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High Level Trump Admins Secretly Meeting With Russian Spy Chiefs

By all means then; please tell us what what news sources are reliable.

Do I have to spoon-feed you? I already provided a LIST.
It's missing Breitbart, RT and a few other favorites, but other than that, I think all of the alt-right's "responsible news sources" are listed.
Yeah, that's it! Label me a Russian/Trump appologist. Keep drinking!
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All of which is also irrelevant to what is happening. Are all branches of our government now compromised? I thought the judicial was still strong. I'm not so sure now.
The hysteria getting to you? That's what Maddow does best - make others hysterical, regardless of how irresponsible she is in doing so. But she sells, and consumers buy.

I don't watch Maddow except for occasional clip or episode shared on the internet.

Have you missed your ten minutes of hate today or something?
Funny, as much as I dislike Trump's policies, what has happened since his election is the exposure of the liberal dittohead. This place is loaded with them.
That's the only kind of liberal there is. They can't spend half a second thinking for themselves, so they just repeat the latest thing they hear on MSNBC or CNN, even when it comepletely contradicts the shit they were saying just the other day. One minute, Trump got Russia to make him president, the next minute Trump didn't even want to be president. They can't both be true, but liberals believe it because the media told them to believe it.
They can't both be true...

Logically impaired alt-right Russian pawns can't understand how it could possibly be that Trump didn't want to be president, but under Putin's blackmail, he conspired with their efforts and ended up in the office. Now, he is still doing Putin's bidding, trying to tear down every institution that supports our (and every other country's) representative democracy. He is likely to to see prolonged success in that effort as long as he can keep sufficient numbers of them stupid and ignorant enough that they remain blind to his subservience to Russian interests.
Funny, as much as I dislike Trump's policies, what has happened since his election is the exposure of the liberal dittohead. This place is loaded with them.
That's the only kind of liberal there is. They can't spend half a second thinking for themselves, so they just repeat the latest thing they hear on MSNBC or CNN, even when it comepletely contradicts the shit they were saying just the other day. One minute, Trump got Russia to make him president, the next minute Trump didn't even want to be president. They can't both be true, but liberals believe it because the media told them to believe it.
Your point is taken except for the generalisation. Some of the most reliable news sources have been liberal people. Or, at least I believe most of them to be liberal.

I know that at this stage I'm as embarrassed to have ever called myself liberal as I was when I denounced conservatism.
They can't both be true...

Logically impaired alt-right Russian pawns can't understand how it could possibly be that Trump didn't want to be president, but under Putin's blackmail, he conspired with their efforts and ended up in the office. Now, he is still doing Putin's bidding, trying to tear down every institution that supports our (and every other country's) representative democracy. He is likely to to see prolonged success in that effort as long as he can keep sufficient numbers of them stupid and ignorant enough that they remain blind to his subservience to Russian interests.
Come back in a couple of years and reread this post and see how whacky it really is.
My my, the righties sure like deflecting from the point.
My my, the righties sure like deflecting from the point.
Sorry, I didn't see that you made a point in your op. Perhaps I missed it?

Nope, I just checked again. You didn't type anything. Does Rachel Maddow speak for you?
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
When similar charges were made against Bill Clinton, was your attitude the same? How about the accusations of Obama being a Muslim and not an American citizen? Did you say you wanted investigations to prove any of that?
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
When similar charges were made against Bill Clinton, was your attitude the same? How about the accusations of Obama being a Muslim and not an American citizen? Did you say you wanted investigations to prove any of that?
There were no similar charges made against Bill Clinton. I was in favor of the Whitewater investigation when it was about possible political corruption but not when it devolved to tawdry and irrelevant allegations of adultery.

Being a muslim is not a crime in the USA nor is being a muslim an indication of corruption. So there was no need for an investigation.

Barack Obama provided sufficient evidence of his citizenship. The birther movement (of which Trump was a part) was much more about bigotry and racism than actual evidence.

Now, I would like to know anyone would not want to know if a candidate for POTUS, let alone the victor, conspired with an enemy of the US during the campaign.
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
When similar charges were made against Bill Clinton, was your attitude the same? How about the accusations of Obama being a Muslim and not an American citizen? Did you say you wanted investigations to prove any of that?

There was evidence Bill Clinton conspired with Russia?

There was evidence Barack Obama was a muslim?
My my, the righties sure like deflecting from the point.
Sorry, I didn't see that you made a point in your op. Perhaps I missed it?

Nope, I just checked again. You didn't type anything. Does Rachel Maddow speak for you?

My point is the Trump administration is lousy with behind the scenes Russian connections, but you knew that already.
I'm getting a bit hysterical over the firing of an acting-Attorney General, FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director, US District Attorney of Southern New York, and soon Deputy Attorney General (and likely the Associate Attorney General).

Perhaps you should take a break from reality and read some actual reliable and responsible news sources?
I'm sorry, but who above wasn't canned by Trump?
I'm getting a bit hysterical over the firing of an acting-Attorney General, FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director, US District Attorney of Southern New York, and soon Deputy Attorney General (and likely the Associate Attorney General).

Perhaps you should take a break from reality and read some actual reliable and responsible news sources?
I'm sorry, but who above wasn't canned by Trump?
I was addressing your episodes of hysteria mainly.
I'm sorry, but who above wasn't canned by Trump?
I was addressing your episodes of hysteria mainly.

In other words, you want to derail with a personal attack. How about addressing what you actually quoted from Jimmy?
He said he was hysterical about an issue and I suggested he find sources that didn't make him feel that way.

Trump did fire the people claimed. That was his right too. What's the problem?
My my, the righties sure like deflecting from the point.
Sorry, I didn't see that you made a point in your op. Perhaps I missed it?

Nope, I just checked again. You didn't type anything. Does Rachel Maddow speak for you?

My point is the Trump administration is lousy with behind the scenes Russian connections, but you knew that already.

He probably did know that... but he runs away from the question: "Why do we only learn of Trump's meetings with Putin and other Russians... from Russian media?"
Probably doesn't want to say "Because he is under investigation for conspiring with them and doesn't want to add to the mountain of evidence against him"
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