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High Level Trump Admins Secretly Meeting With Russian Spy Chiefs

In other words, you want to derail with a personal attack. How about addressing what you actually quoted from Jimmy?
He said he was hysterical about an issue and I suggested he find sources that didn't make him fell that way.

Trump did fire the people claimed. That was his right too. What's the problem?

No, YOU said he was hysterical. His comment about hysteria was sarcasm but the content of his post was on-topic. I suggest you keep your responses relevant and avoid personal comments.
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
When similar charges were made against Bill Clinton, was your attitude the same? How about the accusations of Obama being a Muslim and not an American citizen? Did you say you wanted investigations to prove any of that?

There was evidence Bill Clinton conspired with Russia?

There was evidence Barack Obama was a muslim?
There were allegations of both.
In other words, you want to derail with a personal attack. How about addressing what you actually quoted from Jimmy?
He said he was hysterical about an issue and I suggested he find sources that didn't make him fell that way.

Trump did fire the people claimed. That was his right too. What's the problem?

No, YOU said he was hysterical. His comment about hysteria was sarcasm but the content of his post was on-topic. I suggest you keep your responses relevant and avoid personal comments.
Here's his original post

I'm getting a bit hysterical over the firing of an acting-Attorney General, FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director, US District Attorney of Southern New York, and soon Deputy Attorney General (and likely the Associate Attorney General).
If I were a conservative, I would like to know if the Trump campaign conspired with Putin. While it would be embarrassing if it were true, it would less embarrassing than spending all that time and effort defending him or his campaign.
When similar charges were made against Bill Clinton, was your attitude the same? How about the accusations of Obama being a Muslim and not an American citizen? Did you say you wanted investigations to prove any of that?
There were no similar charges made against Bill Clinton. I was in favor of the Whitewater investigation when it was about possible political corruption but not when it devolved to tawdry and irrelevant allegations of adultery.

Being a muslim is not a crime in the USA nor is being a muslim an indication of corruption. So there was no need for an investigation.

Barack Obama provided sufficient evidence of his citizenship. The birther movement (of which Trump was a part) was much more about bigotry and racism than actual evidence.

Now, I would like to know anyone would not want to know if a candidate for POTUS, let alone the victor, conspired with an enemy of the US during the campaign.
What evidence have you found so far?
No, YOU said he was hysterical. His comment about hysteria was sarcasm but the content of his post was on-topic. I suggest you keep your responses relevant and avoid personal comments.
Here's his original post

I'm getting a bit hysterical over the firing of an acting-Attorney General, FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director, US District Attorney of Southern New York, and soon Deputy Attorney General (and likely the Associate Attorney General).

He used the word because you used it first. Get the fuck over it and move on. And stay on topic.
My point is the Trump administration is lousy with behind the scenes Russian connections, but you knew that already.

He probably did know that... but he runs away from the question: "Why do we only learn of Trump's meetings with Putin and other Russians... from Russian media?"
Probably doesn't want to say "Because he is under investigation for conspiring with them and doesn't want to add to the mountain of evidence against him"

That's my impression, too. Poster is just interested in the distraction. The real question here is why American media can't get access to this news. IMO, it is because Trump can control what the White House reveals to the public. He cannot control the Kremlin, and they invite their press in for the propaganda value it has.
My point is the Trump administration is lousy with behind the scenes Russian connections, but you knew that already.

He probably did know that... but he runs away from the question: "Why do we only learn of Trump's meetings with Putin and other Russians... from Russian media?"
Probably doesn't want to say "Because he is under investigation for conspiring with them and doesn't want to add to the mountain of evidence against him"

That's my impression, too. Poster is just interested in the distraction.
Me? Really? This entire investigation is intended as a distraction for Trump and his administration. And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Stupid russian spies, can't keep their meetings secret, have to always report them to russian press.
American spies are more professional - when they go to Ukraine to oversee their efforts to undermine their democracy they try to keep it secret.
And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?
They can't both be true...

Logically impaired alt-right Russian pawns can't understand how it could possibly be that Trump didn't want to be president, but under Putin's blackmail, he conspired with their efforts and ended up in the office. Now, he is still doing Putin's bidding, trying to tear down every institution that supports our (and every other country's) representative democracy. He is likely to to see prolonged success in that effort as long as he can keep sufficient numbers of them stupid and ignorant enough that they remain blind to his subservience to Russian interests.

That's a new one - Putin blackmailed Trump into running for POTUS.
There were no similar charges made against Bill Clinton. I was in favor of the Whitewater investigation when it was about possible political corruption but not when it devolved to tawdry and irrelevant allegations of adultery.

Being a muslim is not a crime in the USA nor is being a muslim an indication of corruption. So there was no need for an investigation.

Barack Obama provided sufficient evidence of his citizenship. The birther movement (of which Trump was a part) was much more about bigotry and racism than actual evidence.

Now, I would like to know anyone would not want to know if a candidate for POTUS, let alone the victor, conspired with an enemy of the US during the campaign.
What evidence have you found so far?
I am waiting for the results of the Mueller investigation.
There were no similar charges made against Bill Clinton. I was in favor of the Whitewater investigation when it was about possible political corruption but not when it devolved to tawdry and irrelevant allegations of adultery.

Being a muslim is not a crime in the USA nor is being a muslim an indication of corruption. So there was no need for an investigation.

Barack Obama provided sufficient evidence of his citizenship. The birther movement (of which Trump was a part) was much more about bigotry and racism than actual evidence.

Now, I would like to know anyone would not want to know if a candidate for POTUS, let alone the victor, conspired with an enemy of the US during the campaign.
What evidence have you found so far?
I am waiting for the results of the Mueller investigation.
For now, given Trump's actions and inactions toward Russia, the circumstantial evidence, and the gravity of the POTUS possibly being compromised, it's not only reasonable but should be expected that no stone be left unturned.
Personally, I'm not overly concerned Robert Mueller is going to devolve into a Ken Starr like creature.
I am waiting for the results of the Mueller investigation.
For now, given Trump's actions and inactions toward Russia, the circumstantial evidence, and the gravity of the POTUS possibly being compromised, it's not only reasonable but should be expected that no stone be left unturned.
Personally, I'm not overly concerned Robert Mueller is going to devolve into a Ken Starr like creature.
People are making a big deal of apparent reluctance of Trump to abide with ridiculous laws Congress passes.
But It's normal for US presidents (once they in office) to change their opinion. Foreign policy is no exception. Let's not forget that Obama who promised to close Guantanamo and then decided not to. In case of Trump and his apparent "gravity" toward Russia is a result of his habbit to be contrarian toward his opponents. Democrats were trashing Russia, so he had no choice but to be opposite to that.

Also don't forget that Jerusalem fiasco was actually Trump abiding Congress. So Congress are not always good guys.
Congratulate me for making it through 90 seconds of that video. Rachel Maddow is so annoying, how do any of you stand it?

I said the same thing last year... she is the personification of "Belabored"
That said, her show is good for delving deeply into a specific story, and I have gotten over her repetition and annoying smug faces she makes... and those stupid time-filling exasperated gyrations she makes.. prolly 10% of her show is silent facial expression-making.

Hey - she has a whole hour (minus about 25 minutes of commercials) to fill. While she drives me nuts with her habit of setting up every point, using four times as much time as it takes to present the actual point, she (her team??) is better than anyone else on TV at connecting dots. There are so many dots these days - I'm grateful for the work that goes into her show.
Oh, and I'm sure Angry Floof meant to exclude you as well!

I agree the show is good for "connecting the dots".. if you have the patience to follow the path of an elderly lady in a walker leading a developmentally challenged child down the street.
And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?

It appears this reference is to the partisan Republican claim that the warrant that yielded evidence of illegal activity of various members of the Republican party was gotten illegally, and thus was a violation of the civil rights of the person from whom evidence was collected. Like that Athletic doctor that raped and molested young girls for years should get away with no charges because the prosecutor had once before charged another person for another rape... so the prosecutor is biased against rapists.

What actually (appears) to have happened is that a foreign agent was being spied on by our agents, and a suspicious conversation between that foreign agent and some American citizen was captured. A standard process was followed to request information on who that American was, so the information about the activities of the foreign spy can be ascertained. It turns out the American that the foreign spy was talking to was a Republican campaign member attempting to undermine the election in coordination with the foreign agent.

So, what civil rights were not protected? The right to conduct yourself in secret while operating with a foreign entity that is being monitored? How does that work?
I don't really understand the Maddow hate, but I realize she has to make her stories accessible and easy to follow for a large majority of the viewers. Personally, yes, I think it's a little slow sometimes, but if she went at a speed that would be acceptable to many on this board, I suspect that would be too fast for the average viewer. I especially likes when she does shows and links them to history, those are my favorite. Personally, I think she's fun, but it's content that matters most, and I think the show has great content. It's a good show for taking all the news of the day and presenting it all together within an hour. Of course, I realize it has a certain slant, and I keep that in mind, as one should.
And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?

It appears this reference is to the partisan Republican claim that the warrant that yielded evidence of illegal activity of various members of the Republican party was gotten illegally, and thus was a violation of the civil rights of the person from whom evidence was collected. Like that Athletic doctor that raped and molested young girls for years should get away with no charges because the prosecutor had once before charged another person for another rape... so the prosecutor is biased against rapists.

What actually (appears) to have happened is that a foreign agent was being spied on by our agents, and a suspicious conversation between that foreign agent and some American citizen was captured. A standard process was followed to request information on who that American was, so the information about the activities of the foreign spy can be ascertained. It turns out the American that the foreign spy was talking to was a Republican campaign member attempting to undermine the election in coordination with the foreign agent.

So, what civil rights were not protected? The right to conduct yourself in secret while operating with a foreign entity that is being monitored? How does that work?

Ya talking about Carter Page?
They're complaining about the evidence used to obtain the 3rd or 4th RENEWAL of a FISA warrant...
If they had been unable to get that warrant renewed, there would be accusations flying about their dereliction of duty - which it would have been.
And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?
We can start with the surveillance of people associated with the Trump campaign based on a phony dossier bought and paid for by political operatives and supplied by a foreign agent who has refused to avail himself to formal questioning.

Then we can discuss how Flynn was dragged through the mud with nothing more than innuendo by Obama holdovers Sally Yates and James Comey apparently because he participated in "lock her up" chants. And then being indicted on silly charges because he didn't have a perfect memory regarding a couple of phone calls.

All this sets precedents. It could happen to any one of us. Civil rights should be the unequivocal yield and proceed with caution warning for any investigator looking into anyone else's activities. It's not happening with this episode and people like Rachel Maddow are helping people look right past that.
Well, CIA director gave a reasonable explanation to this news. These visits seems to be regular and necessary. So no CIA-KGB conspiracy to make Trump president for life.
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