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Hillary Clinton

...if Clinton appointed 95% of the cabinet positions to women...
I be all for it, men have gotten us to where we are right now. I mean women have been cleaning up our messes since the beginning of time...

I agree entirely. Even though I'm no fan of the Clintons. I guess I am now though, at least in Derec's book. Any kind of gender equality is apparently sexist in that thin and superficial book.
I be all for it, men have gotten us to where we are right now. I mean women have been cleaning up our messes since the beginning of time...

I agree entirely. Even though I'm no fan of the Clintons. I guess I am now though, at least in Derec;s book. Any kind of gender equality is apparently sexist in the thin book.

What you and Tristan are saying here has nothing to do with any sort of gender equality. It's pretty blatant female supremacism.
I be all for it, men have gotten us to where we are right now. I mean women have been cleaning up our messes since the beginning of time...

I agree entirely. Even though I'm no fan of the Clintons. I guess I am now though, at least in Derec;s book. Any kind of gender equality is apparently sexist in the thin book.

What you and Tristan are saying here has nothing to do with any sort of gender equality. It's pretty blatant female supremacism.

... and you find the supremacism in their statements where?

Actually its not a book. Its a 3x5 note card for which he clams copyright.

Well I guess you will have to vote third party then, as Trump and the weasel are pretty much on the ugly side as well...

No, didn't you see? He likes the way Trump looks..

Not exactly. You see, Hillary makes me feel like vomiting at the sight of her. Trump does not do this to me. His image has a neutral effect.
I agree entirely. Even though I'm no fan of the Clintons. I guess I am now though, at least in Derec;s book. Any kind of gender equality is apparently sexist in the thin book.

What you and Tristan are saying here has nothing to do with any sort of gender equality. It's pretty blatant female supremacism.

In my mind I grant Hillary gender equality. She may be every bit the equal of Donald Trump or perhaps Ted Cruz.What I don't grant her is that her integrity is equal to that of Bernie Sanders. We need leaders with integrity. Money grubbing political class liars do not fill the bill of the kind of leadership this country needs. I have seen her demonstrate a willingness to use excessive military power and to cheat the public on public assistance programs and to sacrifice the environment and little people to outfits like Goldman Sachs. I think Hillary may very well be equal to Obama when it comes to using drones to kill civilians. She may just have to go some to exceed Obama in deportations. This woman is gender equal to the fucked up men in today's politics...not equal to Bernie and not equal to many other women whether it be Elizabeth Warren or Jill Stein. You owe it to yourself if you believe that democracy is not just conformism to always vote for the person with best intentions for you because the winner will do what they privately intend to do. Both the Clintons have made an entire career based on lies and intimidation. There is very little difference between Hillary and Donald or Ted. Vote for her you are voting for conformist politics devoid of ethics.
What I don't grant her is that her integrity is equal to that of Bernie Sanders. We need leaders with integrity. Money grubbing political class liars do not fill the bill of the kind of leadership this country needs. I have seen her demonstrate a willingness to use excessive military power and to cheat the public on public assistance programs and to sacrifice the environment and little people to outfits like Goldman Sachs....

If, and I realize it's still an if, Clinton wins the nomination and Sanders endorses her, and even helps campaign for her, will you still believe in his integrity?
What I don't grant her is that her integrity is equal to that of Bernie Sanders. We need leaders with integrity. Money grubbing political class liars do not fill the bill of the kind of leadership this country needs. I have seen her demonstrate a willingness to use excessive military power and to cheat the public on public assistance programs and to sacrifice the environment and little people to outfits like Goldman Sachs....

If, and I realize it's still an if, Clinton wins the nomination and Sanders endorses her, and even helps campaign for her, will you still believe in his integrity?

It depends on how he endorsed her, and whether she acknowledges him. I can't speak to the ethics of an action not yet taken, and it is foolish to demand such speculation.
What I don't grant her is that her integrity is equal to that of Bernie Sanders. We need leaders with integrity. Money grubbing political class liars do not fill the bill of the kind of leadership this country needs. I have seen her demonstrate a willingness to use excessive military power and to cheat the public on public assistance programs and to sacrifice the environment and little people to outfits like Goldman Sachs....

If, and I realize it's still an if, Clinton wins the nomination and Sanders endorses her, and even helps campaign for her, will you still believe in his integrity?

I will simply vote for the person with the most integrity on the ballot....Jill Stein. Even if they force her off the ballot. You get what you vote for and voting is not supposed to be whatever the rich allow on the ballot. I think if Clinton becomes our president, she will be even worse than Obama. I can't vote for that. I didn't vote for Obama. You seem to want to escape reality and probably earnestly want a good choice available to you on the ballot but just wanting it to be so does not make it so. I agree that Bernie, if he does not carry on as a nominee should use his campaign funding to help progressives on the ballot. We are not going to get a lot more chances to get an honest leader. Bernie's 75. I don't fault his campaign in the slightest. It is a rough thing to take on the billionaires. So far he has done an admirable job. Clinton has already promised that she will be as she has been in the past...to her moneyed supporters and promised to the rest whatever they want to hear.
No, didn't you see? He likes the way Trump looks..

Not exactly. You see, Hillary makes me feel like vomiting at the sight of her. Trump does not do this to me. His image has a neutral effect.

Kusa: That rednosed candidate for president...that is not Rudolph, but an alien from The Hamptons. He pukes me every bit as much as Hillary.
If, and I realize it's still an if, Clinton wins the nomination and Sanders endorses her, and even helps campaign for her, will you still believe in his integrity?

I will simply vote for the person with the most integrity on the ballot....Jill Stein. Even if they force her off the ballot. You get what you vote for and voting is not supposed to be whatever the rich allow on the ballot. I think if Clinton becomes our president, she will be even worse than Obama. I can't vote for that. I didn't vote for Obama. You seem to want to escape reality and probably earnestly want a good choice available to you on the ballot but just wanting it to be so does not make it so. I agree that Bernie, if he does not carry on as a nominee should use his campaign funding to help progressives on the ballot. We are not going to get a lot more chances to get an honest leader. Bernie's 75. I don't fault his campaign in the slightest. It is a rough thing to take on the billionaires. So far he has done an admirable job. Clinton has already promised that she will be as she has been in the past...to her moneyed supporters and promised to the rest whatever they want to hear.

You sound like you would make a great politician. Very slick in evading answering my question.
... and you find the supremacism in their statements where?

Actually its not a book. Its a 3x5 note card for which he clams copyright.
Their claim that women should run things because men are such screwups.

So you base your accusation on a valid claim then. How sad..

I retract the 3x5 card and replace it with a fortune cookie 1/2x2 man feel good message. You can't get much less than that. I'm open for your next input so I can give you less than that.
No, Hillary is making this into a gender war by stating that "at least half" of her cabinet appointments will be women.

Did I say that either? No I did not.
Yes, you actually did.

Again, it is YOU who keeps trying to turn this into a gender war.
No, it was Hillary. Why is it so hard to admit that Hillary is wrong on this.

But reality and statistical probability says that if a society is gender-neutral (including in educational opportunities), and the person doing the hiring does so without gender bias, then the result will naturally reflect the general population in something like her cabinet.
Actually, you would have to assume men and women would equally gravitate toward the types of jobs from which cabinet members are recruited. That is not necessarily the case even if educational opportunities are equal (and in fact due to affirmative action and gender-based scholarships and grants women have more educational opportunities than men). If the pool from which you recruit cabinet members is not equal you can't expect the cabinet to be, unless you discriminate by gender, as she is pledging to do.

Also, and I do not know how well you understand statistics, but there is always going to be a variance. I.e. even the pool of candidates were 50-50 and your selection gender neutral there will be a distribution of gender makeup. The probability to randomly (by gender) pick 10 men and 10 women for the cabinet out of a 50-50 pool would actually be only ~18% (even though it is the single most probable outcome, it has less than 1/5 overall probability).
\(\binom{20}{10} \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{20}\)
I guess the Latex renderer is broken. Sigh.
View attachment 6582

But her pledge (i.e. allowing more female members but not male members) means that she would accept the distribution to skew one way but not the other, basically cutting off one half of the distribution curve. And again, there is no reason why the pool should be exactly 50-50 because there are differences between men and women and which kind of careers they tend to choose.
There's some aspects of Trump speak I don't particularly like. But he's spot on about Hillary using the gender card to try get elected.
Not exactly. You see, Hillary makes me feel like vomiting at the sight of her. Trump does not do this to me. His image has a neutral effect.

Kusa: That rednosed candidate for president...that is not Rudolph, but an alien from The Hamptons. He pukes me every bit as much as Hillary.
It's a dilemma for socialists. Can't vote for Bernie, so who can they vote for? Methinks they'll either vote for Hillary or not at all.
Kusa: That rednosed candidate for president...that is not Rudolph, but an alien from The Hamptons. He pukes me every bit as much as Hillary.
It's a dilemma for socialists. Can't vote for Bernie, so who can they vote for? Methinks they'll either vote for Hillary or not at all.
Fortunately for the Democrats, there aren't really many socialists within their party, so the "hold thy nose and vote for Hillary" really won't be problematic. On the other hand there are millions of American who really don't feel that either party represents them very well, often labeled as independents. And many of those, especially women and Latino's, will find Hillary the lesser of two evils by far. Trump will be a train wreck for the Republicans, so much so that they are starting to worry about losing control of the Senate. Hillary is far closer to RINO republicans positions than Trump. I could even see Republican Senator Lindsey Graham quietly voting for her, after all he compared Trump to a gun shot to the head.

Oh, and it sounds like you (Kusa) have let your extreme political dislike of Hillary Clinton, morph into silly physiological responses...
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What's with all this stuff about either Hillary or Donald's looks; we're not voting to make out with either of them. Which one is the better choice for being President. I see no reason to believe that the next President won't either be Hillary or the Republican; I'll vote for her. I'd rather have her in the office than anyone the Republicans have to offer. If Bernie had received the Democratic nomination I would have voted for him over the Republican.
If Hillary did manage to pull it off it would mean three terms of Democratic rule. When is the last time that happened?
If Hillary did manage to pull it off it would mean three terms of Democratic rule. When is the last time that happened?
For Democrats, FDR and Truman did it for 20 years (5 terms). But that was before the 22nd Amendment and there was a Depression and WWII on.
Republicans of course had three terms of Reagan and Bush 41.
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