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Has "Fake News" Doomed Us?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
It truly is incredible.

article said:
Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, who is prone to peddling conspiracy theories and is a prominent supporter of President Trump, asserted without evidence on Thursday that it was "fake news" that suspicious packages were mailed this week to high-profile Democrats and the New York City offices of CNN.

"Fake bombs," Dobbs wrote in a tweet posted to his verified account Thursday morning. "Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?"
The right-wing whackosphere started up yesterday about how the left was false flagging an attack on them to get more votes on election day. Now the mainstream right-wing on cable are peddling this bullshit. And the seeds aren't planted, it is has been galvanized. All that is left is for Trump to suggest it was a false flag. Not certain even he'd go that far, though he did blame the media for the attack on the media.

Maxine Waters, George Soros, Robert Deniro. These are right-wing echo chamber windmills.

I see this attack, and see what is hopefully a very limited group or single individual that was shooting the Trump Flavoraid via a needle.
The right-wing sees this attack as a left-wing conspiracy.

We are fucked. We are just shy of "the sky is pink" delusion of the right-wing voter.
It truly is incredible.

article said:
Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, who is prone to peddling conspiracy theories and is a prominent supporter of President Trump, asserted without evidence on Thursday that it was "fake news" that suspicious packages were mailed this week to high-profile Democrats and the New York City offices of CNN.

"Fake bombs," Dobbs wrote in a tweet posted to his verified account Thursday morning. "Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?"
The right-wing whackosphere started up yesterday about how the left was false flagging an attack on them to get more votes on election day. Now the mainstream right-wing on cable are peddling this bullshit. And the seeds aren't planted, it is has been galvanized. All that is left is for Trump to suggest it was a false flag. Not certain even he'd go that far, though he did blame the media for the attack on the media.

Maxine Waters, George Soros, Robert Deniro. These are right-wing echo chamber windmills.

I see this attack, and see what is hopefully a very limited group or single individual that was shooting the Trump Flavoraid via a needle.
The right-wing sees this attack as a left-wing conspiracy.

We are fucked. We are just shy of "the sky is pink" delusion of the right-wing voter.

So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.
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It truly is incredible.

article said:
Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, who is prone to peddling conspiracy theories and is a prominent supporter of President Trump, asserted without evidence on Thursday that it was "fake news" that suspicious packages were mailed this week to high-profile Democrats and the New York City offices of CNN.

"Fake bombs," Dobbs wrote in a tweet posted to his verified account Thursday morning. "Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?"
The right-wing whackosphere started up yesterday about how the left was false flagging an attack on them to get more votes on election day. Now the mainstream right-wing on cable are peddling this bullshit. And the seeds aren't planted, it is has been galvanized. All that is left is for Trump to suggest it was a false flag. Not certain even he'd go that far, though he did blame the media for the attack on the media.

Maxine Waters, George Soros, Robert Deniro. These are right-wing echo chamber windmills.

I see this attack, and see what is hopefully a very limited group or single individual that was shooting the Trump Flavoraid via a needle.
The right-wing sees this attack as a left-wing conspiracy.

We are fucked. We are just shy of "the sky is pink" delusion of the right-wing voter.

So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

I know, demonrats are weak amirite? Imagine if the evil hateful left had a "grab a weapon and follow me" kind of mentality.
So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

I know, demonrats are weak amirite? Imagine if the evil hateful left had a "grab a weapon and follow me" kind of mentality.

Well, that would put an end to it of course. Just telling the enemy you are in fact willing to meet them on the battlefield of their choosing is all that is needed. We would all say: Hey, wait a minute. This is nuts.
So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

What should be done about it?

That's the problem. These "new rules" abuse free speech in a manner never before seen and never contemplated. Trump provably lies, Fox and Limbaugh report it as fact, and then accuse Democrats of doing what Trump is under investigation for and for what his cronies have literally been convicted for. Yet, people like you believe that shit.

We're in a It Can't Happen Here scenario and you, and people like you, don't seem to understand it.

"Playing the same game" as Republicans means dealing in bad faith and stabbing our voters in the back, but telling them it's someone else that's shanked them. Sorry, but decent people don't do that.

Look at this "We're going to protect preexisting conditions" nonsense for example. Since when in the fucking world has this been part of the GOP platform??? They've spent two years trying to kill the ACA, but suddenly they're all for one of its most important features? How breathtakingly gullible does one have to be to buy that shit?

And what's your excuse?
Our only hope is that the Americans who can't/won't learn to detect propaganda and manipulation and pure, incessant lies remains under 40%. These people can't be reached by reason.
On the night the mail bomb story was wall-to-wall coverage (was this Wednesday night? In Trumpistan it's so hard to keep track of insanity and assign a time frame), I was writing a letter to a friend, and I wrote, 'Prediction: by tomorrow the right wing world will be saying Democrats sent the bombs to flip the election.' A minute later on my TV screen there was a Trumpie carrying a sign (printer-made, not hand lettered): FAKE NEWS FAKE BOMBS. I put a p.s. on the letter: 'Forget tomorrow, they're already on it.'
Absolutely surreal. There is no flip-flop, grotesque lie, top-of-the-head fantasy statement, ugly slur, delusional conspiracy theory that Trump can utter that his legions will not swallow. (Yeah, I know he hasn't yet signed on to the line that Democrats must have sent the bombs -- although I haven't caught up with today's news yet -- but he has his 33% that will believe any nonsense he hands them and utterly disbelieve any reporting to the contrary.)
So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

I know, demonrats are weak amirite? Imagine if the evil hateful left had a "grab a weapon and follow me" kind of mentality.

Or access to a post office...
So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

What should be done about it?

That's the problem. These "new rules" abuse free speech in a manner never before seen and never contemplated. Trump provably lies, Fox and Limbaugh report it as fact, and then accuse Democrats of doing what Trump is under investigation for and for what his cronies have literally been convicted for. Yet, people like you believe that shit.

We're in a It Can't Happen Here scenario and you, and people like you, don't seem to understand it.

"Playing the same game" as Republicans means dealing in bad faith and stabbing our voters in the back, but telling them it's someone else that's shanked them. Sorry, but decent people don't do that.

Look at this "We're going to protect preexisting conditions" nonsense for example. Since when in the fucking world has this been part of the GOP platform??? They've spent two years trying to kill the ACA, but suddenly they're all for one of its most important features? How breathtakingly gullible does one have to be to buy that shit?

And what's your excuse?

Why do you think I believe everything they say? I have been "preaching" here for less than 1 week, consistently saying that lies need to be met with stronger lies (for example)... my point has been that, while I disagree with much of the liberal agenda and do not call myself a democrat, you guys need to revisit your approach to meet the changing rules. I disagree with almost all of you about most things, probably, but I also don't want a King in power. It would be my civic duty to pick up arms and defend the constitution from those that wish to destroy it. It is the DEMS that are destroying it right now by failing to meet the REPS midfield. Politely asking them to stop this strategy is just a foolish thought. "Going high" is fucking moronic now.

I agree with your first paragraph, except the part where you say I believe it. I may be uneducated, but I ain't stupid. Most of the country IS stupid as well as uneducated. and THAT is what I think the DEMS are completely missing the point about.
I have been "preaching" here for less than 1 week, consistently saying that lies need to be met with stronger lies

And you wonder why that is being rejected here? Maybe it's because SOME OF US DON'T BELIEVE IN LYING.
One fact that seems to get lost in these.... uh, discussions, is that Democrats (and independents who don't believe in lying) constitute the majority.
If they will simply come out and VOTE, this whole problem can start to be addressed.
I have been "preaching" here for less than 1 week, consistently saying that lies need to be met with stronger lies

And you wonder why that is being rejected here? Maybe it's because SOME OF US DON'T BELIEVE IN LYING.
One fact that seems to get lost in these.... uh, discussions, is that Democrats (and independents who don't believe in lying) constitute the majority.
If they will simply come out and VOTE, this whole problem can start to be addressed.

.. and if horses were cows, I'd be eating steak right now.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if [fill in the blank].

When the reality of what is going on does not match what you wish it to be, you can either address it to its face, or wish it away. Wishing it away does not appear to be working for you guys, is all.
I have been "preaching" here for less than 1 week, consistently saying that lies need to be met with stronger lies

And you wonder why that is being rejected here? Maybe it's because SOME OF US DON'T BELIEVE IN LYING.
One fact that seems to get lost in these.... uh, discussions, is that Democrats (and independents who don't believe in lying) constitute the majority.
If they will simply come out and VOTE, this whole problem can start to be addressed.

.. and if horses were cows, I'd be eating steak right now.

You're eating horsemeat? Well, enjoy. In another 2 weeks you might be dining on crow.
I'm taking my cutting horse out to cut cows this weekend ... anything you might need? :D
I have been "preaching" here for less than 1 week, consistently saying that lies need to be met with stronger lies

And you wonder why that is being rejected here? Maybe it's because SOME OF US DON'T BELIEVE IN LYING.
One fact that seems to get lost in these.... uh, discussions, is that Democrats (and independents who don't believe in lying) constitute the majority.
If they will simply come out and VOTE, this whole problem can start to be addressed.

.. and if horses were cows, I'd be eating steak right now.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if [fill in the blank].

When the reality of what is going on does not match what you wish it to be, you can either address it to its face, or wish it away. Wishing it away does not appear to be working for you guys, is all.

What the fuck are you on about?
It truly is incredible.

article said:
Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs, who is prone to peddling conspiracy theories and is a prominent supporter of President Trump, asserted without evidence on Thursday that it was "fake news" that suspicious packages were mailed this week to high-profile Democrats and the New York City offices of CNN.

"Fake bombs," Dobbs wrote in a tweet posted to his verified account Thursday morning. "Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?"
The right-wing whackosphere started up yesterday about how the left was false flagging an attack on them to get more votes on election day. Now the mainstream right-wing on cable are peddling this bullshit. And the seeds aren't planted, it is has been galvanized. All that is left is for Trump to suggest it was a false flag. Not certain even he'd go that far, though he did blame the media for the attack on the media.

Maxine Waters, George Soros, Robert Deniro. These are right-wing echo chamber windmills.

I see this attack, and see what is hopefully a very limited group or single individual that was shooting the Trump Flavoraid via a needle.
The right-wing sees this attack as a left-wing conspiracy.

We are fucked. We are just shy of "the sky is pink" delusion of the right-wing voter.

So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

Democracy doesn't work when half the voting population is making decisions based on lies and when that same half of the voting population angrily rejects any attempt at giving them good information.

The damage done by decades of right wing propaganda outlets on cable TV and AM radio may have simply done too much damage for representative government to be saved. For a nation to survive, the people with ultimate authority need to make decisions based on the best information possible so that their decisions can be of better quality. In a representative government, the ultimate authority is the entire citizenry, and half of the citizenry has been carefully brainwashed to reject actual, valid facts whenever it is presented to them, thus their voting decisions are based on pure bullshit.

There's no coming back from this. The only way to stop this downward plunge is to get millions of conservatives and libertarians to admit that they are wrong about a lot of things, and we all know that is impossible.
It is 45 s strategy to lie and call fake news to deflect from the real issues and it’s working. The media fell for it. The left gets so outraged by it the right is just laughing. The media needs to take a different tact and ignore it, and report the issues.
It is 45 s strategy to lie and call fake news to deflect from the real issues and it’s working. The media fell for it. The left gets so outraged by it the right is just laughing. The media needs to take a different tact and ignore it, and report the issues.

The incentives aren't there. If outlet X doesn't report it then outlet Y will, and by virtue will get more eyeballs on their content and in turn display more banner ads. You can't support multiple 24 hour news networks if you run out of news.
An education system that doesn't teach critical thinking has doomed us.
So, what should be done about it? I mean, that would actually work. You seem to accept the reality of what is working and what is not working. So, what is your opinion on how the Dems can work with these new rules? Is it impossible for them to play the same game that the Reps have created? I am pretty darn sure it is impossible for them to save themselves, especially listening to this group (this site)... it's like watching people scream at the clouds because the weather report said something else.

Democracy doesn't work when half the voting population is making decisions based on lies and when that same half of the voting population angrily rejects any attempt at giving them good information.

The damage done by decades of right wing propaganda outlets on cable TV and AM radio may have simply done too much damage for representative government to be saved. For a nation to survive, the people with ultimate authority need to make decisions based on the best information possible so that their decisions can be of better quality. In a representative government, the ultimate authority is the entire citizenry, and half of the citizenry has been carefully brainwashed to reject actual, valid facts whenever it is presented to them, thus their voting decisions are based on pure bullshit.

There's no coming back from this. The only way to stop this downward plunge is to get millions of conservatives and libertarians to admit that they are wrong about a lot of things, and we all know that is impossible.

It's not new. Democracy has been undermined by a political movement that has no qualms about lying before; It caused quite a bit of trouble.

Of course, the Americans took steps to ensure that their democracy could NEVER be undermined in a similar fashion, by the simple expedient of not adjusting their constitution one iota, while loudly proclaiming that 1) It couldn't happen here; and 2) That it hasn't happened here before PROVES that it couldn't happen here; and 3) America is different, special, and the shining and incorruptible beacon for the world.

So that's OK then.
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