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Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
Really, and do you have personal experience of people with dementia, because I do, and Trump shows some of the signs even if we can say at a mild-mid level.
The Times did endorse Biden in 2020, and will endorse him again if he is the candidate. The editorial board, not to be confused with the op-ed columnists, is vehemently anti-Trump. As southernhybrid notes, the Times has opinion columnists across the political spectrum, but they have nothing to do with the editorial board. The Times strives for balance in its opinion columnists, perhaps a quaint notion in our current political environment.
The NY Times after the debate called on Biden to be replaced as Democratic candidate (admittedly so did some of Democratic "insiders").
Did the NY Times also call on Trump to be replaced, because to objective observers his debate performance was actually even worse than President Biden's.
Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
Considering that I directly cared for people who suffered from all kinds of dementia, including the most common type, Alzheimer's, considering I took most of my continuing education classes on dementia, while working as a professional nurse for most of my career, and considering my own dear mother died with advanced Alzheimer's last year, I think I'm a lot more qualified regarding the symptoms of dementia compared to you, and probably most of the other members on this board.

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions, for example thinking you are a king, or you have billions of dollars etc. It's more than having memory lapses when under stress or exhausted, or having a life long problem with stuttering. None of those things qualify as dementia. Most everyone, including young people forget things at times or have issues with public speaking when under pressure. You need to learn a lot about the symptoms of dementia before making unsubstantiated claims, but somehow I tend to think you already know that your claims and most of your responses here are. unsupported with evidence.
Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
Really, and do you have personal experience of people with dementia, because I do, and Trump shows some of the signs even if we can say at a mild-mid level.
The Times did endorse Biden in 2020, and will endorse him again if he is the candidate. The editorial board, not to be confused with the op-ed columnists, is vehemently anti-Trump. As southernhybrid notes, the Times has opinion columnists across the political spectrum, but they have nothing to do with the editorial board. The Times strives for balance in its opinion columnists, perhaps a quaint notion in our current political environment.
The NY Times after the debate called on Biden to be replaced as Democratic candidate (admittedly so did some of Democratic "insiders").
Did the NY Times also call on Trump to be replaced, because to objective observers his debate performance was actually even worse than President Biden's.
The Times has criticized Trump and reported on his false claims many times. If it hasn't asked Trump to step down, it's probably because they know he has a cult that would never allow that. I read the NYTImes everyday, but there is no way I can read all of the articles, so I may have missed something. But, I do agree the Times, WaPo, the AJC and other major. papers have spent too much time dwelling on Biden's weaknesses. My guess is that the writers are scared of what it would mean for free speech if Trump wins, and they feel that Biden's chances of winning are dwindling after that awful debate.
For those who seem to think that the NYTimes is in Trump's pocket, I'm going to gift one of my 10 articles for the month of July to give just one example of many, where the Times has reported on the danger of 2nd Trump term. The article was written in June.


Donald Trump and his closest allies are preparing a radical reshaping of American government if he regains the White House. Here are some of his plans for cracking down on immigration, directing the Justice Department to prosecute his adversaries, increasing presidential power, upending America’s economic policies, retreating militarily from Europe and unilaterally deploying troops to Democratic-run cities.

Crack down on illegal immigration to an extreme degree​

Mr. Trump is planning a massive expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration if he returns to power in 2025. Among other things, he would:

1. Carry out mass deportations​

Mr. Trump’s top immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, said that a second Trump administration would seek a tenfold increase in the volume of deportations — to more than a million per year.

2. Increase the number of agents for ICE raids​

He plans to reassign federal agents and the National Guard to immigration control. He would also enable the use of federal troops to apprehend migrants.

3. Build camps to detain immigrants​

The Trump team plans to use military funds to build “vast holding facilities” to detain immigrants while their deportation cases progress.

4. Push for other countries to take would-be asylum seekers from the United States​

He plans to revive “safe third country” agreements with Central American countries and expand them to Africa and elsewhere. The aim is to send people seeking asylum to other countries.

5. Once again ban entry into the United States by people from certain Muslim-majority nations​

He plans to suspend the nation’s refugee program and once again bar visitors from mostly Muslim countries, reinstating a version of the travel ban that President Biden revoked in 2021.

6. Try to end “birthright citizenship”​

His administration would declare that children born to undocumented parents were not entitled to citizenship and would cease issuing documents like Social Security cards and passports to them.
Read more:

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans

There's more in the linked article if anyone is interested in reading it. It's not behind a paywall. The Times actually reports what's going on instead of making up conspiracy theories, like so many right wing sources of "news" do. It's not perfect but it's one of the better sources of journalism that we still have.
Pure projection on his part. It's very different saying "I stand with all the jews of the world who oppose this genocide" and saying anything in support of Hamas.

That's granting the false narrative that what's going on is genocide.
It is genocide, just as much as The Trail of Tears was, using Hamas as a fig leaf.

Both the Israeli Government and Hamas are acting as crybullies, but a genocide is clearly happening.
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I know who should interview Joe Biden: Unc, on Club Shay Shay.

If the Dems want the Black vote, perhaps they should speak with Black interviewers.

https://www.youtube.com/@ClubShayShay (3.28M Subscribers)

I would say Unc and Ocho, but, Nightcap is about sports.
Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
Considering that I directly cared for people who suffered from all kinds of dementia, including the most common type, Alzheimer's, considering I took most of my continuing education classes on dementia, while working as a professional nurse for most of my career, and considering my own dear mother died with advanced Alzheimer's last year, I think I'm a lot more qualified regarding the symptoms of dementia compared to you, and probably most of the other members on this board.

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions, for example thinking you are a king, or you have billions of dollars etc. It's more than having memory lapses when under stress or exhausted, or having a life long problem with stuttering. None of those things qualify as dementia. Most everyone, including young people forget things at times or have issues with public speaking when under pressure. You need to learn a lot about the symptoms of dementia before making unsubstantiated claims, but somehow I tend to think you already know that your claims and most of your responses here are. unsupported with evidence.
If Biden is not really medically demented he sure has fooled most of the public including myself and the left leaning media.

But far more important than his supposed medical definition is how he presents himself as a POTUS. Well over 50% of the job requires clear and concise communication and at least looking like a leader who knows what is going on and able to act on it. Listening to Biden at the debate was like listening to garbled communication coming out of WW2 headsets. If lucky you could almost understand what you thought was his point he was making. CNN actually helped Trump out a lot by shutting his microphone off and letting his competition destroy itself. \

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them. Which is why the left media had to finally admit Trump looked (for better or worse) so much better than Biden at the debate. Which is also now why all the media is pretending they did not lie about Biden being "sharp as a tack!" for 6 months prior to this. Thus, the point of Coulters article.
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Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions
Care to cite some evidence of such a thing?
dude https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551552/
Bullshit, these are symptoms of shit hitting the fan.
Nobody says that Biden at that stage.
And for the fuck's sake, stop trying to make Trump fit the diagnosis.
He does not have dementia, period. He does not even have the symptoms you trying to ascribe to him.
I know who should interview Joe Biden: Unc, on Club Shay Shay.

If the Dems want the Black vote, perhaps they should speak with Black interviewers.

https://www.youtube.com/@ClubShayShay (3.28M Subscribers)

I would say Unc and Ocho, but, Nightcap is about sports.
Biden already did a post debate interview with a black radio host on WURD. It only made things worse.

Biden Says He Is America's 'First Black Woman To Serve With A Black President' During Radio Interview

On top of that, the radio station was given the questions to ask him by the Biden campaign ahead of time, and he still bungled it:

The Biden campaign approved questions for the president’s interview on Philly’s WURD

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions
Care to cite some evidence of such a thing?
dude https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551552/
Sir if you deny facts then why ask for facts?
Sorry, Trump does not have dementia and you all started talking about it only after debates.
Biden has dementia, it's not debatable, that's just a fact. Trump certainly has narcissistic disorders and not very intelligent to begin with, but he absolutely does not have dementia.
And the easy way to tell is this. Which person would you trust to feed your pet cat if you went on vacation. Even Trump or a 10 year old would make sure the cat had food and water to stay alive. Biden would probably just forget about the cat.

And this senile Biden is who all our lives depend with the nuke 6 minute retaliatory strike. That's whats scary.
Huh? I would be surprised if The Felon fed the cat.

And I would much, much prefer Biden on the red button than The Felon. You realize that in his previous tenure the people who actually would carry out the orders had agreed they wouldn't accept a launch order from him because they didn't trust him to make the decision?

And, realistically in the current state of the world I don't think we need to make a launch on warning decision at all. It is very unlikely that either China or Russia could take out our second strike capability and so long as it's going to survive there's no reason to shoot until you see the mushroom clouds. That might mean nobody with the authority to push the button but that could be handled by saying "launch in 48 hours if this order hasn't been countermanded by then."

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them.
it doesn’t really matter if all you are communicating are lies.
The fact that it's pathological* is a huge problem.

*Britannica Dictionary definition of PATHOLOGICAL. 1. : extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problem. He is a pathological liar/gambler. She has a pathological fear of heights.

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions
Care to cite some evidence of such a thing?
dude https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551552/
Bullshit, these are symptoms of shit hitting the fan.
Nobody says that Biden at that stage.
And for the fuck's sake, stop trying to make Trump fit the diagnosis.
He does not have dementia, period. He does not even have the symptoms you trying to ascribe to him.
So, the more than 500 medical professionals, most who practiced psychiatry who said that Trump has obvious symptoms of dementia are wrong and you know better than them? I've already posted the link in. a different threat as well as an article that had video of a famous physchologist explaining Trump's symptoms of dementia.

I just read an article about normal aging and since I'm old I sometimes have those symptoms. They include forgetting names, and that is my most common problem, and all of my older adult friends have that problem too. I've already said that at this point, we need a different Democratic candidate, but Trump is not only showing signs of dementia, he's a narcissist and a psychopath without a moral compass. But, then you have a leader who also show strong symptoms of psychopathy, so it's not surprising you might not notice Trump's symptoms. I'd vote for Biden's head in a jar over Trump, that's how dangerous Trump's second term might be for my country. But, despite Biden's symptoms of old age, he's at least a decent person who will have decent advisors. Luckily, you don't get to vote in the US.
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