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How Horrible is President Trump?

Roll the wheel back further, what caused those millions to be a problem? Arguably, it's not their fault, it's the result of the cultural and economic evolution of your country.

Hopefully the U.S. corrects and shifts left, if not extrapolation doesn't look too promising.

The sides always shift. The republicans swept into power and have taken over every single branch of government. But they are overplaying their hand. I predict that they'll lose the house (probably not the senate). But then the dems will take the rest in 2020. Maybe they'll retake the supreme court (probably not for a generation). But at some point, the dems will overplay, then the republicans will retake. It's a pattern.
I mean your entire spectrum shifting left, which is what you really need.
Vulnerability to the election of an autocratic moron by manipulation of the electoral map by an
adversary. Duh.
Elections to a large degree is manipulation, Both democrats and republicans do that.
I so tire of Moore-Coulter infractions. Yes, elections have been turned into a science. However, that scientific model was blown out of the water. Trump's election was like Physics all of a sudden discovering the speed of light in a vacuum wasn't constant. Trump's election broke with all previous electoral protocol in the US. 2016 was an aberration of everything that was previously known about general elections.
Trump is, of course, literally Hitler.

Except instead of partitioning Poland and rounding up the Jews he sends tweets.
Trump is, of course, literally Hitler.

Except instead of partitioning Poland and rounding up the Jews he sends tweets.

He's just somebody who does not know history, does not read any material given him. Does not read period. He watches FOX news.

He's just a guy with insane counter productive ideas, like reducing government spending on education and increasing what is already the world's highest military budget.

He's just a guy isolating the US from the rest of the world with every leader he meets.

He's just a guy asking for an insane ban on immigration from Muslim nations for no reason. Twice.

He's just a guy that wants to throw millions off their health insurance and degrade social and public services. Instead of roads and bridges and new schools he wants to build a useless wall.

But no. He is not Hitler.

Hitler actually had plans and understanding of politics.
And another one's gone/and another one's gone...


Short story shorter, Trump's communications director has "resigned."

How many is this now that have already been fired or resigned? In what, about four months?

On another board, one Trumptardian said that in business there's high turnover and thus, this is a sign of efficiency. Apparently, America is now the super efficient Taco Bell of governments. I would get into just how fucking farcical that is, but it speaks for itself.

Working for the POTUS is supposed to be something one clings to like their life depends on it. Not under Trump though. How awful must it be working under that freak?
Hmm... Let's see. Hitler didn't conspire with the Soviets, he aimed to betray the Soviets. Hitler actually served in the military. Hitler also wrote his own book. Hitler has very little in common with Trump.

Now those that supported Trump and those that supported Hitler have a lot​ in common.
Now those that supported Trump and those that supported Hitler have a lot​ in common.

Very true. From one of the "leading lights" of conservative radio:

Why Conservatives Still Attack Trump

Dennis Prager
Posted: May 30, 2017 12:01 AM


When people you know well, admire, and who share your values do something you strongly oppose, you have two options:

1) Cease admiring them or 2) try to understand them and change their minds.

In the case of my conservative friends who still snipe (or worse) at President Trump, I have rejected option one. The reason -- beside the fact that I simply like many of them -- is what I refer to as "moral bank accounts."

Every time we do good, we make a deposit into our moral bank account. And every time we do something bad, we make a withdrawal. These conservatives have made so many deposits into their moral bank accounts that, in my view, their accounts all remain firmly in the black.

That means my only choice is option two. But to try to change their minds, I must first try to understand their thinking.

I have concluded that there are a few reasons that explain conservatives who were Never-Trumpers during the election, and who remain anti-Trump today.

The first and, by far, the greatest reason is this: They do not believe that America is engaged in a civil war, with the survival of America as we know it at stake.

While they strongly differ with the left, they do not regard the left-right battle as an existential battle for preserving our nation. On the other hand, I, and other conservative Trump supporters, do.

That is why, after vigorously opposing Trump's candidacy during the Republican primaries, I vigorously supported him once he won the nomination. I believed then, as I do now, that America was doomed if a Democrat had been elected president. With the Supreme Court and hundreds of additional federal judgeships in the balance; with the Democrats' relentless push toward European-style socialism -- completely undoing the unique American value of limited government; the misuse of the government to suppress conservative speech; the continuing degradation of our universities and high schools; the weakening of the American military; and so much more, America, as envisioned by the Founders, would have been lost, perhaps irreversibly. The "fundamental transformation" that candidate Barack Obama promised in 2008 would have been completed by Hillary Clinton in 2016.

To my amazement, no anti-Trump conservative writer sees it that way. They all thought during the election, and still think, that while it would not have been a good thing if Hillary Clinton had won, it wouldn't have been a catastrophe either.

This^ is the true stuff of fascist sedition. Only the one true leader can save us from the demons who seek to steal our freedom. And to save our freedom, war against our enemies is necessary.

These motherfuckers are the same type of citizen informants and toadies that we saw in Nazi Germany, and later, in the Eastern Bloc nations. They're the kind who thrived in the NKVD and Stasi. Not intelligent, but with enough cunning and ruthlessness to succeed in that kind of work.
Exactly. Prager and Medved hated Trump. Yet, once they got their marching orders (and it happened over night), they fell into line. Of course, their arguments were aimed at the intelligent portion of the right-wing. Making arguments about the Supreme Court selections, conservative pragmatism (literally anyone but Clinton), and what not, instead of specifically singing the praises of Trump. It seemed the AM radio spectrum was making targeted pleas to different audiences.
This^ is the true stuff of fascist sedition. Only the one true leader can save us from the demons who seek to steal our freedom. And to save our freedom, war against our enemies is necessary.

These motherfuckers are the same type of citizen informants and toadies that we saw in Nazi Germany, and later, in the Eastern Bloc nations. They're the kind who thrived in the NKVD and Stasi. Not intelligent, but with enough cunning and ruthlessness to succeed in that kind of work.

I call it a stupid irrational POS opportunist jumping on a bandwagon to maintain relevance.

To maintain his income.
He's just somebody who does not know history, does not read any material given him. Does not read period. He watches FOX news.

He's just a guy with insane counter productive ideas, like reducing government spending on education and increasing what is already the world's highest military budget.

He's just a guy isolating the US from the rest of the world with every leader he meets.

He's just a guy asking for an insane ban on immigration from Muslim nations for no reason. Twice.

He's just a guy that wants to throw millions off their health insurance and degrade social and public services. Instead of roads and bridges and new schools he wants to build a useless wall.

But no. He is not Hitler.

Hitler actually had plans and understanding of politics.

Adding: He's just a guy that expresses admiration, and gets friendly with every strong-arm dictator he knows, while alienating democratic allies.
Exactly. Prager and Medved hated Trump. Yet, once they got their marching orders (and it happened over night), they fell into line. Of course, their arguments were aimed at the intelligent portion of the right-wing. Making arguments about the Supreme Court selections, conservative pragmatism (literally anyone but Clinton), and what not, instead of specifically singing the praises of Trump. It seemed the AM radio spectrum was making targeted pleas to different audiences.

Yes, and the "intelligencia" of the republican party watched and watched for a decade as their party spiraled out of control, with their bullshit fake lies and hyperbole over a black president. When you preside over a party media insisting that Obama is the anti-christ, letting in Ebola victims so he can cause a brownshirt rising in order to take away your guns, you deserve the core support they now have left. Look where that has brought us. Well done fucktards.
This^ is the true stuff of fascist sedition. Only the one true leader can save us from the demons who seek to steal our freedom. And to save our freedom, war against our enemies is necessary.

These motherfuckers are the same type of citizen informants and toadies that we saw in Nazi Germany, and later, in the Eastern Bloc nations. They're the kind who thrived in the NKVD and Stasi. Not intelligent, but with enough cunning and ruthlessness to succeed in that kind of work.

I call it a stupid irrational POS opportunist jumping on a bandwagon to maintain relevance.
This wasn't "jumping the bandwagon". These guys were off the air for a day and the next day, they were on board. It wasn't opportunism, they were following specific orders.
Yes, and the "intelligencia" of the republican party watched and watched for a decade as their party spiraled out of control, with their bullshit fake lies and hyperbole over a black president. When you preside over a party media insisting that Obama is the anti-christ, letting in Ebola victims so he can cause a brownshirt rising in order to take away your guns, you deserve the core support they now have left. Look where that has brought us. Well done fucktards.

It has been going on a lot longer than that. They have spent decades creating a cult like mentality in the party, and it has largely worked. A good 20-30% of people reject any kind of fact that contradicts party orthodoxy, regardless of evidence. I could see this biting them in the ass back in the Bush years. When news of Iraq was bad, party leaders were unable to actually do anything to help make things better, or even admit there were problems, because the cult teaching was that everything was going well in Iraq. Any kind of criticism or contradiction was 'cut and run' liberal propaganda. But it still mostly worked for them, so they ignored the growing problem.
Adding: He's just a guy that expresses admiration, and gets friendly with every strong-arm dictator he knows, while alienating democratic allies.

Since that's relevant and since the OP asks how awful Trump is, here's this:


Shit story short, Trump is publicly tweeting that Germany needs to pay, etc.

For those who naively thought Trump could be controlled/"the President doesn't really have that much power," well those ignorant fucks can sink their teeth into this newest shit sandwich.

Pussy boy waits until he's safely home to talk shit to Merkel. What in the fucking fuck? Where is leadership's courage to protect the Republic?

The Democrats in Congress need to write a public letter saying they don't support this shit. The Republicans did it when Obama made the Iran deal. It was an unprecedented outrage, but now the DNC needs to throw dirt back in the face of the GOP and kick them right back in the nuts. Events are spiraling out of control. Fast.
He's just somebody who does not know history, does not read any material given him. Does not read period. He watches FOX news.

He's just a guy with insane counter productive ideas, like reducing government spending on education and increasing what is already the world's highest military budget.

He's just a guy isolating the US from the rest of the world with every leader he meets.

He's just a guy asking for an insane ban on immigration from Muslim nations for no reason. Twice.

He's just a guy that wants to throw millions off their health insurance and degrade social and public services. Instead of roads and bridges and new schools he wants to build a useless wall.

But no. He is not Hitler.

Hitler actually had plans and understanding of politics.

Adding: He's just a guy that expresses admiration, and gets friendly with every strong-arm dictator he knows, while alienating democratic allies.

The list of real problems goes on and on. The pathological lies, the incredibly sensitive ego.

The man is a nightmare. The only hope is that his time to be able to do anything will end at the beginning of 2019 and he doesn't destroy too much before then.
Adding: He's just a guy that expresses admiration, and gets friendly with every strong-arm dictator he knows, while alienating democratic allies.

Since that's relevant and since the OP asks how awful Trump is, here's this:


Shit story short, Trump is publicly tweeting that Germany needs to pay, etc.

For those who naively thought Trump could be controlled/"the President doesn't really have that much power," well those ignorant fucks can sink their teeth into this newest shit sandwich.

Pussy boy waits until he's safely home to talk shit to Merkel. What in the fucking fuck? Where is leadership's courage to protect the Republic?

The Democrats in Congress need to write a public letter saying they don't support this shit. The Republicans did it when Obama made the Iran deal. It was an unprecedented outrage, but now the DNC needs to throw dirt back in the face of the GOP and kick them right back in the nuts. Events are spiraling out of control. Fast.
He's like a seven year old on the playground, calling someone else names because he didn't like what someone said about him. And everyone that isn't a Trumpite knows it.
Adding: He's just a guy that expresses admiration, and gets friendly with every strong-arm dictator he knows, while alienating democratic allies.

Since that's relevant and since the OP asks how awful Trump is, here's this:


Shit story short, Trump is publicly tweeting that Germany needs to pay, etc.

For those who naively thought Trump could be controlled/"the President doesn't really have that much power," well those ignorant fucks can sink their teeth into this newest shit sandwich.

Pussy boy waits until he's safely home to talk shit to Merkel. What in the fucking fuck? Where is leadership's courage to protect the Republic?

The Democrats in Congress need to write a public letter saying they don't support this shit. The Republicans did it when Obama made the Iran deal. It was an unprecedented outrage, but now the DNC needs to throw dirt back in the face of the GOP and kick them right back in the nuts. Events are spiraling out of control. Fast.

He is a coward. We see this over and over. Despite his tough boy persona he'd like to project, he avoids conflict. When he had to face Obama after talking all that shit, suddenly he's a nice guy. All on the campaign trail he's talked about pulling out of the Paris accords, and how global warming is a Chinese hoax. Now he says he'll decide what to do next week (after he's safe and doesn't have to face anyone else directly.)

He's got a hard on for Germany now because Merkel wouldn't put up with his shit and isn't afraid of his dumb ass. Good for her. She's right, Europe cannot count on us for an kind of leadership, either militarily, morally or economically while he and the Republicans are in charge.
Hmm... Let's see. Hitler didn't conspire with the Soviets, he aimed to betray the Soviets.
He did both. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact
Hitler actually served in the military. Hitler also wrote his own book. Hitler has very little in common with Trump.

Now those that supported Trump and those that supported Hitler have a lot​ in common.

Trump has far more in common with Mussolini than with Hitler. Hitler (at least until Operation Barbarossa) had his shit together.
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