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Habitually misused scientific terms


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs
Here's a list of scientific pet peeves I have. It seems I'm not alone.


My typical reaction to these words being misused is neither reasonable nor measured. I know that not knowing shit is a handicap, and they're suffering under the Dunning-Kruger paradox. But it still annoys. me.

Anybody have words to add to this list?

Here's the list cut'n'pasted from the page:

io9 said:
10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing

Many ideas have left the world of science and made their way into everyday language — and unfortunately, they are almost always used incorrectly. We asked a group of scientists to tell us which scientific terms they believe are the most widely misunderstood. Here are ten of them.

Image of two frustrated geneticists reading the internet, from Orphan Black.

1. Proof

Physicist Sean Carroll says:

I would say that "proof" is the most widely misunderstood concept in all of science. It has a technical definition (a logical demonstration that certain conclusions follow from certain assumptions) that is strongly at odds with how it is used in casual conversation, which is closer to simply "strong evidence for something." There is a mismatch between how scientists talk and what people hear because scientists tend to have the stronger definition in mind. And by that definition, science never proves anything! So when we are asked "What is your proof that we evolved from other species?" or "Can you really prove that climate change is caused by human activity?" we tend to hem and haw rather than simply saying "Of course we can." The fact that science never really proves anything, but simply creates more and more reliable and comprehensive theories of the world that nevertheless are always subject to update and improvement, is one of the key aspects of why science is so successful.
2. Theory

Astrophysicist Dave Goldberg has a theory about the word theory:

Members of the general public (along with people with an ideological axe to grind) hear the word "theory" and equate it with "idea" or "supposition." We know better. Scientific theories are entire systems of testable ideas which are potentially refutable either by the evidence at hand or an experiment that somebody could perform. The best theories (in which I include special relativity, quantum mechanics, and evolution) have withstood a hundred years or more of challenges, either from people who want to prove themselves smarter than Einstein, or from people who don't like metaphysical challenges to their world view. Finally, theories are malleable, but not infinitely so. Theories can be found to be incomplete or wrong in some particular detail without the entire edifice being torn down. Evolution has, itself, adapted a lot over the years, but not so much that it wouldn't still be recognize it. The problem with the phrase "just a theory," is that it implies a real scientific theory is a small thing, and it isn't.
10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing

3. Quantum Uncertainty and Quantum Weirdness

Goldberg adds that there's another idea that has been misinterpreted even more perniciously than "theory." It's when people appropriate concepts from physics for new agey or spiritual purposes:

This misconception is an exploitation of quantum mechanics by a certain breed spiritualists and self-helpers, and epitomized by the abomination, [the movie] What the Bleep Do We Know? Quantum mechanics, famously, has measurement at its core. An observer measuring position or momentum or energy causes the "wavefunction to collapse," non-deterministically. (Indeed, I did one of my first columns on "How smart do you need to collapse a wavefunction?") But just because the universe isn't deterministic doesn't mean that you are the one controlling it. It is remarkable (and frankly, alarming) the degree to which quantum uncertainty and quantum weirdness get inextricably bound up in certain circles with the idea of a soul, or humans controlling the universe, or some other pseudoscience. In the end, we are made of quantum particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) and are part of the quantum universe. That is cool, of course, but only in the sense that all of physics is cool.
4. Learned vs. Innate

Evolutionary biologist Marlene Zuk says:

One of my favorite [misuses] is the idea of behavior being "learned vs. innate" or any of the other nature-nurture versions of this. The first question I often get when I talk about a behavior is whether it's "genetic" or not, which is a misunderstanding because ALL traits, all the time, are the result of input from the genes and input from the environment. Only a difference between traits, and not the trait itself, can be genetic or learned — like if you have identical twins reared in different environments and they do something different (like speak different languages), then that difference is learned. But speaking French or Italian or whatever isn't totally learned in and of itself, because obviously one has to have a certain genetic background to be able to speak at all.
10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing

5. Natural

Synthetic biologist Terry Johnson is really, really tired of people misunderstanding what this word means:

"Natural" is a word that has been used in so many contexts with so many different meanings that it's become almost impossible to parse. Its most basic usage, to distinguish phenomena that exist only because of humankind from phenomena that don't, presumes that humans are somehow separate from nature, and our works are un- or non-natural when compared to, say, beavers or honeybees.

When speaking of food, "natural" is even slipperier. It has different meanings in different countries, and in the US, the FDA has given up on a meaningful definition of natural food (largely in favor of "organic", another nebulous term). In Canada, I could market corn as "natural" if I avoid adding or subtracting various things before selling it, but the corn itself is the result of thousands of years of selection by humans, from a plant that wouldn't exist without human intervention.
6. Gene

Johnson has an even bigger concern about how the word gene gets used, however:

It took 25 scientists two contentious days to come up with: "a locatable region of genomic sequence, corresponding to a unit of inheritance, which is associated with regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions." Meaning that a gene is a discrete bit of DNA that we can point to and say, "that makes something, or regulates the making of something". The definition has a lot of wiggle room by design; it wasn't long ago that we thought that most of our DNA didn't do anything at all. We called it "junk DNA", but we're discovering that much of that junk has purposes that weren't immediately obvious.

Typically "gene" is misused most when followed by "for". There's two problems with this. We all have genes for hemoglobin, but we don't all have sickle cell anemia. Different people have different versions of the hemoglobin gene, called alleles. There are hemoglobin alleles which are associated with sickle cell diseases, and others that aren't. So, a gene refers to a family of alleles, and only a few members of that family, if any, are associated with diseases or disorders. The gene isn't bad - trust me, you won't live long without hemoglobin - though the particular version of hemoglobin that you have could be problematic.

I worry most about the popularization of the idea that when a genetic variation is correlated with something, it is the "gene for" that something. The language suggests that "this gene causes heart disease", when the reality is usually, "people that have this allele seem to have a slightly higher incidence of heart disease, but we don't know why, and maybe there are compensating advantages to this allele that we didn't notice because we weren't looking for them".
7. Statistically Significant

Mathematician Jordan Ellenberg wants to set the record straight about this idea:

"Statistically significant" is one of those phrases scientists would love to have a chance to take back and rename. "Significant" suggests importance; but the test of statistical significance, developed by the British statistician R.A. Fisher, doesn't measure the importance or size of an effect; only whether we are able to distinguish it, using our keenest statistical tools, from zero. "Statistically noticeable" or "Statistically discernable" would be much better.
10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing

8. Survival of the Fittest

Paleoecologist Jacquelyn Gill says that people misunderstand some of the basic tenets of evolutionary theory:

Topping my list would be "survival of the fittest." First, these are not actually Darwin's own words, and secondly, people have a misconception about what "fittest" means. Relatedly, there's major confusion about evolution in general, including the persistent idea that evolution is progressive and directional (or even deliberate on the part of organisms; people don't get the idea of natural selection), or that all traits must be adaptive (sexual selection is a thing! And so are random mutations!).
Fittest does not mean strongest, or smartest. It simply means an organism that fits best into its environment, which could mean anything from "smallest" or "squishiest" to "most poisonous" or "best able to live without water for weeks at a time." Plus, creatures don't always evolve in a way that we can explain as adaptations. Their evolutionary path may have more to do with random mutations, or traits that other members of their species find attractive.

9. Geologic Timescales

Gill, whose work centers on Pleistocene environments that existed over 15,000 years ago, says that she's also dismayed by how little people seem to understand the Earth's timescales:

One issue I often run into is that the public lacks an understanding of geologic timescales. Anything prehistoric gets compressed in peoples's minds, and folks think that 20,000 years ago we had drastically different species (nope), or even dinosaurs (nope nope nope). It doesn't help that those little tubes of plastic toy dinosaurs often include cave people or mammoths.
10. Organic

Entomologist Gwen Pearson says that there's a constellation of terms that "travel together" with the word "organic," such as "chemical-free," and "natural." And she's tired of seeing how profoundly people misunderstand them:

I'm less upset about the way that they are technically incorrect [though of course all] food is all organic, because it contains carbon,etc. [My concern is] the way they are used to dismiss and minimize real differences in food and product production.

Things can be natural and "organic", but still quite dangerous.

Things can be "synthetic" and manufactured, but safe. And sometimes better choices. If you are taking insulin, odds are it's from GMO bacteria. And it's saving lives.
I'm usually wary of "list" articles that often turn to be mere clickbait.
But this one isn't bad. I know a lot of people I could ask to read slowly 1 or 3 before they continue hurting my brain...
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I can't believe "Energy" didn't make the list, or "Exponential Growth", or "Radiation", or ...
My pet peeve is the misuse of the word "chemical". Like when some of the organic food nutters say they don't like to eat food with "chemicals" in it. :rolleyes: The word chemical is neutral, yet its mostly taken by the general public to mean poisonous, toxic, harmful.

Also, "processed food". Lots of food processing makes food safer, palatable, cheaper, longer lasting, etc. Yet "processed food" seems to be universally despised and condemned. My suggestion to people is if you really want to eat unprocessed food, only eat was available about 10,000 year ago in its raw form, and see how much you like it (if you live to tell).
My pet peeve is the misuse of the word "chemical". Like when some of the organic food nutters say they don't like to eat food with "chemicals" in it. :rolleyes: The word chemical is neutral, yet its mostly taken by the general public to mean poisonous, toxic, harmful.

Also, "processed food". Lots of food processing makes food safer, palatable, cheaper, longer lasting, etc. Yet "processed food" seems to be universally despised and condemned. My suggestion to people is if you really want to eat unprocessed food, only eat was available about 10,000 year ago in its raw form, and see how much you like it (if you live to tell).

Or for that matter, the use of the term "organic." Do vegetables turn into rocks if you use pesticides while they are growing?
One of my favorite [misuses] is the idea of behavior being "learned vs. innate" or any of the other nature-nurture versions of this. The first question I often get when I talk about a behavior is whether it's "genetic" or not, which is a misunderstanding because ALL traits, all the time, are the result of input from the genes and input from the environment. Only a difference between traits, and not the trait itself, can be genetic or learned — like if you have identical twins reared in different environments and they do something different (like speak different languages), then that difference is learned. But speaking French or Italian or whatever isn't totally learned in and of itself, because obviously one has to have a certain genetic background to be able to speak at all.
There the text contradicts itself (or corrects itself unknowingly?). When it says "obviously" it sounds like "duh", which is basically it. When people used the term "learned" is because they are trying to avoid the "duh" part. It is, in fact, correct to say "learned" as opposed to "genetic". The problem is not in the public but in the author. Actually it's a two-fold problem: first he is not taking into consideration a part of science he is ignorant of (which would be nice to say in his smug as heck face) called linguistics, specifically pragmatics. Second, he shows some measure of lack of anger control. Just because you hate people for not knowing what your majesty the probably-bullied-years-ago-and-bitter-about-it knows and loves to fantasy they don't, doesn't make it true.

Emotional control: it's really good before publishing something. Dmn%$#@$#% it! :D

P.S. The same goes for the word 'chemical'. What the users of the word mean is "artificial chemicals". And don't let me get started with the word organic. Pragmatics is your friend. For all the Sheldon Coopers out there (feeling superior but in fact really not getting it): imagine it as mastering the interface of the meat computers called humans. Not mastering it is like refusing to learn windows and its cartoon-like-icon-laden fun "because it's all binary actually", and that's what all computers should show, damn it!
I'm going to disagree with what is said about "proof" here. If one is going to limit the use of that word to a purely mathematical one, then it becomes virtually useless and I know of few scientists who would then use that word. I prefer the definition of the word as "the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or fact." It is in this sense that the word should be used more, in fact, in order to counter the word's misuse amongst lay people. The more that scientists say things like "we can't ever 'prove' anything" (in a mathematical sense) the more they undercut those things that we can actually "prove" (in a scientific cogency sense) and the less reason the lay person has to believe anything scientists say.
Proof indeed! If it isn't establishing it as verifiable truth, it isn't proof of anything. It may be evidence in support of though. Anyone in the atheism web knows about "theory". Evolution is "just a theory". "I have a theory". It does seem to have a more layman meaning when outside of science, which is fine.

Almost any labeling on foods. Organic, all natural as well as "whole grain", "low fat" (instead of "lower fat"), cage free. In America, it is perfectly legal to imply something that isn't quite true.

I'm going to disagree with what is said about "proof" here. If one is going to limit the use of that word to a purely mathematical one, then it becomes virtually useless and I know of few scientists who would then use that word. I prefer the definition of the word as "the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or fact." It is in this sense that the word should be used more, in fact, in order to counter the word's misuse amongst lay people. The more that scientists say things like "we can't ever 'prove' anything" (in a mathematical sense) the more they undercut those things that we can actually "prove" (in a scientific cogency sense) and the less reason the lay person has to believe anything scientists say.
But typically the word "proof" or "prove" is used in lieu of "slightly suggests". "Proof" in science really means
"established fact". I think the word "fact" is also abused. People mistake the word "fact" for "claim".
Not sure this qualifies but in one group posters often use the term "average" with out knowing that there are three measurements of central tendency incluiding the mean, median and mode and that they often are meaningless with out corresponding measurements of dispersion.

I suspect they might think the first standard deviation is a reference to deviant sexual behavior.

Example of a meaningless use of the word average.

Four guys were discussing a subject and their average net worth was 20 billion dollars.

Meaningless because it was Bill Gates discussing something with his lawn care crew.

Not sure this qualifies but in one group posters often use the term "average" with out knowing that there are three measurements of central tendency incluiding the mean, median and mode and that they often are meaningless with out corresponding measurements of dispersion.

I suspect they might think the first standard deviation is a reference to deviant sexual behavior.

Example of a meaningless use of the word average.

Four guys were discussing a subject and their average net worth was 20 billion dollars.

Meaningless because it was Bill Gates discussing something with his lawn care crew.


Yes!! Right up there with "theory", "proof", "quantum uncertainty", and "organic" is misuse of "average". I have BS and MA degrees in math and worked in software for several years - including data analysis and SQL programming - so perhaps I'm a little too prickly about this one! :) I've lost track of how many times I've been asked to crunch numbers or develop a report that would calculate an average, when what the person really wanted was a best estimate of a representative value for the dataset. In so many cases outliers skewed the data so much that the actual average (i.e. mean) was not going be remotely useful without standard deviation or variance presented along side it; and then, you run into the issue of people not understanding/remembering what those are. I've used that Bill Gates example, or something similar, to make the point. Fortunately, people seem to get it.
Not sure this qualifies but in one group posters often use the term "average" with out knowing that there are three measurements of central tendency incluiding the mean, median and mode and that they often are meaningless with out corresponding measurements of dispersion.

I suspect they might think the first standard deviation is a reference to deviant sexual behavior.

Example of a meaningless use of the word average.

Four guys were discussing a subject and their average net worth was 20 billion dollars.

Meaningless because it was Bill Gates discussing something with his lawn care crew.


Yes!! Right up there with "theory", "proof", "quantum uncertainty", and "organic" is misuse of "average". I have BS and MA degrees in math and worked in software for several years - including data analysis and SQL programming - so perhaps I'm a little too prickly about this one! :) I've lost track of how many times I've been asked to crunch numbers or develop a report that would calculate an average, when what the person really wanted was a best estimate of a representative value for the dataset. In so many cases outliers skewed the data so much that the actual average (i.e. mean) was not going be remotely useful without standard deviation or variance presented along side it; and then, you run into the issue of people not understanding/remembering what those are. I've used that Bill Gates example, or something similar, to make the point. Fortunately, people seem to get it.

Book keeper, lawyer and insurance adjuster were duck hunting.

Duck flew overhead and the lawyer shot at him and missed 2 ft high.
Adjuster did the same 2 feet low.
The book keeper pulled his calculator and shouted, "You got him'"
Yeah. Didn't notice that cleverness until fromderinside commented on it...

What gets to me is when someone calls something scientific.
My pet peeve is the misuse of the word "chemical". Like when some of the organic food nutters say they don't like to eat food with "chemicals" in it. :rolleyes: The word chemical is neutral, yet its mostly taken by the general public to mean poisonous, toxic, harmful.
Too true. Just the other day I was reading some suggestions regarding bug control, and someone pointed out the interesting fact that enzymatic de-greasers are good for killing tiny bugs (by partially dissolving their carapace.) Sadly, he/she completely ruined my "cool, I never thought of that" moment by saying that those cleaners are safer because they don't contain chemicals:rolleyes:
Somewhat amusing... The specific bugs in question are chiggers, which (I think) are really annoying because of some particularly nasty *enzymes* in their saliva.

Whenever someone starts talking about "natural" as in "good", just point out one of the many nasty things (I like arsenic) which is also "all-natural".
In that context "natural" means "known" and usual.
And "chemical" means opposite of natural - "unnatural"/not usual
unnatural and untested has a greater chance of being bad for you.
In that context "natural" means "known" and usual.
And "chemical" means opposite of natural - "unnatural"/not usual
unnatural and untested has a greater chance of being bad for you.

Usually, the casaual context is that "natural" means "comes about in nature without the help from humans" and "chemical" means "appears through processes driven by humans".

Same applies for "natural selection" versus "artificial selection"... selection is selection, it is just a difference between intelligent (human) culling and non-intelligent (non-human) culling.
Sometimes people mean unsettling or disturbing when they say "unnatural". I always laugh when people say homosexuality is unnatural, first because it is biology, second because it happens in non-humans as well as humans, and thirdly because I get to reply with "oh, so its supernatural?"
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