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Hillary Clinton

There are more women than men in the USA. Were you unaware of that fact? Representative government is not a "gender quota", but if you insist it is... fine... it is still the right thing to have
The difference is so tiny that it would not affect the split of 20 or so cabinet members.
But in any case, cabinet positions should be decided on merit, not genitalia. Quotas are stupid.

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and you wonder why you don't date? Seriously Derec, do you lower yourself to that level on purpose to drive off even the women on this board who have bent over backwards to treat you fairly, or is that where you really live?
I don't date because I post South Park clips? No, I don't date because I am fat and bald and women aren't attracted to me in a sexual way.
I think what has been missed here over and over again is this thread is about Hillary Clinton. You do not have to be a woman hating misogynist to be opposed to Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a hold over from an era wherein the political class (she has become one of those) traveled to their donors and worked out how they would rule the country if they were adequately funded in favor of the sources of those funds. It used to be called machine politics. Today, it rarely referred to in the mainstream media.There appears to be a logical progression of events once this process gets started that tends to leave non-funders of campaigns out of their very private considerations. What is presented to those of us who are not nearby with large checkbooks at the ready instead by the political class is a regular freak show with politicians who very often switch their policies to match the needs of their contributors. When Hillary Clinton was asked in the first debate how she thought Wall street regarded her, she openly said she wants them to love her. When only the biggest contributors actually concern you you have to lie to the rest. Hillary Clinton has a long history of typical political class behavior already on the record and she is indeed a war monger. When she starts talking about foreign governments it is like she feels she ought to own all of them...or at least get funding from them.. My complete opposition to Hillary is not based on her sex but on her neoliberalism. We know she takes, obscene amounts of money from virtually every special interest group she is capable of tapping. Unfortunately greed is not a quality we need in a president...not greed, not aggression. What we need is a leader whose focus is the public good. That is not Clinton who is really just a Democratic party triangulation of Republican concepts. She is flapping her lips about how progressive she is or will be but it is just as it has always been in the past...so much hot air.

My sympathies are only for part of the Democratic party....and that does not include Hillary or Bill or Pelosi or Feinstein (some of their other worsts) all are millionaires many times over and clearly have demonstrated that they are willing to be bought. Our environment, our level of social decay, our sinking educational status in the world...all of these things need these old school grafters to get out of the way or real change. I simply will not vote for what is not in my best interest.
I don't really care about the email stuff. I'm an Australian, why would I? But to call it a mistake is just plain wrong. Have you looked at the history of all the requests to "secure" her Blackberry, and email server, that preceded this? It was no mistake. But as I said I don't care.

The reason I, as an Australian, don't want her in is that I, and many other Australians don't want our friend and ally to drag us into another war. A war with a nuclear power.
We have Russian planes buzzing US warships and US generals calling for some "tough guy" response. Quite apart from the diarrhea broadcast on Fox News, the Russians have made it extremely clear that they consider the current stance of the neocons to be a threat they take very very seriously.
Hillary Clinton is too shallow to be the President when such things are happening. Seriously

Trump would be a lot more likely to drag us into war than Hillary.
Wow what a surprise. A one line assertion from Loren with no attempt to provide even the slightest scrap of evidence.
I don't really care about the email stuff. I'm an Australian, why would I? But to call it a mistake is just plain wrong. Have you looked at the history of all the requests to "secure" her Blackberry, and email server, that preceded this? It was no mistake. But as I said I don't care.

The reason I, as an Australian, don't want her in is that I, and many other Australians don't want our friend and ally to drag us into another war. A war with a nuclear power.
We have Russian planes buzzing US warships and US generals calling for some "tough guy" response. Quite apart from the diarrhea broadcast on Fox News, the Russians have made it extremely clear that they consider the current stance of the neocons to be a threat they take very very seriously.
Hillary Clinton is too shallow to be the President when such things are happening. Seriously
You don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is shallow? Seriously? And you know this because.....?

Again, you have no idea what Hillary Clinton is like at all.

You think Hillary Clinton is deep?

Seriouisly can you explain how you arrived at that?
Wow what a surprise. A one line assertion from Loren with no attempt to provide even the slightest scrap of evidence.
Like your assertion that Clinton is shallow.

I actually wasn't aware that anyone in the entire world considered Hillary Clinton deep or not shallow except Americans who didn't know any better.

But you are seriously suggesting she is some kind of deep wise statesperson???? Really?
The difference is so tiny that it would not affect the split of 20 or so cabinet members.
But in any case, cabinet positions should be decided on merit, not genitalia. Quotas are stupid.
Since she never said she was planning on any specific percentage, your anti-women grumping is ridiculous. Women make up approximately 51% of the population, so that would be approximately reflective. But I have no problem with the idea of only selecting cabinet members on merit. That way we could just as easily end up with 99% women :)

I'm sure you would be fine with that as long as it was merit based, right?
The difference is so tiny that it would not affect the split of 20 or so cabinet members.
But in any case, cabinet positions should be decided on merit, not genitalia. Quotas are stupid.
Interesting that you would immediately jump to the conclusions that Clinton's comment meant she would impose a quota. Did you ever consider the distinct possibility that she meant that since there are so many qualified women that she would have no trouble picking a cabinet on merit that mirrored the population?
Like your assertion that Clinton is shallow.

I actually wasn't aware that anyone in the entire world considered Hillary Clinton deep or not shallow except Americans who didn't know any better.

But you are seriously suggesting she is some kind of deep wise statesperson???? Really?
I'm not the one making claims, you are. From what I've read, seen and heard I believe Clinton to be an intelligent, complex person. I've supported her actively now on two campaigns, have attended conferences and conference calls with her. So that's been my observations. What have you done? Watched her on TV?
I actually wasn't aware that anyone in the entire world considered Hillary Clinton deep or not shallow except Americans who didn't know any better.

But you are seriously suggesting she is some kind of deep wise statesperson???? Really?
I'm not the one making claims, you are. From what I've read, seen and heard I believe Clinton to be an intelligent, complex person. I've supported her actively now on two campaigns, have attended conferences and conference calls with her. So that's been my observations. What have you done? Watched her on TV?

You are too close to the wood to see the trees. You've been worshipping her. You're hardly going to admit what a shallow fool she is. Keep worshipping her.
Meanwhile the rest of the world sees the tragic destruction and deaths in Honduras and Libya to name just two places.

But it's clear from your comments here that killing civilians, women and children in other parts of the world is the right of Americans.

It's quite sickening to see you worshipping her
Like your assertion that Clinton is shallow.

I actually wasn't aware that anyone in the entire world considered Hillary Clinton deep or not shallow except Americans who didn't know any better.

But you are seriously suggesting she is some kind of deep wise statesperson???? Really?
Compared to trump, she is very very deep.
I'm not the one making claims, you are. From what I've read, seen and heard I believe Clinton to be an intelligent, complex person. I've supported her actively now on two campaigns, have attended conferences and conference calls with her. So that's been my observations. What have you done? Watched her on TV?

You are too close to the wood to see the trees. You've been worshipping her. You're hardly going to admit what a shallow fool she is. Keep worshipping her.
Meanwhile the rest of the world sees the tragic destruction and deaths in Honduras and Libya to name just two places.

But it's clear from your comments here that killing civilians, women and children in other parts of the world is the right of Americans.

It's quite sickening to see you worshipping her

And you have the belief that the republicans will pull all troops out from the ME. Sorry, but you don't seem to be paying attention. Trump has stated that as president that he'll order the military to deliberately target the families of terrorists.
I actually wasn't aware that anyone in the entire world considered Hillary Clinton deep or not shallow except Americans who didn't know any better.

But you are seriously suggesting she is some kind of deep wise statesperson???? Really?
Compared to trump, she is very very deep.

Trump's commentary is not deep at all, but how deep was Hillary's post-war Libya analysis?
Compared to trump, she is very very deep.

Trump's commentary is not deep at all, but how deep was Hillary's post-war Libya analysis?

Buddy: what politician has any coherent and rational analysis of how to fix any part of the ME? Yes, she flubbed up Libya. But I don't know of any other strategy that would work. A complete US pullout from the ME (which I am coming to favor) will be a disaster for most of the ME also. There is no good alternative there.
Ku Klux Klan Claims $20K In Clinton Donations - A Grand Dragon of the California Klan claims to have raised about $20K for her campaign

Another Klansman coming out for Hillary. Of course like last time it can't be because they like her, right? Because reasons.

Former Klan leader David Duke previously endorsed Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign—an endorsement Trump didn’t immediately disavow. Duke, however, does not speak for the Klan, according to Quigg.

As for Clinton, “All the stuff she’s saying now, she’s saying so she can get into office, okay? She doesn’t care about illegal immigrants—she’s acting like she does so she can get into office. Once she’s in office, then she’ll implement her policies. She’s a Democrat. The Klan has always been a Democratic organization,” Quigg said.
I'm not the one making claims, you are. From what I've read, seen and heard I believe Clinton to be an intelligent, complex person. I've supported her actively now on two campaigns, have attended conferences and conference calls with her. So that's been my observations. What have you done? Watched her on TV?

You are too close to the wood to see the trees. You've been worshipping her. You're hardly going to admit what a shallow fool she is. Keep worshipping her.
Meanwhile the rest of the world sees the tragic destruction and deaths in Honduras and Libya to name just two places.

But it's clear from your comments here that killing civilians, women and children in other parts of the world is the right of Americans.

It's quite sickening to see you worshipping her

You don't know me well enough to make comments like that. I don't think Clinton is perfect, she's made some mistakes and she will make mistakes in the future. I just think she is the best option to be the POTUS, just as I thought she was in 08.. That's what this is all about.

And if you are truly sickened by what I'm posting, maybe you should just ignore my posts. It doesn't make any difference to me either way.
You are too close to the wood to see the trees. You've been worshipping her. You're hardly going to admit what a shallow fool she is. Keep worshipping her.
Meanwhile the rest of the world sees the tragic destruction and deaths in Honduras and Libya to name just two places.

But it's clear from your comments here that killing civilians, women and children in other parts of the world is the right of Americans.

It's quite sickening to see you worshipping her

You don't know me well enough to make comments like that. I don't think Clinton is perfect, she's made some mistakes and she will make mistakes in the future. I just think she is the best option to be the POTUS, just as I thought she was in 08.. That's what this is all about.
What is ironic to me is to see the group of people here, with fairly differing views, lining up on the side of NOT Trump (aka for Clinton). I never voted for Bill back in the 1990's. If I could have voted in the 2008 Dem primary, I would not have voted for her. If she had been the Dem nominee, I probably would have held my nose and voted for her. And this year, I will gladly vote for Hillary Clinton over which ever Repug toad they bring forth. If nothing else, it will be worth the minimum 4 years of tea bagger/redneck/evangelical whining and gnashing of teeth...

Trump, with getting an even lower percentage of Latino and women vote this fall than Romney, should be quite the Repug crash car ride.
She really is a remarkable person. Wiki isn't useful for seriously in depth things, but it is useful for cursory information about a lot of things.


Who in the U.S. can say they have been as active in as many things as she has throughout their entire life? Look at all that stuff---it's impressive as hell by any standard. I'd copy and paste some of it, but at every point in her life starting at around the age of 8, she's been involved. It's one hell of a record. I'm a big Obama fan, but he didn't have that kind of background when he got elected.
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