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Has Trump's believablity diminished to the point that he has become minimilized


Mazzie Daius
Oct 6, 2008
Local group: Solar system: Earth: NA: US: contiguo
Basic Beliefs
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA. Are these signs his fierceness is being blunted by his lyingness?

I think so. Soon appearing on your local TV Trump the bloviator in chief.

Your thoughts and arguments......
The guy who built his political career by claiming Obama isn't American?

He's never had any credibility, yet people believe him.
It would be hard for his credibility to diminish any further in my eyes, and his alt-right base simply doesn't care, as long as he continues to provide cover for their racism, misogyny, and religious bigotry. There will be some in the middle who will wake up, but the question then becomes, will it be enough to make a difference in the mid-terms? Provided Trumplethinskin is still in office come 2018.
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA.
Presidential blueprints are often DOA, so I don't think that is significant. The Repugs have a Yuge circle to square as they try to do so many things with very narrow control of the Senate.

*Infrastructure - Always was DOA with the Repugs
*The Wall - Good music, stupid idea by FFvC. The Repugs will probably toss him a few small bones to pretend that he is starting to build the Great Wall
*Illegal Aliens - I figure by this summers big picking season kicks in, the pain of more aggressive enforcement w/o dealing with the green card program deficiencies will start causing the Repugs some real pain
*Deconstructing the ACA - a field of landmines and the Repugs now seem to have taken off their blindfolds, wishing they had fresh underwear. Though I think they still will pass something rather damaging.
*Tax cuts - Yeah the Repugs will probably get something thru to help the top 10%
*Deficits - Ronnie didn't care so why should they. But there will be some knife fights with some of the hard core 'deficit pigeons'.
*Military spending - Yeah, the Repugs will probably expand the one jobs program that both parties can agree upon, maybe not $54B

And generally, the Repugs will probably bleed all other discretionary budgets some more. One might as well as toss some dice on what will happen on foreign policy issues.
Just like on the (hit) Contract on/for America in '94, the GOP will do very little in the way of actual legislation, but claim victory, anyway.

Cheato's credibility is not a relevant variable. He will go to his grave with a 43% approval rating.
One must always keep in mind that half of the US population have IQs less than or equal to 100.
One must always keep in mind that half of the US population have IQs less than or equal to 100.
One of my wife's principals was upset when someone mentioned that half the kids in the school were below-average performers.
One must always keep in mind that half of the US population have IQs less than or equal to 100.
One of my wife's principals was upset when someone mentioned that half the kids in the school were below-average performers.
Probably because they didn't specifically say the "median average".
One must always keep in mind that half of the US population have IQs less than or equal to 100.
One of my wife's principals was upset when someone mentioned that half the kids in the school were below-average performers.

I hope she advised the principal to move to Lake Woebegone... :D
We'll know he's minimized when people here stop creating thread after thread after thread about him.

Like, say, John Edwards.

*poof* gone.
We'll know he's minimized when people here stop creating thread after thread after thread about him.

Like, say, John Edwards.

*poof* gone.

Sure, as soon as he's stopped being President of the United States, I'll be happy to ignore him. I'll do it fucking tomorrow if he wants.

His believability is an issue because, at some point, the US is going to need to deal with a serious issue. If Trump says that Iran is building nuclear weapons, do we have any reason to believe that Iran is building nuclear weapons? If Trump says that a major terrorist attack is imminent, do we have any reason to believe that there's about to be a major terrorist attack? The man has no credibility at all in a job which requires credibility.
We'll know he's minimized when people here stop creating thread after thread after thread about him.

Like, say, John Edwards.

*poof* gone.

Sure, as soon as he's stopped being President of the United States, I'll be happy to ignore him.

I'll be overjoyed to ignore him under that single condition. Since it seems to bother dismal so much, maybe he can help?
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA. Are these signs his fierceness is being blunted by his lyingness?

I think so. Soon appearing on your local TV Trump the bloviator in chief.

Your thoughts and arguments......

When was Trump believable?

When was he "fierce"?

Trump is what he has always been - a narcissistic bullying misogynistic pathological liar with delusions of grandeur.

For the people who are truly so stupid they don't know this, nothing will ever change their minds.
For the people who don't care about his lying or any of the rest of it, he is just a means to their ends and he is too egotistical to see it.

I think that Trump is essentially a puppet, even though HE thinks he is an emperor. HE thinks he was elected because people think he is a great man. He wasn't. He was elected because he is so easily manipulated.

I think he is an accident of circumstances - the puppet of the Russians and the Republicans - for very different reasons and not in cooperation with each other though.

Russians did not want Hillary, and they can control Trump.

Republican establishment didn't want Trump, but since they got stuck with him they are very glad of the distraction while they try to ram through as much damage as they can before they have absolutely no choice but to remove the incompetent maniac
Sure, as soon as he's stopped being President of the United States, I'll be happy to ignore him.

Well then, that's a "no" vote.

Correct. When a crazy person holds the most powerful job on the planet, I will definitely not ignore him, regardless of how much his strategy is to get people to ignore him.
No wiretaps, a second proclamation blocked by courts, claims that fewer covered is better, some saying his budget is DOA. Are these signs his fierceness is being blunted by his lyingness?

I think so. Soon appearing on your local TV Trump the bloviator in chief.

Your thoughts and arguments......

What exactly is your argument here?

Fascists (excuse me, "conservatives and libertarians, who are totally different, I swear") do not admit that he is wrong about anything, or if they admit that, do not acknowledge that his lies are in any way a problem.

Non-fascists never gave him credibility in the first place.
Non-fascists never gave him credibility in the first place.

Tru nuff. After seeing that clown in the first Republican debatacle, I couldn't believe that anyone would want him back for any reason than to point and laugh. Now I see the GOPsters, and point and cry. They have sold their souls down the river, and for the first time I wish a pox on both of their ill-gained Houses.
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