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Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

So, the more than 500 medical professionals, most who practiced psychiatry who said that Trump has obvious symptoms of dementia are wrong and you know better than them?
Saying "having symptoms of dementia" is not the same as "having dementia"
Having said that, they are lying if they don't see dementia in Biden as well.
Now, I do think they are full of shit, and whatever Trump has is not dementia.
Sue me.

Early signs and symptoms are:
forgetting things or recent events
losing or misplacing things
getting lost when walking or driving
being confused, even in familiar places
losing track of time
difficulties solving problems or making decisions
problems following conversations or trouble finding words
difficulties performing familiar tasks
misjudging distances to objects visually
Common changes in mood and behaviour include:
feeling anxious, sad, or angry about memory loss
personality changes
inappropriate behaviour
withdrawal from work or social activities
being less interested in other people’s emotions

Please note, delusion is not listed!
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I just read an article about normal aging and since I'm old I sometimes have those symptoms. They include forgetting names, and that is my most common problem, and all of my older adult friends have that problem too.
"Include" does not mean it defines is. Everyone forgets names.
Defining symptom of early stages of dementia is short term memory loss. And not just any short memory loss, the important ones.
You are allowed to forget to buy something in the grocery shop. But you are not allowed to drive there twice, forgetting that you have already been there. Or driving there and forgetting why are you there. One of the tests is memorizing phone number.
You tell the number and ask to immediately dial or simply repeat it.
Biden displays plenty of such symptoms. Forgetting names is BS, forgetting that the person has been dead for 30 years, that's what should worry the planet.

"Delusions", or correctly saying "appearance of delusion" are the late stage symptoms, where Alzheimer is obvious.
Biden is clearly "deluded" if he truly thinks that he can perform as president. I personally think he is not at that stage yet.
otherwise 99% of Politicians have dementia.
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Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions
Care to cite some evidence of such a thing?
dude https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551552/
Sir if you deny facts then why ask for facts?
I don't deny facts, you do. You just denied the fact that I posted more than you quoted
A word to the wise is sufficient.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Delusions is not a symptom of dementia.
You googled for dementia+delusions and got results for 2024 (!!!) junk (in my expert opinion) paper to prove me wrong.
This recent junk paper is not recognized by any medical diagnostic manuals/prescriptions.
I listed standard list of symptoms. My relative fit them perfectly. Biden fits them very well.
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A word to the wise is sufficient.
Delusions is not a symptom of dementia.
You googled for dementia+delusions and got results for 2024 (!!!) junk (in my expert opinion) paper to prove me wrong.
This recent junk paper is not recognized by any medical diagnostic manuals/prescriptions.
I listed standard list of symptoms. My relative fit them perfectly. Biden fits them very well.
I beg your pardon, but while not everyone who suffers from dementia, experiences delusions, some do. Some of my former patients who had been diagnosed with dementia experienced delusions. Dementia has a wide variety of symptoms, including hallucinations, bizarre behavior, lack of inhibitions, making false claims, sleeping for very long hours, or not sleeping well and then wandering at night, and of course, short term memory loss. Short term memory loss is the symptom we usually associated with dementia, but it's only one of many symptoms that vary by individual. People who have issues with long term memory, usually don't have dementia, unless they have other symptoms. We all forget things that happened in the past, but people with moderate to advanced dementia, forget what happened a few minutes ago. You probably aren't familiar with the famous concert given by Tony Bennet while he was in the advanced stages of dementia. He remembered every word of his most famous songs, but forgot he had just given the concert minutes later. I had a patient who played the piano quite well but who didn't know any one of her relatives. I know I'm probably wasting my time trying to educate you regarding the many symptoms of dementia, but I probably provided care to at least 50 or more people with dementia either in their homes or in long term care, so I've seen all of these symptoms.

It's impossible to know if Biden has dementia at this point, based on a screwed up debate and some increased stuttering and rambling. He's had this issues his entire life. Those are not necessarily signs of dementia. He might be under too much stress, or showing common symptoms of aging. Trump has numerous symptoms of dementia, confusing Obama with Biden more than once, rambling on about being electrocuted instead of being attacked by sharks, not remembering what Project 2025 is, etc. It would be nice if we had two better candidates, but I prefer the one who has a solid record over the one who has symptoms of several mental disorders, including psychopathy, and narcissism, and he says he plans on prosecuting people who have criticized him. For example Liz Cheney and Biden. The US isn't Russia. We are supposed to have the freedom to criticize our leaders, without any punishment. I hope that lasts, but some of us fear it will be damaged by a second Trump term.
It's impossible to know if Biden has dementia at this point, based on a screwed up debate and some increased stuttering and rambling. He's had this issues his entire life. Those are not necessarily signs of dementia. He might be under too much stress, or showing common symptoms of aging. Trump has numerous symptoms of dementia, confusing Obama with Biden more than once, rambling on about being electrocuted instead of being attacked by sharks, not remembering what Project 2025 is, etc. It would be nice if we had two better candidates, but I prefer the one who has a solid record over the one who has symptoms of several mental disorders, including psychopathy, and narcissism, and he says he plans on prosecuting people who have criticized him. F
Agreed with all of this for all of the same reasons. Plus, my late spouse was a stutterer, I have a very special place in my heart and patience for people who, like me (slightly) and my kids' dead dad (a lot), have a speech impediment.

Sure, I have room in my heart for those who suffer from other ailments. I have room for Donald Trump at any of his many beautiful resort properties and golf ranges, or, golf deranges, I don't know; Mar-a-Lago should be his final res-- resort, his final reso-- I mean the relaxing vacation kind, of course.
But he’s a great communicator.
So was Reagan. You wanna talk Presidents that were showing signs of cognitive decline?

I remember watching two interviews in the early 90s. One was with Reagan on (IIRC) Larry King. Dutch was...not all there. Smiling and genial, but the cliche' lights were on but nobody's home. The other interview was with Nixon, and IIRC it was in the last year or so of his life. The contrast could not have been more stark. Nixon was sharp as a tack, and was very "plugged in" to what was going on at the time.
Yet wasn't Nixon the one who looked so bad in younger years during the Kennedy/Nixon debate?

The human mind is a very mysterious, complicated, and not well understood organ. Reagan latter succumbed to Alzheimer's but in his first term he was known as "the great communicator" who had instant wit telling jokes right on the spot.
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But he’s a great communicator.
So was Reagan. You wanna talk Presidents that were showing signs of cognitive decline?

I remember watching two interviews in the early 90s. One was with Reagan on (IIRC) Larry King. Dutch was...not all there. Smiling and genial, but the cliche' lights were on but nobody's home. The other interview was with Nixon, and IIRC it was in the last year or so of his life. The contrast could not have been more stark. Nixon was sharp as a tack, and was very "plugged in" to what was going on at the time.
Yet wasn't Nixon the one who looked so bad in younger years during the Kennedy/Nixon debate?

The human mind is a very mysterious, complicated, and not well understood organ. Reagan latter succumbed to Alzheimer's but in his first term he was known as "the great communicator" who had instant wit telling jokes right on the spot.
People who listened to the Kennedy/Nixon debate thought Nixon won. The TV audience were judging him on his appearance. Again, you're saying that appearance is your number one qualification for President, and policy or skill matters little if at all.

Reagan? Yes, he was called "the great communicator" and was known for his quips, but (much like the former guy) behind the scenes he had to have his briefings "dumbed down" for him, with some of the info conveyed in pictures.

I just got done listening to an interview with one of our representatives to NATO. The interview was about Ukraine and what the alliance is doing to shore up support, but at the end the interviewer shifted to the question of Biden's competence. The representative - who had worked with Biden as VP and now - said the one thing that always stuck out was that when she went to give him a briefing, it would wind up seeming like it was he who was briefing her. The guest said she was just in the Oval Office a couple weeks ago, and he was still doing that...asking deep, probing questions that challenged her on every issue, keeping her on her toes the whole time.

Does dementia make that happen?

I just got done listening to an interview with one of our representatives to NATO. The interview was about Ukraine and what the alliance is doing to shore up support, but at the end the interviewer shifted to the question of Biden's competence. The representative - who had worked with Biden as VP and now - said the one thing that always stuck out was that when she went to give him a briefing, it would wind up seeming like it was he who was briefing her. The guest said she was just in the Oval Office a couple weeks ago, and he was still doing that...asking deep, probing questions that challenged her on every issue, keeping her on her toes the whole time.

Does dementia make that happen?
If true that is a very compelling argument indeed. I would be convinced on that alone.

Now all we need to do is figure out if she is lying.

I just got done listening to an interview with one of our representatives to NATO. The interview was about Ukraine and what the alliance is doing to shore up support, but at the end the interviewer shifted to the question of Biden's competence. The representative - who had worked with Biden as VP and now - said the one thing that always stuck out was that when she went to give him a briefing, it would wind up seeming like it was he who was briefing her. The guest said she was just in the Oval Office a couple weeks ago, and he was still doing that...asking deep, probing questions that challenged her on every issue, keeping her on her toes the whole time.

Does dementia make that happen?
If true that is a very compelling argument indeed. I would be convinced on that alone.

Now all we need to do is figure out if she is lying.
Perhaps she was truthful; I've heard similar reports regarding Biden being attentive, along the lines of "he's still got it." He's a policy guy. I like discussing policy; policy and rules discussions are among my favorites, and such chats sure do keep me alert and engaged.

No way am I judging Biden on anything on TV or on some short video clip. I am definitely judging him based on what actual working people in government have to say about him, other than Congress members.

I just got done listening to an interview with one of our representatives to NATO. The interview was about Ukraine and what the alliance is doing to shore up support, but at the end the interviewer shifted to the question of Biden's competence. The representative - who had worked with Biden as VP and now - said the one thing that always stuck out was that when she went to give him a briefing, it would wind up seeming like it was he who was briefing her. The guest said she was just in the Oval Office a couple weeks ago, and he was still doing that...asking deep, probing questions that challenged her on every issue, keeping her on her toes the whole time.

Does dementia make that happen?
If true that is a very compelling argument indeed. I would be convinced on that alone.

Now all we need to do is figure out if she is lying.

Well it's not the Daily Mail so you'd probably discount it right away, but you can listen to it for yourself here:

NPR's Morning Edition

It was our ambassador to the NATO alliance. Here's the excerpt I paraphrased:

INSKEEP: (how)...Different is President Biden today than he was 10 years ago, say, or even five?

SMITH: Well, I was just talking to a colleague about this. I often joke that when you go in to brief Joe Biden, whether he's vice president or the president, he often ends up briefing you. And it's hard. He asks very sharp questions. He challenges you, your core assumptions. That's what he did when I worked for him in the vice president's office. I saw him just a couple of weeks ago in Washington, and that's what he was doing again, this time in the Oval Office, peppering me with hard questions about the NATO summit. And he wanted to get it right.

I think he's looking forward to the summit. He insisted that the United States host the 75th anniversary Summit, and he's really looking forward to not only celebrating 75 years of this alliance but looking forward in terms of all that the alliance will achieve for many, many years to come.

INSKEEP: I can see a difference between some years ago. Do you?

SMITH: Of course. He has aged. And there's no question that he is older than he was when I first worked for him in the vice president's office. But in terms of engaging him and the types of questions you get and his focus, I haven't seen a change.
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IMO - I am not a psychiatrist, but have seen my parents age and my spouses parents age, my MIL had Alzheimer's, I do notice symptoms in both candidates. Once you have dementia or decrease in cognitive function, it does not get better.

You have to ask why Biden does not do press conferences? He seems to be very tightly controlled by his minions, who are afraid perhaps symptoms will become more and more apparent in front of the press without scripted responses. Too much chance for ad libing that may not go well.

I think Biden has done a great job, but he needs to step down.
You have to ask why Biden does not do press conferences?

Generally speaking, Presidents have their Press Secretaries do the press conferences, and media access (like one on one interviews) to the President has been "very tightly controlled" for decades. The only Trump press conference that comes to mind is the one he did when Covid was in full swing and his staff cringed at his suggestions of injecting disinfectants or plugging a light up a bunghole for a cure. When he was in the White House, he spoke almost exclusively to friendly outlets that would give him softball questions like "Mr. President, you are so patriotic and hard working for the American people. How do you do it?"
You have to ask why Biden does not do press conferences?

Generally speaking, Presidents have their Press Secretaries do the press conferences, and media access (like one on one interviews) to the President has been "very tightly controlled" for decades. The only Trump press conference that comes to mind is the one he did when Covid was in full swing and his staff cringed at his suggestions of injecting disinfectants or plugging a light up a bunghole for a cure. When he was in the White House, he spoke almost exclusively to friendly outlets that would give him softball questions like "Mr. President, you are so patriotic and hard working for the American people. How do you do it?"
Well, no not really. They are expected to face the press themselves on a regular basis, as well as use their Press Secretaries. Biden most definitely has been rather evasive regarding Press Conferences:

Biden's media evasion

President Biden has engaged in fewer press conferences and media interviews than any of the last seven presidents at this point in their terms, according to an analysis from presidential scholar Martha Joynt Kumar.

For all his numerous faults, Trump did frequently engage the media (both friendly and hostile ("fake news" as he would call them). He often gave impromptu press conferences after disembarking from the Air Force One helicopter.
Well it's not the Daily Mail so you'd probably discount it right away,
Just to clarify, it's TSwizzle who worships the Daily Mail, not RVonse. Rvonse gets his news from reputable sources like Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore. Oh, and Paul Craig Roberts but seriously - fuck that guy.
Well it's not the Daily Mail so you'd probably discount it right away,
Just to clarify, it's TSwizzle who worships the Daily Mail, not RVonse. Rvonse gets his news from reputable sources like Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore. Oh, and Paul Craig Roberts but seriously - fuck that guy.
Point taken. Thank you.
Everytime I see the thread title immediately interpret it as Smellygate. Am I demented?
Yes. Smellygate is Trump constantly shitting his pants for years. He's also considered senile but a far worse candidate than Biden.
Look, I'm not one to...shit on...someone who loses control of their bodily functions on occasion. Earlier this year when I wound up in the ER, there was a woman across the way who - if my reading of what I heard was correct - was not able to do so. The nurse tried to keep up, but the lady caused quite a mess before she was hauled out of the ER and into a room. The nurse apologized profusely to the orderly when he showed up to clean the mess, and all I was thinking at the time was "at least I'm not in that situation."

Then again, that woman wasn't President of the United States.
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