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Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them.
it doesn’t really matter if all you are communicating are lies.
The fact that it's pathological* is a huge problem.

*Britannica Dictionary definition of PATHOLOGICAL. 1. : extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problem. He is a pathological liar/gambler. She has a pathological fear of heights.
I think if you are going to try to make a moral distinction between Trump and Biden, its probably best to not use lying and dishonesty to hang your hat on. Find something else. Read the following article from Snopes. If this doesn't meet the definition of a pathological liar, then what does?

Did Joe Biden Drop Out of the '88 Presidential Race After Admitting to Plagiarism?

That was only the beginning of his history of lying and dishonesty.

Snopes fact checks Biden

And there have been many more fibs over the years not addressed by Snopes.

I'm willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt that some of those could be faulty recollections and not intentional lies. But a long history of plagiarism followed by denials and excuses indicates deliberate and blatant dishonesty.
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I'll post the link again, just for those who don't realize that Trump has dementia.


There is "overwhelming" evidence that Donald Trump is suffering from dementia, a leading psychiatrist has claimed, amid speculation about the state of the former president's mental health.

Dr. Lance Dodes, a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and retired Harvard Medical School professor, was among those recently quoted by Duty To Warn, which describes itself as an association of mental health professionals concerned about Trump.

"Unlike normal aging, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality," he wrote in a statement published on Friday, which referenced Trump's confusing Barack Obama with Joe Biden.

"If he were to become president he would have to be immediately removed from office via the 25th Amendment as dangerously unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office," Dodes, who is also a distinguished fellow of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, added, citing the 1967 mechanismthat allows for a president to be removed due to unfitness.

I'll see what else I can find.
Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
Considering that I directly cared for people who suffered from all kinds of dementia, including the most common type, Alzheimer's, considering I took most of my continuing education classes on dementia, while working as a professional nurse for most of my career, and considering my own dear mother died with advanced Alzheimer's last year, I think I'm a lot more qualified regarding the symptoms of dementia compared to you, and probably most of the other members on this board.

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions, for example thinking you are a king, or you have billions of dollars etc. It's more than having memory lapses when under stress or exhausted, or having a life long problem with stuttering. None of those things qualify as dementia. Most everyone, including young people forget things at times or have issues with public speaking when under pressure. You need to learn a lot about the symptoms of dementia before making unsubstantiated claims, but somehow I tend to think you already know that your claims and most of your responses here are. unsupported with evidence.
If Biden is not really medically demented he sure has fooled most of the public including myself and the left leaning media.

But far more important than his supposed medical definition is how he presents himself as a POTUS. Well over 50% of the job requires clear and concise communication and at least looking like a leader who knows what is going on and able to act on it. Listening to Biden at the debate was like listening to garbled communication coming out of WW2 headsets. If lucky you could almost understand what you thought was his point he was making. CNN actually helped Trump out a lot by shutting his microphone off and letting his competition destroy itself. \

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them. Which is why the left media had to finally admit Trump looked (for better or worse) so much better than Biden at the debate. Which is also now why all the media is pretending they did not lie about Biden being "sharp as a tack!" for 6 months prior to this. Thus, the point of Coulters article.

Wow. Sohy just told you about their extensive (and personal) experience dealing with dementia over a career in the medical field, explained that Biden is not exhibiting signs, and you basically replied with "nuh uh! He's got dementia fer sure!"

That aside, the most important thing about being President is not presentation. The far more important parts are leadership and decision-making, as well as having qualified people on your team who are able to not only implement plans and policy, but also provide expertise and even push back when there are concerns. We know that Biden has the leadership stuff down pat. His first term has been one of the most consequential first terms of any President in recent history, bringing the country out of a recession coupled with the aftermath of a pandemic, and doing it all with a Republican House which has accomplished nothing but obstruction, fruitless investigations, and can barely keep their own caucus from self-destructing. We know that Trump - if reelected - will surround himself not with experienced subject matter experts, but with fawning sycophants who tremble in fear at the prospect of saying "Mr. President, I think you're wrong."

Finally, while Trump did manage to speak clearly and forcefully at the debate, not only were most of the words out of his pie hole lies, but there are many other examples of him drifting off course at rallies, ranting about things that never happened, getting names mixed up, dribbling off into incoherence, and at least once not even knowing what city he was speaking to. Yes, he's also had some rallies where he stirs up the crowd, gets them to cheer and chant, and generally delivered a strong performance, but you know who was also really, really good speaking at rallies? Hint: man, person, camera, TV, genocide, bunker.

And here we come to the crux of the biscuit. Folks like yourself and the Trump supporters are all about style over substance. Perception over performance. Feelings over function. The media is playing along with this, and I'd disagree they've been "ignoring" signs of Biden's "cognitive decline" for all this time. Truth is, the guy is boring. He's never been a great speaker, and the only time he's gotten coverage for a speech is for outliers like his "hopped up" SOTU speech and this debate. The media is covering Biden non-stop now because they're waiting for more examples of his "cognitive decline" so they can play the clip repeatedly, bring in a panel of pundits, and have a "discussion" that keeps viewers hanging on for the next quarter of an hour so the Nielsen meters will register another block of viewership. The only thing the media cares about (and I worked for a major media company for decades) is ratings and revenue. Not the future of the country. Not providing viewers with an accurate accounting of the policy positions of candidates and their implications. It's ratings and revenue.

As the 2024 U.S. presidential campaigns heat up, both camps are watching closely for gaffes from the two presidential frontrunners, in an effort to discredit the other over age and psychological capacity.

Harry Segal is a senior lecturer in the Psychology Department at Cornell University and in the Psychiatry Department at Weill Cornell Medicine. His research focus includes the study of personality disorders, future life anticipation and young adult development.

Harry Segal​

Senior Lecturer

“In the 2024 election, both party candidates have been accused by the other of having psychological deficits. This weaponizing of clinical concepts is no doubt confusing to voters and journalists. A careful consideration of these claims can demystify their use as ‘opposition research.’
“Objectively, Donald Trump has a documented history of lying that is so marked as to be considered 'pathological.' Politicians often say untrue things, but the frequency of Trump’s lying is so extreme as to meet criteria for sociopathic behavior, since he tells falsehoods across all life domains, from his personal relationships to business dealings and finally to politics. Recently, several clinicians have noted the ways he has begun to mistake words, lose his train of thought, confuse Biden with Obama, particularly during long rallies held in the evening. There are examples of phonemic paraphasia – swapping parts of words for others that sound similar; these are signs of early dementia, even though they are intermittent.
“The complaints about Joe Biden have been more vague – citing his advanced age, physical fragility and occasional mixing up of names. But there is no evidence of dementia onset, no ‘sun-downing,’ no reports from staff or cabinet members that he is failing to stay on top of legislative or international issues. This in contrast to Trump whose cabinet at the end of his term considered invoking the 25th amendment.
Well, Democrat media kinda called Biden (Brandon) senile. Don't know if they learned anything.
The New York Times and similar newspapers are not Democrat media. They have shown this year that they support Trump.
Also, actual professional media observers have all noted that up until a couple of weeks ago, most media have been mainly ignoring Trump's catalogue of insane comments, and only concentrating on any alleged (whether real or RW propaganda) Biden shortfalls (for example, the cropped video showing Biden wandering off, when he was actually walking towards and talking to two nearby landed skydivers).
Even now they do little reporting of Trump's lies and clearly demented comments.
The non-reporting of Trump's many insane gaffes is one of the biggest untold stories of this election cycle and has been a great assist to the Trump campaign. Their intention may not be to support Trump, but nonetheless it has done so, intentional or not.
Felon gaffes are not news because news is something new. The same thing over and over isn't news.
Anyone who thinks that Biden is senile and Trump isn't, is obviously a member of the Trump cult. Yesterday Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. Was he lying or did he forget about it?
Anyone who says BS like that does not understand how dementia expresses itself.
I've seen the aping, I see the same thing in The Felon, only worse.
But far more important than his supposed medical definition is how he presents himself as a POTUS. Well over 50% of the job requires clear and concise communication and at least looking like a leader who knows what is going on and able to act on it. Listening to Biden at the debate was like listening to garbled communication coming out of WW2 headsets. If lucky you could almost understand what you thought was his point he was making. CNN actually helped Trump out a lot by shutting his microphone off and letting his competition destroy itself. \

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them. Which is why the left media had to finally admit Trump looked (for better or worse) so much better than Biden at the debate. Which is also now why all the media is pretending they did not lie about Biden being "sharp as a tack!" for 6 months prior to this. Thus, the point of Coulters article.
The Felon has clear and concise communication? Half the time it's not even apparent what he's trying to say!
I just read an article about normal aging and since I'm old I sometimes have those symptoms. They include forgetting names, and that is my most common problem, and all of my older adult friends have that problem too. I've already said that at this point, we need a different Democratic candidate, but Trump is not only showing signs of dementia, he's a narcissist and a psychopath without a moral compass. But, then you have a leader who also show strong symptoms of psychopathy, so it's not surprising you might not notice Trump's symptoms. I'd vote for Biden's head in a jar over Trump, that's how dangerous Trump's second term might be for my country. But, despite Biden's symptoms of old age, he's at least a decent person who will have decent advisors. Luckily, you don't get to vote in the US.
Old age--you forget something, you know the fact is missing or you at least get it in the ballpark.

Dementia--you forget something, you don't realize you've forgotten it. And you often see aping--taking behavior cues from those around even when they're clearly wrong. No, it is not correct for you to put your hand on my wife the same as I do it! Or consider the bleach incident--he was trying to take credit for somebody else's idea but without even coming close to understanding what was actually said.
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And here we come to the crux of the biscuit. Folks like yourself and the Trump supporters are all about style over substance. Perception over performance. Feelings over function. The media is playing along with this, and I'd disagree they've been "ignoring" signs of Biden's "cognitive decline" for all this time. Truth is, the guy is boring. He's never been a great speaker, and the only time he's gotten coverage for a speech is for outliers like his "hopped up" SOTU speech and this debate. The media is covering Biden non-stop now because they're waiting for more examples of his "cognitive decline" so they can play the clip repeatedly, bring in a panel of pundits, and have a "discussion" that keeps viewers hanging on for the next quarter of an hour so the Nielsen meters will register another block of viewership. The only thing the media cares about (and I worked for a major media company for decades) is ratings and revenue. Not the future of the country. Not providing viewers with an accurate accounting of the policy positions of candidates and their implications. It's ratings and revenue.
I want a boring president! You want a gentle hand at the rudder of the ship of state!

Quite apart from the state of his mind and his positions I would vote against The Felon because of his desire for a heavy hand on the rudder. Yanking the rudder is an emergency move that should only be done as a last resort.

And I most definitely agree about the media. It's been apparent for a long time--eyeballs are far more important than the truth. More so with video than with text, but even text is far from immune to this. Everybody will slant the news in the direction they think their viewers want.
Old age--you forget something, you know the fact is missing or you at least get it in the ballpark.

Dementia--you forget something, you don't realize you've forgotten it. And you often see aping--taking behavior cues from those around even when they're clearly wrong. No, it is not correct for you to put your hand on my wife the same as I do it! Or consider the bleach incident--he was trying to take credit for somebody else's idea but without even coming close to understanding what was actually said.

Doesn't even need to be old age. I'm no spring chicken (I'll be turning 59 next month) but I'm not as spry as I used to be, especially after a long day. Yesterday I worked a "double" shift, and near the end of my 16 hours, we had an issue arise with some of our cars that required several teams looking at the problem. I was the senior member of my team, so the leads in the other departments (incident management, troubleshooting, fleet management, etc.) looked to me for our perspective. I must admit I wasn't much help. My response would normally be "well it is possible that a combination of (several factors) that could lead to the error, but I don't have an answer yet as to why the cars are doing that specific (behavior)." It came out more like "um...I guess...it's....I mean I've kinda seen them do that before but...um...I dunno."

Presidents generally work very long days. What did Trump do the day of the debate? If it's like when he was in office, he probably spent his morning watching TV, maybe had a meeting or two, then hit the golf course before eating a meal of fast food and guzzling Diet Cokes until it was time.

It has also been 4 years since he was rambling on about bleach and putting a light up your corn hole to clean out the virus. He was "on" for the debate, but another thing I'm concerned about is that if he is reelected and begins to show even more signs of decline, you can bet your bottom dollar that the fawning sycophants on his staff will do everything they can to hide it from the public. I mean, the guy is already getting on his plane and waving to crowds that aren't there...
Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them. Which is why the left media had to finally admit Trump looked (for better or worse) so much better than Biden at the debate. Which is also now why all the media is pretending they did not lie about Biden being "sharp as a tack!" for 6 months prior to this. Thus, the point of Coulters article.
This video is 9 months old, is from MSNBC and starts off with a whole bunch of clips of experts complaining about Biden's age

If you think the MSM hasn't commented on Biden's age over not just the last 6 months, but the last 4 fucking years then you haven't been paying attention.
then you haven't been paying attention.

Erm, this point has been trying desperately to make itself made for some time now.
Screaming into the abyss, but the abyss is full and not accepting new screams.
If Biden is not really medically demented he sure has fooled most of the public including myself and the left leaning media.
That's cuz most of the MAGAts are idiots and believe anything coming out of Trump's and his minion's pie holes.

You've been caught repeating total bull crap several times here because you didn't bother to fact check before hand.

Trump certainly has many problems but communication was not one of them.
it doesn’t really matter if all you are communicating are lies.
The fact that it's pathological* is a huge problem.

*Britannica Dictionary definition of PATHOLOGICAL. 1. : extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problem. He is a pathological liar/gambler. She has a pathological fear of heights.
I think if you are going to try to make a moral distinction between Trump and Biden, its probably best to not use lying and dishonesty to hang your hat on. Find something else. Read the following article from Snopes. If this doesn't meet the definition of a pathological liar, then what does?

Did Joe Biden Drop Out of the '88 Presidential Race After Admitting to Plagiarism?

That was only the beginning of his history of lying and dishonesty.

Snopes fact checks Biden

And there have been many more fibs over the years not addressed by Snopes.

I'm willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt that some of those could be faulty recollections and not intentional lies. But a long history of plagiarism followed by denials and excuses indicates deliberate and blatant dishonesty.
All politicians lie. Padding resumes is common. No one lies like Trump. Not anywhere near.
But he’s a great communicator.
So was Reagan. You wanna talk Presidents that were showing signs of cognitive decline?

I remember watching two interviews in the early 90s. One was with Reagan on (IIRC) Larry King. Dutch was...not all there. Smiling and genial, but the cliche' lights were on but nobody's home. The other interview was with Nixon, and IIRC it was in the last year or so of his life. The contrast could not have been more stark. Nixon was sharp as a tack, and was very "plugged in" to what was going on at the time.

Btw, dementia expresses itself in behavioral issues frequently, including delusions
Care to cite some evidence of such a thing?
dude https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551552/
Sir if you deny facts then why ask for facts?
I don't deny facts, you do. You just denied the fact that I posted more than you quoted and actually explained to you your own link.
What you essentially claim here, is that, unless Biden does not publicly sling his own crap into the crown he does not have dementia and fit for office.
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