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How Horrible is President Trump?

So the guy who would be in charge of the treasury went to the ITT version of financial management education?


Trump is so horrible (HOW HORRIBLE IS HE!). Well, Trump is so horrible that he got Sessions even more deeply involved with Russia than we first thought:


Concerns have been raised about whether Sessions helped otherwise subvert the ongoing Russia-related investigations.

"This is going to prompt a lot of questions for him," the panel's top Democrat, Senator Patrick Leahy, told AFP of an appearance in which lawmakers will be eager to learn what role Sessions played in Comey's firing last month.

The Senate Appropriations Committee had called in the attorney general to testify about budget issues. But on Saturday, after senators made clear they would zero in on Sessions's connections to Russia, Sessions shifted his plan, opting to address the Senate Intelligence Committee.

It should be said that he could have information that shouldn't be disclosed publicly, but if the Russians have the information too, is it really still classified?

I remember the good old days when conservatives were outraged about Michelle Obama's sleeveless dress and a President trying to get healthcare for everyone. Such good times those were.
Trump is SO HORRIBLE that even after ALL this Russian bullshit going on, he nominates Christopher Wray as hs FBI head. What's so off about Wray? Just his firm's proud Russian ties. Donald Trump seems absolutely intent on making the Russia story look as bad possible for himself. Wray’s a partner in King and Spalding, and this is how the firm openly advertises to it's clients.

King & Spalding’s energy practice is one of the largest, most experienced and most extensive in the world. More than 250 lawyers across a wide range of practice areas make up our integrated team. Of these, more than 150 are dedicated to energy-related matters full-time.Our energy lawyers have a depth of experience working on significant energy projects and transactions around the globe, including in Russia and the CIS. From upstream oil and gas matters to LNG, petrochemicals, power and renewable energy projects, King & Spalding’s clients turn to the firm to forge solid solutions worldwide…
King & Spalding has an experienced team of energy lawyers on the ground in its Moscow office who are leaders in their field. These lawyers advise on complex energy transactions in Russia and the CIS, often joined by King & Spalding’s energy lawyers in key global energy cities such as London, Houston, New York, Paris, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh and Singapore

Among their clients: Resnoft and Gazprom. Sometimes it seems he's trolling everyone and has zero fucks to give.
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