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How are you getting involved in the November 2020 elections?


Veteran Member
Jan 8, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Besides casting an individual ballot---
Besides ranting daily on an obscure message board about how bad things are---

If you are in the U.S., what else are you doing to participate in what may be our last real democratic election?

Are you volunteering for campaigns?
Have you donated money?
Have you displayed political merchandise like yard signs, bumper stickers, car magnets, hats, shirts, etc.?
Will you be a poll worker on election day itself?

What more, besides the bare minimum of voting, are you personally willing to do in order to substantially affect the outcome of this race and with it the future of the U.S.? The stakes are high. The choice should be clear on which would be better (Biden) or worse (Trump).

For 2-3 months I have been volunteering with a Michigan Democrat organization, making calls out to various voters. Also I have had a yard sign, car magnet, and hat that I wear in public that have elicited opposing and supporting reactions from others. The local area is pretty conservative, and it is helpful to let others with more liberal views know that they are not alone.
I've donated money to a few voter registration drives and my wife was accepted as a poll worker. Since poll workers are typically older she (36 years old) decided that was a good way for her to ensure people were able to vote because there will likely be fewer people volunteering this year. The more people that turn out to vote, the more likely we'll have democratic victories.

I'm not one to wear political apparel or decorate my yard. I don't like that when people talk politics now they simply act like they're supporting their favorite sports team.
Very little. I sent some donations to the Bernie campaign early on, and some to Biden since then. The college is doing a major registration drive to convince students to vote, and I've duly passed that message along.

There's not much else. What am I going to do, feign enthusiasm? I have very little faith in the outcome of this election. Even the best case scenario is a slightly slower fall into demagoguery. Biden has made no promise to reverse that trajectory, or even to try. The Supreme Court is now resolutely "conservative", and a Democratic Congress will make no attempt to limit the powers of the presidency while their guy is in it. So even if things go as well as they can, we have a Democrat in the White House for four or eight years, and then the Republicans take it back, very probably for good, while no one stands in their way because we've built enormous inertia toward the outcome of an unchecked and essentially uncheckable executive as head of goverment.

Because that, it seems, is what the people want. I have given up hope.
Very little. Small donations, and talking to less than a handful of 2016 Trumpers I know who were just into it because "he's a businessman" and "he will shake things up". The rest of the Trumpers I know have been stripped by FOX News saturation (FOXwashed) of whatever powers of reasoning they were born with. I still poke them with sticks, but it just makes them resent me so I've been trying (with little success) to lay off them.
I am not involved in the November 2020 elections; I am busy worrying about the October 31st elections.

If Stacia Palaczszuk is voted out in favour of "flip-flop" Frecklington, after all Stacia has done to protect Queensland and Queenslanders from Covid-19, then there's no hope for our state. It shouldn't even be a close race - but if you believe the polls, it is.

Interesting times.
I have two yard signs, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt they mean a thing to anyone other than those who will vote Blue. I just want my neighbors to know that I'm not a Trump supporter.
I really doubt that yard signs make a difference. It's just a way of openly saying who you support. So far, there are more Trump signs in my neighborhood than there are Biden signs, but only a very small percentage of people ever bother with yard signs.

I've given several small donations to Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams organization that is trying to increase voter participation and end voter suppression. She seems to be doing a great job because of her organizations efforts, something like 700,000 new voters, mostly either young people or Black people have registered to vote for the first time. Maybe I'll give some more money to Fair Fight in the next week or two. Imo, getting more people registered to vote is probably the best thing we can do. In Georgia, voting apathy is probably a bigger problem than voter suppression.

I've also given some small donations to the Biden campaign, but since he's now receiving more donations than Trump, we will see if money is what will get him elected.
The last election we had with major significance was when Trudeau ousted Harper. I didn't belabour the point, but made a few thoughtful posts on Facebook encouraging people to consider a few things. I might have extended my reach very slightly.

I'm of the belief that if you present yourself as largely apolitical and free from bias, but call a spade a spade when it needs to be called, you have more impact than if you constantly shout into the mega-phone. Where people who identify with a specific party on the regular usually just end up ignored by the people who need to hear the right message at the right time.

I'm almost never political but when Harper was running for re-election I said - ok.. let's be real, this guy sucks.
I have two yard signs, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt they mean a thing to anyone other than those who will vote Blue. I just want my neighbors to know that I'm not a Trump supporter.
I really doubt that yard signs make a difference. It's just a way of openly saying who you support. So far, there are more Trump signs in my neighborhood than there are Biden signs, but only a very small percentage of people ever bother with yard signs
I've also given some small donations to the Biden campaign, but since he's now receiving more donations than Trump, we will see if money is what will get him elected.

This part of your post is my situation. I've also added mini-signs that fit below my Biden signs: MAKE AMERICA SANE AGAIN and AMNESIAC WOMEN VOTE TRUMP (this last because our town has a number of obnoxious WOMEN VOTE TRUMP signs.)
AMNESIAC WOMEN VOTE TRUMP (this last because our town has a number of obnoxious WOMEN VOTE TRUMP signs.)

What's the implication there? The ones that don't vote for him didn't get hit over the head hard enough?
I'm taking election day off work I plan to vote early, but if for some reason I can't, I'll have all day to get my vote in.

I'm sending out feelers to my neighborhood that if anyone needs a ride to the voting booth, I'll take them, free of charge.

I also plan to visit several polling places. If I see any with a long lines, I'll walk down the line holding a sign that reads, "Need a break? I'll hold your place."

The Republican Party has turned me into an election activist.
I flipped off the redneck driving down my street honking the horn on his massive pickup (sized just right to compensate for inadequacies) to show off his Trump flag and stickers, as well as a fairly well tattered Stars and Stripes. Does that count?

I made some small donations during the primaries, but I am much more proud of the above.
I’ll be working voter rights issues either in NC or Florida. I did it last time in NC, but it didn’t work out. Nobody bothered us, but we helped a few people vote provisionally. I’m thinking Florida or NC might be different this time.

I am not involved in the November 2020 elections; I am busy worrying about the October 31st elections.

If Stacia Palaczszuk is voted out in favour of "flip-flop" Frecklington, after all Stacia has done to protect Queensland and Queenslanders from Covid-19, then there's no hope for our state. It shouldn't even be a close race - but if you believe the polls, it is.

Interesting times.

I'll swap you Palaczszuk for Andrews
Well, as Oregon sure as shit isn't voting for the orange turd, I gave money to the Biden campaign. FWIW, I've never gave to a presidential campaign before...
My wife told me last night she wants to donate to both Mitch McConnell's and Lindsey Graham's opponents. Thought that was a pretty good idea.
I have two yard signs, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt they mean a thing to anyone other than those who will vote Blue. I just want my neighbors to know that I'm not a Trump supporter.
I really doubt that yard signs make a difference. It's just a way of openly saying who you support. So far, there are more Trump signs in my neighborhood than there are Biden signs, but only a very small percentage of people ever bother with yard signs.

I've given several small donations to Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams organization that is trying to increase voter participation and end voter suppression. She seems to be doing a great job because of her organizations efforts, something like 700,000 new voters, mostly either young people or Black people have registered to vote for the first time. Maybe I'll give some more money to Fair Fight in the next week or two. Imo, getting more people registered to vote is probably the best thing we can do. In Georgia, voting apathy is probably a bigger problem than voter suppression.

I've also given some small donations to the Biden campaign, but since he's now receiving more donations than Trump, we will see if money is what will get him elected.

Living in Georgia, I would advise you to get involved in ensuring voter rights, and working on voter registration. Volunteer as a poll observer for Biden. Work as a voter advocate. The campaign needs people to get involved. Stacy Abrams is running an anti voter suppression drive in Georgia. Volunteer for them.

I am not involved in the November 2020 elections; I am busy worrying about the October 31st elections.

If Stacia Palaczszuk is voted out in favour of "flip-flop" Frecklington, after all Stacia has done to protect Queensland and Queenslanders from Covid-19, then there's no hope for our state. It shouldn't even be a close race - but if you believe the polls, it is.

Interesting times.

Well, it seems that the ALP have held onto power with a small upswing in support that will translate to 3-5 more seats in the parliament than they previously enjoyed. Due to the fixed terms now in force in Queensland, Stacia will almost certainly become our longest serving Labor premier.

And just to put a cherry on top of this victory, the collapse of support for One Nation and the total failure of Clive Palmer strongly hints that the politics of racism, selfishness, and media driven polarisation can be defeated by a genuinely caring approach that has protected Queenslanders during an international crisis.

There was a solid swing to Labor on the Gold and Sunshine coasts, where it seems that the LNP calls to open the borders to save the economy were deeply unpopular with the normally staunch LNP retirees who would have been most at risk from such foolishness.
Yesterday was planning on doing more phone banking for the Michigan Democrats, but had some last-minute twists in the day's plans and also witnessed a car accident later on (and stuck around to speak with police), all of which drained me for the day. So did not get in any calls then, but will make up for it in the next 3 days. Trump will be very nearby on Monday. Ugh.

On the plus side, for the last few months there have been a lot more Trump signs than Biden signs on the local roads of the conservative area where I live. However, in just the last few weeks there has been a surge in the population of pro-Biden signs. So I am going in pessimistic but hoping to be pleasantly surprised by the overall results.
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