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High Level Trump Admins Secretly Meeting With Russian Spy Chiefs

Stupid, smoke and mirrors is all the Trumpsuckers have at this point in the investigation.

I still don't understand why conservatives and Republicans do not want to know if the Trump campaign or Trump conspired with our enemies to get help in the election.

And, if there is nothing there - as Trump keeps saying - why is he acting like there is some terrible secret he has to protect? Really, let the investigation come up with nothing if there is nothing to uncover. That will do more to dismiss the FBI and the Democrats than these pathetic attempts at blowing smoke.

That is your plan, to keep the distraction to diminish how great the economy is, how great unemployment has decayed, how great are the opportunities to get wealthy, how society is getting together when no authorities are imposing cultural changes or lack of freedom.

You love this investigation perhaps because you'll never understand why Mrs.Hillary Clinton lost the presidential elections.

Look, when it was Mrs. Hillary Clinton vs Mr. Barack Obama, whole Americans knew that she had a big shadow following her, and that dark image behind her was Mr. Bill Clinton.


Mr. Clinton has been catalogued as "the Black President" as well as Mr. Obama is catalogued as "the Gay President".

Mr. Clinton put his hand on the heart and didn't betray his nickname. He himself never believed that her wife will make it.

At the time of voting, Mr. Clinton voted for candidate Obama.


In these last elections, at the last minute, when lots of people had the ballot in front of them, they knew Mrs. Clinton wasn't the right candidate.

They voted for Mr. Trump.

I'm so glad that millions of people decided like me, that president Trump was to be the greatest president of the USA ever.

I'll hope the correspondent guilty party, which started this conspiracy against the campaign of Mr.s Trump to be found and pay for their wrongdoings.

Justice must be applied and a new investigation will supplant the current one, because it has been found already that this infamous "Russian collusion" was part of a malicious campaign.
That is your plan, to keep the distraction to diminish how great the economy is, how great unemployment has decayed, how great are the opportunities to get wealthy, how society is getting together when no authorities are imposing cultural changes or lack of freedom.
You are babbling a distraction. I have no plan. I simply wish to await the outcome of the investigation.
You love this investigation perhaps because you'll never understand why Mrs.Hillary Clinton lost the presidential elections.
I do not love nor hate the investigation. Nor does this have anything to do with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or any other former President or Presidential candidate.

The investigation is looking into the allegations that the Trump campaign (and possibly Trump himself) conspired with one of our enemies (the Russians) during the Presidential campaign. Those are serious charges and I would think any rational person of any political persuasion who actually cared about the USA would want to know if any of those charges are true or not. Frankly, I would hope they are false for the good of this country. But if any of them are true, I hope the American people in a bipartisan way can come together to get this sorted out in a fair manner.
That is your plan, to keep the distraction to diminish how great the economy is, how great unemployment has decayed, how great are the opportunities to get wealthy, how society is getting together when no authorities are imposing cultural changes or lack of freedom.
You are babbling a distraction. I have no plan. I simply wish to await the outcome of the investigation.
You love this investigation perhaps because you'll never understand why Mrs.Hillary Clinton lost the presidential elections.
I do not love nor hate the investigation. Nor does this have anything to do with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or any other former President or Presidential candidate.

The investigation is looking into the allegations that the Trump campaign (and possibly Trump himself) conspired with one of our enemies (the Russians) during the Presidential campaign. Those are serious charges and I would think any rational person of any political persuasion who actually cared about the USA would want to know if any of those charges are true or not. Frankly, I would hope they are false for the good of this country. But if any of them are true, I hope the American people in a bipartisan way can come together to get this sorted out in a fair manner.

Sure, right.
Sure, right.
And that response is what is wrong with the USA today - partisanship trumping the good of the country. Not surprising coming from someone who wrote in all seriousness .."that president Trump was to be the greatest president of the USA ever."
Stupid, smoke and mirrors is all the Trumpsuckers have at this point in the investigation.

I still don't understand why conservatives and Republicans do not want to know if the Trump campaign or Trump conspired with our enemies to get help in the election.

And, if there is nothing there - as Trump keeps saying - why is he acting like there is some terrible secret he has to protect? Really, let the investigation come up with nothing if there is nothing to uncover. That will do more to dismiss the FBI and the Democrats than these pathetic attempts at blowing smoke.

Obviously, to me, it means there IS something there. The Trump cabinet started down the road that Nixon took, hoping their majority across all branches of government would let it all slip right though. Their miscalculation on how deep the media would dive into their activities and shine the light into the dark corners where the cockroaches scatter from, is leading them away from that strategy to gain maximum power.

The Trump cabinet's new strategy (that this memo is clearly illustrating) is the OJ strategy. When the facts all point to the same unavoidable conclusion, pivot the story to be about corruption in the investigative body.

If you were accused of rape, and your defense was that the person that identified you as the assailant "didn't like you therefore it's unfair". You are pretty much pleading guilty with very shaky extenuating circumstances.
I saw a segment on Fox yesterday (or the day before - recently) that had Kellyann telling a reporter that the investigation was silly because (she says) the Democrats think they can reverse the election results such that Hillary becomes president somehow.

That is the stupidest thing anyone can think... no person ever made the claim that if there was cooperation with the Russions to undermine the electoral process then that would remove the sitting president and install the loosing candidate... it is a distraction, a strawman for those with no basis of fact to support their claims that they can latch onto.

The other strawman I recently have been hearing is that the Memo that was released by the Republican majority indicates that a warrant was BASED on biased investigative work. That is simply a lie. The warrant was BASED on investigative information gotten before Trump, a year before the Trump Dossier was presented. The Dossier was an element of the THIRD renewal of the warrant - which can only be granted for 90 days at a time.

So, the warrant was not based on the dossier, nor does anyone think that a possible outcome of this is Hillary for president. If anything, it would be Pence for president.. like, you know, the LAW provides.

If Fox was unable to spread these false narratives that contain bald-faced lies then the Repugs would have nothing to do but say, "I was wrong, vote for the democrat next election so I don't wrong you again".. so they are going with the, "lets just lie our way out of this as best we can".
Speaking of false narratives... anyone else impressed by how Trump accuses people of everything he has done? Kind of a chilling thing to remember when he accuses people of treason (for not standing and clapping for his moronic speech).
Yes, I do believe he is guilty of treason and knows it, even though I'm not sure what his actual treason consists of ... yet.
Speaking of false narratives... anyone else impressed by how Trump accuses people of everything he has done?
With piss-poor attribution. "Someone said" it was treasonous.
"someone" has said a lot of things Trump went on to repeat. You'd think at some point, even the Donald would learn that guy's name.
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