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Hillary Clinton

Compared to trump, she is very very deep.

So in order to rather desperately try to make Killary Clinton look good you have to compare her to an obnoxious oaf like Trump. That says it all :D

Well, I think that Cruz would be far worse! But yea, the choice is between Clinton and Trump now. You, Barbos, and Arkirk hate HRC because she doesn't kowtow to Putin.
hate HRC because she doesn't bend over for Putin.

Putin wouldn't bend that nasty thing over. Even Bill got tired of it.

It seems to me that most non-republican people who hate Hillary do so for personal reasons. It's kinda bizzare. Bottom line for me: she's presidential, experienced, and I agree with most of her issues. And she's not Trump. She has my vote!
With Hillary, its a crap shoot. She may be a run of the mill Democratic president or may turn out to be excellent. She may be effective or stymied by GOP obstructionism and obdurance. She may move slighlty to the left to gain support of young voters, encouraged by Sander's success or she may not.

But Trump would be a disaster. Do you really want demented Jim DeMent appointing the next supreme court justices, or Trump's economic plans that will bury us in $10 trillion in deficits? Cruz? Even worse if he should somehow steal the nomination from Trump. A theocrat.

Not voting for Clinton if she wins the nomination is as good as a vote for Trump and disaster.
With Hillary, its a crap shoot. She may be a run of the mill Democratic president or may turn out to be excellent. She may be effective or stymied by GOP obstructionism and obdurance. She may move slighlty to the left to gain support of young voters, encouraged by Sander's success or she may not.

But Trump would be a disaster. Do you really want demented Jim DeMent appointing the next supreme court justices, or Trump's economic plans that will bury us in $10 trillion in deficits? Cruz? Even worse if he should somehow steal the nomination from Trump. A theocrat.

Not voting for Clinton if she wins the nomination is as good as a vote for Trump and disaster.

Whaaaaat? Are you trying to tell me that the act of dramatically reducing taxes while increasing spending would lead to deficits??? Shit that ruins my day! Yea, I'm done with republicans. Their culture wars, wars on science, belief that we can fix the ME and their belief in voodoo economics have made voting for the best alternative a necessity for me.
"At least half" means ">=50%". It is a specific percentage. And my comments are not anti-women, they are anti-gender quotas.

Population share is not a good way to select a cabinet.
But I have no problem with the idea of only selecting cabinet members on merit.
Apparently Hillary does.
That way we could just as easily end up with 99% women :)
We could. We could also end up with 99% men. Or any number in between. But to Hillary having more women then men is acceptable but the converse isn't. That is a problem.
I'm sure you would be fine with that as long as it was merit based, right?
I would. Would you be ok with a 99% (95% really since there are only about 20 people there) male cabinet?

First of all, what the hell do you think women have been accepting the the entirety of the existence of this country if not 95% - 100% male only governments :rolleyes: It is time for government (and corporate management) to start reflecting the general population demographic. Your bullshit about "merit" operates on the fallacy that it is impossible to have BOTH the best qualified people and diversity. There is almost never just one qualified person for any particular position.

Second, you know damned well that if Clinton appointed 95% of the cabinet positions to women, it would not matter how much evidence there was for their superior qualifications, you would scream bloody murder. Just look at how you speak about Clinton herself.
Obama appointed a majority white male cabinet, strongly majority white cabinet. Yet you'd swear that it was composed of nothing but Freddie Grays due to the reaction from many on the right, mainly Trump supporters.
And you have the belief that the republicans will pull all troops out from the ME.
Do you really have to put words in my mouth in order to pretend you have a point?
Sorry, but you don't seem to be paying attention. Trump has stated that as president that he'll order the military to deliberately target the families of terrorists.
Trump said he will attack ISIS and their families, as they have threatened the USA (only ISIS made the threat).
And just how will Trump's death squads operate in sovereign countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, or Chechnya? Or will he just become the biggest and baddest Drone Warrior in Chief? And those families have NOT threatened the USA. Talk about killing women and children. Trump is promising to target them on purpose instead of on accident...

But Hillary Clinton has been encouraging planning and laughing about the crimes committed in Libya. Over 9000 bombing sorties. How many women children and families do you think you killed in Lybia?
These people were no threat to America but you can't bring yourself to think it might be in some way wrong? What is wrong with you?

When will you admit it's wrong to kill innocent children and women with your deluded fantasies of "regime change"......
FWIW, I have never spoken in favor or bombing Libya nor Syria. Anyway, Trump has hardly sung some magical non-violent tune. Shit, he even coddles violence at his own rallies. Trump doesn't care about women, as he just thinks they are pretty objects (well at least some of them). He is a narcissist, and has promised to continue the ME insanity:

"We really have no choice. We have to knock out ISIS," he said. "I would listen to the generals, but I'm hearing numbers of 20,000 to 30,000."

If you are looking for a foreign policy shift from Trump, you are sadly mistaken. So without that what does he offer? He offers to send our deficits skyrocketing, further enriching the rich with tax cuts. He offers to build a East German style wall on the border with Mexico, and get extra pissy with our neighbor. Jobs? What a fucking joke. His own insanely expensive Florida private club hires hundreds of H2-B visa fucking hospitality workers, like we don't have Americans to do that kind of basic work. What, his club entry fee would have to be increased from $100,000 to $105,000 to attract decent workers? He has said that American wages are too high. So do you just like narcissistic loudmouth asshats? He does offer that...
Clinton will continue the appeasement of Islam when the opposite is required.

The above is just another reason for me to conclude you don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is a war hawk and loves to drop bombs on Arabs. She learned that from her husband.:rolleyes:

And what does angelo think "the opposite" will accomplish? Bomb the shit out of them, and it will serve only to turn any and all survivors into die-hard enemies of the west. That's how ISIS gets its recruits. Of course angelo names Islam as the enemy... presumably we want us to commit genocide on 1,600,000,000 people. Yeah, angelo - real bright idea.
What has pussyfooting around Islam established? Who said anything about genocide? Islam is not so much a religion , but a political ideology. Asking wannabe migrants to Western cultured countries a simple question ought to do it. Ask them : do you support sharia law? An answer in the affirmative must disqualify them from entering a civilised nation.
Clinton will continue the appeasement of Islam when the opposite is required.

The above is just another reason for me to conclude you don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is a war hawk and loves to drop bombs on Arabs. She learned that from her husband.:rolleyes:

And what does angelo think "the opposite" will accomplish? Bomb the shit out of them, and it will serve only to turn any and all survivors into die-hard enemies of the west. That's how ISIS gets its recruits. Of course angelo names Islam as the enemy... presumably we want us to commit genocide on 1,600,000,000 people. Yeah, angelo - real bright idea.
What has pussyfooting around Islam established? Who said anything about genocide? Islam is not so much a religion , but a political ideology. Asking wannabe migrants to Western cultured countries a simple question ought to do it. Ask them : do you support sharia law? An answer in the affirmative must disqualify them from entering a civilised nation.
Gee, that'll be such a successful plan.
Clinton will continue the appeasement of Islam when the opposite is required.

The above is just another reason for me to conclude you don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is a war hawk and loves to drop bombs on Arabs. She learned that from her husband.:rolleyes:

And what does angelo think "the opposite" will accomplish? Bomb the shit out of them, and it will serve only to turn any and all survivors into die-hard enemies of the west. That's how ISIS gets its recruits. Of course angelo names Islam as the enemy... presumably we want us to commit genocide on 1,600,000,000 people. Yeah, angelo - real bright idea.
What has pussyfooting around Islam established? Who said anything about genocide? Islam is not so much a religion , but a political ideology. Asking wannabe migrants to Western cultured countries a simple question ought to do it. Ask them : do you support sharia law? An answer in the affirmative must disqualify them from entering a civilised nation.
Gee, that'll be such a successful plan.
Strictly policed, it would keep out barbarians who will never assimilate with infidels. Anything else is committing a slow but inevitable Western culture, not to mention technological suicide!
Strictly policed, it would keep out barbarians who will never assimilate with infidels. Anything else is committing a slow but inevitable Western culture, not to mention technological suicide!
Good point. We should ship them all to Australia. Nothing there worth saving.
Obama appointed a majority white male cabinet, strongly majority white cabinet. Yet you'd swear that it was composed of nothing but Freddie Grays due to the reaction from many on the right, mainly Trump supporters.
So does that mean he is a sexist SOB because at least half his cabinet weren't women?
What has pussyfooting around Islam established? Who said anything about genocide? Islam is not so much a religion , but a political ideology. Asking wannabe migrants to Western cultured countries a simple question ought to do it. Ask them : do you support sharia law? An answer in the affirmative must disqualify them from entering a civilised nation.

Why pussyfoot around? Ask them if they are Muslim, it is the same thing as asking them if they support Sharia Law.

Or did you not know that Sharia deals with all aspects of Islam?
Strictly policed, it would keep out barbarians who will never assimilate with infidels. Anything else is committing a slow but inevitable Western culture, not to mention technological suicide!
Good point. We should ship them all to Australia. Nothing there worth saving.
Luckily Australia is an island and with both major political parties having a policy of closed, or at least, controlled borders and a limited input of refugees.
Putin wouldn't bend that nasty thing over.
No kidding. He has better looking women to "impale".

It's good to be the czar!
Did I say that? No, I did not. YOU are the one who keeps trying to turn this into a gender-war, and you are failing.
No, Hillary is making this into a gender war by stating that "at least half" of her cabinet appointments will be women.

Did I say that either? No I did not.
Yes, you actually did.

Again, it is YOU who keeps trying to turn this into a gender war.
No, it was Hillary. Why is it so hard to admit that Hillary is wrong on this.

But reality and statistical probability says that if a society is gender-neutral (including in educational opportunities), and the person doing the hiring does so without gender bias, then the result will naturally reflect the general population in something like her cabinet.
Actually, you would have to assume men and women would equally gravitate toward the types of jobs from which cabinet members are recruited. That is not necessarily the case even if educational opportunities are equal (and in fact due to affirmative action and gender-based scholarships and grants women have more educational opportunities than men). If the pool from which you recruit cabinet members is not equal you can't expect the cabinet to be, unless you discriminate by gender, as she is pledging to do.

Also, and I do not know how well you understand statistics, but there is always going to be a variance. I.e. even the pool of candidates were 50-50 and your selection gender neutral there will be a distribution of gender makeup. The probability to randomly (by gender) pick 10 men and 10 women for the cabinet out of a 50-50 pool would actually be only ~18% (even though it is the single most probable outcome, it has less than 1/5 overall probability).
\(\binom{20}{10} \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{20}\)
I guess the Latex renderer is broken. Sigh.

But her pledge (i.e. allowing more female members but not male members) means that she would accept the distribution to skew one way but not the other, basically cutting off one half of the distribution curve. And again, there is no reason why the pool should be exactly 50-50 because there are differences between men and women and which kind of careers they tend to choose.
No, Hillary is making this into a gender war by stating that "at least half" of her cabinet appointments will be women.
Nah, it's people like you who insist in misinterpretation that cause such kerfuffles.
But her pledge (i.e. allowing more female members but not male members) means that she would accept the distribution to skew one way but not the other, basically cutting off one half of the distribution curve. And again, there is no reason why the pool should be exactly 50-50 because there are differences between men and women and which kind of careers they tend to choose.
Are you really implicitly claiming that there is likely to be fewer Cabinet-qualified women in the pools compared to men?
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