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Hillary vs Tulsi

Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?
Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?

And given the ignorance of most Americans about history, the fact that Sanders is a socialist would make them think he's more likely to be Putin's puppet, rather than less. You see it all the time with the memes about "Moscow Mitch" wearing a hammer and sickle, as if Russia and socialism/communism have been associated at any point in the last 30 years.
Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?

And given the ignorance of most Americans about history, the fact that Sanders is a socialist would make them think he's more likely to be Putin's puppet, rather than less. You see it all the time with the memes about "Moscow Mitch" wearing a hammer and sickle, as if Russia and socialism/communism have been associated at any point in the last 30 years.

Yup. Bank on it. The truly funny bit would be if Sanders does take the nomination and Trump and the Republicans try to come at Sanders for being a "communist" in the pocket of Russia, on the tails of Hillary's comrades doing it. lol

Also, did any of you notice Andrew Yang say in response to the Russia meddling issue that American has meddled in other nations' elections too (obvious fact), and he was calling for an end to all of it? Klobuchar, seeing a political opportunity, immediately pounced in to scold Yang for espousing some sort of moral equivalency (which he didn't). I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's comrades went after Yang for this. I wouldn't be surprised if they go after anyone who doesn't fall in line behind them. Tulsi is right about that.
It's almost nice that there's been such a long history of every Democratic proposal being labeled as socialist or communist, because now any such attacks on an actual socialist will just seem tired and played-out. It will just reek of the same big-government-bad narrative they used against Obama, Kerry, and Clinton (and continually use against Pelosi); the people who are swayed by such reasoning would have been won over by it long ago, and they don't vote Democratic as a result. So I don't think the communism thing will be a big deal for Bernie if he gets the nomination. I wish Bernie was a communist, but I'll take what I can get.
Funny. Hillary never mentioned Gabbard by name. Gabbard outed herserself.
It is hardly a shocker. She has been all Jason Harvestdancer has been talking about.

When you are a big advocate of peace instead of war, you take what few candidates are out there.

Of course if you like anything other than war you are a Russian asset.
Funny. Hillary never mentioned Gabbard by name. Gabbard outed herserself.
It is hardly a shocker. She has been all Jason Harvestdancer has been talking about.

When you are a big advocate of peace instead of war, you take what few candidates are out there.

Of course if you like anything other than war you are a Russian asset.
Tulsi Gabbard is not a big advocate of peace - she is all for fighting Islamic terrorists.
As with her magical conversion from being a homophobe to totally fine with gay people, the story that she became opposed to war after serving in the military and seeing what American soldiers (not their victims!) go through tells you all you need to know about Tulsi's idea of peace. She wants peace because war is expensive and harms US citizens, not because it's destructive and harms innocent people around the world. In other words, she's a paleoconservative nationalist. Still an improvement over being a neocon, but still not good.
For those who are interested, here is a piece on why HRC and Gabbard are wrong about each other and what may be motivating them - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/22/20924999/hillary-clinton-tulsi-gabbard-fight-explained

The money quote:

The left-wing [critique of American empire] starts from the idea that America has evil intentions for the rest of the world — that it is, in fact, the largest threat to global stability on the planet. The right-wing version argues that the United States has no obligation to the rest of the world; that the US needs to put “America First,” even when it means ignoring suffering abroad.

Sanders vs. Gabbard in a nutshell, and their endorsements bear this out. Steve Bannon and David Duke aren't heaping praises on Bernie, and he's not appearing on Tucker Carlson's White Supremacy Hour every other week.
Sanders vs. Gabbard in a nutshell, and their endorsements bear this out. Steve Bannon and David Duke aren't heaping praises on Bernie, and he's not appearing on Tucker Carlson's White Supremacy Hour every other week.

And yet they both have each other's backs as against Hillary and her comrades. Tulsi resigned from her post in the DNC when she saw its shananigans up close, and backed Bernie in 2016. Bernie has now come out and said Clinton is out of line for smearing Tulsi as she has.
Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?

I wish you’d bother to learn about American politics if you are going to talk about it so often. Gabbard was the Vice Chair of the DNC in 2016. She resigned in order to endorse Bernie Sanders.
For those who are interested, here is a piece on why HRC and Gabbard are wrong about each other and what may be motivating them - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/22/20924999/hillary-clinton-tulsi-gabbard-fight-explained

He's the part I found most interesting (my bolding):
What this points to is a certain commonality, at the very extreme ends of the spectrum, between left-wing critique of “American empire” and right-wing isolationism — a foreign policy variant of the “horseshoe theory” of political ideology, which posits some factions on the extremes are closer to each other than those on the center-left and center-right.

The left-wing variant starts from the idea that America has evil intentions for the rest of the world — that it is, in fact, the largest threat to global stability on the planet. The right-wing version argues that the United States has no obligation to the rest of the world; that the US needs to put “America First,” even when it means ignoring suffering abroad.

These doctrines converge on the idea that the United States needs to stay out of foreign conflicts and even sometimes cross the line into outright apologia for bad actors abroad. This is how Assad and his Russian backers get painted as potential allies against jihadism rather than the human rights abusers they are, both by Gabbard and by Trumpists.

I don’t mean to draw equivalences here. While Gabbard only has a handful of fans on the left, Donald Trump is the president of the United States. But Gabbard’s embrace of anti-Clinton conspiracies and foreign autocrats shows how a strain of left-wing analysis, applied sophomorically, can lead to pretty ugly places. She’s a useful cautionary tale at a time when the left’s stock is rising on the Democratic side of the aisle.

The last sentence expresses my concern that Gabbard simply lacks the experience to go tinkering with international relationships. Another way she's similar to Trump as well as several other incompetent populist leaders around the world.
Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?

I wish you’d bother to learn about American politics if you are going to talk about it so often. Gabbard was the Vice Chair of the DNC in 2016. She resigned in order to endorse Bernie Sanders.
Ignorance untethers one from reality.

President Donald Trump has attacked former Sec. Hillary Clinton over the weekend for trying to blame Russia for everything. In fact, The New York Times story that quoted an interview with Clinton mistakenly alleged the quote. It was incorrect and The Times has fixed their error.

Clinton never said Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) was being “groomed” by the “Russians,” according to an update from The Times.

/Emily Litella/ "Never mind!" /
Regardless, it does seem like an odd shot at Gabbard, as it kind of looks more like a shot at Sanders.

Gabbard is a lower down target than Sanders. This may be a warm up round. Sanders may be next. He's a self described socialist. Is he now or has he been a member of the communist party?

I wish you’d bother to learn about American politics if you are going to talk about it so often. Gabbard was the Vice Chair of the DNC in 2016. She resigned in order to endorse Bernie Sanders.

Um yeah. I said that upthread. She was an up and comer in the DNC until she saw the rot of it from the inside and Hillary's connection to that rot. She resigned because of that and endorsed Bernie. Hillary has had it out for her ever since.
I wish you’d bother to learn about American politics if you are going to talk about it so often. Gabbard was the Vice Chair of the DNC in 2016. She resigned in order to endorse Bernie Sanders.

Um yeah. I said that upthread. She was an up and comer in the DNC until she saw the rot of it from the inside and Hillary's connection to that rot. She resigned because of that and endorsed Bernie. Hillary has had it out for her ever since.
The ‘rot’ as in political favoritism that has always been in party politics?

Gabbard, the Brock Lesnar of the Democrat Party?
I wish you’d bother to learn about American politics if you are going to talk about it so often. Gabbard was the Vice Chair of the DNC in 2016. She resigned in order to endorse Bernie Sanders.

Um yeah. I said that upthread. She was an up and comer in the DNC until she saw the rot of it from the inside and Hillary's connection to that rot. She resigned because of that and endorsed Bernie. Hillary has had it out for her ever since.
You mean she gave up her best chance of improving the Democratic party?

An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016.

Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.

The most obvious answer to that question is that Gabbard has centered her campaign on a message of ending regime change wars, like the one in Syria. That is based on a lie, and just so happens to reflect the talking points embraced by Assad and Putin. The United States condemned Assad’s use of violence to put down civilian protests against his regime, which is how the civil war in that country began. But U.S. military involvement in Syria has always been about defeating ISIS, particularly by working with the Kurds.

Gabbard also tries to sell herself as the anti-war candidate who stands for peace. But in addition to calling herself a “hawk” when it comes to the war on terror, her past positions hardly qualify as peaceful. When Putin and Assad began bombing northwestern Syria—a campaign that has been labeled a war crime—Gabbard endorsed their efforts.

When it comes to Gabbard’s voting record in Congress, she is one of only a handful of representatives who voted against the Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned Russians involved in the murder of tax accountant Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow prison in 2009. In addition, she was one of only three representatives listed as “not voting” on two other bills related to Russia.

Last week, the House voted on a bill honoring slain Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov, who was assassinated in Moscow in 2015. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), came with a number of provisions, including calling for an investigation into Nemtsov’s death and sanctions against those responsible. The bill also condemned Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin for persecuting political opponents…

Soon after, the House voted on a bill sponsored by Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) that reiterated America’s position of not recognizing Russian sovereignty over Crimea.
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