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GOP: The party of idiots

Loren Pechtel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
Basic Beliefs

They keep complaining about the homeless going to the bathroom outside, but now this loon wants to make the trans do so.

So which is it, going outside is good or is it bad?
The good governor is going to have to pass out the W.A.G. bags. Enforcing responsible pooping is every governor's business.
This issue must do well in focus groups. So freakin weird. Conservatives using trans people as a wedge issue in Canada right now too.

No surprise that since they've started violence against LGTBQ people is on the rise. They just look at Putin and say "I'll have whatever he's having"
This issue must do well in focus groups.
I fear what those focus groups must look like. Are they taking the dumbest, craziest, conspiracy nuts, putting them in a room together, and somehow they make each other even dumber and crazier?

They keep complaining about the homeless going to the bathroom outside, but now this loon wants to make the trans do so.

So which is it, going outside is good or is it bad?
Republican policies are never about solving the problem. They're about expressing emotions. I think your average Republican would see no moral fault in forcing someone to pee outside, then arresting them for public indecency. Putting "bad people" in jail is what the law is for.
Anyone know the source of this "Democrats believe there are 53 genders" trope? (I may be wrong about the exact #, but it was north of 50.) I've seen it in letters to the editor. I want to see that master list, as clearly I'm not up to speed on my DNC membership requirements. I've never encountered any group that talks about gender issues as much as these MAGA Republicans. But if Putin is now your pinup boy and you don't give a shit what he's doing, you need some Deep Dark Foe to oppose. Let's pick on them girly boys and butchy girls I've seen going into coffee shops.
Anyone know the source of this "Democrats believe there are 53 genders" trope? (I may be wrong about the exact #, but it was north of 50.) I've seen it in letters to the editor. I want to see that master list, as clearly I'm not up to speed on my DNC membership requirements. I've never encountered any group that talks about gender issues as much as these MAGA Republicans. But if Putin is now your pinup boy and you don't give a shit what he's doing, you need some Deep Dark Foe to oppose. Let's pick on them girly boys and butchy girls I've seen going into coffee shops.

Probably from here in 2014:

This issue must do well in focus groups.
I fear what those focus groups must look like. Are they taking the dumbest, craziest, conspiracy nuts, putting them in a room together, and somehow they make each other even dumber and crazier?
Sounds like a flat earth convention.
I dunno - I think there is truth in the saying “you won’t go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator”

Not to say people are dumb, but there’s a lot of low info people out there.

I mean, I see guys at work talking about the horror of trans people. They’re not Christians, just mild conservatives- but the messaging is drilled into them.
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They keep complaining about the homeless going to the bathroom outside, but now this loon wants to make the trans do so.

So which is it, going outside is good or is it bad?
Republican policies are never about solving the problem. They're about expressing emotions. I think your average Republican would see no moral fault in forcing someone to pee outside, then arresting them for public indecency. Putting "bad people" in jail is what the law is for.
Yes. In Texas the law says you have to buy special illegal drug stamps to sell illegal drugs in Texas. If and when you get busted for selling illegal drugs and you didn't buy the stamps then theoretically you could get charged with that too. I don't know how much jail time or fines you get for not having the stamps . But it just shows what Loren describes is very real.
This issue must do well in focus groups.
I fear what those focus groups must look like. Are they taking the dumbest, craziest, conspiracy nuts, putting them in a room together, and somehow they make each other even dumber and crazier?
Part of it is that political focus groups are never meant to be representative of the electorate. They're meant to represent the undecided voters.

They keep complaining about the homeless going to the bathroom outside, but now this loon wants to make the trans do so.

So which is it, going outside is good or is it bad?

I'd never heard of Mark Robinson but the first 1+ minute of Rachel Maddow highlights is dedicated to him.

He's a holocaust denier; he calls school shooting survivors prosti-tots; calls teachers "witches."

The stupidity goes on and on in this video. Florida makes it illegal to teach about slavery unless you teach that slavery was GOOD for the slaves! Oklahoma bans abortion in every case (and bans some birth control), but ALSO wants to maintain a database of women who manage to get an out-of-state abortion. House Repubs voted 195-8 against a "Right to Contraception."

The anti-vax campaign heats up. When Trump becomes Prez again he plans to withhold federal funds from any school with a vaccine mandate.

Watch the whole 20 minutes. Trump's Chief-of-Staff was burning papers in the White House. Trump's Secy of Defense was advised to shoot Americans in the streets of Washington.

Absolutely Unbelievable . . . if we didn't see it with our own eyes.

Absolutely Unbelievable . . . if we didn't see it with our own eyes.
True x 1000. And the reasons I hear from those who support this party?
"You want open borders? How's that workin' for the country?" (This, about a party that refuses to work on the problem.)
"They're going to bring back jobs and manufacturing." (Right, like they did when they owned the whole federal government 7 yrs. ago.)
"They're the ones who keep us safe." (Sigh...anti-Ukraine, anti-NATO, pro-dictator...)
"We need people in office who know how business works." (Yeah, governments aren't businesses, PLUS, the asshat they worship just recklessly got charged with over a HALF BILLION greenbacks, and is scheming to get others to pay it.)
"The other guys are the elites." (Ummm...have a look at the Republican tax cuts...)
"The other side wants to restrict my gun rights!" (Well, they have a case there. But the situation they want to preserve is insane.)
Call-back from Lily Tomlin, 47 years ago: "Is this happening, or is it the hash?"

Damn, these people are friggin' morons.

I agree, but It makes me think about Hillary using the term deplorables - she wasn't referring to the average "low info" republican like this, more of the tiki torch weilding "Jews will not replace us" crowd.
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