Don't have to have good guys. We need to try and stop the killing. The problem we have is that the major players in the region are apathetic to the Palestinians at best, while others use them as pawns. I get the Middle Eastern nations don't like the West. There is baggage. Any deal brokered would need to have the Palestinian interests at equal with the Israelis. But with Iran, they don't care about Palestinians. They want their big bad heel in Israel to be suffering. I think the only way to go about it is to sell a final peace plan, hard... something that is great for the Palestinians, something that would make the Iranian theocracy isolated (more so) globally in rejecting it. Of course, the other issue is that the hard liners that control more policy in Israel than the percentage of the vote they receive should allow, also don't care about the Palestinians and have their own agenda.
Which leads to what makes this a difficult peace plan, current leadership on both sides do not want peace. The people are much more likely to want stability, but they aren't in charge.
Clearly showing that you do not understand the situation. It is
impossible to make peace with the Palestinians because they're not the ones in charge. Suppose you had a magic wand and made peace with Hamas--the result would simply be the money moving to other groups such as Islamic Jihad. Very soon we would be right back where we were.
Any peace that Iran doesn't agree to will not hold. And Iran has no interest in agreeing to peace. And they have radical Islam in charge--and radical Islam explicitly rejects the notion of making any real peace with non-Muslims.
At this point I suspect that even if you got Iran to agree it wouldn't solve it because Russia has gotten back into the game.