness. I am a consciousness- I am a unit.
They have clearly understood behaviours, which are described by quantum theory.
Which has nothing to do with the consciousness of those acting.

Being 'actors' is not one of those behaviours; from what body of research does this attribute come?
From the body of "there is no evidence in the whole universe that energy reacts without consciousness". You are one form of energy reacting to energy, what makes you think that any other reaction is non-conscious? You need to prove that the rest of the energy that reacts to other energy in the whole damn universe lacks the special, magical quality you have.

Otherwise you are attributing something to the energy that you are made of that you claim all other energy in the universe lacks. It's a bit of a stretch to think that you are somehow magically gifted with a magical type of energy that doesn't exist anywhere else but in you. I'd go as far as saying the idea that energy is only conscious when it is in a human brain is complete and utter woo.

So, as we can see, you like to believe that energy that is outside of you is non-consciously reacting to other energy, but inside of you when it reacts it is magically conscious.

I guess you need to hold onto the woo train to keep your beliefs about the non-consciousness of the beings that create all things, otherwise there may be a hint of truth about there being first beings that have been around since the BB (energy pre-exists the BB... so what does that tell you about the conscious energy that forms all things?). Really, the only way to hold onto atheism is to ignore the truth, and make woo claims about energy reacting without consciousness without any evidence whatsoever.

You do know that I'm going to be proven right, don't you? What I say is completely true and obvious. Energy is conscious, and can form other consciousnesses within itself, which happens to be what we are.
Obviously calling you a conscious actor means something other than someone who consciously acts, right? I mean, that really shouldn't provide context. What is Kharakov talking about? What does he mean? It's so nebulous, especially when he introduces the terms "reacts" and "reactors" to the mix.
You confused me by using the word to describe sub-atomic particles - which are most certainly not 'actors' in any way. I assumed that you were using the word to mean something unusual and technical; but now I understand that you were just talking bollocks, which was the less charitable possibility for why you are apparently making a category error.
You seem to be saying that subatomic particles are 'actors', while rocks are not; I have no idea what you could possibly mean by this. Subatomic particles are particles.
You break things down to the smallest level to reach the unit stage, because most consciousnesses are individual units. So, a rock is not conscious- it is not the smallest level of being. You are an individual consciousness. I am a consciousness- I am a unit.
That is totally arse about; all known consciousnesses are massively complex; consciousness disappears as soon as you break down the complexity. A brain may well be conscious, given the right conditions; half a brain can be, under very unusual circumstances; a single neuron never is; nor is a single protein from that neuron; nor a single atom from that protein; nor a single electron from that atom.
They have clearly understood behaviours, which are described by quantum theory.
Which has nothing to do with the consciousness of those acting.
But it does mean that they are unable to manifest that consciousness in any way, if it existed; which renders its existence moot - a mere multiplication of needless entities; a simple and pointless violation of parsimony.
Being 'actors' is not one of those behaviours; from what body of research does this attribute come?
From the body of "there is no evidence in the whole universe that energy reacts without consciousness". You are one form of energy reacting to energy, what makes you think that any other reaction is non-conscious? You need to prove that the rest of the energy that reacts to other energy in the whole damn universe lacks the special, magical quality you have.

Otherwise you are attributing something to the energy that you are made of that you claim all other energy in the universe lacks. It's a bit of a stretch to think that you are somehow magically gifted with a magical type of energy that doesn't exist anywhere else but in you. I'd go as far as saying the idea that energy is only conscious when it is in a human brain is complete and utter woo.

So, as we can see, you like to believe that energy that is outside of you is non-consciously reacting to other energy, but inside of you when it reacts it is magically conscious.

I guess you need to hold onto the woo train to keep your beliefs about the non-consciousness of the beings that create all things, otherwise there may be a hint of truth about there being first beings that have been around since the BB (energy pre-exists the BB... so what does that tell you about the conscious energy that forms all things?). Really, the only way to hold onto atheism is to ignore the truth, and make woo claims about energy reacting without consciousness without any evidence whatsoever.

You do know that I'm going to be proven right, don't you? What I say is completely true and obvious. Energy is conscious, and can form other consciousnesses within itself, which happens to be what we are.

I am confident that you are not going to be proven right; what you say may appear obvious to you; but it is not true - and to me, it isn't obvious either.

What you say is complete bollocks, and one of the reasons why I say this is that it is not only unproven, but unprovable.

If you were right, then knowing that you are right would mean absolutely nothing - nothing is effected in any way by this presumed consciousness of energy, so it is easier just to disregard it - the results of disregarding it are identical to the results of including it in our hypotheses.

And as your 'god' is defined as the unknowable presumption of universal consciousness that has absolutely no effects distinguishable from its non-existence, then it is also a pointless waste of time to give any credence to it at all - atheism is the best option in this case, as it achieves the exact same result as theism, with none of the effort.

But you are not right; consciousness is demonstrably an emergent property only of some highly complex systems, which when disrupted lose consciousness, temporarily or permanently. A brain can be conscious; but by simply introducing a small amount of ether to it, it loses consciousness - why would that be so if the consciousness was derived from the fundamental materials from which it is made?

Energy is the ability to do work. It is no more conscious than gravity. Brains can be conscious, but even in brains, it is a precarious state. Nothing else is conscious; not even stuff as similar to a conscious brain as 'a brain with a whiff of ether'.

Energy is not conscious; Energy is not some 'woo' magic stuff that does all sorts of weird things; Energy is a well understood aspect of physical law.
You break things down to the smallest level to reach the unit stage, because most consciousnesses are individual units. So, a rock is not conscious- it is not the smallest level of being. You are an individual consciousness. I am a consciousness- I am a unit.

The woo is strong with this one.
I guess you need to hold onto the woo train to keep your beliefs about the non-consciousness of the beings that create all things, otherwise there may be a hint of truth about there being first beings that have been around since the BB (energy pre-exists the BB... so what does that tell you about the conscious energy that forms all things?). Really, the only way to hold onto atheism is to ignore the truth, and make woo claims about energy reacting without consciousness without any evidence whatsoever.
This is not the woo you're looking for.
You do know that I'm going to be proven right, don't you? What I say is completely true and obvious. Energy is conscious, and can form other consciousnesses within itself, which happens to be what we are.

Use the woo, Kharakov!
all known consciousnesses are massively complex; consciousness disappears as soon as you break down the complexity....nor a single electron from that atom.
Nah. You're making assumptions based on incorrect assumptions. When many consciousnesses act to form another consciousness, it requires complexity. You do not know the complexity of a single quark.

You don't know that the 3 quarks that form a proton are not each massively intelligent. You don't know that they are all not part of a single hive mind that is distributed across the whole universe. You just assume they are non-consciously acting without any evidence whatsoever. Kudos- you've reached creationist rationality level- making claims of stuff that you have absolutely no evidence for.

But it does mean that they are unable to manifest that consciousness in any way, if it existed; which renders its existence moot - a mere multiplication of needless entities; a simple and pointless violation of parsimony.
No. Calling their reactions non-conscious is introducing a new type of reactor. There is no reason to postulate non-conscious actors- it violates parsimony to do so, and you know it, although you of course need to bullshit about it, because the implications point all the way back to God, which an atheist cannot allow. Hahahah... atheists have to create new entities to postulate God doesn't exist, however when atheists do it, it's completely all right. I made up non-conscious reactors to avoid knowing that God exists, because I'm an atheist!

I am confident that you are not going to be proven right; what you say may appear obvious to you; but it is not true - and to me, it isn't obvious either.
So, you are just going to claim non-conscious reactors exist because you need them to hold onto your precious lack of belief in God. Energy is not conscious, because it is magic, and forms consciousness only in humans! When it is outside of humans, it magically turns into a non-conscious reactor! riiiiggghhhtt. Hold onto your wishful thinking if you want. All it looks like is that you want to pretend that energy is not conscious because it will ruin the beliefs you hold so dear.

If you were right, then knowing that you are right would mean absolutely nothing - nothing is effected in any way by this presumed consciousness of energy, so it is easier just to disregard it - the results of disregarding it are identical to the results of including it in our hypotheses.
Au contraire mon frere, it would explain my experiences quite well if energy itself was conscious. It would explain a lot of things.

atheism is the best option in this case, as it achieves the exact same result as theism, with none of the effort.
Sure. Unless God likes it when someone knows that God is doing something for them. You know... instead of crediting random coincidence. Ohh, wow, another randomly nice coincidence, how nice. God doesn't exist!! People who believe in God are stupid idiots!

What are all these coincidences that Kharakov says are evidence that God is taking care of him? Why does he believe that the energy that exists is a conscious being instead of a mechanical thing like atheists do? Why do more things happen for him than for atheists?

A brain can be conscious; but by simply introducing a small amount of ether to it, it loses consciousness - why would that be so if the consciousness was derived from the fundamental materials from which it is made?
Duhh. Because your subordinate consciousness is formed by the consciousnesses within you, and only when they act in certain ways. This is the amazing reason that when they act as a rock, the rock is not as smart as you... umm.. anyway.
Energy is not conscious; Energy is not some 'woo' magic stuff that does all sorts of weird things; Energy is a well understood aspect of physical law.
Nahh. Energy is the fundamental being of the universe. It forms other beings out of itself. It formed spacetime, the first particles, atoms, then stars, heavier elements.... and then you, who believes that it magically turns to consciousness only when it is in your brain.

That is you- you are only conscious when energy behaves in specific ways. This doesn't mean it is magically non-conscious when you are not.
Nah. You're making assumptions based on incorrect assumptions. When many consciousnesses act to form another consciousness, it requires complexity. You do not know the complexity of a single quark.

You don't know that the 3 quarks that form a proton are not each massively intelligent. You don't know that they are all not part of a single hive mind that is distributed across the whole universe. You just assume they are non-consciously acting without any evidence whatsoever. Kudos- you've reached creationist rationality level- making claims of stuff that you have absolutely no evidence for.

But it does mean that they are unable to manifest that consciousness in any way, if it existed; which renders its existence moot - a mere multiplication of needless entities; a simple and pointless violation of parsimony.
No. Calling their reactions non-conscious is introducing a new type of reactor. There is no reason to postulate non-conscious actors- it violates parsimony to do so, and you know it, although you of course need to bullshit about it, because the implications point all the way back to God, which an atheist cannot allow. Hahahah... atheists have to create new entities to postulate God doesn't exist, however when atheists do it, it's completely all right. I made up non-conscious reactors to avoid knowing that God exists, because I'm an atheist!

I am confident that you are not going to be proven right; what you say may appear obvious to you; but it is not true - and to me, it isn't obvious either.
So, you are just going to claim non-conscious reactors exist because you need them to hold onto your precious lack of belief in God. Energy is not conscious, because it is magic, and forms consciousness only in humans! When it is outside of humans, it magically turns into a non-conscious reactor! riiiiggghhhtt. Hold onto your wishful thinking if you want. All it looks like is that you want to pretend that energy is not conscious because it will ruin the beliefs you hold so dear.

If you were right, then knowing that you are right would mean absolutely nothing - nothing is effected in any way by this presumed consciousness of energy, so it is easier just to disregard it - the results of disregarding it are identical to the results of including it in our hypotheses.
Au contraire mon frere, it would explain my experiences quite well if energy itself was conscious. It would explain a lot of things.

atheism is the best option in this case, as it achieves the exact same result as theism, with none of the effort.
Sure. Unless God likes it when someone knows that God is doing something for them. You know... instead of crediting random coincidence. Ohh, wow, another randomly nice coincidence, how nice. God doesn't exist!! People who believe in God are stupid idiots!

What are all these coincidences that Kharakov says are evidence that God is taking care of him? Why does he believe that the energy that exists is a conscious being instead of a mechanical thing like atheists do? Why do more things happen for him than for atheists?

A brain can be conscious; but by simply introducing a small amount of ether to it, it loses consciousness - why would that be so if the consciousness was derived from the fundamental materials from which it is made?
Duhh. Because your subordinate consciousness is formed by the consciousnesses within you, and only when they act in certain ways. This is the amazing reason that when they act as a rock, the rock is not as smart as you... umm.. anyway.
Energy is not conscious; Energy is not some 'woo' magic stuff that does all sorts of weird things; Energy is a well understood aspect of physical law.
Nahh. Energy is the fundamental being of the universe. It forms other beings out of itself. It formed spacetime, the first particles, atoms, then stars, heavier elements.... and then you, who believes that it magically turns to consciousness only when it is in your brain.

That is you- you are only conscious when energy behaves in specific ways. This doesn't mean it is magically non-conscious when you are not.

Well, it looks like it's woo all the way down then.

Shame, it seemed for a while there that you were going to make an attempt at rational argument; but it just turns out to be the usual argument from ignorance, with a sprinkling of reversal of the burden of proof.

You don't now the complexity of a single quark either. The difference is, I don't use that lack of knowledge to justify making positive claims for quarks, such as that they are conscious.

I don't accept that declaring them to be 'non-conscious' until proven otherwise is somehow making a positive claim; particularly in the context of your rather sad attempt to then declare them to be 'God', which even if true (hint: it's not true) would be a pointless exercise.

Your delusions only become interesting to me if as and when you can show them to have a basis in reality.

You failed.
Absolutely no evidence of any non-consciously reacting energy in the whole universe, and you assume it to hold onto your atheist woo beliefs about the non-consciousness of that which forms everything. Nice.

Shows that you are willing to make up the additional entity of non-conscious reactions in order to hold onto your beliefs.

Energy reacts to itself magically, without awareness, but when it is in your brain, it assumes the form of the "atheist woo soul", or "energy that is conscious only when it is in the form of woo reacting to other energy".

You've got absolutely no evidence to go against the facts: energy is conscious, it reacts to other energy consciously, and only consciousness reacts.

It's funny that an atheist has to make up illogical claims about energy in order to justify their beliefs.

I don't accept that declaring them to be 'non-conscious' until proven otherwise is somehow making a positive claim; particularly in the context of your rather sad attempt to then declare them to be 'God', which even if true (hint: it's not true) would be a pointless exercise.
Hold onto your woo with all your might. You need to make up non-conscious reactions in order to justify your false beliefs, because if you acknowledge that energy consciously reacts to other energy, you end up being wrong about everything.

God is real. Energy is conscious. You've got no proof that energy reacts without consciousness. You have no evidence. You've got nothing. Atheism is a complete sham, dependent upon woo thinking about the existence of non-conscious reactions of energy which becomes magically conscious when it is in an atheist's woo soul.

Very nice.
Yeah. QFT doesn't capture the consciousness behind the actions.
QFT does not entail consciousness at that level because there is absolutely no reason to do so.

Because there isn't one. If there was, we would have found it by now.
QFT doesn't entail consciousness because consciousness is not required to explain nature. Including consciousness in the theory would add unneccessary complexity to the theory without any justification whatsoever.
Not necessarily. You assume that there is no consciousness at the smallest level without any evidence. It's more likely that consciousness is a property of everything, except laws and patterns followed.
You provide no evidence at all as to why consciousness is more likely to be a property of everything. You also fail to define what you mean by everything; my best guess is that by everything you are referring to energy, or perhaps matter which is just one form of energy.

It's not an assumption; It's an observation.
It's a claim made without evidence, not an observation. You think that there is no consciousness behind the actions at the smallest level without any evidence whatsoever. The fact is, energy is aware of energy, and reacts to energy- energy is conscious. This isn't new-age bullshit, it's a simple fact.
Here, you base your assertion that energy is conscious on two premises:
1. Energy is aware of energy, and
2. Energy reacts to energy.

Despite talking about physics using laymen's terms, you fail to define your terms so one must guess at your meaning. When you talk about energy reacting, you are presumably talking about things like nuclear reactions, particle decay, fields etc. - reactions that have been observed and for which there is evidence. However when you talk about the awareness or energy, the is no readily apparent observed phenomenon that I might guess you are talking about. You assert it without evidence.
Quantum Field Theory explains everything that happens on scales that affect human beings. There is no room, and no need, for any Gods.
Quantum field theory explains certain regular actions- it does not explain the motivation for regular actions, which is to create regular actions on larger scales.
Now you are making two more claims without evidence:
1. That some 'regular actions' have motivations, and
2. That the motivation of these 'regular actions' is to create larger 'regular actions'.

'Regular actions' is a term you have made up and not defined. If you are referring to natural phenomena, then the claims you make here are asserted without evidence. Just like your claim about the awareness of energy.

If you have evidence, present it. If you have no evidence, then you don't know, any more than I do, and all you are doing is disregarding parsimony.

If we throw out parsimony, then literally anything goes; and that which explains anything explains nothing.
Yeah. So a consciousness that attributes non consciousness to other forms of the exact same stuff that it is made of is applying the law of parsimony. Riiigggghhhhtt..
As far as I can tell, you are making the following argument:
1. Humans have consciousness, and
2. Humans are made of energy, therefore
3. All energy has consciousness.

Perhaps the problem here is that you are ignorant of neuroscience. Human consciousness is a phenomenon created by the interaction of cells in the human central nervous system. The human consciousness only exists for a particular configuration of energy, i.e. the human central nervous system.

In other words, the existence of human consciousness is not merely contingent on the existence of energy, it is contingent on the existence of the configuration of energy called the the human central nervous system. So no human, CNS, no human consciousness. Same goes for other animals in which we have observed consciousness.

We have not observed consciousness in other configurations of energy, such as rocks. Our observations are fully in line with the theoty that a thing must have a naervous system in order to have a mind, let alone a consciousness. And since energy at a subatomic level is not observed to have a nervous system, there is no reason to think that quanta of energy have consciousness at that level, either.

If science had not already established that consciousness is a phenomenon produced by a nervous system, then you would have a valid point that Bilby is the one violating the law of parsimony. However since scince already knows at least that much, the burden now rests with you to prove that a nervous system is not required for a consciousness to exist.

And if you think of claiming that there exists a nervous system within a subatomic particle, then you are violating the law of parsimony by flat out making things up.

Let's add non-conscious behaviors to the mix. Whenever I calculate 2+2 and get 4, the numbers are doing the regular behaviors, not a consciousness. Ohh, wait a second, even these regular behaviors are done by a consciousness following specific patterns of behavior- so these behaviors do not exist without a consciousness doing them.
This is a category error. Numbers are not 'things'; they are ideas.

Tell you what, I'll just make up a mythological property of stuff and call it "non-conscious" because, ya know, as a consciousness it's totally parsimonious to postulate the existence of other actors that are not conscious.

Don't bring up parsimony when you add the entity of a non-conscious actor, when you haven't ever witnessed one directly. You have absolutely no reason to think that any non-conscious actor exists anywhere. Conscious actors can engage in regular behaviors (1+1=2) but this does not indicate that the behaviors are done by someone who lacks consciousness.
Based on the current evidence, the most parsimonious explanation is to only expect a consciousness where there is the physical configuration to generate it. For example, a human CNS.

The rocks are comprised of particles behaving in certain ways. It doesn't mean that the particles are non-conscious.
That is correct, but only because the mere existence of a rock says nothing either way about its consciousness or non-consciousness.

The rain falls due to physical law; the erosion occurs due to physical law, and the rock falls due to physical law. No consciousness needs to be involved at any stage, and it is pointless and foolish to assume that one is.
Sure... riiiigggghhhttt.
Your lack of refutation is noted.

A bunch of beings acting as a rock are not going to have the same effect as a bunch of beings acting as a brain. Doesn't mean that any of the actors involved are non-conscious.
A (living) brain has an observable consciousness; a rock does not. There is no reason to think that the rock has an unobservable consciousness, as it is indistinguishable from the rock having no consciousness at all.

Parsimony requires that you don't make up new types of actors- so all actors must be conscious, since the only actor you have ever directly witnessed first hand (you) is conscious. So anything that acts is conscious, unless you propose another type of actor without any evidence that non-conscious actors exist.
The law of parsimony is not limited to whatever it is that Kharakov defines as 'actors'. When there are multiple hypotheses describing a phenomenon, the simplest is best. Given the choice between ascribing consciousness to brains and ascribing consciousness to brains, rocks and individual quanta of energy, the former is preferable.

Regular behaviors do not indicate non-consciousness- they indicate regularity of behavior (which, in a conscious being, is generally an indication of discipline or preference).
You fail to define 'regular behaviors' in this context, let alone irregular behaviours. For instance, how these terms apply to rocks.

bilby said:
Parsimony requires that you do not assume characteristics that are not needed for a system to behave as observed.
Exactly. It is not necessary to attribute non-consciousness to the actors in the system, so the assumption of non-consciousness needs to be proven.
The lack of observable consciousness is reason enough to consider rocks to lack consciousness.

Consciousness is a characteristic displayed by a small subset of all entities - all of which are living things. Only conscious entities are reasonably described as 'actors'.
Ok, right there you are assuming that subatomic particles, and spacetime itself, lack consciousness, without any evidence.

If the behaviors of subatomic particles do not create another consciousness (like ours) this does not mean that they are not conscious. It just indicates that their behaviors do not always support subordinate consciousnesses.
There are at least thress reasons not to conclude the existence of consciousnesses at a subatomic level:
1. They are not observed.
2. They are not predicted by quantum field theory, the theory that represents our best understanding of subatomic physics.
3. The metaphysical arguments for their existence are groundless.

Categories that contain all things are useless; if all things are conscious, consciousness is meaningless; if all things are actors, then 'actor' is meaningless.
Yeah. A rock is a bunch of conscious beings acting in unison. This doesn't mean the rock is conscious. There are many things that are not conscious- however there is nothing that causes without being conscious. The rock, itself, is not the cause. The cause is the conscious beings acting as a rock.
Asserted without evidence.

Really, you need to show that these actors (subatomic level, which do act, and cause many things- atoms are always doing stuff) do not have consciousness if you are going to claim that something can act without consciousness.
Quantum field theory has already done this: it explains the natural phenomena we observe without requiring consciousness to exist below the atomic level. The burden is on you to argue your need to complicate the theory.

Keep in mind that regular action in a conscious being indicates discipline and/or preference, it does not indicate that a being is not conscious.
Once again, you're using made-up terminology that you haven't stipulated a definition for.

What evidence do you have that atoms are not like rocks, in terms of the two entities possession (or otherwise) of consciousness?
Well, subatomic particles act as different things. So, since they act, and the only first hand experience you have of anything acting is of your consciousness, you need to show that they are acting as stuff without consciousness.
Your argument is a non-sequitur:
1. Humans are conscious,
2. Humans are aware of things that act, and
3. Subatomic particles act, therefore
4. Subatomic partiicles are conscious.

None of the premises lead to the conclusion.

You are making claims about stuff without any evidence.
There is evidence: consciousness is observed in humans, but not observed in rocks. Therefore it is most likely that humans have consciousness and rocks do not. Consciousness is observed in very large configurations of billions of atoms (as in one consciousness for each configuration of billions of atoms), but not in single subatomic particles.

The thing is, energy reacts to energy, and everything is energy in some form or another. You need to show that energy is not conscious, since the form that is your consciousness is the only form of energy that you have ever directly perceived, and it is in the form of consciousness now.
Your claim here is utterly false: Humans do not perceive their own consciousness any more directly than they perceive the input from their senses. In fact, humans infer their own consciousness from their interaction with the outside world. It is also completely irrelevant.

Subatomic particles don't 'act as different things'; they are what they are, just as rocks are what they are.
No. Rocks are formed by the actions of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles are the smallest level of being. We are mid level, and spacetime is the largest being.
What makes you think that subatomic articles are the smallest level of being? They are an indivisible quanta in quantum field theory, but only because that is what is required for the model to work. On what basis have you chosen to describe those particular quanta to be conscious, and to be the 'smallest level of being'?

You also appear to be using 'subatomic particle' interchangeably with 'energy'. That is also unsubstantiated.

I don't know why you are so obsessed with other forms of what your consciousness is made of being non-conscious. It's not like they are out to get you or anything.
Resorting to personal attacks is an admission that you have no argument.

Nah. You're making assumptions based on incorrect assumptions. When many consciousnesses act to form another consciousness, it requires complexity. You do not know the complexity of a single quark.

You don't know that the 3 quarks that form a proton are not each massively intelligent. You don't know that they are all not part of a single hive mind that is distributed across the whole universe. You just assume they are non-consciously acting without any evidence whatsoever. Kudos- you've reached creationist rationality level- making claims of stuff that you have absolutely no evidence for.
Now you are introducing a new concept: a hive mind, which is presumably your god. Something that you have zero evidence for.

But it does mean that they are unable to manifest that consciousness in any way, if it existed; which renders its existence moot - a mere multiplication of needless entities; a simple and pointless violation of parsimony.
No. Calling their reactions non-conscious is introducing a new type of reactor. There is no reason to postulate non-conscious actors- it violates parsimony to do so, and you know it, although you of course need to bullshit about it, because the implications point all the way back to God, which an atheist cannot allow. Hahahah... atheists have to create new entities to postulate God doesn't exist, however when atheists do it, it's completely all right. I made up non-conscious reactors to avoid knowing that God exists, because I'm an atheist!
Any yet, there is not a single observable phenomenon that requires subatomic particles to be conscious in order to be explained. Quantum field theory doesn't require it, and quantum field theory is the best representation of nature below the atomic level that we have. The onus on on you to explain how QFT is deficient and why our understanding of nature must include the claim that subatomic particles are conscious.

I am confident that you are not going to be proven right; what you say may appear obvious to you; but it is not true - and to me, it isn't obvious either.
So, you are just going to claim non-conscious reactors exist because you need them to hold onto your precious lack of belief in God. Energy is not conscious, because it is magic, and forms consciousness only in humans! When it is outside of humans, it magically turns into a non-conscious reactor! riiiiggghhhtt. Hold onto your wishful thinking if you want. All it looks like is that you want to pretend that energy is not conscious because it will ruin the beliefs you hold so dear.
Personal attacks = massive fail.

If you were right, then knowing that you are right would mean absolutely nothing - nothing is effected in any way by this presumed consciousness of energy, so it is easier just to disregard it - the results of disregarding it are identical to the results of including it in our hypotheses.
Au contraire mon frere, it would explain my experiences quite well if energy itself was conscious. It would explain a lot of things.
It is also possible that you are the victim of any number of human faults of perception, just like all many other people who claim to have personal experiences with god. And such a hypothesis does not require the existence of a subatomic hive mind or any other hypothetical deity.

atheism is the best option in this case, as it achieves the exact same result as theism, with none of the effort.
Sure. Unless God likes it when someone knows that God is doing something for them. You know... instead of crediting random coincidence. Ohh, wow, another randomly nice coincidence, how nice. God doesn't exist!! People who believe in God are stupid idiots!
That's not a very nice thing to say about theists. It's not always their fault.

What are all these coincidences that Kharakov says are evidence that God is taking care of him? Why does he believe that the energy that exists is a conscious being instead of a mechanical thing like atheists do? Why do more things happen for him than for atheists?
The special treatment you perceive is probably just in your imagination.

Energy is not conscious; Energy is not some 'woo' magic stuff that does all sorts of weird things; Energy is a well understood aspect of physical law.
Nahh. Energy is the fundamental being of the universe. It forms other beings out of itself. It formed spacetime, the first particles, atoms, then stars, heavier elements.... and then you, who believes that it magically turns to consciousness only when it is in your brain.
Energy formed spacetime? You claim to know this when the formation of spacetime is not even known by scientists. You have also deviated from your previous claim, that subatomic particles are the 'smallest level of being', and now claim that 'energy is the fundamental being of the universe'.

God is real. Energy is conscious. You've got no proof that energy reacts without consciousness. You have no evidence. You've got nothing. Atheism is a complete sham, dependent upon woo thinking about the existence of non-conscious reactions of energy which becomes magically conscious when it is in an atheist's woo soul.
Previously you claimed that subatomic particles were conscious; you even specifically mentioned quarks. Now you say that 'energy' is conscious. You do realise that the two concepts are not interchangeable?
You've got absolutely no evidence to go against the facts: energy is conscious, it reacts to other energy consciously, and only consciousness reacts.
Not really. Consciousness is required to anticipate, not react. Energy reacts consciously about as much as a model railroad train does when it is running on a track.
Consciousness is required to anticipate, not react.
You've never seen something you didn't anticipate?

You're deliberately mixing up unrelated definitions of the word "react". It can used as a conscious response to a stimulus or an automatic result of being acted upon by an outside force. If a meteor hits another meteor, the second meteor reacts to the impact by changing it's course. If somebody looks at someone funny, the second person racts by shooting him in the face*. The two types of reactions aren't related to each other and yet you're using them as synonyms.

* Reaction not valid outside of the US
QFT does not entail consciousness at that level because there is absolutely no reason to do so.
There is absolutely no reason to think that there is not some form of fundamental awareness at that level. In fact, if you do not, you are postulating that human consciousness acts in a way that no other form of energy in the universe acts.

Here, you base your assertion that energy is conscious on two premises:
1. Energy is aware of energy, and
2. Energy reacts to energy.
No. I am energy that reacts to other energy. From this, I do not have any reason to believe that other energy is magically non-conscious.

The onus on on you to explain how QFT is deficient and why our understanding of nature must include the claim that subatomic particles are conscious.
Umm, you're the one claiming that QFT shows that there is no consciousness at the quantum level. Do you have any proof your claim about QFT? If not, I'd say the BoP is on the side of those who claim QFTs indicate lack of consciousness on the quantum level.
It is also possible that you are the victim of any number of human faults of perception, just like all many other people who claim to have personal experiences with god. And such a hypothesis does not require the existence of a subatomic hive mind or any other hypothetical deity.
The special treatment you perceive is probably just in your imagination.
Maybe. I've seen "A Beautiful Mind" and read about various mental phenomena, and it could be something along those lines. Things I notice during the day pop up later on in television shows I'm watching, or someone will mention them here, or in a conversation somewhere else.

I've thought of someone while on a run, and they call the house the next day. Stuff like that seems to happen a bit.

Like I noticed the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua while on a bike ride the other day and thought the name Padua was funny, and then watched the show Constantine that night, and "John (Constantine) digs around in his man-purse, pulling out interesting objects like the nails of St. Padua, trying to find something to use to break into the morgue."

So, maybe my brain re-wrote history, and presented things in a way that I feel connected.

Or, perhaps, there are many of trains of thought occurring in my brain, and I am not aware of the majority of them, and my consciousness is only made aware of the trains of thought when my brain reorders them to make me feel connected to the world. However, this would require that my brain consistently reorders events that have date stamps on them (conversations here on the message board), which would mean that I see a different date stamp on conversations than those around me.

I've had conversations with friends about stuff occurring, and they've confirmed the things that I've talked about. There are lots of coincidences that occur externally- but it could all be a trick. It could be the way my brain connects information, or it could be individuals (here, and friends) exploiting the way my brain connects information, or it could be a combination of the 2. It might even be that a majority of people are not aware of the duplicitous side of their brain, and the duplicitous side can filter events in such a way that we sometimes communicate with the duplicitous side of another person's brain, and sometimes we do not.

So the duplicitous side of your brain could now be engaging in this conversation with me, and be aware of various things that the duplicitous side of my brain has already communicated to you somehow without my awareness. In fact, I would never be able to absolutely circumvent the duplicitous side of my brain, as long as other individuals are all trapped by the duplicitous sides of their brain as well. So...

Any way things are occurring, there is a simple fact: I should not harm others, I should benefit others, and we should help one another.
Energy formed spacetime?
What do you think creates spacetime and forms it? Seriously? I'm curious. Large amounts of energy deform spacetime, and are causing the expansion of spacetime. You know- there is more spacetime the longer energy creates spacetime. Unless the whole expansion thing is bullshit.
Previously you claimed that subatomic particles were conscious; you even specifically mentioned quarks. Now you say that 'energy' is conscious. You do realise that the two concepts are not interchangeable?
Apparently your post was too long for you to not contradict yourself. From a bit earlier:
perhaps matter which is just one form of energy.
You're deliberately mixing up unrelated definitions of the word "react".
No, I didn't intend the equivocation that you threw in the mix. By react, I mean act in response to.

My bad. "Deliberately" was the wrong term and I didn't mean to say that you were doing it intentionally.

"Act in response to" does have different and unrelated meanings, however, and you are using them as if they had the same meaning. Objects colliding with each other transfer force in response to that collision in a way that has no relation whatsoever to a conscious reaction. One causes the other to do something but that is in no way the same area of discussion as a conscious decision based on a response.

Saying that there is consciousness amongst particles because they react to each other is the same misuse of terms and level of intellectual conversation as one gets when a creationist talks about how evolution is just an opinion because it's only a theory.
There is absolutely no reason to think that there is not some form of fundamental awareness at that level. In fact, if you do not, you are postulating that human consciousness acts in a way that no other form of energy in the universe acts.

Here, you base your assertion that energy is conscious on two premises:
1. Energy is aware of energy, and
2. Energy reacts to energy.
No. I am energy that reacts to other energy. From this, I do not have any reason to believe that other energy is magically non-conscious.

The onus on on you to explain how QFT is deficient and why our understanding of nature must include the claim that subatomic particles are conscious.
Umm, you're the one claiming that QFT shows that there is no consciousness at the quantum level. Do you have any proof your claim about QFT? If not, I'd say the BoP is on the side of those who claim QFTs indicate lack of consciousness on the quantum level.
It is also possible that you are the victim of any number of human faults of perception, just like all many other people who claim to have personal experiences with god. And such a hypothesis does not require the existence of a subatomic hive mind or any other hypothetical deity.
The special treatment you perceive is probably just in your imagination.
Maybe. I've seen "A Beautiful Mind" and read about various mental phenomena, and it could be something along those lines. Things I notice during the day pop up later on in television shows I'm watching, or someone will mention them here, or in a conversation somewhere else.

I've thought of someone while on a run, and they call the house the next day. Stuff like that seems to happen a bit.

Like I noticed the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua while on a bike ride the other day and thought the name Padua was funny, and then watched the show Constantine that night, and "John (Constantine) digs around in his man-purse, pulling out interesting objects like the nails of St. Padua, trying to find something to use to break into the morgue."

So, maybe my brain re-wrote history, and presented things in a way that I feel connected.

Or, perhaps, there are many of trains of thought occurring in my brain, and I am not aware of the majority of them, and my consciousness is only made aware of the trains of thought when my brain reorders them to make me feel connected to the world. However, this would require that my brain consistently reorders events that have date stamps on them (conversations here on the message board), which would mean that I see a different date stamp on conversations than those around me.

I've had conversations with friends about stuff occurring, and they've confirmed the things that I've talked about. There are lots of coincidences that occur externally- but it could all be a trick. It could be the way my brain connects information, or it could be individuals (here, and friends) exploiting the way my brain connects information, or it could be a combination of the 2. It might even be that a majority of people are not aware of the duplicitous side of their brain, and the duplicitous side can filter events in such a way that we sometimes communicate with the duplicitous side of another person's brain, and sometimes we do not.

So the duplicitous side of your brain could now be engaging in this conversation with me, and be aware of various things that the duplicitous side of my brain has already communicated to you somehow without my awareness. In fact, I would never be able to absolutely circumvent the duplicitous side of my brain, as long as other individuals are all trapped by the duplicitous sides of their brain as well. So...

Any way things are occurring, there is a simple fact: I should not harm others, I should benefit others, and we should help one another.
Energy formed spacetime?
What do you think creates spacetime and forms it? Seriously? I'm curious. Large amounts of energy deform spacetime, and are causing the expansion of spacetime. You know- there is more spacetime the longer energy creates spacetime. Unless the whole expansion thing is bullshit.
Previously you claimed that subatomic particles were conscious; you even specifically mentioned quarks. Now you say that 'energy' is conscious. You do realise that the two concepts are not interchangeable?
Apparently your post was too long for you to not contradict yourself. From a bit earlier:
perhaps matter which is just one form of energy.

Oddly enough, I was reading an article on the Bader-Meinhof Effect just this morning.

You should look it up - it is well understood, and not a sound basis for assumptions about purpose or meaning in the universe; or for any assumption that you are special, or have a direct connection to some assumed universal mind.
Nah. You're making assumptions based on incorrect assumptions. When many consciousnesses act to form another consciousness, it requires complexity. You do not know the complexity of a single quark.

You don't know that the 3 quarks that form a proton are not each massively intelligent. You don't know that they are all not part of a single hive mind that is distributed across the whole universe. You just assume they are non-consciously acting without any evidence whatsoever. Kudos- you've reached creationist rationality level- making claims of stuff that you have absolutely no evidence for.

Interesting that you find things that follow pretty specific rules without deviation are "intelligent." I often think that intelligent things are the most likely to do something unexpected or even whimsical.

Why do more things happen for him than for atheists?
[citation needed]
Oddly enough, I was reading an article on the Bader-Meinhof Effect just this morning.

You should look it up - it is well understood, and not a sound basis for assumptions about purpose or meaning in the universe; or for any assumption that you are special, or have a direct connection to some assumed universal mind.
Can't be frequency illusion. As a matter of fact, I've rechecked information in a book, and went over various other things.

Unless it is my brain directly intervening in my perception of words/numbers (so that what I read in the book is somehow changed when I view it, and is not what it looks like), it can't even be a hallucination.

Too much stuff has happened too many times. Unless I am constantly hallucinating (which would mean even this conversation would be in question), I've got to believe that some greater force is at hand. I check and recheck certain things, and they stay the same, although I certainly could not circumvent my brain if it decided to deceive me.

Funny thing is, I was thinking of a specific number that comes up often (I like it for various reasons), and it was the citation number on a page I read about the frequency illusion to the actual article they cited about Baader Meinhoff. You know why I thought of the number? Probably because I paid $38.10 at the grocery store earlier, and I like the number (38) because of a certain close friend that is associated with that number. Note #38, on the wiki page of cognitive biases is about the Baader Meinhof phenomenon.
Interesting that you find things that follow pretty specific rules without deviation are "intelligent."
Yeah, you're spot on, there is absolutely no leeway at the quantum level- particles have definite position and momentum because they always follow classical rules at the quantum level, which is why we don't have to use probabilistic wave function equations to describe the possible properties of the particles.

It is also why we don't have to work the uncertainty principle into the puzzle, because the "particles" always behave exactly the same. It's like they never behave as waves, because they always behave classically.

I often think that intelligent things are the most likely to do something unexpected or even whimsical.
Yeah. There is never anything unexpected at the quantum level, because we always know the exact properties of a particle. You know, because everything follows classical equations: there aren't probability distributions...
Why do more things happen for him than for atheists?
[citation needed]
Citation #38: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baader-Meinhof_phenomenon#cite_note-Baader-Meinhof-38
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