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Hillary did not win the popular vote

True, but they're alienating voters they'll need in the future. Working to preserve a 100k margin isn't a winning strategy.

I never said they are smart. Trumps campaign and most likely his Presidency, as well, was based on illusion. There has never been any substance. The job of his handlers is to maintain the illusion for as long as they can.

I get it.

What I'm saying is if he wants to be reelected he needs to widen his appeal. Doubling down on alt reality bullshit isn't the way.

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I never said they are smart. Trumps campaign and most likely his Presidency, as well, was based on illusion. There has never been any substance. The job of his handlers is to maintain the illusion for as long as they can.

I get it.

What I'm saying is if he wants to be reelected he needs to widen his appeal. Doubling down on alt reality bullshit isn't the way.

Isn't that what 'we' all said as the primaries were wrapping up?
I never said they are smart. Trumps campaign and most likely his Presidency, as well, was based on illusion. There has never been any substance. The job of his handlers is to maintain the illusion for as long as they can.

I get it.

What I'm saying is if he wants to be reelected he needs to widen his appeal. Doubling down on alt reality bullshit isn't the way.

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If he wants to get reelected, he has to do something good. Unfortunately, he has promised a lot of things that may not be realistic.

If it turns out his administration caters to banks and corporate management, and the officials he puts in place manipulate policy for private advantage, things will go sour. Imagine a Wells Fargo style scandal, but this time Trump appointees benefit from the scheme. Televised Congressional Hearing and all the rest. On top of that, we have a President who goes on TV and quickly reveals he had no idea and no control over his administration.

The problem with winning an election with the support of angry white people is, they don't stop being angry, just because Trump won. They're still angry and their anger will be vented on him, if he doesn't come through.
Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.
I never said they are smart. Trumps campaign and most likely his Presidency, as well, was based on illusion. There has never been any substance. The job of his handlers is to maintain the illusion for as long as they can.

I get it.

What I'm saying is if he wants to be reelected he needs to widen his appeal. Doubling down on alt reality bullshit isn't the way.
We are still in a massive cloud of uncertainty over what in the world his Presidency will be... or even if he (instead of Pence) will even be elected by the EC (the whole blind trust thing could explode into a massive problem). The Republican Party has its own agenda and they control the purse strings. The obvious concern regarding Sanders was that Congress wouldn't buy into all of his stuff. We are already hearing that Republicans in the Senate have little interest in fucking with Medicare.
Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.

Yeah, sure, whatever...But Trump won the Electoral count by a LANDSLIDE!!! :tomato:
Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.

It's happened before. The elections are based on winning different states hence when the voting is close it still depends on who won what states.
So until this system changes, enjoy Trump for the next 4 years.
Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.

Not that unprecedented.
I'm not certain we can trust the final numbers in 1876. That election had a bunch of actual voter fraud and Tilden may have actually won the electoral college. It was a seriously fucked up mess that made 2000 look orderly and non-partisan.

- - - Updated - - -

Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.
It's happened before.
Not by 2 pts in a non-contested election (ie 1876).
I'm not certain we can trust the final numbers in 1876. That election had a bunch of actual voter fraud and Tilden may have actually won the electoral college. It was a seriously fucked up mess that made 2000 look orderly and non-partisan.

- - - Updated - - -

Alright... Trump lost the popular vote by more.

He's looking at losing the popular vote by around 2% which is unprecedented for someone who won the Electoral College outright.
It's happened before.
Not by 2 pts in a non-contested election (ie 1876).

This would tend to mean the smaller parties may get more votes in the first round; then it is has to be seen who the voters for the parties excluded in the first round will support. Also there is a chance during a run off that some of the floating voters who voted for one party may switch their votes.
We are still in a massive cloud of uncertainty over what in the world his Presidency will be... or even if he (instead of Pence) will even be elected by the EC (the whole blind trust thing could explode into a massive problem). The Republican Party has its own agenda and they control the purse strings. The obvious concern regarding Sanders was that Congress wouldn't buy into all of his stuff. We are already hearing that Republicans in the Senate have little interest in fucking with Medicare.

I think the cloud of uncertainty emanates from Trumps head.

I don't expect trouble from the EC. It could get interesting if I'm wrong, we'll see.

The crew Trump's selected are all of the supply side trickle down variety. I don't see how he can play FDR with that bunch. Congress is more of the same. "Reforming" Medicare is Ryan's baby; at least some GOPers remember that GW used Medicare expansion to help get a second term.
The problem with winning an election with the support of angry white people is, they don't stop being angry, just because Trump won. They're still angry and their anger will be vented on him, if he doesn't come through.

No way. Trump and his alt-reality advisors are masters of scapegoating. And they know full well that even the least plausible scapegoat will be accepted as such by the Trumpsters, long before they ever consider the possibility that their Knight in Shining Orange Armor was a bad choice on their own part.
And note also that the turnout was just 54%. So a very small minority of eligible voters voted for either of them. In most states the outcome of the election is a foregone conclusion and many don't bother to vote because it doesn't matter. If the popular vote decided the elections, turnout would likely be significantly higher and the campaigns would have very different strategies and focus. Thus to say that Hillary "won the popular vote" is misleading at best.

First off, the turnout was about average (between 50 and 60%):
National Turnout 1789-2014.jpg

Secondly, you make a good point that Trump won according to the rules of the game which means focusing on the electoral votes. If the game was about winning the popular vote his strategy might have been different. Now the fact that the Democrats picked up a few seats in the House says more about what kind of change voters want.
The problem with winning an election with the support of angry white people is, they don't stop being angry, just because Trump won. They're still angry and their anger will be vented on him, if he doesn't come through.

No way. Trump and his alt-reality advisors are masters of scapegoating. And they know full well that even the least plausible scapegoat will be accepted as such by the Trumpsters, long before they ever consider the possibility that their Knight in Shining Orange Armor was a bad choice on their own part.

But when Trump scapegoats a chronically un or underemployed worker, he's going to lose that vote.

Trump can lie about what's happening in his world, but he can't lie about what's happening in everyone else's world. He can't tell me I have a job when I don't.
We are still in a massive cloud of uncertainty over what in the world his Presidency will be... or even if he (instead of Pence) will even be elected by the EC (the whole blind trust thing could explode into a massive problem). The Republican Party has its own agenda and they control the purse strings. The obvious concern regarding Sanders was that Congress wouldn't buy into all of his stuff. We are already hearing that Republicans in the Senate have little interest in fucking with Medicare.

I think the cloud of uncertainty emanates from Trumps head.

I don't expect trouble from the EC. It could get interesting if I'm wrong, we'll see.
The only people that will keep Trump from winning are Republicans.

The crew Trump's selected are all of the supply side trickle down variety. I don't see how he can play FDR with that bunch. Congress is more of the same. "Reforming" Medicare is Ryan's baby; at least some GOPers remember that GW used Medicare expansion to help get a second term.
Don't forget 2010 when they used Medicare "cuts" and "Death panels" in ACA to help get elderly votes. Additionally, the Senate is a different animal. Senators aren't protected by districting.

No one knows where any of this is headed.
No way. Trump and his alt-reality advisors are masters of scapegoating. And they know full well that even the least plausible scapegoat will be accepted as such by the Trumpsters, long before they ever consider the possibility that their Knight in Shining Orange Armor was a bad choice on their own part.

But when Trump scapegoats a chronically un or underemployed worker, he's going to lose that vote.

He can do that and lose one vote at a time. Meanwhile, one word from him will convince his legions of Stoopids that the worker in question actually quit, or is still fully employed, or whatever lie Trump chooses to put out for their consumption. Remember - he won the popular vote! Just ask a Trumpster.
But when Trump scapegoats a chronically un or underemployed worker, he's going to lose that vote.

He can do that and lose one vote at a time. Meanwhile, one word from him will convince his legions of Stoopids that the worker in question actually quit, or is still fully employed, or whatever lie Trump chooses to put out for their consumption. Remember - he won the popular vote! Just ask a Trumpster.

He won on a State by State basis where the voting was close. If this is such a problem why didn't those complainers campaign about this in the past?
Enjoy Trump for the 4 years.
He can do that and lose one vote at a time. Meanwhile, one word from him will convince his legions of Stoopids that the worker in question actually quit, or is still fully employed, or whatever lie Trump chooses to put out for their consumption. Remember - he won the popular vote! Just ask a Trumpster.

He won on a State by State basis where the voting was close. If this is such a problem why didn't those complainers campaign about this in the past?
Enjoy Trump for the 4 years.

You didn't read his post well. He said that the Trumpster is the one who is complaining that he won the popular vote.
He won on a State by State basis where the voting was close. If this is such a problem why didn't those complainers campaign about this in the past?
Enjoy Trump for the 4 years.

You didn't read his post well. He said that the Trumpster is the one who is complaining that he won the popular vote.

Don't confuse him with facts, Harry. Just observe that someone who believes himself the spawn of space aliens is a prime candidate to suck up lots-o-trumpsickles.
But when Trump scapegoats a chronically un or underemployed worker, he's going to lose that vote.

He can do that and lose one vote at a time. Meanwhile, one word from him will convince his legions of Stoopids that the worker in question actually quit, or is still fully employed, or whatever lie Trump chooses to put out for their consumption. Remember - he won the popular vote! Just ask a Trumpster.

Like I said, not a winning strategy.
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