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How Horrible is President Trump?

Trump has far more in common with Mussolini than with Hitler.

True, for example "Benito" and "Donald" both have 6 letters. Of course, "Adolf" would too if you spelled it "Adolph" but I don't think the spelling Nazis will let you get away with that.

But, that aside, I think the fact that Trump is literally Hitler sways it in Hitler's favor.
Trump is, of course, literally Hitler.

Except instead of partitioning Poland and rounding up the Jews he sends tweets.

What do you mean he is just like Hitler? All he wants is peace... peace... peace...

<queue music>

A little piece of Senate
A little piece of School
A little piece of protocols
.. just a tiny bit, you fool!

A little piece of your daughter's ass
a little piece of cake
I don't need no civics class
... all the news is Fake!

A little piece of Turkey
a little piece of Ukraine
a little piece of your income
.. no, I'm not insane

A little piece of Hillary
a little piece of Flynn
a little piece of democracy
.. I'd kill it if I can.
On a scale between one and ten, Trump is an eleven at being terrible.
So.... You're saying his terribleness is great? The greatest terribleness ever? No one in history has been as terrible as Trump?

No one has ever had so many conflicts of interest at such a high level in our government in the entire history of the democracy? His and his family's efforts to monetize the Presidency will stand as a shining example of terriblity for generations to come?

On a scale between one and ten, Trump is an eleven at being terrible.
So.... You're saying his terribleness is great? The greatest terribleness ever? No one in history has been as terrible as Trump?

No one has ever had so many conflicts of interest at such a high level in our government in the entire history of the democracy? His and his family's efforts to monetize the Presidency will stand as a shining example of terriblity for generations to come?


Yeah, pretty much.
The GOP and GOP base is a way bigger problem than Trump, but I will be so fucking satisfied if Trump gets what's coming to him. Guy is awful in every imaginable way.

- - - Updated - - -

Like.. you go on to his Twitter page and it's just a stream of egregious lies and support for unimaginably awful policies, and that's just a tiny fraction of the ice-berg.
So.... You're saying his terribleness is great? The greatest terribleness ever? No one in history has been as terrible as Trump?

No one has ever had so many conflicts of interest at such a high level in our government in the entire history of the democracy? His and his family's efforts to monetize the Presidency will stand as a shining example of terriblity for generations to come?


Stop derailing!
The OP question is "How HORRIBLE is President Trump"
HORRIBLE. Unpresidented horribility.

Nice try changing the subject, though. :p
How horrible is Trump?

Well, today he announced he would testify under oath to contradict what Comey said.

The terrible thing isn't that said he would do that, because that would be great. It'd be like a box of Instant Perjury: Just add Trump!

No, the horrible thing is that he'll never do it unless somehow forced into it. That motherfucker couldn't stand up to questioning for an hour without perjuring himself into knots. Quickly following would be the vomit inducing excuses by fucksticks like Paul Ryan, and of course, the drooling goons of Orange Nation.

So another day, another agglomeration of lies.
the horrible thing is that he'll never do it unless somehow forced into it.

He obviously thinks nobody can force him into it. As usual, he is probably wrong about that.
Even if he IS forced though, he'll lie through Vlad's cockholster about everything he ever said to anyone, and if there are tapes they'll never be released.
OTOH he is stupid enough that any clever interrogator could easily get him to perjure himself. But unless the House flips in '18 it won't matter.
the horrible thing is that he'll never do it unless somehow forced into it.

He obviously thinks nobody can force him into it. As usual, he is probably wrong about that.
Even if he IS forced though, he'll lie through Vlad's cockholster about everything he ever said to anyone, and if there are tapes they'll never be released.
OTOH he is stupid enough that any clever interrogator could easily get him to perjure himself. But unless the House flips in '18 it won't matter.

It wouldn't take a clever interrogator to get Trump to lie. I'll hazard a guess that a 4 question survey would be enough for a perjury indictment. But with a feckless GOP Congress, here's the problem:

Since 1973, the United States has espoused a policy affording immunity from criminal prosecution to sitting U.S. presidents while in office.1 The main reason behind this policy, according to the Department of Justice (“DOJ”), is the concern that the executive powers granted to the president via the Constitution would be impermissibly undermined if the President were subjected to criminal indictment, prosecution, or incarceration during his term in office.2 Incarceration of a president during his term would make it physically impossible for the president to fulfill his official, constitutionally assigned duties.3 Further, even if a prosecution did not result in incarceration, the DOJ posits that the public stigma and shame that attaches to an individual after implication with criminal proceedings would inhibit a president's success in foreign and domestic affairs.4 The result would be harm to the United States at large.5 Finally, the DOJ recognizes the mental and physical burdens that accompany preparation for a criminal trial. If a sitting president were indicted, he would have to bare this burden in his personal capacity, preventing him from fulfilling his constitutionally proscribed duties with the vigor and devotion that the prestigious position deserves.6

The DOJ has not yet had the opportunity to apply its policy on criminal prosecution before impeachment. This is due to the fortunate fact that no president has been criminally indicted while in *210 office since the DOJ policy was announced in 1973.7 However, the DOJ publicly reaffirmed its position in a memorandum from the Attorney General in the year 2000.8

This is from a law review article I pulled off Westlaw. I think it's the same one reporters are using to come to their conclusions.

Now, this isn't law (policy), but it's always been presumed that the impeachment process would take care of this problem quickly and efficiently. After all, no Representative or Senator could possibly do anything except remove from office a President engaging in criminal behavior.

Yet, that's exactly what we're looking at.
Once they're out of office, they can be prosecuted. That's why Ford pardoned Nixon.
Hillary would never pardon Trump :)

One thing Pence isn't is brave. I wonder if he'd pardon Trump?
I think the GOP would demand it.
If he goes to trial, there's no telling how much damage he'll do to their brand.

If he's pardoned, then they can always claim the whole thing was just a witchhunt by the democrats, he would have been vindicated in the courts, let's just put the whole mess behind us and start to heal the country...

It worked so well for Ford.
Trump will probably try to pardon himself.
Trump will probably try to pardon himself.
But he'll have to specify the crimes he's committed in order to pardon himself, won't he? I mean, assuming that he has the power to self-pardon.
Anything he misses or omits can still come back to haunt him.
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