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Hillary vs Tulsi


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
So... Hillary now comes out and outright accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian Agent.... with no evidence whatsoever being offered to back that up. She also points at Jill Stein and accuses the same. Van Jones has the right response.


Is Hillary really that spiteful and that in denial about 2016 still? Or is this some sort of weird attempt for her to actually get attention and help Tulsi's faltering campaign? Tulsi has gained more support from this than the opposite.


Another good vid about Tulsi, Bernie, and Yang. Showing 3 outsiders facing off against the corporate democrats and Hillary.
HRC did not accuse Ms. Gabbard of being a Russian agent. She claimed that someone in the Democratic primaries is the favorite of the Russians. In essence, she made a passive aggressive suggestion that Ms. Gabbard is a favorite or a dupe of the Russians, which is not the same thing as a Russian agent.

Ms. Clinton is entitled to her opinion (which is shared by others in the party), but her opinion would be more convincing if she laid out the evidence and reasoning behind it in great detail.
Asset, not agent. Agent would have to be willful, asset could be a dupe.

So, Tulsi gets attention, the concern about Russian infiltration gets attention, maybe this election the media will point out claims made "without producing evidence," rather then 2016, where they didn't do that to trump once until he took office....

Could be a good thing all around.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard

The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 U.S. election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat who earlier this month declared her intention to run for president in 2020.

An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016.

Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.

Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
Yes, the Vodkastanis are up to their old tricks again it seems. Clinton just fired a shot over their bows. Which might call attention to Vodkastan's efforts which would squelch that effort. Good for Clinton.
It makes sense. The polls are weak for Trump, a third party run will siphon potentially Dem votes.

But that's what Bernie is for, right? - just kidding but if Sanders shows the same weakness in the primaries, and has not learned his lesson, he'll do the Russians work for them.
It makes sense. The polls are weak for Trump, a third party run will siphon potentially Dem votes.

But that's what Bernie is for, right? - just kidding but if Sanders shows the same weakness in the primaries, and has not learned his lesson, he'll do the Russians work for them.

I'm afraid that Bernie, bless his heart, has an insider revisionist's view of his role in 2016. He was way too late, and made a showy spectacle of his late effort at unity. He thinks he done good.
What I don't understand is how Hill-dog is able to make all these public statements from her prison cell. I mean, Trump totally followed through on that whole "lock her up" thing...right?
What I don't understand is how Hill-dog is able to make all these public statements from her prison cell. I mean, Trump totally followed through on that whole "lock her up" thing...right?

Wasn't Manafort the one leading that cheer?
It is sad that after so long Hillary still can't accept her own failure in 2016, and has to continuously point fingers at others. Now out to attack Tulsi (who is still an active member of the military and thus is likely actively screened unlike anybody else up there). Tulsi was brought into a high position in the DNC, and resigned it when she was what Debbie Waserman Shultz (sp?) and other loyalists to Clinton were up to, to then support Bernie, and Hillary has held a grudge ever since.
So... Hillary now comes out and outright accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian Agent...
Hillary is still salty over Tulsi not respecting the girl code and endorsing Bernie in 2016 instead of her.

That said, Tusli does have some positions that are like music to Vladimir Vladimirovich's ears. She is against fracking/pipelines in the US and increased US production since the shale revolution diminished Russian oil revenues by keeping prices relatively low. She is also pro-Assad, who is really a Russian vassal. Not sure where her opposition to the telescope in Hawaii fits into this, but it's a bonkers position anyway.
It is sad that after so long Hillary still can't accept her own failure in 2016, and has to continuously point fingers at others. Now out to attack Tulsi (who is still an active member of the military and thus is likely actively screened unlike anybody else up there). Tulsi was brought into a high position in the DNC, and resigned it when she was what Debbie Waserman Shultz (sp?) and other loyalists to Clinton were up to, to then support Bernie, and Hillary has held a grudge ever since.
Mrs. Clinton's remarks are regrettable. And it maybe she is still upset about her loss. Of course, she may be speaking the truth.

On the otherhand, it appears you continue to confuse the notion of "agent" (which reguires Ms. Tulsi to knowingly act on behalf of the Russians) with a dupe or favorite of the Russians (which does not require any intent on the part of Ms. Tulsi).
She claimed Tulsi is being "groomed". As Van Jones put it, she carries a lot of clout and to make this kind of smear without any evidence is exactly the kind of division and rousing that she accuses Russia of.

Tulsi Gabbard isn't going to win. There is no upside to these smears even if she did truly believe Gabbard to be a Russian asset.
She claimed Tulsi is being "groomed". As Van Jones put it, she carries a lot of clout and to make this kind of smear without any evidence is exactly the kind of division and rousing that she accuses Russia of.
While I think Mrs. Clinton should either reveal her evidence and detailed reasoning or STFU, one be groomed without one's knowledge. The claim HRC said Tulsi is a Russian agent is literally untrue.
Tulsi Gabbard isn't going to win.
There there is little division from this brouhaha.

There is no upside to these smears even if she did truly believe Gabbard to be a Russian asset.
If the allegation is true, these are not smears and there is clearly an upside.
It is sad that after so long Hillary still can't accept her own failure in 2016, and has to continuously point fingers at others. Now out to attack Tulsi (who is still an active member of the military and thus is likely actively screened unlike anybody else up there). Tulsi was brought into a high position in the DNC, and resigned it when she was what Debbie Waserman Shultz (sp?) and other loyalists to Clinton were up to, to then support Bernie, and Hillary has held a grudge ever since.
Mrs. Clinton's remarks are regrettable. And it maybe she is still upset about her loss. Of course, she may be speaking the truth.

On the otherhand, it appears you continue to confuse the notion of "agent" (which reguires Ms. Tulsi to knowingly act on behalf of the Russians) with a dupe or favorite of the Russians (which does not require any intent on the part of Ms. Tulsi).

Or maybe not agent or dupe, but cats paw, a victim of a Russian operation to cause disruption and confusion for this election cycle. Using Tulsi Gabbord to cause infighting and derailing the primaries from important issues. Gabbard may not have any intention of being an agent or a dupe. By touting her, Russia starts this crap causing suspicion and FUD for the Democratic party.
I love how before Trump won, Democrats were looking forward to the inane conspiracy theories he would use to explain why he lost, and almost four years later they still haven't realized how much of a gift the entire Russiagate thing has been to Trump: it paints them as unhinged sore losers whose investigation turned up nothing. That said, if Tulsi is anybody's asset, she's Modi's.

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